Ejemplo n.º 1
def configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycle, bicyclePar, measuredPar, draw):
    Returns the rider parameters, bicycle paramaters with a rider and a
    human object that is configured to sit on the bicycle.

    pathToRider : string
        Path to the rider's data folder.
    bicycle : string
        The short name of the bicycle.
    bicyclePar : dictionary
        Contains the benchmark bicycle parameters for a bicycle.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        Contains the measured values of the bicycle.
    draw : boolean, optional
        If true, visual python will be used to draw a three dimensional
        image of the rider.

    riderpar : dictionary
        The inertial parameters of the rider with reference to the
        benchmark coordinate system.
    human : yeadon.human
        The human object that represents the rider seated on the
    bicycleRiderPar : dictionary
        The benchmark parameters of the bicycle with the rider added to
        the rear frame.

        # get the rider name
        rider = os.path.split(pathToRider)[1]
        # get the paths to the yeadon data files
        pathToYeadon = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                    rider + 'YeadonMeas.txt')
        pathToCFG = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                 rider + bicycle + 'YeadonCFG.txt')
        # generate the human that has been configured to sit on the bicycle
        human = rider_on_bike(bicyclePar, measuredPar,
                              pathToYeadon, pathToCFG, draw)
        # build a dictionary to store the inertial data
        riderPar = {'IBxx': human.Inertia[0, 0],
                    'IByy': human.Inertia[1, 1],
                    'IBzz': human.Inertia[2, 2],
                    'IBxz': human.Inertia[2, 0],
                    'mB': human.Mass,
                    'xB': human.COM[0][0],
                    'yB': human.COM[1][0],
                    'zB': human.COM[2][0]}
    except: #except if this fails
        # no rider was added
        print('Calculations in yeadon failed. No rider added.')
        # raise the error that caused things to fail
        bicycleRiderPar = combine_bike_rider(bicyclePar, riderPar)
        return riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add_rider(self, riderName, reCalc=False, draw=False):
        Adds the inertial effects of a rigid rider to the bicycle.

        riderName : string
            A rider name that corresponds to a folder in
        reCalc : boolean, optional
            If true, the rider parameters will be recalculated.
        draw : boolean, optional
            If true, visual python will be used to draw a three dimensional
            image of the rider.


        # can't draw the rider model without the human object
        if draw:
            reCalc = True

        # first check to see if a rider has already been added
        if self.hasRider == True:
            print(("D'oh! This bicycle already has {0} as a " +
            print("There is no rider on the bicycle, now adding " +
            pathToData = os.path.split(os.path.split(self.directory)[0])[0]
            # get the path to the rider's folder
            pathToRider = os.path.join(pathToData, 'riders', riderName)
            # load in the parameters
            bicyclePar = self.parameters['Benchmark']
            bicycleName = self.bicycleName

            if reCalc == True:
                print("Calculating the human configuration.")
                # run the calculations
                    measuredPar = self.parameters['Measured']
                except KeyError:
                    print('The measured bicycle parameters need to be ' +
                          'available, create your bicycle such that they ' +
                          'are available.')
                riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar =\
                    rider.configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycleName, bicyclePar,
                            measuredPar, draw)
                pathToParFile = os.path.join(
                    pathToRider, 'Parameters',
                    riderName + self.bicycleName + 'Benchmark.txt')
                    # load the parameter file
                    riderPar = io.load_parameter_text_file(pathToParFile)
                except IOError:
                    # file doesn't exist so run the calculations
                    print("No parameter files found, calculating the human " +
                        measuredPar = self.parameters['Measured']
                    except KeyError:
                            'The measured bicycle parameters need to be ' +
                            'available, create your bicycle such that they ' +
                            'are available.')
                    riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar =\
                        rider.configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycleName,
                                bicyclePar, measuredPar, draw)
                    print("Loaded the precalculated parameters from " +
                    bicycleRiderPar = inertia.combine_bike_rider(
                        bicyclePar, riderPar)
            # set the attributes
            self.riderPar['Benchmark'] = riderPar
                self.human = human
            except NameError:
                self.human = None
            self.parameters['Benchmark'] = bicycleRiderPar
            self.riderName = riderName
            self.hasRider = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycle, bicyclePar, measuredPar, draw):
    Returns the rider parameters, bicycle paramaters with a rider and a
    human object that is configured to sit on the bicycle.

    pathToRider : string
        Path to the rider's data folder.
    bicycle : string
        The short name of the bicycle.
    bicyclePar : dictionary
        Contains the benchmark bicycle parameters for a bicycle.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        Contains the measured values of the bicycle.
    draw : boolean, optional
        If true, visual python will be used to draw a three dimensional
        image of the rider.

    riderpar : dictionary
        The inertial parameters of the rider with reference to the
        benchmark coordinate system.
    human : yeadon.human
        The human object that represents the rider seated on the
    bicycleRiderPar : dictionary
        The benchmark parameters of the bicycle with the rider added to
        the rear frame.

        # get the rider name
        rider = os.path.split(pathToRider)[1]
        # get the paths to the yeadon data files
        pathToYeadon = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                    rider + 'YeadonMeas.txt')
        pathToCFG = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                 rider + bicycle + 'YeadonCFG.txt')
        # generate the human that has been configured to sit on the bicycle
        # the human's inertial parameters are expressed in the Yeadon
        # reference frame about the Yeadon origin.
        human = rider_on_bike(bicyclePar, measuredPar, pathToYeadon, pathToCFG,

        # This is the rotation matrix that relates Yeadon's reference frame
        # to the bicycle reference frame.
        rot_mat = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                            [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])

        # This is the human's inertia expressed in the bicycle reference
        # frame about the human's center of mass.
        human_inertia_in_bike_frame = \

        human_com_in_bike_frame = \
            yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.center_of_mass, measuredPar,

        # build a dictionary to store the inertial data
        riderPar = {
            'IBxx': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[0, 0],
            'IByy': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[1, 1],
            'IBzz': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[2, 2],
            'IBxz': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[2, 0],
            'mB': human.mass,
            'xB': human_com_in_bike_frame[0, 0],
            'yB': human_com_in_bike_frame[1, 0],
            'zB': human_com_in_bike_frame[2, 0]
    except:  # except if this fails
        # no rider was added
        print('Calculations in yeadon failed. No rider added.')
        # raise the error that caused things to fail
        bicycleRiderPar = combine_bike_rider(bicyclePar, riderPar)
        return riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar
Ejemplo n.º 4
def configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycle, bicyclePar, measuredPar, draw):
    Returns the rider parameters, bicycle paramaters with a rider and a
    human object that is configured to sit on the bicycle.

    pathToRider : string
        Path to the rider's data folder.
    bicycle : string
        The short name of the bicycle.
    bicyclePar : dictionary
        Contains the benchmark bicycle parameters for a bicycle.
    measuredPar : dictionary
        Contains the measured values of the bicycle.
    draw : boolean, optional
        If true, visual python will be used to draw a three dimensional
        image of the rider.

    riderpar : dictionary
        The inertial parameters of the rider with reference to the
        benchmark coordinate system.
    human : yeadon.human
        The human object that represents the rider seated on the
    bicycleRiderPar : dictionary
        The benchmark parameters of the bicycle with the rider added to
        the rear frame.

        # get the rider name
        rider = os.path.split(pathToRider)[1]
        # get the paths to the yeadon data files
        pathToYeadon = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                    rider + 'YeadonMeas.txt')
        pathToCFG = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'RawData',
                                 rider + bicycle + 'YeadonCFG.txt')
        # generate the human that has been configured to sit on the bicycle
        # the human's inertial parameters are expressed in the Yeadon
        # reference frame about the Yeadon origin.
        human = rider_on_bike(bicyclePar, measuredPar,
                              pathToYeadon, pathToCFG, draw)

        # This is the rotation matrix that relates Yeadon's reference frame
        # to the bicycle reference frame.
        rot_mat = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 0.0],
                            [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                            [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])

        # This is the human's inertia expressed in the bicycle reference
        # frame about the human's center of mass.
        human_inertia_in_bike_frame = \

        human_com_in_bike_frame = \
            yeadon_vec_to_bicycle_vec(human.center_of_mass, measuredPar,

        # build a dictionary to store the inertial data
        riderPar = {'IBxx': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[0, 0],
                    'IByy': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[1, 1],
                    'IBzz': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[2, 2],
                    'IBxz': human_inertia_in_bike_frame[2, 0],
                    'mB': human.mass,
                    'xB': human_com_in_bike_frame[0, 0],
                    'yB': human_com_in_bike_frame[1, 0],
                    'zB': human_com_in_bike_frame[2, 0]}
    except:  # except if this fails
        # no rider was added
        print('Calculations in yeadon failed. No rider added.')
        # raise the error that caused things to fail
        bicycleRiderPar = combine_bike_rider(bicyclePar, riderPar)
        return riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def add_rider(self, riderName, reCalc=False, draw=False):
        Adds the inertial effects of a rigid rider to the bicycle.

        riderName : string
            A rider name that corresponds to a folder in
        reCalc : boolean, optional
            If true, the rider parameters will be recalculated.
        draw : boolean, optional
            If true, visual python will be used to draw a three dimensional
            image of the rider.


        # can't draw the rider model without the human object
        if draw:

        # first check to see if a rider has already been added
        if self.hasRider == True:
            print(("D'oh! This bicycle already has {0} as a " +
            print("There is no rider on the bicycle, now adding " +
            pathToData = os.path.split(os.path.split(self.directory)[0])[0]
            # get the path to the rider's folder
            pathToRider = os.path.join(pathToData, 'riders', riderName)
            # load in the parameters
            bicyclePar = self.parameters['Benchmark']
            bicycleName = self.bicycleName

            if reCalc == True:
                print("Calculating the human configuration.")
                # run the calculations
                    measuredPar = self.parameters['Measured']
                except KeyError:
                    print('The measured bicycle parameters need to be ' +
                          'available, create your bicycle such that they ' +
                          'are available.')
                riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar =\
                    rider.configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycleName, bicyclePar,
                            measuredPar, draw)
                pathToParFile = os.path.join(pathToRider, 'Parameters',
                    riderName + self.bicycleName + 'Benchmark.txt')
                    # load the parameter file
                    riderPar = io.load_parameter_text_file(pathToParFile)
                except IOError:
                    # file doesn't exist so run the calculations
                    print("No parameter files found, calculating the human " +
                        measuredPar = self.parameters['Measured']
                    except KeyError:
                        print('The measured bicycle parameters need to be ' +
                              'available, create your bicycle such that they ' +
                              'are available.')
                    riderPar, human, bicycleRiderPar =\
                        rider.configure_rider(pathToRider, bicycleName,
                                bicyclePar, measuredPar, draw)
                    print("Loaded the precalculated parameters from " +
                    bicycleRiderPar = inertia.combine_bike_rider(bicyclePar, riderPar)
            # set the attributes
            self.riderPar['Benchmark'] = riderPar
                self.human = human
            except NameError:
                self.human = None
            self.parameters['Benchmark'] = bicycleRiderPar
            self.riderName = riderName
            self.hasRider = True