Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_birds():
    birds = []
    feats = np.zeros(4096)
    feats_sq = np.zeros(4096)

    word_counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    with open("data/birds/cub_0917_5cap.tsv") as caption_f:
        for line in caption_f:
            parts = line.strip().split("\t")
            caption = parts[-1]
            caption = (caption.lower()
                              .replace(".", "")
                              .replace(",", " , "))
            words = ["<s>"] + caption.split() + ["</s>"]
            for word in words:
                word_counter[word] += 1
    for word, count in word_counter.items():
        if count >= MIN_WORD_COUNT:

    with open("data/birds/cub_0917_5cap.tsv") as caption_f:
        for line in caption_f:
            parts = line.strip().split("\t")
            caption = parts[-1]
            image_path = parts[-2]
            image_id = image_path.split("/")[-1]

            caption = (caption.lower()
                              .replace(".", "")
                              .replace(",", " , "))
            words = ["<s>"] + caption.split() + ["</s>"]
            word_ids = [WORD_INDEX[w] for w in words]

            with np.load("data/birds/embeddings/%s.npz" % image_id) as feature_f:
                features = feature_f[feature_f.keys()[0]]

            birds.append(Bird(image_id, word_ids, features))

            feats += features
            feats_sq += features ** 2

    mean_feats = feats / len(birds)
    mean_feats_sq = feats_sq / len(birds)
    var_feats = mean_feats_sq - (mean_feats ** 2)
    std_feats = np.sqrt(var_feats)
    std_feats += 0.0001

    for bird in birds:
        bird.features[...] -= mean_feats
        bird.features[...] /= std_feats

    train_birds = birds[:-1100]
    val_birds = birds[-1100:-100]
    test_birds = birds[-100:]

    return train_birds, val_birds, test_birds
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_birds():
    birds = []
    feats = np.zeros(4096)
    feats_sq = np.zeros(4096)

    word_counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    with open("data/birds/cub_0917_5cap.tsv") as caption_f:
        for line in caption_f:
            parts = line.strip().split("\t")
            caption = parts[-1]
            caption = (caption.lower().replace(".", "").replace(",", " , "))
            words = ["<s>"] + caption.split() + ["</s>"]
            for word in words:
                word_counter[word] += 1
    for word, count in word_counter.items():
        if count >= MIN_WORD_COUNT:

    with open("data/birds/cub_0917_5cap.tsv") as caption_f:
        for line in caption_f:
            parts = line.strip().split("\t")
            caption = parts[-1]
            image_path = parts[-2]
            image_id = image_path.split("/")[-1]

            caption = (caption.lower().replace(".", "").replace(",", " , "))
            words = ["<s>"] + caption.split() + ["</s>"]
            word_ids = [WORD_INDEX[w] for w in words]

            with np.load("data/birds/embeddings/%s.npz" %
                         image_id) as feature_f:
                features = feature_f[feature_f.keys()[0]]

            birds.append(Bird(image_id, word_ids, features))

            feats += features
            feats_sq += features**2

    mean_feats = feats / len(birds)
    mean_feats_sq = feats_sq / len(birds)
    var_feats = mean_feats_sq - (mean_feats**2)
    std_feats = np.sqrt(var_feats)
    std_feats += 0.0001

    for bird in birds:
        bird.features[...] -= mean_feats
        bird.features[...] /= std_feats

    train_birds = birds[:-1100]
    val_birds = birds[-1100:-100]
    test_birds = birds[-100:]

    return train_birds, val_birds, test_birds
Ejemplo n.º 3
def load_scenes(scene_props):
    scenes = []

    word_counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    for sent_file_id in range(1, 3):
        with open("data/abstract/SimpleSentences/SimpleSentences%d_10020.txt" %
                  sent_file_id) as sent_f:
            for sent_line in sent_f:
                sent_parts = sent_line.strip().split("\t")
                sent = sent_parts[2]
                sent = sent.replace('"', ' " ')
                sent = sent.replace("'", " ' ")
                sent = re.sub(r"[.?!]", "", sent)
                words = sent.lower().split()
                words = ["<s>"] + words + ["</s>"]
                for word in words:
                    word_counter[word] += 1
    for word, count in word_counter.items():
        if count >= MIN_WORD_COUNT:

    for sent_file_id in range(1, 3):
        with open("data/abstract/SimpleSentences/SimpleSentences%d_10020.txt" %
                  sent_file_id) as sent_f:
            for sent_line in sent_f:
                sent_parts = sent_line.strip().split("\t")

                scene_id = int(sent_parts[0])
                props = scene_props[scene_id]

                sent_id = int(sent_parts[1])
                image_id = scene_id / 10
                image_subid = scene_id % 10
                image_strid = "%d_%d" % (image_id, image_subid)

                sent = sent_parts[2]
                sent = sent.replace('"', "")
                sent = re.sub(r"[.?!']", "", sent)
                words = sent.lower().split()
                words = ["<s>"] + words + ["</s>"]
                word_ids = [WORD_INDEX[w] or 0 for w in words]

                with np.load("data/abstract/EmbeddedScenes/Scene%s.png.npz" %
                             image_strid) as feature_f:
                    features = feature_f[feature_f.keys()[0]]
                scenes.append(Scene(image_strid, props, word_ids, features))

    return scenes
Ejemplo n.º 4
def load_scenes(scene_props):
    scenes = []

    word_counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    for sent_file_id in range(1, 3):
        with open("data/abstract/SimpleSentences/SimpleSentences%d_10020.txt" %
                sent_file_id) as sent_f:
            for sent_line in sent_f:
                sent_parts = sent_line.strip().split("\t")
                sent = sent_parts[2]
                sent = sent.replace('"', ' " ')
                sent = sent.replace("'", " ' ")
                sent = re.sub(r"[.?!]", "", sent)
                words = sent.lower().split()
                words = ["<s>"] + words + ["</s>"]
                for word in words:
                    word_counter[word] += 1
    for word, count in word_counter.items():
        if count >= MIN_WORD_COUNT:

    for sent_file_id in range(1, 3):
        with open("data/abstract/SimpleSentences/SimpleSentences%d_10020.txt" %
                sent_file_id) as sent_f:
            for sent_line in sent_f:
                sent_parts = sent_line.strip().split("\t")

                scene_id = int(sent_parts[0])
                props = scene_props[scene_id]

                sent_id = int(sent_parts[1])
                image_id = scene_id / 10
                image_subid = scene_id % 10
                image_strid = "%d_%d" % (image_id, image_subid)

                sent = sent_parts[2]
                sent = sent.replace('"', "")
                sent = re.sub(r"[.?!']", "", sent)
                words = sent.lower().split()
                words = ["<s>"] + words + ["</s>"]
                word_ids = [WORD_INDEX[w] or 0 for w in words]

                with np.load("data/abstract/EmbeddedScenes/Scene%s.png.npz" %
                        image_strid) as feature_f:
                    features = feature_f[feature_f.keys()[0]]
                scenes.append(Scene(image_strid, props, word_ids, features))

    return scenes