def run_trusters(code: List[str], phases: List[int]) -> int:
    output = 0
    while phases:
        phase = phases.pop()
        program = Program(code[:], input=[output, phase])
        output = program.output[0]
    return output
def run_thrusters_feedback(code: List[str], phases: List[int]) -> int:
    output = [0]
    halts = [False] * len(phases)
    programs = [Program(code[:], input=[phase]) for phase in phases]
    while not all(halts):
        for i, program in enumerate(programs):
            program.input = output + program.input
            _, halts[i] = run_until_output(program)
            if not halts[i]:
                output, program.output = program.output, []
    return output[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_robot(program: Program,
              main_routine: str,
              functions: List[str],
              camera_feed: bool = True) -> None:
    # Force robot to wakeup
    program[0] = 2
    # Supply the main movement routine:
    program.input.extend(to_ascii(main_routine, reverse=True))
    for f in functions:
        program.input.extend(to_ascii(f, reverse=True))
    if camera_feed:
        program.input.extend(to_ascii('y', reverse=True))
        program.input.extend(to_ascii('n', reverse=True))
    # I'm getting a spurious newline at this point, so clear it out.
    run_until_matches(program, outseq=to_ascii(''))

    halt = False
    while not halt:
        _, halt = run_until_matches(program, outseq=to_ascii('\n'))
        console = to_square(program.output)
        draw_array(console, conversion_table=CONVERSION_DICT)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def explore(program: Program) -> Map:
    map: Map = {}
    position: Point = (0, 0)
    current_direction, output = NORTH, None
    # Move north until we hit a wall.
    while True:
        _, _ = run_until_output(program)
        output = program.output.pop()
        if output == MOVE_SUCCESS:
            position = next_position(position, current_direction)
            map[position] = EMPTY
        elif output == HIT_WALL:
            map[next_position(position, current_direction)] = WALL
            current_direction = TURN_LEFT[current_direction]
    # Now the main explore loop. The goal here is to make sure we keep a wall
    # to the right. We start with a wall to the north of us.
    have_moved = False
    while True:
        _, _ = run_until_output(program)
        output = program.output.pop()
        if output == HIT_WALL:
            map[next_position(position, current_direction)] = WALL
            current_direction = TURN_LEFT[current_direction]
        elif output == FOUND_OXYGEN:
            position, have_moved = next_position(position,
                                                 current_direction), True
            map[position] = OXYGEN
        elif output == MOVE_SUCCESS:
            position, have_moved = next_position(position,
                                                 current_direction), True
            map[position] = EMPTY
            # Check if there is a wall to our right.
            current_direction = TURN_RIGHT[current_direction]
            _, _ = run_until_output(program)
            output = program.output.pop()
            # If we hit a wall, there is still a wall to our right, so we
            # should keep going.
            if output == HIT_WALL:
                map[next_position(position, current_direction)] = WALL
                current_direction = TURN_LEFT[current_direction]
            # There is no longer a wall to the right, so we need to turn and
            # move in that direction.
            elif output == MOVE_SUCCESS:
                position = next_position(position, current_direction)
                map[position] = EMPTY
            elif output == FOUND_OXYGEN:
                position = next_position(position, current_direction)
                map[position] = OXYGEN
        # We're back where we started, so we can bail.
        if have_moved and position == (0, 0):
    return map
Ejemplo n.º 5
from intcode.intcode import Program, run

TEST0 = [
    109, 1, 204, -1, 1001, 100, 1, 100, 1008, 100, 16, 101, 1006, 101, 0, 99
p = Program(TEST0[:])

TEST1 = [1102, 34915192, 34915192, 7, 4, 7, 99, 0]
p = Program(TEST1[:])

TEST2 = [104, 1125899906842624, 99]
p = Program(TEST2[:])

    1102, 34463338, 34463338, 63, 1007, 63, 34463338, 63, 1005, 63, 53, 1102,
    1, 3, 1000, 109, 988, 209, 12, 9, 1000, 209, 6, 209, 3, 203, 0, 1008, 1000,
    1, 63, 1005, 63, 65, 1008, 1000, 2, 63, 1005, 63, 902, 1008, 1000, 0, 63,
    1005, 63, 58, 4, 25, 104, 0, 99, 4, 0, 104, 0, 99, 4, 17, 104, 0, 99, 0, 0,
    1102, 1, 37, 1007, 1102, 24, 1, 1006, 1102, 26, 1, 1012, 1101, 528, 0,
    1023, 1102, 256, 1, 1027, 1102, 466, 1, 1029, 1102, 1, 629, 1024, 1101, 0,
    620, 1025, 1101, 0, 0, 1020, 1102, 1, 30, 1004, 1101, 39, 0, 1003, 1102,
    36, 1, 1005, 1102, 531, 1, 1022, 1102, 32, 1, 1019, 1101, 0, 27, 1000,
    1101, 0, 28, 1016, 1101, 1, 0, 1021, 1101, 23, 0, 1013, 1102, 1, 25, 1015,
    1102, 1, 21, 1008, 1102, 1, 22, 1018, 1102, 1, 34, 1014, 1102, 475, 1,
    1028, 1101, 33, 0, 1002, 1101, 0, 35, 1011, 1102, 1, 20, 1009, 1102, 38, 1,
Ejemplo n.º 6
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from queue import Queue
from intcode.intcode import Program
from aocd import data, submit

# Make sure AOC_SESSION is updated! (Chrome inspector -> Application tab -> session)

#lines = data.strip().split('\n')
prog = Program(data)

# submit(?, part="a", day=5, year=2019)
# submit(?, part="b", day=5, year=2019)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_ball_position(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]:
        return self.get_position(needle=4)

    def draw_screen(self) -> None:
        if not self.screen:
        minx = min(k[0] for k in self.screen)
        maxx = max(k[0] for k in self.screen)
        miny = min(k[1] for k in self.screen)
        maxy = max(k[1] for k in self.screen)
        area = np.zeros(shape=(maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1), dtype=int)
        for (x, y), id in self.screen.items():
            area[x - minx, y - miny] = id
        strrep = TILE_DRAW_ARRAY[area]
        for row in strrep.T:
        print(f"Score: {self.score}")
        print(f"Paddle: {self.paddle}")
        print(f"Ball: {self.ball}")

program = Program.from_file(open('./data/game.txt', 'r'))
game = Breakout(program)

#screen = run_game(program)

# n_blocks = sum(val == 2 for val in screen.values())
# print(f"There are {n_blocks} on screen at exit.")
Ejemplo n.º 8
             position: Optional[Point] = None,
             path: Optional[List[Point]] = None) -> None:
    if not map:
    minx = min(k[0] for k in map)
    maxx = max(k[0] for k in map)
    miny = min(k[1] for k in map)
    maxy = max(k[1] for k in map)
    #area = np.zeros(shape=(maxx - minx + 1, maxy - miny + 1), dtype=int)
    area = np.zeros(shape=(50, 50), dtype=int)
    for (x, y), id in map.items():
        area[x - 25, y - 25] = id
    strrep = TILE_DRAW_ARRAY[area]
    if position:
        strrep[(position[0] - 25, position[1] - 25)] = '@'
    if path:
        for p in path:
            strrep[p[0] - 25, p[1] - 25] = '.'
    for row in strrep.T:

program = Program.from_file(open('./data/program.txt'))
map = explore(program)
path = find_shortest_path(map, (0, 0))

# draw_map(map, (0, 0), path[1:])
# print(f"The shortest path to the oxygen is {len(path)} steps.")

i = spawn_gas(map, get_oxygen_position(map))
print(f"It takes {i} turns to fill the ship with oxygen.")
Ejemplo n.º 9
        program.input.extend(to_ascii('n', reverse=True))
    # I'm getting a spurious newline at this point, so clear it out.
    run_until_matches(program, outseq=to_ascii(''))

    halt = False
    while not halt:
        _, halt = run_until_matches(program, outseq=to_ascii('\n'))
        console = to_square(program.output)
        draw_array(console, conversion_table=CONVERSION_DICT)

def to_ascii(code: str, reverse: bool = False) -> List[int]:
    if reverse:
        return ([ord(ch) for ch in code] + [LINE_END])[::-1]
        return [ord(ch) for ch in code] + [LINE_END]

program = Program.from_file(open('./data/ascii.txt', 'r'))

#console_out = to_square(program.output)
#draw_array(console_out, conversion_table=CONVERSION_DICT)
# total_alignment_parameter = sum(x * y for x, y in iter_intersections(console_out))
# print(f"The total allignment parameter is {total_alignment_parameter}")

run_robot(program, 'A,A,B,A', ['R,2', '2', '1'])
Ejemplo n.º 10
    294, 0, 0, 105, 1, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 1106, 0, 300, 1105, 1, 99999, 1, 225,
    225, 225, 1101, 314, 0, 0, 106, 0, 0, 1105, 1, 99999, 1107, 677, 677, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 329, 101, 1, 223, 223, 7, 677, 677, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 344, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 7, 226, 677, 224,
    102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 359, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1108, 226, 226, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 374, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 8, 226, 677, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 389, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1108, 226, 677, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 404, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1107, 677, 226, 224,
    102, 2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 419, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1007, 677, 677, 224,
    1002, 223, 2, 223, 1005, 224, 434, 101, 1, 223, 223, 7, 677, 226, 224, 102,
    2, 223, 223, 1006, 224, 449, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1008, 226, 677, 224, 1002,
    223, 2, 223, 1006, 224, 464, 101, 1, 223, 223, 8, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223,
    2, 223, 1006, 224, 479, 101, 1, 223, 223, 108, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223,
    223, 1005, 224, 494, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1107, 226, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2,
    223, 1006, 224, 509, 101, 1, 223, 223, 107, 226, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2,
    223, 1006, 224, 524, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 107, 677, 677, 224, 1002, 223, 2,
    223, 1005, 224, 539, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1007, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223,
    223, 1006, 224, 554, 101, 1, 223, 223, 108, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223,
    223, 1005, 224, 569, 101, 1, 223, 223, 107, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223,
    223, 1005, 224, 584, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1008, 226, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223,
    223, 1006, 224, 599, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1108, 677, 226, 224, 1002, 223, 2,
    223, 1006, 224, 614, 101, 1, 223, 223, 8, 677, 226, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223,
    1005, 224, 629, 1001, 223, 1, 223, 1008, 677, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223,
    1006, 224, 644, 101, 1, 223, 223, 1007, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223,
    1005, 224, 659, 101, 1, 223, 223, 108, 226, 677, 224, 102, 2, 223, 223,
    1006, 224, 674, 101, 1, 223, 223, 4, 223, 99, 226

program = Program(code=CODE[:], input=[1])