Ejemplo n.º 1
 def download_forecast(forecastTime, grid, h, forecastHour, path):
     forecastTime = forecastTime[0:4 + 2 + 2] + "%2F" + forecastTime[-2:]
     url = "https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/filter_gfs_" + grid + ".pl?file=gfs.t" + (
         "%02d" % forecastHour
     ) + "z.pgrb2." + grid + ".f" + ("%03d" % h) + "&" + GfsData(
     ).g_grib_url_levels + "&" + GfsData(
     ).g_grib_url_meteovars + "&leftlon=0&rightlon=360&toplat=90&bottomlat=-90&dir=%2Fgfs." + forecastTime
     Verbose.print_text(1, url)
     Forecast.__download(url, path)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def meteoParams():
     meteoParamsPrecipitation = [[(h, ) + p
                                  for p in GfsData().parameters_humidity]
                                 for h in [6, 12, 18]]
     meteoParamsOther = [[(h, ) + p for p in GfsData().parameters_other]
                         for h in [6, 12, 18]]
     meteoParamsWind = [[(h, ) + p for p in GfsData().parameters_wind]
                        for h in [6, 12, 18]]
     return meteoParamsOther, meteoParamsWind, meteoParamsPrecipitation
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def compute_cells_forecasts(models_directory, problem_formulation, meteo_matrix):
		predict = Predict(models_directory, ModelType.CELLS, problem_formulation)
		predict.set_meteo_data(meteo_matrix, GfsData().parameters_vector_all)
		NN_X = predict.get_X(range(meteo_matrix.shape[0]))
		return predict.trainedModel.model.predict(NN_X)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def readWeatherData(meteoFiles, crops):

		global g_distinct_latitudes
		global g_distinct_longitudes

		# ======================================================================================
		# Retrieve grid info
		# inputs:
		#    - meteoFiles[0]
		# outputs:
		#    - g_distinct_latitudes
		#    - g_distinct_longitudes
		# ======================================================================================

		if g_distinct_latitudes.size == 0 or g_distinct_longitudes.size == 0:
			validDate, g_distinct_latitudes, g_distinct_longitudes = GribReader(meteoFiles[0]).getInfos()

			# Convert longitudes
			for i in range(g_distinct_longitudes.shape[0]):
				g_distinct_longitudes[i] = Utils.convert_longitude(g_distinct_longitudes[i])

		# ======================================================================================
		# Read grib files into a single matrix
		# params:
		#    - crops
		# inputs:
		#    - meteoFiles
		#    - parameters_vector_all
		# outputs:
		#    - meteo_matrix
		# ======================================================================================

		meteo_matrix = ForecastData.get_meteo_array_of_day(meteoFiles, GfsData().parameters_vector_all, crops).transpose()

		return g_distinct_latitudes, g_distinct_longitudes, meteo_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __compute_spots_forecasts(self, models_directory, problem_formulation,
                                  lats, lons, meteo_matrix, filename):

        predict = Predict(models_directory, ModelType.SPOTS,
        predict.set_meteo_data(meteo_matrix, GfsData().parameters_vector_all)

        # depend de GribReader.get_values_array(self, params, crops):
        forecastCellsLine = {}
        line = 0
        for crop in self.crops:
            for iLat in range(crop[0], crop[1]):
                for iLon in range(crop[2], crop[3]):
                    forecastCellsLine[(iLat, iLon)] = line
                    line += 1

        # Compute or load cells_and_spots

        filename_cells_and_spots = "Forecast_cellsAndSpots_" + "_".join(
            [str(crop[d]) for crop in self.crops for d in range(4)])

        if not BinObj.exists(filename_cells_and_spots):
                "Generating precomputation file because of new crop, it may crash on the server... To be computed on my computer"
            cells_and_spots = {}
            # find forecast cell for each spot
            # C'est comme le cellsAndSpots de Train sauf que les cellules sont les cells de forecast (32942 cells)
            spots_data = SpotsData()
            spots = spots_data.getSpots(range(80))
            for kc, cell_spots in enumerate(spots):
                for ks, spot in enumerate(cell_spots):
                    iCell = (np.abs(lats - spot.lat).argmin(),
                             np.abs(lons - spot.lon).argmin())
                    cellLine = forecastCellsLine[iCell]
                    kcks_spot = (
                        (kc, ks), spot.toDict())  # (training cell, ks)
                    if not cellLine in cells_and_spots:
                        cells_and_spots[cellLine] = [kcks_spot]
                        cells_and_spots[cellLine] += [kcks_spot]
            BinObj.save(cells_and_spots, filename_cells_and_spots)
            cells_and_spots = BinObj.load(filename_cells_and_spots)

        # Create a model with 1 cell of 1 spot


        # Compute prediction for each spot, one by one

        spots_and_prediction = []
        for kcslst, cslst in enumerate(cells_and_spots.items()):
            meteoLine, spotsLst = cslst
            for cs in spotsLst:
                modelContent = ModelContent()
                modelContent.add(cs[0][0], cs[0][1])
                    modelContent)  # TODO do not reload shared weights
                NN_X = predict.get_X([meteoLine])
                prediction = predict.trainedModel.model.predict(NN_X)[0][0]
                spots_and_prediction += [
                    Spot((cs[1]['name'], cs[1]['lat'], cs[1]['lon']),
                         cs[1]['id'], cs[1]['nbFlights'], prediction)
                ]  #[cs[1]]

        # Export all results

        Forecast.__export_spots_forecasts(spots_and_prediction, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def compute_prediction_file_cells(	cells_forecasts,

		# ======================================================================================
		# Retrieve geopotential height at 12h indices in meteoParams
		# inputs:
		#    - meteoParams
		#    - parameters_geopotential_height
		# outputs:
		#    - geopotential_height_indices
		# ======================================================================================

		geopotential_height_indices = []
		for geopotential_height_param in GfsData().parameters_geopotential_height:
			for kParam, param in enumerate(meteo_params):
				if param == (12,) + geopotential_height_param:
					geopotential_height_indices += [kParam]

		assert (len(geopotential_height_indices) == len(GfsData().parameters_geopotential_height))

		# ======================================================================================
		# Retrieve wind at 12h
		# inputs:
		#    - meteoParams
		#    - parameters_wind
		# outputs:
		#    - wind_indices
		# ======================================================================================

		wind_indices = []
		for wind_param in GfsData().parameters_wind:
			for kParam, param in enumerate(meteo_params):
				if param == (12,) + wind_param:
					wind_indices += [kParam]

		assert (len(wind_indices) == len(GfsData().parameters_wind))

		# ========================================================================
		# Create and fill prediction grid
		# params:
		#    - grid_desc_predictions
		# inputs:
		#    - distinct_latitudes
		#    - distinct_longitudes
		#    - meteo_matrix
		#    - geopotential_height_indices
		#    - predictions
		# outputs:
		#    - prediction_grid
		# ========================================================================

		prediction_grid = GridLatLon(grid_desc_predictions[0], grid_desc_predictions[1], grid_desc_predictions[2], grid_desc_predictions[3])

		p = 0
		for crop in crops:  # number of data rectangles to read in the GRIB grid

			lat_range = (crop[0], crop[1])
			lon_range = (crop[2], crop[3])
			Verbose.print_text(1, "lats: " + str(distinct_latitudes[lat_range[0]]) +" , "+ str(distinct_latitudes[lat_range[1]-1]))
			Verbose.print_text(1, "lons: " + str(distinct_longitudes[lon_range[0]]) +" , "+ str(distinct_longitudes[lon_range[1]-1]))

			for ilat in range(lat_range[0], lat_range[1]):
				for ilon in range(lon_range[0], lon_range[1]):

					predictions_data_sample = ()

					# Add geopential heights (not predicted, simply meteo variables)
					predictions_data_sample += (meteo_matrix[p, geopotential_height_indices[0]],    #  0
												meteo_matrix[p, geopotential_height_indices[1]],    #  1
												meteo_matrix[p, geopotential_height_indices[2]],    #  2
												meteo_matrix[p, geopotential_height_indices[3]],    #  3
												meteo_matrix[p, geopotential_height_indices[4]])    #  4
					predictions_data_sample += (cells_forecasts[0][p,0,0], # flyability at 1000     #  5
												cells_forecasts[0][p,0,1], # flyability at  900     #  6
												cells_forecasts[0][p,0,2], # flyability at  800     #  7
												cells_forecasts[0][p,0,3], # flyability at  700     #  8
												cells_forecasts[0][p,0,4], # flyability at  600     #  9
												np.mean(cells_forecasts[1][p,0,0:5]),# crossability # 10
												cells_forecasts[2][p,0,0], # wind at 1000           # 11
												cells_forecasts[2][p,0,1], # wind at  900           # 12
												cells_forecasts[2][p,0,2], # wind at  800           # 13
												cells_forecasts[2][p,0,3], # wind at  700           # 14
												cells_forecasts[2][p,0,4], # wind at  600           # 15
												np.mean(cells_forecasts[3][p,0,0:5]), # humidity    # 16
												0.0)                       # Attractiveness         # 17
					predictions_data_sample += (meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[0 + 0]], # U 1000 12h  # 18
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[2 + 0]], # U  900 12h  # 19
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[4 + 0]], # U  800 12h  # 20
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[6 + 0]], # U  700 12h  # 21
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[8 + 0]], # U  600 12h  # 22
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[0 + 1]], # V 1000 12h  # 23
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[2 + 1]], # V  900 12h  # 24
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[4 + 1]], # V  800 12h  # 25
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[6 + 1]], # V  700 12h  # 26
												meteo_matrix[p, wind_indices[8 + 1]]) # V  600 12h  # 27

					# Push the sample
					prediction_grid.add(distinct_latitudes[ilat], distinct_longitudes[ilon], predictions_data_sample)
					p += 1

		# ========================================================================
		# Export predictions for tiler
		# params:
		#    - predictionFilenameForTiler
		# inputs:
		#    - prediction_grid
		# ========================================================================

		accessors = [lambda x, ix=ixVal: sum([xx[ix] for xx in x]) / len(x) for ixVal in range(len(predictions_data_sample))]

		if export_for_tiler:
			prediction_grid.export_data_for_tiler(prediction_filename_for_tiler, accessors)
			prediction_grid.export_json(prediction_filename_for_tiler, accessors)