Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_user_account(user=None):
    """Create a new user account.

    :param user: A dictionary with the arguments to be passed to the Django's
        create_user helper function.
    if user is None:
        email = f'{uuid4()}@example.com'
        user = create_user_account({
            'email': email,
            'password': gen_password(),
            'username': email,
        user = copy.deepcopy(user)
    return user
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_create_with_email():
    """Ensure user accounts can be created with username, email and password.

    :id: 003ac47f-9946-4ffe-b49d-732dbffe1cfc
    :description: Ensure an user account can be created by an super user
        account with username, email and password.
    :steps: With an authenticated superuser, send a post request to
        /auth/user/create/ with an username, email and password.
    :expectedresults: The server returns a 201 response with the information of
        the created user. The information should include the information passed
        as payload to the create request and also an ID should be created.
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'username': uuid4(),
        'password': gen_password()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_create():
    """Ensure user accounts can be created with username and password.

    :id: 5099a61d-7aa6-4c1b-8408-d030f210cd08
    :description: Ensure an user account can be created by an super user
        account with only username and password.
    :steps: With an authenticated superuser, send a post request to
        /auth/user/create/ with an username and password.
    :expectedresults: The server returns a 201 response with the information of
        the created user. The information should include the information passed
        as payload to the create request and also an ID should be created.
        'email': '',
        'password': gen_password(),
        'username': uuid4(),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_auth(user=None):
    """Get authentication for given user to use with requests.

    For example::
        usr = create_user_account({
            'email': '',
            'password': gen_password(),
            'username': uuid4(),
        auth = get_auth(username, pwd)
        client = api.Client(authenticate=False)
        client.get(urls.AUTH_ME, auth=auth)

    If no user is provided, a new user is created.
    This is useful when you need to make authenticated requests as a regular
    user, but never need to use the user information for anything else.


        from integrade.tests import urls
        client = api.client(authenticate=False)
        auth1 = get_auth()
        client.get(urls.CLOUD_ACCOUNT, auth=auth1)

    :returns: instance of api.TokenAuth
    if not user:
        email = f'{uuid4()}@example.com'
        password = gen_password()
        user = create_user_account({
            'email': email,
            'password': password,
            'username': email,
        print(f'USER {email} {password}')
    client = api.Client(authenticate=False)
    response = client.post(urls.AUTH_TOKEN_CREATE, user)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    json_response = response.json()
    assert 'auth_token' in json_response
    return api.TokenAuth(json_response['auth_token'])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_user_account(user=None):
    """Create a new user account.

    :param user: A dictionary with the arguments to be passed to the Django's
        create_user helper function.
    if user is None:
        email = f'{uuid4()}@example.com'
        user = create_user_account({
            'email': email,
            'password': gen_password(),
            'username': email,
        user = copy.deepcopy(user)

    user['id'] = injector.run_remote_python(
        from django.contrib.auth.models import User
        return User.objects.create_user(**user).id
    """, **locals())

    return user
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_gen_password():
    """Test gen_password generates password with printable string chars."""
    password = gen_password(30)
    assert len(password) == 30
    assert set(password).issubset(string.printable)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_config(create_superuser=True, need_base_url=True):
    """Return a copy of the global config dictionary.

    This method makes use of a cache. If the cache is empty, the configuration
    file is parsed and the cache is populated. Otherwise, a copy of the cached
    configuration object is returned.

    :returns: A copy of the global integrade configuration object.
    global _CONFIG  # pylint:disable=global-statement
    if _CONFIG is None:
        _CONFIG = {}
        _CONFIG['api_version'] = os.getenv('CLOUDIGRADE_API_VERSION', 'v1')
        _CONFIG['cloudigrade_s3_bucket'] = os.getenv('AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME')

        ref_slug = os.environ.get('CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', '')
        cloudtrail_prefix = os.getenv('CLOUDTRAIL_PREFIX',

        # The location of the API endpoints and UI may be configured directly
        # with `CLOUDIGRADE_BASE_URL` -OR- we can determine a location based
        # on `CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` which comes from Gitlab CI and is our
        # current branch name.

        _CONFIG['base_url'] = os.getenv(

        _CONFIG['openshift_prefix'] = os.getenv(

        # pull all customer roles out of environ

        def is_role(string):
            return string.startswith('CLOUDIGRADE_ROLE_')

        def profile_name(string): return string.replace(
            'CLOUDIGRADE_ROLE_', '')

        profiles = [{'arn': os.environ.get(role),
                     'name': profile_name(role)}
                    for role in filter(is_role, os.environ.keys())
        profiles.sort(key=lambda p: p['name'])
        _CONFIG['aws_profiles'] = profiles

        missing_config_errors = []

            aws_image_config = get_aws_image_config()
        except exceptions.ConfigFileNotFoundError:
            aws_image_config = {}

        for i, profile in enumerate(_CONFIG['aws_profiles']):
            profile_name = profile['name'].upper()
            acct_arn = profile['arn']
            acct_num = [
                num for num in filter(
            profile['account_number'] = acct_num
            profile['cloudtrail_name'] = f'{cloudtrail_prefix}{acct_num}'
            profile['access_key_id'] = os.environ.get(
            profile['images'] = aws_image_config.get('profiles', {}).get(
                profile_name, {}).get('images', [])

            if i == 0:
                if not profile['access_key_id']:
                        f'Could not find AWS access key id for {profile_name}')

        if _CONFIG['base_url'] == '' and need_base_url:
                'Could not find $CLOUDIGRADE_BASE_URL set in in'
                ' your environment.'
        if os.environ.get('USE_HTTPS', 'false').lower() == 'true':
            _CONFIG['scheme'] = 'https'
            _CONFIG['scheme'] = 'http'
        if os.environ.get('SSL_VERIFY', 'false').lower() == 'true':
            _CONFIG['ssl-verify'] = True
            _CONFIG['ssl-verify'] = False

        if missing_config_errors:
            raise exceptions.MissingConfigurationError(
        super_username = os.environ.get(
            'CLOUDIGRADE_USER', utils.uuid4()
        _CONFIG['super_user_name'] = super_username
        super_password = os.environ.get(
            'CLOUDIGRADE_PASSWORD', utils.gen_password()
        _CONFIG['super_user_password'] = super_password
        token = os.environ.get('CLOUDIGRADE_TOKEN', False)
        if not token and create_superuser:
                token = injector.make_super_user(
                    super_username, super_password)
            except RuntimeError as e:
                raise exceptions.MissingConfigurationError(
                    'Could not create a super user or token, error:\n'
        _CONFIG['superuser_token'] = token
    return deepcopy(_CONFIG)