Ejemplo n.º 1
Pp = np.nan*np.ones((drl,3))
Pvel = np.nan*np.ones((drl,3))
Patt = np.nan*np.ones((drl,3))
Pab = np.nan*np.ones((drl,3))
Pgb = np.nan*np.ones((drl,3))

stateInnov = np.nan*np.ones((drl,6))

plot_time = [0.0] * drl

# ============================ VARIABLE INITIALIZER ============================
idx_init = []

# =============================== MAIN LOOP ====================================

filter = EKF.Filter()

gps_index = 1
nav_init = False
for i, imu_list in enumerate(imu_raw):
    imu = EKF.IMU( imu_list[0], imu_list[11],
                   imu_list[1], imu_list[2], imu_list[3],
                   imu_list[4], imu_list[5], imu_list[6],
                   imu_list[7], imu_list[8], imu_list[9],
                   imu_list[10] )

    # walk the gps counter forward as needed
    while gps_index < len(gps_data) and imu.time >= gps_data[gps_index].time:
        gps_index += 1
    if gps_index >= len(gps_data):
        # no more gps data, stay on the last record
Ejemplo n.º 2
stateInnov = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 6))

# ============================ VARIABLE INITIALIZER ============================
# moved to init(): H = np.hstack( (np.eye(6), np.zeros((6,9))) )
# moved to init(): NAV_INIT = False
# moved to init(): IMU_CAL_INIT = False
# moved to init(): TU_COUNT = 0

idx_init = []

# moved to init(): tcpu = -1.0; old_tcpu = -1.0
# moved to init(): tow = -1.0; old_tow = -1.0

# =============================== MAIN LOOP ====================================

filter = insgps_quat_15state.Filter()
nav_init = False
for i in range(0, drl):
    # prepare the sensor data
    imu = insgps_quat_15state.IMU(flight_data.time[i], flight_data.navValid[i],
                                  flight_data.p[i], flight_data.q[i],
                                  flight_data.r[i], flight_data.ax[i],
                                  flight_data.ay[i], flight_data.az[i])
    gps = insgps_quat_15state.GPS(flight_data.time[i], flight_data.navValid[i],
                                  flight_data.GPS_TOW[i], flight_data.lat[i],
                                  flight_data.lon[i], flight_data.alt[i],
                                  flight_data.vn[i], flight_data.ve[i],

    # update the filter
    est = filter.update(imu, gps)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_filter(imu_data, gps_data):
    drl = len(imu_data)

    # result structures
    estPOS = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estVEL = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estATT = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estAB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estGB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))

    Pp = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pvel = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Patt = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pab = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pgb = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))

    stateInnov = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 6))

    plot_time = [0.0] * drl

    # Variable Initializer
    idx_init = []

    # Main Loop
    filter = EKF.Filter()

    gps_index = 1
    nav_init = False
    for i, imu in enumerate(imu_data):
        # walk the gps counter forward as needed
        if imu.time >= gps_data[gps_index].time:
            gps_index += 1
        if gps_index >= len(gps_data):
            # no more gps data, stick on the last record
            gps_index = len(gps_data) - 1
        gps = gps_data[gps_index - 1]
        # print "t(imu) = " + str(imu.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gps.time)

        # update the filter
        plot_time[i] = imu.time
        est = filter.update(imu, gps, verbose=False)

        # save the results for plotting
        if not nav_init and est.valid:
            nav_init = True
        elif not est.valid:
            nav_init = False
        estPOS[i, :] = est.estPOS[:]
        estVEL[i, :] = est.estVEL[:]
        estATT[i, :] = est.estATT[:]
        estAB[i, 0:3] = est.estAB[:]
        estAB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        estGB[i, 0:3] = est.estGB[:]
        estGB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        Pp[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[0:3, 0:3])
        Pvel[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[3:6, 3:6])
        Patt[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[6:9, 6:9])
        Pab[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[9:12, 9:12])
        Pgb[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[12:15, 12:15])
        stateInnov[i, :] = est.stateInnov[:]

    psi, theta, phi = navpy.quat2angle(estATT[:, 0],
                                       estATT[:, 1:4],

    # Calculate Attitude Error
    delta_att = np.nan * np.zeros((drl, 3))
    for i in range(0, drl):
        # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
        #C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(flight_data.psi[i],flight_data.theta[i],flight_data.phi[i]).T
        C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit='deg').T
        C2 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit='deg').T
        dC = C2.dot(C1.T) - np.eye(3)
        # dC contains delta angle. To match delta quaternion, divide by 2.
        delta_att[i, :] = [-dC[1, 2] / 2.0, dC[0, 2] / 2.0, -dC[0, 1] / 2.0]

    lat_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 0]
    lon_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 1]
    alt_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 2]

    ecef_ref = navpy.lla2ecef(lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:, 0], estPOS[:, 1], estPOS[:, 2])
    filter_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
    #ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(flight_data.lat,flight_data.lon,flight_data.alt)
    #ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:,0],estPOS[:,1],estPOS[:,2])
    #gnss_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef-ecef_ref,lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)
    #gnss_ned[0:idx_init[0],:] = np.nan

    rawgps = np.nan * np.ones((len(gps_data), 3))
    for i, gps in enumerate(gps_data):
        rawgps[i, :] = [gps.lat, gps.lon, gps.alt]
    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(rawgps[:, 0],
                          rawgps[:, 1],
                          rawgps[:, 2],
    ref_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)
    ref_ned[0:idx_init[0], :] = np.nan

    return estPOS, estVEL, estATT, estAB, estGB, Pp, Pvel, Patt, Pab, Pgb, stateInnov, plot_time, idx_init, filter_ned, ref_ned, psi, theta, phi, delta_att