Ejemplo n.º 1
def search(db: List, query: ImmutableDict) -> Iterator[Dict[Variable, Any]]:
    db = [Rule(item) if not isinstance(item, Rule) else item for item in db]
    query = construct(query)

    i = 0
    to_solve_for = query.get_variables()

    stack: List[Tuple[Rule, Equality]] = [(Rule(query), Equality())]

    while stack:
        goal, equality = stack.pop()

        if isinstance(goal.predicate, (Assign, Assert)):
                equality = equality.evaluate(goal.predicate)
                if goal.body:
                    stack.append((Rule(*goal.body), equality))
                    yield equality.solutions(to_solve_for)
            except UnificationError:
            for rule in db:
                i += 1
                rule = rule.new_frame(i)

                    new_known = unify(goal.predicate, rule.predicate, equality=equality)

                    new_terms: Iterator[Iterator] = filter(
                                new_known.inject(term, to_solve_for=to_solve_for)
                                for term in rule.body + goal.body

                    for x in new_terms:
                        stack.append((Rule(*x), new_known))

                    solutions = new_known.solutions(to_solve_for)

                    if (
                        not goal.body
                        and not rule.body
                        # and solutions.get_variables() == to_solve_for
                        yield solutions

                except UnificationError:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def inject(self,
               term: Any,
               to_solve_for: Optional[Set[Variable]] = None) -> Set:
        term = construct(term)
        to_solve_for = to_solve_for or set()

        def _inject(_term):
            if isinstance(_term, ImmutableDict):
                return {
                    ImmutableDict(dict(zip(_term.keys(), v)))
                    for v in product(*map(_inject, _term.values()))
            if isinstance(_term, PrologList):
                return {
                    PrologList(x, y)
                    for x, y in product(_inject(_term.head), _inject(

            if isinstance(_term, Assign):
                free = self.get_free(_term.variable) - {_term.variable}
                if free:
                    args_set = list(free)
                    args_set = [_term.variable]
                return [
                    Assign(a, _term.expression, _term.frame, is_injected=True)
                    for a in args_set

            if isinstance(_term, Variable):
                    return {self.get_fixed(_term)}
                except KeyError:
                    free = self.get_free(_term) & to_solve_for
                    if free:
                        return free
            return {_term}

        return _inject(term)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test__repr__():

    assert repr(construct([1, [2, 3], 4])) == "[1, [2, 3], 4]"
Ejemplo n.º 4
    "left, right, initial, final",
        (A, False, None, Equality(fixed={False: {A}})),
        (True, B, None, Equality(fixed={True: {B}})),
        (1, 1, None, Equality()),
        (A, B, None, Equality(free=[{A, B}])),
        ((A, B), (1, 2), None, Equality(fixed={1: {A}, 2: {B}})),
        (dict(a=A, b=2), dict(a=1, b=B), None, Equality(fixed={1: {A}, 2: {B}}),),
        (A, C, Equality(free=[{A, B}]), Equality(free=[{A, B, C}])),
        (A, 1, Equality(free=[{A, B}]), Equality(fixed={1: {A, B}})),
            (A, *B),
            (True, False),
            Equality(fixed={True: {A}, construct([False]): {B}}),
        ((A, *B), (1, 2, 3), None, Equality(fixed={1: {A}, construct([2, 3]): {B}})),
        (*B, (2, 3), None, Equality(fixed={construct([2, 3]): {B}})),
def test_unify_pass(left, right, initial, final):
    assert unify(left, right, equality=initial) == final

    "left, right, initial, message",
        (True, False, None, "values dont match: True != False"),
        ((A, B), (1, 2, 3), None, "list lengths must be the same"),
def test_construct(term):
    assert deconstruct(construct(term)) == term
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_recursions_error():
    a = construct([A, B])
    equality = Equality(fixed={a: {B}, 1: {A}})
    with pytest.raises(RecursionError) as error:
    assert str(error.value) == "maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison"
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_get_deep(variable, expected):
    equality = Equality(fixed={1: {A}}, free=[{B, C}])
    assert equality.get_deep(construct(variable)) == construct(expected)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_new_frame_method(initial, final):
    assert construct(initial).new_frame(1) == construct(final)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_new_frame_function(initial, final):
    assert new_frame(construct(initial), 1) == construct(final)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def unify(left, right, equality: Optional[Equality] = None) -> Equality:
    Unification is a key idea in declarative programming.

    This function has 3 tasks:

    1. Unification of values:

            >>> A, B, C = Variable.factory("A", "B", "C")

        When two primitive values are unified it will check that they are
        equal to each other, and return an empty Equality object.

            >>> unify(1, 1)

            >>> unify(True, False)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            inference_logic.data_structures.UnificationError: values dont match: True != False

        or fails with a UnificationError if they are not.

        If a Variable is passed as an argument then this variable will be set
        equal to the other vale which could either be, a primitive:

            >>> unify(True, B)

            Or another varible

            >>> unify(A, B)
            Equality([{A, B}], )

    2. Unification against know Equalities:

        Unification operations can be chained together by passing in
        an optional equality argument.

        This way unified Variables can be assigned to existing
        Variable Sets

            >>> unify(A, C, Equality(free=[{A, B}]))
            Equality([{A, B, C}], )

        or constants.

            >>> unify(A, 1, Equality(free=[{A, B}]))
            Equality(1={A, B})

        And we can check for consistencey between uunifications.

            >>> unify(B, False, Equality(fixed={True: {A, B}}))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            inference_logic.data_structures.UnificationError: B cannot equal False because False != True

    3. Unification of Structure:

        When compound data structures, dicts and tuples, are unified then the
        unification first checks that the data-structures have the same type,
        any then is applied pair-wise and recursively to all elements.

            >>> unify(dict(a=A, b=2), dict(a=1, b=B))
            Equality(1={A}, 2={B})

            >>> unify((A, B), (1, 2))
            Equality(1={A}, 2={B})

        In the case of dicts the unification will fail if the keys do not match:

            >>> unify(dict(a=1, b=2), dict(a=1, c=2))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            inference_logic.data_structures.UnificationError: keys must match: ('a', 'b') != ('a', 'c')

        And tuple unification will fail if they have different lengths

            >>> unify((A, B), (1, 2, 3))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            inference_logic.data_structures.UnificationError: list lengths must be the same

        It possible to unify some Variables to the head of a tuple and another to the rest
        using the * syntax

            >>> unify((A, B, *C), (1, 2, 3, 4))
            Equality(1={A}, 2={B}, [3, 4]={*C})

    left, right = construct(left), construct(right)

    equality = Equality() if equality is None else equality

    if isinstance(left, ImmutableDict) and isinstance(right, ImmutableDict):
        if left.keys() != right.keys():
            raise UnificationError(f"keys must match: {tuple(left)} != {tuple(right)}")
        for key in left.keys():
            equality = unify(left[key], right[key], equality)
        return equality

    if isinstance(left, PrologList) and isinstance(right, PrologList):
        equality = unify(left.head, right.head, equality)
        equality = unify(left.tail, right.tail, equality)
        return equality

    if isinstance(left, PrologList) and isinstance(right, PrologListNull):
        raise UnificationError("list lengths must be the same")
    if isinstance(left, PrologListNull) and isinstance(right, PrologList):
        raise UnificationError("list lengths must be the same")

    return equality.add(left, right)