Ejemplo n.º 1
def record_phas(request, record):
  """ List userapps bound to a given record.

  request.GET may optionally contain:

  * *type*: An XML schema namespace. If specified, only apps which
    explicitly declare themselves as supporting that namespace will
    be returned.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with a list of JSON manifests
  for the matching apps on success.


  phas = record.phas

  # are we filtering by schema?
  type = request.GET.get('type', None)
  if type:
    schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
    phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

  # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
  manifests = []
  for pha in phas:
    pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})

  return manifests
Ejemplo n.º 2
def record_phas(request, record):
    """ List userapps bound to a given record.

  request.GET may optionally contain:

  * *type*: An XML schema namespace. If specified, only apps which
    explicitly declare themselves as supporting that namespace will
    be returned.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with the list of matching apps
  on success.


    phas = record.phas

    # are we filtering by schema?
    type = request.GET.get("type", None)
    if type:
        schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
        phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

    # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
    for pha in phas:
        pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {"record_id": record.id})

    return render_template("phas", {"phas": phas})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def record_pha(request, record, pha):
    pha = record.shares.get(with_pha__email = pha.email).with_pha
  except Share.DoesNotExist:
    raise Http404
  pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})
  return render_template('pha', {'pha':pha})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def record_phas(request, record):
    """ List userapps bound to a given record.

  request.GET may optionally contain:

  * *type*: An XML schema namespace. If specified, only apps which
    explicitly declare themselves as supporting that namespace will
    be returned.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with the list of matching apps
  on success.


    phas = record.phas

    # are we filtering by schema?
    type = request.GET.get('type', None)
    if type:
        schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
        phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

    # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
    for pha in phas:
        pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template,
                                              {'record_id': record.id})

    return render_template('phas', {'phas': phas})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def record_phas(request, record):
  """ List userapps bound to a given record.

  request.GET may optionally contain:

  * *type*: An XML schema namespace. If specified, only apps which
    explicitly declare themselves as supporting that namespace will
    be returned.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with a list of JSON manifests
  for the matching apps on success.


  phas = record.phas

  # are we filtering by schema?
  type = request.GET.get('type', None)
  if type:
    schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
    phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

  # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
  manifests = []
  newlist = sorted(phas, key=lambda x: x.name, reverse=False)
  for pha in newlist:
   # return ("{'name':'"+pha.name+"'}")

    pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})

  return manifests
Ejemplo n.º 6
def record_pha(request, record, pha):
        pha = record.shares.get(with_pha__email=pha.email).with_pha
    except Share.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template,
                                          {'record_id': record.id})
    return render_template('pha', {'pha': pha})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def record_pha(request, record, pha):
  """ Get information about a given userapp bound to a record.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with a JSON manifest for the app on success,
  :http:statuscode:`404` if the app isn't actually bound to the record.


    pha = record.pha_shares.get(with_pha__email = pha.email).with_pha
  except PHAShare.DoesNotExist:
    raise Http404
  pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})
  return pha.to_manifest(as_string=False)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def record_phas(request, record):
  phas = record.phas

  # are we filtering by schema?
  type = request.GET.get('type', None)
  if type:
    schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
    phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

  # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
  for pha in phas:
    pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})
  return render_template('phas', {'phas':phas})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def record_pha(request, record, pha):
  """ Get information about a given userapp bound to a record.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with a JSON manifest for the app on success,
  :http:statuscode:`404` if the app isn't actually bound to the record.


    pha = record.pha_shares.get(with_pha__email = pha.email).with_pha
  except PHAShare.DoesNotExist:
    raise Http404
  pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id' : record.id})
  return pha.to_manifest(as_string=False)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def record_pha(request, record, pha):
    """ Get information about a given userapp bound to a record.

  Will return :http:statuscode:`200` with information about the app on success,
  :http:statuscode:`404` if the app isn't actually bound to the record.


        pha = record.pha_shares.get(with_pha__email=pha.email).with_pha
    except PHAShare.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404
    pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {"record_id": record.id})
    return render_template("pha", {"pha": pha})
Ejemplo n.º 11
def record_phas(request, record):
    phas = record.phas

    # are we filtering by schema?
    type = request.GET.get('type', None)
    if type:
        schema = DocumentSchema.objects.get(type=type)
        phas = [pha for pha in phas if pha.schema == schema]

    # interpolate the the start_url_template into start_url
    for pha in phas:
        pha.start_url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template,
                                              {'record_id': record.id})

    return render_template('phas', {'phas': phas})
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_connect_credentials(request, account, pha):
    """ Get oAuth credentials for an app to run in Connect or SMART REST mode.

    Generates access tokens for *pha* to run against the *record_id* specified in ``request.POST``, authorized by
    *account*. Generates 2 tokens: one for SMART Connect use, and one for SMART REST use.

    If the app is not yet enabled for the record/carenet, this will return a :http:statuscode:`403`.

    carenet = record = None
    carenet_id = request.POST.get('carenet_id', None)
    record_id = request.POST.get('record_id', None)

    if carenet_id:
            carenet = Carenet.objects.get(id=carenet_id)
        except Carenet.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404
        except Carenet.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            raise Exception(
                "Multiple carenets with same id--database is corrupt")

    elif record_id:
            record = Record.objects.get(id=record_id)
        except Record.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404
        except Record.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            raise Exception(
                "Multiple records with same id--database is corrupt")

    # Make sure that the app is enabled
    if (record and not PHAShare.objects.filter(record=record, with_pha=pha).exists()) or \
            (carenet and not CarenetPHA.objects.filter(carenet=carenet, pha=pha).exists()):
        raise PermissionDenied(
            "Cannot generate credentials before app is enabled")

    # Generate the tokens
    from indivo.accesscontrol.oauth_servers import OAUTH_SERVER
    rest_token = OAUTH_SERVER.generate_and_preauthorize_access_token(
        pha, record=record, carenet=carenet, account=account)
    connect_token = OAUTH_SERVER.generate_and_preauthorize_access_token(
        pha, record=record, carenet=carenet, account=account)
    connect_token.connect_auth_p = True

    # Generate a 2-legged oauth header for the rest token, based on the pha's start_url
    url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {
        'record_id': record_id or '',
        'carenet_id': carenet_id or ''
    request = HTTPRequest("GET", url, HTTPRequest.FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, '', {})
    oauth_params = {
        'smart_container_api_base': settings.SITE_URL_PREFIX,
        'smart_oauth_token': rest_token.token,
        'smart_oauth_token_secret': rest_token.token_secret,
        'smart_user_id': account.email,
        'smart_app_id': pha.email,
        'smart_record_id': record_id,
    oauth_request = OAuthRequest(
        token=None,  # no access tokens: 2-legged request
    auth_header = oauth_request.to_header()["Authorization"]

    return render_template('connect_credentials', {
        'connect_token': connect_token,
        'rest_token': rest_token,
        'api_base': settings.SITE_URL_PREFIX,
        'oauth_header': auth_header,
        'app_email': pha.email
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_connect_credentials(request, account, pha):
    """ Get oAuth credentials for an app to run in Connect or SMART REST mode.

    Generates access tokens for *pha* to run against the *record_id* specified in ``request.POST``, authorized by
    *account*. Generates 2 tokens: one for SMART Connect use, and one for SMART REST use.

    If the app is not yet enabled for the record/carenet, this will return a :http:statuscode:`403`.

    carenet = record = None
    carenet_id = request.POST.get('carenet_id', None)
    record_id = request.POST.get('record_id', None)

    if carenet_id:
        except Carenet.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404
        except Carenet.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            raise Exception("Multiple carenets with same id--database is corrupt")

    elif record_id:
            record = Record.objects.get(id=record_id)
        except Record.DoesNotExist:
            raise Http404
        except Record.MultipleObjectsReturned:
            raise Exception("Multiple records with same id--database is corrupt")

    # Make sure that the app is enabled
    if (record and not PHAShare.objects.filter(record=record, with_pha=pha).exists()) or \
            (carenet and not CarenetPHA.objects.filter(carenet=carenet, pha=pha).exists()):
        raise PermissionDenied("Cannot generate credentials before app is enabled")

    # Generate the tokens
    from indivo.accesscontrol.oauth_servers import OAUTH_SERVER
    rest_token = OAUTH_SERVER.generate_and_preauthorize_access_token(pha, record=record, 
                                                                     carenet=carenet, account=account)
    connect_token = OAUTH_SERVER.generate_and_preauthorize_access_token(pha, record=record, 
                                                                        carenet=carenet, account=account)
    connect_token.connect_auth_p = True

    # Generate a 2-legged oauth header for the rest token, based on the pha's start_url
    url = utils.url_interpolate(pha.start_url_template, {'record_id':record_id or '', 'carenet_id':carenet_id or ''})
    request = HTTPRequest("GET", url, HTTPRequest.FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE, '', {})
    oauth_params = {
        'smart_container_api_base': settings.SITE_URL_PREFIX,
        'smart_oauth_token': rest_token.token,
        'smart_oauth_token_secret': rest_token.token_secret,
        'smart_user_id': account.email,
        'smart_app_id': pha.email,
        'smart_record_id': record_id,
    oauth_request = OAuthRequest(consumer=pha,
                                 token=None, # no access tokens: 2-legged request
    auth_header = oauth_request.to_header()["Authorization"]

    return render_template('connect_credentials', 
                           { 'connect_token': connect_token,
                             'rest_token': rest_token,
                             'api_base': settings.SITE_URL_PREFIX,
                             'oauth_header': auth_header,