Ejemplo n.º 1
        return None

    def stemming(self, text):
        return None

    def auxillary_preprocess(self, text_with_rating):
        func_list = [
            self.convert_lower_case, self.ignore_punctuation, self.tokenize,
        inp = text_with_rating[0]
        for func in func_list:
            inp = func(inp)

        return (inp, text_with_rating[1])

    def process_text(self, text_generator, correct_spell=False, stem=False):
        for batch in text_generator:
            print batch
            yield map(self.auxillary_preprocess, batch)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from input_reader import InputReader
    input_reader = InputReader(1, 10)
    input_dir = "/home/rohittulu/Documents/aclImdb/train/pos/"
    text_generator = input_reader.get_batches(input_dir)
    text_processor = Textpreprocessor()
    for processed_batch in text_processor.process_text(text_generator):
        print processed_batch
        to represent a document.
    def __init__(self, outfile):
        self.outfile = outfile

    def calculate(self, batch_generator):

        bow = set()
        with open(self.outfile, "w") as fp:
            for idx, batch in enumerate(batch_generator):
                if idx % 10 == 0:
                    print("Batches read:" + str(idx))
                for (tokens, rank) in batch:
            for token in bow:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bag_of_words_generator = BagOfWordsGenerator("bow.txt")
    from input_reader import InputReader
    from text_preprocessor import Textpreprocessor
    input_dir = "/home/rohittulu/Documents/aclImdb/train/pos/"
    input_reader = InputReader(10, -1)
    x = input_reader.get_batches(input_dir)
    text_preprocessor = Textpreprocessor()
    batch_generator = text_preprocessor.process_text(x)
    print("BOW CREATED")