Ejemplo n.º 1
    def lost_passwd(self, data):
        """ Send a reset link to user to recover its password """
        error = False
        msg = ""

        # Check input format
        email_re = re.compile(
            r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*"  # dot-atom
            r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|\\[\001-011\013\014\016-\177])*"'  # quoted-string
            re.IGNORECASE)  # domain
        if email_re.match(data["recovery_email"]) is None:
            error = True
            msg = _("Invalid email format.")

        if not error:
            reset_hash = hashlib.sha512(
            user = self.database.users.find_one_and_update(
                {"email": data["recovery_email"]},
                {"$set": {
                    "reset": reset_hash
            if user is None:
                error = True
                msg = _("This email address was not found in database.")
                    subject = _("INGInious password recovery")

                    body = _("""Dear {realname},

Someone (probably you) asked to reset your INGInious password. If this was you, please click on the following link :
                    ) + flask.request.url_root + "register?reset=" + reset_hash

                    message = Message(recipients=[(user["realname"],

                    msg = _(
                        "An email has been sent to you to reset your password."
                except Exception as ex:
                    error = True
                    msg = _(
                        "Something went wrong while sending you reset email. Please contact the administrator."
                    self._logger.error("Couldn't send email : {}".format(

        return msg, error
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def register_user(self, data):
        """ Parses input and register user """
        error = False
        msg = ""

        email_re = re.compile(
            r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*"  # dot-atom
            r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|\\[\001-011\013\014\016-\177])*"'  # quoted-string
            r')@(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\.?$', re.IGNORECASE)  # domain

        # Check input format
        if re.match(r"^[-_|~0-9A-Z]{4,}$", data["username"], re.IGNORECASE) is None:
            error = True
            msg = _("Invalid username format.")
        elif email_re.match(data["email"]) is None:
            error = True
            msg = _("Invalid email format.")
        elif len(data["passwd"]) < 6:
            error = True
            msg = _("Password too short.")
        elif data["passwd"] != data["passwd2"]:
            error = True
            msg = _("Passwords don't match !")
        elif self.app.terms_page is not None and self.app.privacy_page is not None and "term_policy_check" not in data:
            error = True
            msg = _("Please accept the Terms of Service and Data Privacy")

        if not error:
            existing_user = self.database.users.find_one(
                {"$or": [{"username": data["username"]}, {"email": data["email"]}]})
            if existing_user is not None:
                error = True
                if existing_user["username"] == data["username"]:
                    msg = _("This username is already taken !")
                    msg = _("This email address is already in use !")
                passwd_hash = hashlib.sha512(data["passwd"].encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
                activate_hash = hashlib.sha512(str(random.getrandbits(256)).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
                self.database.users.insert({"username": data["username"],
                                            "realname": data["realname"],
                                            "email": data["email"],
                                            "password": passwd_hash,
                                            "activate": activate_hash,
                                            "bindings": {},
                                            "language": self.user_manager._session.get("language", "en"),
                                            "tos_accepted": True
                    subject = _("Welcome on INGInious")
                    body = _("""Welcome on INGInious !

To activate your account, please click on the following link :
""") + flask.request.url_root + "register?activate=" + activate_hash

                    message = Message(recipients=[(data["realname"], data["email"])],
                    msg = _("You are succesfully registered. An email has been sent to you for activation.")
                except Exception as ex:
                    # Remove newly inserted user (do not add after to prevent email sending in case of failure)
                    self.database.users.remove({"username": data["username"]})
                    error = True
                    msg = _("Something went wrong while sending you activation email. Please contact the administrator.")
                    self._logger.error("Couldn't send email : {}".format(str(ex)))

        return msg, error