Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _migrate_location(self):
     custom_location = self.conf.places[0] if getattr(self.conf, 'places', None) else None
     custom_room = self.conf.rooms[0] if getattr(self.conf, 'rooms', None) else None
     location_name = None
     room_name = None
     has_room = False
     if custom_location:
         location_name = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.name, True))
         if custom_location.address:
             self.event.own_address = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.address, True))
     if custom_room:
         room_name = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_room.name, True))
     if location_name and room_name:
         mapping = self.global_ns.room_mapping.get((location_name, room_name))
         if mapping:
             has_room = True
             self.event.own_venue_id = mapping[0]
             self.event.own_room_id = mapping[1]
     # if we don't have a RB room set, use whatever location/room name we have
     if not has_room:
         venue_id = self.global_ns.venue_mapping.get(location_name)
         if venue_id is not None:
             self.event.own_venue_id = venue_id
             self.event.own_venue_name = ''
             self.event.own_venue_name = location_name or ''
         self.event.own_room_name = room_name or ''
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def migrate_event_locations(self):
     self.print_step("Migrating event locations")
     for old_event in committing_iterator(self._iter_events()):
         custom_location = old_event.places[0] if getattr(old_event, 'places', None) else None
         custom_room = old_event.rooms[0] if getattr(old_event, 'rooms', None) else None
         location_name = None
         room_name = None
         has_room = False
         updates = {}
         if custom_location:
             location_name = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.name, True))
             if custom_location.address:
                 updates[Event.own_address] = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.address, True))
         if custom_room:
             room_name = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_room.name, True))
         if location_name and room_name:
             mapping = self.room_mapping.get((location_name, room_name))
             if mapping:
                 has_room = True
                 updates[Event.own_venue_id] = mapping[0]
                 updates[Event.own_room_id] = mapping[1]
         # if we don't have a RB room set, use whatever location/room name we have
         if not has_room:
             venue_id = self.venue_mapping.get(location_name)
             if venue_id is not None:
                 updates[Event.own_venue_id] = venue_id
                 updates[Event.own_venue_name] = ''
                 updates[Event.own_venue_name] = location_name or ''
             updates[Event.own_room_name] = room_name or ''
         if updates:
             Event.query.filter_by(id=int(old_event.id)).update(updates, synchronize_session=False)
             if not self.quiet:
                 self.print_success(repr(updates), event_id=old_event.id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _migrate_location(self, old_entry, new_entry):
     custom_location = (old_entry.places[0] if getattr(old_entry, 'places', None)
                        else getattr(old_entry, 'place', None))
     custom_room = (old_entry.rooms[0] if getattr(old_entry, 'rooms', None)
                    else getattr(old_entry, 'room', None))
     new_entry.inherit_location = not custom_location and not custom_room
     if new_entry.inherit_location:
     # we don't inherit, so let's migrate the data we have
     # address is always allowed
     if not custom_location:
         custom_location = self._get_parent_location(old_entry, attr='places')
     if not custom_room:
         custom_room = self._get_parent_location(old_entry, attr='rooms')
     new_entry.address = (convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.address, True))
                          if custom_location and custom_location.address else '')
     location_name = (convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_location.name, True))
                      if custom_location and custom_location.name else '')
     if custom_room:
         room_name = convert_to_unicode(fix_broken_string(custom_room.name, True))
         rb_room = self.room_mapping.get((location_name, room_name))
         # if we have a room from the rb module, we only link this, otherwise we use the (custom) names
         if rb_room:
             new_entry.room = rb_room
             new_entry.venue_name = location_name
             new_entry.room_name = room_name
     venue = self.venue_mapping.get(new_entry.venue_name)
     if venue is not None:
         # store proper reference to the venue if it's a predefined one
         new_entry.venue = venue
         new_entry.venue_name = ''
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def migrate_event_locations(self):
     self.print_step("Migrating event locations")
     for old_event in committing_iterator(self._iter_events()):
         custom_location = old_event.places[0] if getattr(
             old_event, 'places', None) else None
         custom_room = old_event.rooms[0] if getattr(
             old_event, 'rooms', None) else None
         location_name = None
         room_name = None
         has_room = False
         updates = {}
         if custom_location:
             location_name = convert_to_unicode(
                 fix_broken_string(custom_location.name, True))
             if custom_location.address:
                 updates[Event.own_address] = convert_to_unicode(
                     fix_broken_string(custom_location.address, True))
         if custom_room:
             room_name = convert_to_unicode(
                 fix_broken_string(custom_room.name, True))
         if location_name and room_name:
             mapping = self.room_mapping.get((location_name, room_name))
             if mapping:
                 has_room = True
                 updates[Event.own_venue_id] = mapping[0]
                 updates[Event.own_room_id] = mapping[1]
         # if we don't have a RB room set, use whatever location/room name we have
         if not has_room:
             venue_id = self.venue_mapping.get(location_name)
             if venue_id is not None:
                 updates[Event.own_venue_id] = venue_id
                 updates[Event.own_venue_name] = ''
                 updates[Event.own_venue_name] = location_name or ''
             updates[Event.own_room_name] = room_name or ''
         if updates:
                 updates, synchronize_session=False)
             if not self.quiet:
                 self.print_success(repr(updates), event_id=old_event.id)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fixIndexesEncoding(dbi, withRBDB, prevVersion):
    Fix indexes encoding. They may be in unicode and they has to be encoded in utf-8

    INDEXES = ["name", "surName", "organisation"]

    ih = IndexesHolder()
    for idx_name in INDEXES:
        idx = ih.getById(idx_name)
        words = idx._words
        for key in words.iterkeys():
            newKey = fix_broken_string(key)
            values = words[key]
            del words[key]
            words[newKey] = values
Ejemplo n.º 6
def fixIndexesEncoding(dbi, withRBDB, prevVersion):
    Fix indexes encoding. They may be in unicode and they have to be encoded in utf-8

    INDEXES = ["name", "surName", "organisation"]

    ih = IndexesHolder()
    for idx_name in INDEXES:
        idx = ih.getById(idx_name)
        words = idx._words
        for key in list(words):
            newKey = fix_broken_string(key)
            values = words[key]
            del words[key]
            words[newKey] = values
Ejemplo n.º 7
def fix_indexes():
    dbi = DBMgr.getInstance()

    ih = IndexesHolder()

    for idx_name in INDEXES:
        idx = ih.getById(idx_name)
        words = idx._words
        for key in words.iterkeys():
            newKey = fix_broken_string(key)
            values = words[key]
            del words[key]
            words[newKey] = values

Ejemplo n.º 8
 def generate_content(cls, attachment):
     with attachment.file.open() as f:
         return render_template(cls.TEMPLATES_DIR + 'text_preview.html', attachment=attachment,
                                text=fix_broken_string(f.read(), as_unicode=True))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def generate_content(cls, attachment):
     with attachment.file.open() as f:
         return render_template(cls.TEMPLATES_DIR + 'text_preview.html', attachment=attachment,
                                text=fix_broken_string(f.read(), as_unicode=True))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testFixBrokenStrings(self):
     string_value = u"mettre à l'essai".encode("latin1")
     fixed_string = fix_broken_string(string_value)
     self.assertEqual(string_value.decode("latin1").encode("utf-8"), fixed_string)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testFixBrokenStrings(self):
     string_value = u"mettre à l'essai".encode("latin1")
     fixed_string = fix_broken_string(string_value)
         string_value.decode("latin1").encode("utf-8"), fixed_string)