Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_followers(client: ApiClient, user_id: str,
                  limit: int) -> typing.List[models.User]:
    """Retrieve the first x amount of followers from an account.

    If the `user_id` is not known, use `instauto.helpers.search.get_user_id_from_username`
    to convert a username to user_id.

        client: your ApiClient
        user_id: the user_id of the account to retrieve followers from
        limit: the maximum amount of followers to retrieve

        A list containing Instagram user objects (examples/objects/user.json).
    obj = GetFollowers(user_id)

    obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    followers = []
    while result and len(followers) < limit:
        logger.info("Retrieved {} followers, {} more to go.".format(
            len(followers), limit - len(followers)))
        obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    return [
        models.User.parse(f) for f in followers[:min(len(followers), limit)]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_followers(client: ApiClient, user_id: str, username: str,
                  limit: int) -> typing.List[models.User]:
    """Retrieve the first x amount of followers from an account.

    Either `user_id` or `username` need to be provided. If both are provided,
    the user_id takes precedence.

        client: your ApiClient
        user_id: the user_id of the account to retrieve followers from
	    username: the username of the account to retrieve followers from
        limit: the maximum amount of followers to retrieve

        A list containing Instagram user objects (examples/objects/user.json).
    if user_id is None and username is not None:
        user_id = get_user_id_from_username(client, username)

    if user_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Both `user_id` and `username` are not provided.")

    obj = GetFollowers(user_id)

    obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    followers = []
    while result and len(followers) < limit:
        logger.info("Retrieved {} followers, {} more to go.".format(
            len(followers), limit - len(followers)))
        obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    return [
        models.User.parse(f) for f in followers[:min(len(followers), limit)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_followers(client: ApiClient, user_id: str,
                  limit: int) -> typing.List[dict]:
    obj = GetFollowers(user_id)

    obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    followers = []
    while result and len(followers) < limit:
        logger.info("Retrieved {} followers, {} more to go.".format(
            len(followers), limit - len(followers)))
        obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    return followers[:min(len(followers), limit)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_followers(client: ApiClient,
                  limit: int,
                  user_id: Optional[int] = None,
                  username: Optional[str] = None) -> List[models.User]:
    """Retrieve the first x amount of followers from an account.

    Either `user_id` or `username` need to be provided. If both are provided,
    the user_id takes precedence.

        client: your ApiClient
        user_id: the user_id of the account to retrieve followers from
        limit: the maximum amount of followers to retrieve
        username: the username of the account to retrieve followers from

        A list containing Instagram user objects (examples/objects/user.json).
    if user_id is None and username is not None:
        user_id = get_user_id_from_username(client, username)

    if user_id is None:
        raise ValueError("Both `user_id` and `username` are not provided.")

    obj = GetFollowers(user_id)

    obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    followers = []
    while result and len(followers) < limit:
        # pyre-ignore[16]: the type of result is `Response` or bool, but because
        # of the `result is True` check, it can only be of type bool here.
        logger.info("Retrieved {} followers, {} more to go.".format(
            len(followers), limit - len(followers)))
        obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
    return [
        models.User.parse(f) for f in followers[:min(len(followers), limit)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
import random
import os

from instauto.api.client import ApiClient
from instauto.api.actions import friendships as fs

from time import sleep

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if os.path.isfile('./.instauto.save'):
        client = ApiClient.initiate_from_file('./.instauto.save')
        client = ApiClient(username=os.environ.get("INSTAUTO_USER")
                           or "your_username",
                           or "your_password")

    f = fs.GetFollowers(user_id="2283025667")
    obj, result = client.followers_get(f)  # grabs first page
    while result:  # paginates until all followers are extracted
        parsed = result.json()
        print(f"Extracted {len(parsed['users'])} followers")
            f"The username of the first extracted follower is {parsed['users'][0]['username']}"
        obj, result = client.followers_get(obj)
        sleep(random.randint(10, 60))