Ejemplo n.º 1
# some early portion of the chain must be removed. This is referred to as
# the 'burn-in' period. This period allows the chain to both find the high
# density areas, and adjust the proposal widths to their optimal values.

# The plot_diagnostics() method can help us decide what size of burn-in to use:

# Occasionally samples are also 'thinned' by a factor of n (where only every
# n'th sample is used) in order to reduce the size of the data set for
# storage, or to produce uncorrelated samples.

# based on the diagnostics we can choose to manually set a global burn and
# thin value, which is used (unless otherwise specified) by all methods which
# access the samples
chain.burn = 10000
chain.thin = 10

# the burn-in and thinning can also be set automatically as follows:
# chain.autoselect_burn_and_thin()

# After discarding burn-in, what we have left should be a representative
# sample drawn from the posterior. Repeating the previous plot as a
# scatter-plot shows the sample:
p = chain.get_probabilities()  # color the points by their probability value
            c=exp(p - max(p)),
plt.xlabel('parameter 1')
plt.ylabel('parameter 2')
Ejemplo n.º 2
# some early portion of the chain must be removed. This is referred to as
# the 'burn-in' period. This period allows the chain to both find the high
# density areas, and adjust the proposal widths to their optimal values.

# The plot_diagnostics() method can help us decide what size of burn-in to use:

# Occasionally samples are also 'thinned' by a factor of n (where only every
# n'th sample is used) in order to reduce the size of the data set for
# storage, or to produce uncorrelated samples.

# based on the diagnostics we can choose to manually set a global burn and
# thin value, which is used (unless otherwise specified) by all methods which
# access the samples
chain.burn = 2000
chain.thin = 5

# the burn-in and thinning can also be set automatically as follows:

# After discarding burn-in, what we have left should be a representative
# sample drawn from the posterior. Repeating the previous plot as a
# scatter-plot shows the sample:
p = chain.get_probabilities()  # color the points by their probability value
            c=exp(p - max(p)),
plt.xlabel('parameter 1')
plt.ylabel('parameter 2')

def rosenbrock(t):
    x, y = t
    x2 = x**2
    b = 15.  # correlation strength parameter
    v = 3.  # variance of the gaussian term
    return -x2 - b * (y - x2)**2 - 0.5 * (x2 + y**2) / v

# create the chain object
from inference.mcmc import GibbsChain
gibbs = GibbsChain(posterior=rosenbrock, start=array([2., -4.]))
gibbs.burn = 10000
gibbs.thin = 70

p = gibbs.get_probabilities()  # color the points by their probability value
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
            c=exp(p - max(p)),
ax1.set_ylim([None, 2.8])
ax1.set_xlim([-1.8, 1.8])
# ax1.set_title('Gibbs sampling')