Ejemplo n.º 1
def select_particles():
    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('centroid_part_1000', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # gets the default potential object and integrates the orbits using the initial conditions in w0
    curr_pot = int_sgr.get_potential()
    orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w0, pot=curr_pot)

    # plots the orbit at the present timestep
    fig = orbit[0].plot()
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Full Sgr Stream')

    # selects the particles within 0.5 * r_tidal and saves them to w_half_tidal
    w_half_tidal = int_sgr.select_tidal_annulus(\
                    w0, ann_low = 0.0, ann_high = 0.5,\
                    sat_mass=1e8, mw_mass=130.0075e10, mw_c=32.089)

    # integrates the orbits of the particles within 0.5 r_tidal
    tidal_orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w_half_tidal, pot=curr_pot)

    # plots the orbit at the present timestep
    fig = tidal_orbit[0].plot()
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Sgr Stream r < 0.5 r_tidal')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def animate_orbit():
    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('heavy_sag_7_10', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # gets the default potential object and integrates the orbits using the initial conditions in w0
    curr_pot = int_sgr.get_potential()
    orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w0, pot=curr_pot)

    # plots and saves the particle positions at each timestep to a new folder: 'heavy sag animation'
    # NOTE: the folder must not already exist, otherwise an error will be raised
    int_sgr.orbit_video(orbit, 'heavy sag animation')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_export(file_name):
    sat_mass = 1e8 * u.Msun
    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('centroid_part_1000', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # selects the particles within 0.5 * r_tidal and saves them to w_half_tidal
    w_half_tidal = int_sgr.select_tidal_annulus(\
                    w0, ann_low = 0.0, ann_high = 0.5,\
                    sat_mass=1e8, mw_mass=130.0075e10, mw_c=32.089)

    # writes the particle data for the particles within 0.5 * r_tidal to the file specified by 'file_name'
    int_sgr.export(w_half_tidal.pos, w_half_tidal.vel, sat_mass, file_name)

    print('%s has been written' % file_name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def vary_potential():

    # the normal parameters for the potential and the Sgr dSph
    sag_mass = 1e8
    normal_mw_mass = 130.0075e10*u.Msun
    normal_mw_conc = 9.39
    normal_mw_rs = 18.927757889861788 * u.kpc

    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('centroid_part_1000', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    gvs = []

    m_ratios = [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]
    c_ratios =  [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]
    rs_ratios =  [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]

    # makes a potential using 80%, 90%, 100%, 110% and 120% of each of the normal potential parameters
    for m_ratio in m_ratios:
        for c_ratio in c_ratios:
            for rs_ratio in rs_ratios:
                # gets the current potential parameters
                curr_mass = normal_mw_mass * m_ratio
                curr_c = normal_mw_conc * c_ratio
                curr_rs = normal_mw_rs * rs_ratio
                      'mass =', curr_mass,\
                      'c =', curr_c,\
                      'rs =', curr_rs,\

                # creates the current potential object and uses it to integrate the particle orbits
                curr_pot = int_sgr.get_potential(total_mass=curr_mass, r_scale=curr_rs, mw_conc=curr_c)
                orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w0, pot=curr_pot)

                # finds the center of mass of the particle distribution and integrates its orbit
                com_p, com_v, com_index = int_sgr.calc_com(w0)
                com_orbit,pot = int_sgr.integrate(gd.PhaseSpacePosition(pos=com_p, vel=com_v))

                # calculates the generalized variance of the particle distribution
                gv = int_sgr.calc_dps(sag_mass, orbit, curr_pot, com_orbit)
                print('Generalized Variance:', gv)


    # prints the generalized variances calculated from the potential parameters
    print(np.reshape(gvs, [len(m_ratios), len(c_ratios), len(rs_ratios)]))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def integrate_normal_orbit():
    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('centroid_part_1000', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # integrates the orbits with initial conditions w0 and with verbose mode on
    orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w0, verbose=True)

    # plots the orbit at the first timestep (2.65 Gyr ago)
    fig = orbit[-1].plot()
    # adds a title to the default plotting function from gala
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Sgr Stream (2.65 Gyr ago)')

    # plots the orbit at the present timestep
    fig = orbit[0].plot()
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Sgr Stream (Present)')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def plot_dps():
    # the parameters for the Sgr dSph
    sag_mass = 1e8
    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('centroid_part_1000', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # integrates the orbits with initial conditions w0
    orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate(w0)

    # finds the center of mass of the particle distribution and integrates its orbit
    com_p, com_v, com_index = int_sgr.calc_com(w0)
    com_orbit,pot = int_sgr.integrate(gd.PhaseSpacePosition(pos=com_p, vel=com_v))

    # calculates the generalized variance of the particle distribution in verbose mode, and displays the dps plot
    gv = int_sgr.calc_dps(sag_mass, orbit, pot, com_orbit, \
                          ylims = [0.2, 400], plot_title = 'Example Dps Plot', show_plot=True, verbose=True)
    print('Generalized Variance:', gv)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def integrate_dyn_fric():
    sat_mass = 1e10 # Msun

    # reads the coordinates from the file to w0
    w0 = int_sgr.read_file('heavy_sag_7_10', columns=[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], skip_lines=[0])

    # integrates the orbits with initial conditions w0, dynamical friction and with verbose mode on
    orbit, pot = int_sgr.integrate_dyn_fric(w0, sat_mass = sat_mass, verbose=True)

    # plots the orbit at the first timestep (2.65 Gyr ago)
    fig = orbit[-1].plot()
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Sgr Stream (2.65 Gyr ago)')

    # plots the orbit at the present timestep
    fig = orbit[0].plot()
    fig.get_axes()[1].set_title('Sgr Stream (Present)')