Ejemplo n.º 1
    return keys == set(required_passport_keys)

def is_valid(passport: dict) -> bool:
    for key in passport:
        if not required_passport_keys[key](passport[key]):
            return False

    return True

passports = []

# Parse passports
passport = {}
for line in read_lines("day04"):
    if not line.strip():
        passport = {}

    for pair in line.split(" "):
        passport[pair.split(":")[0]] = pair.split(":")[1]


# Part one
count_valid_passports = len([x for x in passports if is_present(x)])

    f"The passport list contains {count_valid_passports} valid passports.")
Ejemplo n.º 2
from assertions import assert_equals
from input_reader import read_lines
from printer import aoc_print

lines = read_lines("day02")

# Part one
valid_passwords = 0

for line in lines:
    parts = line.split(" ")

    lower_bound = int(parts[0].split("-")[0])
    upper_bound = int(parts[0].split("-")[1])

    letter = parts[1][:-1]

    password = parts[2]

    letter_count = len([x for x in password if x == letter])

    if lower_bound <= letter_count <= upper_bound:
        valid_passwords += 1

aoc_print(f"{valid_passwords} passwords are valid. (old interpretation)")
assert_equals(424, valid_passwords)

# Part two
valid_passwords = 0

for line in lines:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def terminates(self) -> bool:
        executed_lines = set()

        while self.instruction_pointer not in executed_lines:

            if self.instruction_pointer >= len(self.instructions):
                return True


        return False

instructions = read_lines("day08")
program = Program(instructions)

# Part one

    f"The program gets interrupted with an accumulator of {program.accumulator}."
assert_equals(1801, program.accumulator)

# Part two
def replace_all(base_list: [str], old: str, new: str) -> [[str]]:
    total = list()
    index = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
            if contains_bag(bag[0], needle):
                return True

        return False

def count_bags(root: str) -> int:
    total_sum = 0
    for rule in bag_rules[root]:
        total_sum += rule[1] + rule[1] * count_bags(rule[0])

    return total_sum

# Parse input (plz forgive me python god and regex skiller)
rule_list = read_lines("day07")

# {str, [(int,str)]}
bag_rules = {}

for rule in rule_list:
    rule = rule[:-1].replace("bags", "").replace("bag", "")

    bag = rule.split(" contain ")[0].strip()
    container_bags = []

    container = rule.split(" contain ")[1].strip()
    if "," in container:
        for single_bag in container.split(", "):
            count = int(single_bag.split(" ")[0])
            bag_type = single_bag[len(single_bag.split(" ")[0]):].strip()
Ejemplo n.º 5
            upper_bound = math.floor((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2)
        elif letter == upper_char:
            lower_bound = math.ceil((lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2)

    return lower_bound

def calc_seat(line: str) -> (int, int):
    return binary_search(line[0:7], 0, 127, "F", "B"), binary_search(line[7:10], 0, 7, "L", "R")

def calc_seat_id(seat: (int, int)) -> int:
    return seat[0] * 8 + seat[1]

lines = read_lines("day05")

# Calculate seats
seats = list(map(calc_seat, lines))

# Part one
result = max([calc_seat_id(seat) for seat in seats])

aoc_print(f"The highest seat ID on the boarding pass is {result}.")
assert_equals(878, result)

# Part two
sorted_seats = sorted(seats, key=lambda tup: (tup[0], tup[1]))
min_seat = min(sorted_seats)
max_seat = max(sorted_seats)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def puzzle2():
    masses = (int(mass) for mass in read_lines('day1input.txt'))
    return sum(get_total_required_fuel(mass) for mass in masses)