Ejemplo n.º 1
def stmts_from_json(json_in, on_missing_support='handle'):
    """Get a list of Statements from Statement jsons.

    In the case of pre-assembled Statements which have `supports` and
    `supported_by` lists, the uuids will be replaced with references to
    Statement objects from the json, where possible. The method of handling
    missing support is controled by the `on_missing_support` key-word argument.

    json_in : iterable[dict]
        A json list containing json dict representations of INDRA Statements,
        as produced by the `to_json` methods of subclasses of Statement, or
        equivalently by `stmts_to_json`.
    on_missing_support : Optional[str]
        Handles the behavior when a uuid reference in `supports` or
        `supported_by` attribute cannot be resolved. This happens because uuids
        can only be linked to Statements contained in the `json_in` list, and
        some may be missing if only some of all the Statements from pre-
        assembly are contained in the list.


        - *'handle'* : (default) convert unresolved uuids into `Unresolved`
          Statement objects.
        - *'ignore'* : Simply omit any uuids that cannot be linked to any
          Statements in the list.
        - *'error'* : Raise an error upon hitting an un-linkable uuid.

    stmts : list[:py:class:`Statement`]
        A list of INDRA Statements.

    stmts = []
    uuid_dict = {}
    for json_stmt in json_in:
            st = Statement._from_json(json_stmt)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Error creating statement: %s" % e)
        uuid_dict[st.uuid] = st
    for st in stmts:
        _promote_support(st.supports, uuid_dict, on_missing_support)
        _promote_support(st.supported_by, uuid_dict, on_missing_support)
    return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 2
def stmts_from_json(json_in, on_missing_support='handle'):
    """Get a list of Statements from Statement jsons.

    In the case of pre-assembled Statements which have `supports` and
    `supported_by` lists, the uuids will be replaced with references to
    Statement objects from the json, where possible. The method of handling
    missing support is controled by the `on_missing_support` key-word argument.

    json_in : iterable[dict]
        A json list containing json dict representations of INDRA Statements,
        as produced by the `to_json` methods of subclasses of Statement, or
        equivalently by `stmts_to_json`.
    on_missing_support : Optional[str]
        Handles the behavior when a uuid reference in `supports` or
        `supported_by` attribute cannot be resolved. This happens because uuids
        can only be linked to Statements contained in the `json_in` list, and
        some may be missing if only some of all the Statements from pre-
        assembly are contained in the list.


        - *'handle'* : (default) convert unresolved uuids into `Unresolved`
          Statement objects.
        - *'ignore'* : Simply omit any uuids that cannot be linked to any
          Statements in the list.
        - *'error'* : Raise an error upon hitting an un-linkable uuid.

    stmts : list[:py:class:`Statement`]
        A list of INDRA Statements.

    stmts = []
    uuid_dict = {}
    for json_stmt in json_in:
            st = Statement._from_json(json_stmt)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.warning("Error creating statement: %s" % e)
        uuid_dict[st.uuid] = st
    for st in stmts:
        _promote_support(st.supports, uuid_dict, on_missing_support)
        _promote_support(st.supported_by, uuid_dict, on_missing_support)
    return stmts
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _from_json(cls, json_dict):
     path_stmt_json = json_dict.get('path')
     path_stmt = Statement._from_json(path_stmt_json)
     ent_constr_json = json_dict.get('entity_constraints')
     entity_constraints = None
     if ent_constr_json:
         entity_constraints = {}
         for key, value in ent_constr_json.items():
             entity_constraints[key] = [Agent._from_json(ec) for ec
                                        in value]
     rel_constr_json = json_dict.get('relationship_constraints')
     relationship_constraints = None
     if rel_constr_json:
         relationship_constraints = {}
         for key, value in rel_constr_json.items():
             relationship_constraints[key] = [
                 rel_type['type'] for rel_type in value]
     query = cls(path_stmt, entity_constraints, relationship_constraints)
     return query
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_tests(self):
     tests = [
         for res in self.json_results[1:]
     return tests
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _get_statements(self):
     serialized_stmts = self.json_results[0]['statements']
     return [Statement._from_json(stmt) for stmt in serialized_stmts]