Ejemplo n.º 1
class Game:
    def __init__(self, data, input):
        self.intcode = Intcode(data, input)
        self.screen = {}
        self.rounds = 0

    def find_obj(self, obj):
        for coord in self.screen.keys():
            if self.screen[coord] == obj:
                return coord

    def get_blocks(self):
        pieces = []
        blocks = 0
        for n in range(len(game.intcode.outputs)):
            if n % 3 == 2:
                pieces += [game.intcode.outputs[n]]
        for n in range(len(pieces)):
            if pieces[n] == 2:
                blocks += 1
        return blocks

    def draw_screen(self):
        outputs = self.intcode.outputs
        self.intcode.outputs = []
        index = 0
        while index < len(outputs):
            x = outputs[index]
            y = outputs[index + 1]
            item = outputs[index + 2]
            index += 3
            self.screen[(x, y)] = item
        screen = ""
        for y in range(25):
            for x in range(41):
                if (x, y) not in self.screen or self.screen[(x, y)] == 0:
                    screen += ' '
                elif self.screen[(x, y)] == 1:
                    screen += 'w'
                elif self.screen[(x, y)] == 2:
                    screen += 'b'
                elif self.screen[(x, y)] == 3:
                    screen += 'p'
                elif self.screen[(x, y)] == 4:
                    screen += 'o'
            screen += '\n'

    def run_game(self, manual=False):
        game.intcode.data[0] = 2
        last_move = ' '
        score = 0
        while self.intcode.is_running():
            self.rounds += 1
            ball = self.find_obj(4)
            paddle = self.find_obj(3)
            score = self.screen[(-1, 0)]
            if (-1, 0) in self.screen:
                    f"score={score} rounds={self.rounds} ball={ball} paddle={paddle}"

            if manual:
                move_s = input("enter move[left=-1,,neutral=0,right=1.]: ")
                if len(move_s) == 0:
                    move_s = last_move
                if move_s == ',':
                    move = -1
                elif move_s == '.':
                    move = 1
                elif move_s == ' ':
                    move = 0
                elif move_s == 's':
                    name = f"day13-{self.rounds}"
                    data = [self.intcode.data[n] for n in self.intcode.data]
                    open(name, 'w').write(str(data))
                    print(f"wrote file {name}")
                last_move = move_s
                if ball[0] < paddle[0]:
                    move = -1
                elif ball[0] > paddle[0]:
                    move = 1
                    move = 0
                self.intcode.inputs = [move]
        return score
Ejemplo n.º 2
class HullPaintingRobot:
    def __init__(self, data, input):
        self.intcode = Intcode(data, input)
        self.dir = 0
        self.dirs = ['up', 'right', 'down', 'left']
        self.position = (0, 0)
        self.positions = {}

    def move(self, turn):
        assert turn in [0, 1]
        if turn == 0:
            self.dir = (self.dir - 1) % 4
        elif turn == 1:
            self.dir = (self.dir + 1) % 4
        x = self.position[0]
        y = self.position[1]
        if self.dir == 0:  # up
            self.position = (x, y - 1)
        elif self.dir == 1:  # right
            self.position = (x + 1, y)
        elif self.dir == 2:  # down
            self.position = (x, y + 1)
        elif self.dir == 3:  # left
            self.position = (x - 1, y)

    def run(self):
        while self.intcode.is_running():
            assert self.intcode.inputs == []
            assert len(self.intcode.outputs) == 2
            color = self.intcode.outputs[0]
            turn = self.intcode.outputs[1]
            print(f"at {self.position} got color={color} turn={turn}")
            self.positions[self.position] = color
            if self.position not in self.positions:
                current = 0
                current = self.positions[self.position]
            self.intcode.outputs = []
            self.intcode.inputs = [current]
        return len(self.positions)

    def show_message(self):
        first = list(self.positions.keys())[0]
        minx = first[0]
        miny = first[1]
        maxx = first[0]
        maxy = first[1]
        for position in self.positions:
            minx = min(minx, position[0])
            miny = min(miny, position[1])
            maxx = max(maxx, position[0])
            maxy = max(maxy, position[1])
        output = ''
        for y in range(miny, maxy + 1):
            for x in range(minx, maxx + 1):
                if (x, y) not in self.positions or self.positions[(x, y)] == 0:
                    output += ' '
                    output += '#'
            output += '\n'
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def run_two(self, inputs):
     intcode_a = Intcode(self.code[:], [inputs[0], 0], name='A')
     intcode_b = Intcode(self.code[:], [inputs[1]], name='B')
     intcode_c = Intcode(self.code[:], [inputs[2]], name='C')
     intcode_d = Intcode(self.code[:], [inputs[3]], name='D')
     intcode_e = Intcode(self.code[:], [inputs[4]], name='E')
     while intcode_a.is_running() and intcode_b.is_running(
     ) and intcode_c.is_running() and intcode_a.is_running(
     ) and intcode_d.is_running() and intcode_e.is_running():
         if intcode_b.is_running() and len(intcode_a.outputs) > 0:
             intcode_b.inputs += intcode_a.outputs
             intcode_a.outputs = []
         if intcode_c.is_running() and len(intcode_b.outputs) > 0:
             intcode_c.inputs += intcode_b.outputs
             intcode_b.outputs = []
         if intcode_d.is_running() and len(intcode_c.outputs) > 0:
             intcode_d.inputs += intcode_c.outputs
             intcode_c.outputs = []
         if intcode_e.is_running() and len(intcode_d.outputs) > 0:
             intcode_e.inputs += intcode_d.outputs
             intcode_d.outputs = []
         if intcode_a.is_running() and len(intcode_e.outputs) > 0:
             intcode_a.inputs += intcode_e.outputs
             intcode_e.outputs = []
     return intcode_e.outputs[0]