Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_numpy_inline():

    c_code = """
double sum_of_some_func(int n1, double* array1){
  double tmp = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<n1; i++) {
      tmp += some_func(array1[i]);
  return tmp;

    some_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays=[['n1', 'array1']],
                                  libraries = ["m"])

    a = numpy.arange(10000000); a = numpy.sin(a)

    t1 = time.time()
    b = some_func(a)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With instant:', t2-t1, 'seconds')

    t1 = time.time()
    c = sum(numpy.sin(a) + numpy.cos(a))
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With  numpy :', t2-t1, 'seconds')

    assert abs(c - b) < 1.0e-12
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def ext_gridloop1_instant(self, fstr):
        if not isinstance(fstr, str):
            raise TypeError, \
            'fstr must be string expression, not', type(fstr)

        # generate C source for gridloop1:
        # (no call to C function f(x,y), fstr is inserted in the loop)
        source = """
void gridloop1(double *a, int nx, int ny,
               double *xcoor, double *ycoor)
# define index(a, i, j)  a[i*ny + j]
  int i, j;  double x, y;
  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
      x = xcoor[i];  y = ycoor[i];
      index(a, i, j) = %s
""" % fstr

            from instant import inline_with_numpy
            a = zeros((self.nx, self.ny))
            arrays = [['nx', 'ny', 'a'], ['nx', 'xcoor'], ['ny', 'ycoor']]
            self.gridloop1_instant = \
                 inline_with_numpy(source, arrays=arrays)
            self.gridloop1_instant = None
def solver_instant(u,f,n=50,m=100,t0=0,t1=1000,dt=.1,nu=1):
    This function solve the heat equation 
        u: initial distribution numpy array (M*N)
        f: Heat source function numpy array (M*N)
        t0: Start time
        t1: End time
        dt: Time step
        nu: Thermal diffusivity 
        u: Updated u
    c_code = """
double calculate (int x1, int y1, double* u,int x2, int y2, double* f,int x3,double* args){
        double t0=args[0];
        double t1=args[1];
        double dt=args[2];
        double nu=args[3];
        double u_new[x1*y1];
        double counterLoop=t0;

        for (int i=0; i<x1; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<y1; j++)
                u_new[i*y1 + j]=u[i*y1 + j];
            for(int i=1;i<x1;i++)
                for(int j=1;j<y1;j++)
                    u_new[i*y1+j]=u[i*y1+j] + dt * (nu*u[(i-1)*y1+j] + nu*u[i*y1+j-1] - 4*nu*u[i*y1+j] + nu*u[i*y1+j+1] + nu*u[(i+1)*y1+j] + f[i*y1+j]);
            for (int i=1; i<x1-1; i++)
                for (int j=1; j<y1-1; j++)
                    u[i*y1 + j]=u_new[i*y1 + j];
    call_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays = [['x1', 'y1', 'u'],
                                                   ['x2', 'y2', 'f'],


    return u
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def ext_gridloop1_instant(self, fstr):
        if not isinstance(fstr, str):
            raise TypeError, \
            'fstr must be string expression, not', type(fstr)
        # generate C source for gridloop1:
        # (no call to C function f(x,y), fstr is inserted in the loop)
        source = """
void gridloop1(double *a, int nx, int ny,
               double *xcoor, double *ycoor)
# define index(a, i, j)  a[i*ny + j]
  int i, j;  double x, y;
  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
      x = xcoor[i];  y = ycoor[i];
      index(a, i, j) = %s
""" % fstr

            from instant import inline_with_numpy
            a = zeros((self.nx, self.ny))
            arrays = [['nx', 'ny', 'a'],
                      ['nx', 'xcoor'],
                      ['ny', 'ycoor']]
            self.gridloop1_instant = \
                 inline_with_numpy(source, arrays=arrays)
            self.gridloop1_instant = None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def build_cfuntions(self):
        c_code__isnotzero = """
            bool isnotzero(int row_n, double *row, double zTOL) {
                for ( int i=0; i<row_n; i++ )
                    {if (row[i] > zTOL || -row[i] > zTOL) return true;}
                return false;

        args = [["row_n", "row"]]
        self.c_isnotzero = inline_with_numpy(c_code__isnotzero, arrays=args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def load_c_code():
    Loads the C-code in the file dmdt.c, that will later
    get called to compute the right-hand side of the LLG equation.

    __location__ = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))

    with open(os.path.join(__location__, 'dmdt.c'), "r") as f:
        c_code = f.read()

    args = [["Mn", "M", "in"], ["Hn", "H", "in"], ["dMdtn", "dMdt", "out"],
            ["Pn", "P", "in"]]
    return instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays=args)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def SolverInstant(f, nu=1, dt=0.1, n=50, m=100, t0=0, t_end=1000, u0=None):
    Solver for heat equation. Solved in C using Instant.
    Dirichlet boundary conditions: ( u_edge = 0 )
    If possible, time loop will automatically be done in C
    for additional speed.
    t = t0
    t_end = t_end + 1E-8
    no_anim_print_prog = False

    # Initiate the solution array for u and u_new (un)
    u = np.zeros((n, m)) if u0 == None else u0
    un = np.zeros((n, m)) if u0 == None else u0.copy()

    # Keep time loop in C-code for improved speed
    c_code = """
    void heateq(int ux, int uy, double* u, int unx, int uny, double* un, int fx, int fy, double* f){
      double dt = %f;
      double nu = %f;
      double t_end = %f;
      int t,i,j;
      for (t=0; t*dt<t_end+dt; t++){
        for (i=1; i<ux-1; i++){
          for (j=1; j<uy-1; j++){
            un[i*uy + j] = u[i*uy +j] \
                       + dt*nu*(u[(i-1)*uy +j] + u[i*uy +j-1] - 4*u[i*uy +j] \
                       + u[i*uy +j+1] + u[(i+1)*uy +j]) + dt*nu*f[i*uy +j];
        for (i=1; i<ux-1; i++) {
           for (j=1; j<uy-1; j++) {
               u[i*uy + j] = un[i*uy + j];
    """ % (dt, nu, t_end)  # Add these values into C-code "as text"

    heateq_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code,
                                    arrays=[['ux', 'uy', 'u'],
                                            ['unx', 'uny', 'un'],
                                            ['fx', 'fy', 'f']])
    heateq_func(u, un, f)  # Run through all time steps in C

    return u
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def compile(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_fun'):
            return self._fun
        from instant import inline_with_numpy
        strip = lambda code: '\n'.join([l for l in code.splitlines()
                                        if l.strip() and l.strip() != ';'])

        if any(arg._is_soa for arg in self._args):
            kernel_code = """
            #define OP2_STRIDE(a, idx) a[idx]
            #undef OP2_STRIDE
            """ % {'code': self._kernel.code}
            kernel_code = """
            """ % {'code': self._kernel.code}
        code_to_compile = strip(dedent(self._wrapper) % self.generate_code())
        if configuration["debug"]:
            self._wrapper_code = code_to_compile

        _const_decs = '\n'.join([const._format_declaration()
                                for const in Const._definitions()]) + '\n'

        # We need to build with mpicc since that's required by PETSc
        cc = os.environ.get('CC')
        os.environ['CC'] = 'mpicc'
        self._fun = inline_with_numpy(
            code_to_compile, additional_declarations=kernel_code,
            additional_definitions=_const_decs + kernel_code,
            cppargs=self._cppargs + (['-O0', '-g'] if configuration["debug"] else []),
            include_dirs=[d + '/include' for d in get_petsc_dir()],
            library_dirs=[d + '/lib' for d in get_petsc_dir()],
            libraries=['petsc'] + self._libraries,
            modulename=self._kernel.name if configuration["debug"] else None)
        if cc:
            os.environ['CC'] = cc
        return self._fun
Ejemplo n.º 9
def SolverInstant(f, nu=1, dt=0.1, n=50, m=100, t0 = 0, t_end=1000, u0=None):
    Solver for heat equation. Solved in C using Instant.
    Dirichlet boundary conditions: ( u_edge = 0 )
    If possible, time loop will automatically be done in C
    for additional speed.
    t = t0; t_end = t_end + 1E-8
    no_anim_print_prog = False

    # Initiate the solution array for u and u_new (un)
    u  = np.zeros((n,m)) if u0 == None else u0
    un = np.zeros((n,m)) if u0 == None else u0.copy()

    # Keep time loop in C-code for improved speed
    c_code = """
    void heateq(int ux, int uy, double* u, int unx, int uny, double* un, int fx, int fy, double* f){
      double dt = %f;
      double nu = %f;
      double t_end = %f;
      int t,i,j;
      for (t=0; t*dt<t_end+dt; t++){
        for (i=1; i<ux-1; i++){
          for (j=1; j<uy-1; j++){
            un[i*uy + j] = u[i*uy +j] \
                       + dt*nu*(u[(i-1)*uy +j] + u[i*uy +j-1] - 4*u[i*uy +j] \
                       + u[i*uy +j+1] + u[(i+1)*uy +j]) + dt*nu*f[i*uy +j];
        for (i=1; i<ux-1; i++) {
           for (j=1; j<uy-1; j++) {
               u[i*uy + j] = un[i*uy + j];
    """%(dt,nu,t_end) # Add these values into C-code "as text"

    heateq_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays = [['ux', 'uy', 'u'],
                                                   ['unx', 'uny', 'un'],
                                                   ['fx', 'fy', 'f']])
    heateq_func(u,un,f) # Run through all time steps in C

    return u
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_grid_loop():

    func_str = "sin"
    c_code = """
void gridloop(int x1, int y1, double* a,
              int n, double* x,
              int m, double* y) {
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j<m; j++) {
          a[i*n +j] = %s(x[i] + y[j]);
    """ % func_str

    n = 5000

    a = N.zeros([n, n])
    x = N.arange(0.0, n, 1.0)
    y = N.arange(0.0, n, 1.0)

    arrays = [['x1', 'y1', 'a'], ['n', 'x'], ['m', 'y']]
    grid_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays=arrays)

    t1 = time.time()
    grid_func(a, x, y)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With instant:', t2 - t1, 'seconds')

    xv = x[:, N.newaxis]
    yv = y[N.newaxis, :]
    a2 = N.zeros([n, n])
    t1 = time.time()
    a2[:, :] = N.sin(xv + yv)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With numpy:', t2 - t1, 'seconds')

    d = a - a2
    d.shape = (n * n, )

    assert abs(max(d)) < 1.0e-12
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_compare_numpy():

    sum_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code,
                                 arrays=[['n1', 'array1']],

    a = numpy.arange(10000000)
    a = numpy.sin(a)

    t1 = time.time()
    sum1 = sum_func(a)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With instant:', t2 - t1, 'seconds')

    t1 = time.time()
    sum2 = numpy.sum(a)
    t2 = time.time()
    print('With numpy:   ', t2 - t1, 'seconds')

    difference = abs(sum1 - sum2)
    assert difference < 1.0e-12
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def compile(self):
        if hasattr(self, '_fun'):
            return self._fun
        from instant import inline_with_numpy

        if any(arg._is_soa for arg in self._args):
            kernel_code = """
            #define OP2_STRIDE(a, idx) a[idx]
            inline %(code)s
            #undef OP2_STRIDE
            """ % {'code' : self._kernel.code}
            kernel_code = """
            inline %(code)s
            """ % {'code' : self._kernel.code }
        code_to_compile = dedent(self.wrapper) % self.generate_code()

        _const_decs = '\n'.join([const._format_declaration() for const in Const._definitions()]) + '\n'

        # We need to build with mpicc since that's required by PETSc
        cc = os.environ.get('CC')
        os.environ['CC'] = 'mpicc'
        self._fun = inline_with_numpy(code_to_compile, additional_declarations = kernel_code,
                                 additional_definitions = _const_decs + kernel_code,
                                 cppargs=self._cppargs + ['-O0', '-g'] if cfg.debug else [],
                                 include_dirs=[OP2_INC, get_petsc_dir()+'/include'],
                                 library_dirs=[OP2_LIB, get_petsc_dir()+'/lib'],
                                 libraries=['op2_seq', 'petsc'] + self._libraries,
        if cc:
            os.environ['CC'] = cc
        return self._fun
Ejemplo n.º 13
    if ( n != m ) {
        printf("n and m should be equal");  
    for (int i=0; i<m; i++) {
      y[i] =  sin(x[i]);  

N = 8000000

compute_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code,
                                 arrays=[['n', 'x'], ['m', 'y']],

x = arange(0, 1, 1.0 / N)
y = arange(0, 1, 1.0 / N)
t1 = time.time()
t3 = time.clock()
compute_func(x, y)
t2 = time.time()
t4 = time.clock()
print('With instant and OpenMP', t4 - t3, 'seconds process time')
print('With instant and OpenMP', t2 - t1, 'seconds wall time')

compute_func_scalar = inline_with_numpy(c_code_scalar,
                                        arrays=[['n', 'x'], ['m', 'y']])
Ejemplo n.º 14
    id = omp_get_thread_num(); 
    printf("Thread %d\n", id);

    p[0] = p0; 
    #pragma omp for
    for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { 
        p[i] = p[i-1] + dt*(B*Q[i] - A*p[i-1]);

N = 20000000
time_loop = inline_with_numpy(c_code,
                              arrays=[['n', 'p'], ['m', 'Q']],
p = zeros(N)
T = 20.0
Q = sin(arange(0, T, T / N)) + 1

t1 = time.time()
t3 = time.clock()
time_loop(p, Q, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 / N, N, 1.0)
t2 = time.time()
t4 = time.clock()

print('With instant and OpenMP:', t4 - t3, 'seconds process time')
print('With instant and OpenMP:', t2 - t1, 'seconds process time')
Ejemplo n.º 15
import numpy
from instant import inline_with_numpy

# Example 2: two array, both inout and of same size
# Cannot avoid specifying all dimensions for both arrays
c_code = """
double sum (int x1, int y1, double* array1, int x2, int y2, double* array2){
  double tmp = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<x1; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<y1; j++){
      tmp = array1[i*y1 + j];
      array1[i*y1 + j] = array2[i*y1 + j];
      array2[i*y1 + j] = tmp;
  return tmp;

sum_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays = [['x1', 'y1', 'array1'],
                                               ['x2', 'y2', 'array2']],

a = numpy.ones(4)
a.shape = (2, 2)
b = a.copy()
a *= 2
print(sum_func(a, b))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def return_bele_magpar():
    args = [["n_bvert", "bvert", "in"], ["facv1_n", "facv1", "in"],
            ["facv2_n", "facv2", "in"], ["facv3_n", "facv3", "in"],
            ["matele_n", "matele"]]
    return instant.inline_with_numpy(C_CODE, arrays=args)
Ejemplo n.º 17
import numpy
from instant import inline_with_numpy

# Example 2: two array, both inout and of same size
# Cannot avoid specifying all dimensions for both arrays
c_code = """
double sum (int x1, int y1, double* array1, int x2, int y2, double* array2){
  double tmp = 0.0;
  for (int i=0; i<x1; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<y1; j++){
      tmp = array1[i*y1 + j];
      array1[i*y1 + j] = array2[i*y1 + j];
      array2[i*y1 + j] = tmp;
  return tmp;

sum_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays = [['x1', 'y1', 'array1'],
                                               ['x2', 'y2', 'array2']],

a = numpy.ones(4)
a.shape = (2, 2)
b = a.copy()
a *= 2
Ejemplo n.º 18
    S[0] = S0; 
    I[0] = I0; 
    Z[0] = Z0; 
    R[0] = R0; 
    for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { 
        S[i+1] = S[i] + dt*(PI - beta*S[i]*Z[i] - delta*S[i]);
        I[i+1] = I[i] + dt*(beta*S[i]*Z[i] - (rho + delta)*I[i]); 
        Z[i+1] = Z[i] + dt*(rho*I[i] + zeta*R[i] - alpha*S[i]*Z[i]); 
        R[i+1] = R[i] + dt*(delta*S[i] + delta*I[i] + alpha*S[i]*Z[i] - zeta*R[i]); 

N = 100
time_loop = inline_with_numpy(c_code,
                              arrays=[['nS', 'S'], ['nI', 'I'], ['nZ', 'Z'],
                                      ['nR', 'R']],
S = zeros(N)
I = zeros(N)
Z = zeros(N)
R = zeros(N)

T = 100
dt = T / (N - 1)
PI = 0.0
alpha = 0.05
beta = 0.095
zeta = 0.01
delta = 0.01
rho = 0.001
Ejemplo n.º 19
        const int D = Dims_lhs[0];
        for(int d=0; d != D; ++d){
            for(int k=0; k!=d; ++k){
                result[d] -= result[k]*rhs[d-k];
            result[d] /= rhs[0];

adouble__add__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(
    arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'],
            ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']])
adouble__sub__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(
    arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'],
            ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']])
adouble__mul__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(
    arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'],
            ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']])
adouble__div__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(
    arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'],
            ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']])
adouble__imul__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(
Ejemplo n.º 20
            for(int k=0; k!=d; ++k){
                for(int n=0; n != Ndir; ++n){
                    result[d*Ndir + n] -= result[k*Ndir + n]*rhs[(d-k)*Ndir + n];
            for(int n=0; n != Ndir; ++n){
                result[d*Ndir + n] /= rhs[0+n];

        const int D = Dims_lhs[0];
        for(int d=0; d != D; ++d){
            for(int k=0; k!=d; ++k){
                result[d] -= result[k]*rhs[d-k];
            result[d] /= rhs[0];

adouble__add__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code_adouble__add__, arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'], ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']] )
adouble__sub__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code_adouble__sub__, arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'], ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']] )
adouble__mul__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code_adouble__mul__, arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'], ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']] )
adouble__div__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code_adouble__div__, arrays=[['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs'], ['Ndim_result', 'Dims_result', 'result']] )
adouble__imul__ = instant.inline_with_numpy(c_code_adouble__imul__, arrays=[['tmp_lhs','lhs'],['Ndim_lhs', 'Dims_lhs', 'lhs_tc'], ['Ndim_rhs', 'Dims_rhs', 'rhs_tc']] )
Ejemplo n.º 21
    if ( n != N ) {
        printf("n and N should be equal");

    p[0] = p0;
    for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
        p[i] = p[i-1] + dt*(B*Q[i] - A*p[i-1]);

N = 100000
time_loop = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays = [['n', 'p'], ['m', 'Q']], cppargs='-g', cache_dir="test_cache")
p = zeros(N)
T = 20.0
Q = sin(arange(0, T, T/N))+1

t1 = time.time()
time_loop(p, Q, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0/N, N, 1.0)
t2 = time.time()
print('With instant:', t2-t1, 'seconds')

p2 = zeros(N)
t1 = time.time()
time_loop2(p2, Q, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0/N, N, 1.0)
t2 = time.time()
print('With Python :', t2-t1, 'seconds')
Ejemplo n.º 22
def return_csa_magpar():
    args = [["xn", "x", "in"], ["v1n", "v1", "in"], ["v2n", "v2", "in"],
            ["v3n", "v3", "in"]]
    return instant.inline_with_numpy(C_CODE, arrays=args)
import numpy
from instant import inline_with_numpy

c_code = """
double sum (int n1, double* array1){
        double tmp = 0.0;
        for (int i=0; i<n1; i++) {
            tmp += array1[i];
        return tmp;

sum_func = inline_with_numpy(c_code, arrays=[['n1', 'array1']])
a = numpy.arange(10000000)
a = numpy.sin(a)