Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_virus_definations(update_file_name):
    ret_val = None
        root, err = common.clamav_virus_definations_directory()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        cmd = 'rm -f %s/%s' % (root, update_file_name)
        status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        cmd = 'rm -f /var/lib/clamav/%s' % update_file_name
        status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)

        cmd = 'mv %s/.new/%s %s' % (root, update_file_name, root)
        status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        cmd = 'ln -s %s/%s  /var/lib/clamav/%s' % (root, update_file_name,
        status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        service = 'clamd@scan'
        action = 'restart'
        status, err = services_management.change_service_status(
            service, action)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        ret_val = True
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error uploading update file: %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def remove_vlan(if_name):
    if '.' not in if_name:
      raise Exception('Invalid VLAN ID')
    if not os.path.exists('/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s'%if_name):
      raise Exception('Specified VLAN does not exist')
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('ip link set dev %s down'%if_name)
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('ip link delete %s'%if_name)
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error removing VLAN : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def create_ramdisk(size, path, pool):
        if not size:
            raise Exception('Size not specified')

        mem, err = get_mem_stats('MB')
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not mem:
            raise Exception('Error getting memory information : %s' % err)

        used, err = get_total_ramdisks_size()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if used < 0:
            raise Exception('Error checking RAM size')

        if (used + size) / mem['total'] > 0.25:
            raise Exception('Insufficient memory ')

        if not os.path.exists(path):

        cmd = 'mount -t tmpfs -o size=%dm tmpfs %s' % (size, path)
        lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception('Error creating ramdisk : %s' % err)

        cmd = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=%s/ramfile bs=1024 count=%dK' % (path, size)
        lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception('Error initializing ramdisk : %s' % err)

        res, err = insert_into_ramdisks_config(pool, path, size)
        if err or not res:
            cmd = 'umount %s' % path
            lines, err1 = command.get_command_output(cmd)
            if err1:
                if err:
                    err += err1
                    raise Exception(err)
                    raise Exception(err1)
                raise Exception(err)

    except Exception, e:
        return False, 'Error creating ramdisk : %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_all_aces(path):
    #Get all ACEs!
    aces = []
        lines, err = command.get_command_output('getfacl "%s"' % path)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        for line in lines:
            if not line.strip():
                #print 'blank line so skipping'
            if line.strip()[0] == '#':
                #print 'comment line so skipping : ',line
            #print 'normal line : ', line
            if line.find('::'):
                fields = line.strip().split(':')
      m = re.match('[\s]*([\S]*)[\:]*([\S]+)\:([\S]*)\:([rwx-]+)', line)
      if m:
        #print m.groups()
            print aces
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving all ACLs : %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def net_ads_join(user, pswd, password_server):
    cmd_to_run = "net ads join -S %s  -U %s%%%s"%(password_server, user, pswd)
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      errors = []
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      print 'Running %s'%cmd_to_run
      #assert False
      r1 = client.cmd('*', 'cmd.run_all', [cmd_to_run])
      print r1
      if r1:
        for node, ret in r1.items():
          #print ret
          if ret["retcode"] != 0:
            e = "Error joining AD on node %s"%node
            if "stderr" in ret:
              e += " : %s"%ret["stderr"]
            print errors
      print r1
      if errors:
        raise Exception(' '.join(errors))
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False , 'Error joining AD : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def kinit(user, pswd, realm):
    cmd_to_run = 'echo "%s\n" | kinit %s@%s'%(pswd, user, realm)
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      errors = []
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      print 'Running %s'%cmd_to_run
      #assert False
      r1 = client.cmd('*', 'cmd.run_all', [cmd_to_run])
      if r1:
        for node, ret in r1.items():
          #print ret
          if ret["retcode"] != 0:
            e = "Error initiating kerberos on GRIDCell %s"%node
            if "stderr" in ret:
              e += " : %s"%ret["stderr"]
            print errors
      print r1
      if errors:
        raise Exception(' '.join(errors))
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error initializing kerberos : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def flag_node(request):

    return_dict = {}
    if "node" not in request.GET:
      raise Exception("Error flagging node. No node specified")
    node_name = request.GET["node"]
    blink_time = 255
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if use_salt:
      import salt.client
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      ret = client.cmd(node_name,'cmd.run',['ipmitool chassis identify %s' %(blink_time)])
      print ret
      if ret[node_name] == 'Chassis identify interval: %s seconds'%(blink_time):
        return django.http.HttpResponse("Success")
        raise Exception("")
      out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service winbind status')
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if 'Chassis identify interval: %s seconds'%(blink_time) in out_list[0]:
        return django.http.HttpResponse("Success")
        raise Exception("")
  except Exception, e:
    return django.http.HttpResponse("Error")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update_scan_list(name, activity):
    if activity not in ['add', 'remove']:
        raise Exception('Invalid activity')
    ret_val = None
        root, err = common.get_clamav_config_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if not os.path.isfile('%s/scan_list.txt' % root):
            cmd = 'touch %s/scan_list.txt' % root
            status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
        old_status, err = in_scan_list(name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        path_name, err = file_processing.normalise_path(name)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if activity == 'add' and not old_status:
            with open('%s/scan_list.txt' % root, 'a') as f:
                f.write('%s\n' % path_name)
            ret_val = True
        elif activity == 'remove' and old_status:
            with open('%s/scan_list.txt' % root, 'r') as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            with open('%s/scan_list.txt' % root, 'w') as f:
                for line in lines:
                    if line.strip('\n') != '%s' % path_name:
            ret_val = False
    except Exception, e:
        return ret_val, 'Error updating virus scan list: %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def delete_local_group(grpname):

    if not grpname:
      raise Exception('No username specified')
    d, err = get_local_group(grpname)
    if not d:
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error locating group : %s'%err)
        raise Exception('Error locating group')

    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'group.delete', [grpname] )
      #print rc
      if rc:
        for hostname, status in rc.items():
          if not status:
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system group")
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system group")
      cmd_to_run = 'groupdel  %s'%(grpname)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error deleting local group : %s'%str(e)
def delete_local_group(grpname):

    if not grpname:
      raise Exception('No username specified')
    d, err = get_local_group(grpname)
    if not d:
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error locating group : %s'%err)
        raise Exception('Error locating group')

    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'group.delete', [grpname] )
      #print rc
      if rc:
        for hostname, status in rc.items():
          if not status:
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system group")
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system group")
      cmd_to_run = 'groupdel  %s'%(grpname)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error deleting local group : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_mem_stats(units):
    mem = None
        if units not in ['MB', 'GB']:
            raise Exception('Incorrect units requested')
        if not units:
            raise Exception('Units not specified in request')
        if units == 'MB':
            flag = '-m'
        elif units == 'GB':
            flag = '-g'
        cmd = 'free %s' % flag
        lines = None
        lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception('Error getting free memory: %s' % err)

        if lines:
            for line in lines:
                if 'Mem:' not in line:
                components = line.split()
                mem = {}
                mem['total'] = float(components[1])
                mem['used'] = float(components[2])
                mem['free'] = float(components[3])
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retriving free memory : %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def view_task_details(request,task_id):
  return_dict = {}
    task,err = scheduler_utils.get_task(int(task_id))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    return_dict['task'] = task
    subtasks,err = scheduler_utils.get_subtasks(int(task_id))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    return_dict["subtasks"] = subtasks
    #print subtasks, err
    task_output = ""
    log_path, err = common.get_log_folder_path()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    log_dir = '%s/task_logs'%log_path
    log_file_path = '%s/%d.log'%(log_dir, int(task_id))
    if os.path.isfile(log_file_path):
      lines,err = command.get_command_output("wc -l %s"%log_file_path)
      no_of_lines = lines[0].split()[0]
      #print no_of_lines
      if int(no_of_lines) <= 41:
        # This code always updates the 0th element of the command list. This is assuming that we will only have one long running command.
        with open(log_file_path) as output:
          task_output = task_output + ''.join(output.readlines())
        first,err = command.get_command_output("head -n 5 %s"%log_file_path, shell=True)
        if err:
          print err
        last,err = command.get_command_output("tail -n 20 %s"%log_file_path, shell=True)
        if err:
          print err
        #print last
        task_output = task_output + '\n'.join(first)
        task_output = task_output + "\n.... \n ....\n"
        task_output = task_output + '\n'.join(last)
    return_dict['task_output'] = task_output
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("view_task_details.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
  except Exception, e:
    return_dict['base_template'] = "scheduler_base.html"
    return_dict["page_title"] = 'Background jobs'
    return_dict['tab'] = 'view_background_tasks_tab'
    return_dict["error"] = 'Error retriving background task details'
    return_dict["error_details"] = e
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def can_ping(hostname):
  connected = False
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('ping -c 1 %s'%hostname)
    if not err:
      connected = True
  except Exception, e:
    return False, "Error checking ping : %s"%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def blink_unblink_disk(action, controller_id, channel_id, enclosure_id, target_id):
    cmd = '/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omconfig storage pdisk action=%s controller=%s pdisk=%s:%s:%s'%(action, controller_id, channel_id, enclosure_id, target_id)
    #print cmd
    lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error blinking/un-blonking disk : %s'%e
Ejemplo n.º 15
def list_routes():
  route_list = []
  for c in command.get_command_output('route -n')[0][2:]:
    if re.match('',c):
      # A simple hack to actually remove all the unnecessary white spaces and return the atual content as a list
      route_list.append(" ".join(c.split()).split())
  return route_list
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_hardware_raid_hard_drives(controller_number, device_id):
  disk_list = []
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omreport storage pdisk controller=%s vdisk=%d -fmt xml'%(controller_number, device_id))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if lines:
      root = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(lines))
      sl = root.findall('ArrayDisks/DCStorageObject')
      for s in sl:
        disk_dict = {}
        node = s.find('DeviceSerialNumber')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['serial_number'] = node.text
        node = s.find('DiskProductVendor')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['vendor'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ProductID')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['product_id'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ManufactureDay')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['manufacture_day'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ManufactureWeek')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['manufacture_week'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ManufactureYear')
        if node is not None:
          disk_dict['manufacture_year'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ObjStatus')
        if node is not None:
            status = int(node.text)
            if status == 2:
              disk_dict['status'] = 'Ok'
            elif status == 4:
              disk_dict['status'] = 'Critical'
              disk_dict['status'] = 'Unknown'
          except Exception, e:
        node = s.find('ObjState')
        if node is not None:
            state = int(node.text)
            if state == 4:
              disk_dict['state'] = 'Online'
            elif state == 8388608:
              disk_dict['state'] = 'Rebuilding'
            elif state == 1024:
              disk_dict['state'] = 'Removed'
              disk_dict['state'] = 'Unknown'
          except Exception, e:
Ejemplo n.º 17
def services_status():
    s = {}
        platform, err = common.get_platform()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if platform == 'gridcell':
            #Commenting out ctdb for now as we wont use it for this release!
            #services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'ctdb', 'glusterd']
            services = ['smb', 'winbind', 'glusterd']
            for service_name in services:
                stat, err = command.get_command_output(
                    '/sbin/service %s status' % service_name)
                ret = None
                rc = -1
                tup, err = command.execute_with_rc('/sbin/service %s status' %
                if tup:
                    (ret, rc) = tup
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                if rc == 0:
                    lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    s[service_name] = [0, ','.join(lines)]
                    err = ''
                    tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = ','.join(tl)
                    tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
                    if er:
                        raise Exception(er)
                    if tl:
                        err = err + ','.join(tl)
                    s[service_name] = [-1, err]
            service_dict, err = services_management.get_sysd_services_status()
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            for service_name, service_info in service_dict.items():
                if service_info['info']['status']['status_str'] in [
                        'Failed', 'Unknown State'
                    s[service_name] = [
                        -1, service_info['info']['status']['output_str']
                    s[service_name] = [
                        0, service_info['info']['status']['output_str']
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving services status: %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def update_clamav_conf(conf_dict, service):
    ret_val = None
        if service not in ['clamd', 'freshclam']:
            raise Exception('Invalid clamav service')
        script_root, err = common.get_python_scripts_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        root, err = common.get_clamav_config_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        st = None
        with open('%s/config/%s.conf' % (root, service), 'w') as f:
            for key, value in conf_dict.items():
                f.write('%s %s\n' % (key, value))
            if service == 'clamd':
                f.write('VirusEvent %s/av_event_virus_found.py "%%v"\n' %
                if os.path.isfile('/etc/clamd.d/scan.conf'):
                os.symlink('%s/config/%s.conf' % (root, service),
                service = 'clamd@scan'
                action = 'restart'
                status, err = services_management.change_service_status(
                    service, action)
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
            elif service == 'freshclam':
                    'OnOutdatedExecute %s/av_event_update_available.py "%%v"\n'
                    % script_root)
                if os.path.isfile('/etc/freshclam.conf'):
                os.symlink('%s/config/%s.conf' % (root, service),
                command.get_command_output('killall freshclam')
                cmd = 'freshclam -d'
                status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error writing %s conf file: %s' % (service, str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_hardware_raid_to_unix_mapping():
  mapping_dict = {}
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omreport storage vdisk -fmt xml')
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if lines:
      root = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(lines))
      sl = root.findall('VirtualDisks/DCStorageObject')
      for s in sl:
        vd_dict = {}
        #print s
        node = s.find('DeviceName')
        if node is not None:
          device_name = node.text
          print 'No device name for this virtual device'
        node = s.find('Layout')
        if node is not None:
            layout = int(node.text)
            if layout == 4:
              vd_dict['layout'] = 'RAID-1'
          except Exception, e:
        node = s.find('ObjStatus')
        if node is not None:
            status = int(node.text)
            if status == 2:
              vd_dict['status'] = 'Ok'
            elif status == 3:
              vd_dict['status'] = 'Non-Critical'
          except Exception, e:
        node = s.find('ObjState')
        if node is not None:
            state = int(node.text)
            if state == 1:
              vd_dict['state'] = 'Ready'
            elif state == 32:
              vd_dict['state'] = 'Degraded'
          except Exception, e:
        node = s.find('ControllerNum')
        if node is not None:
            controller_number = int(node.text)
            vd_dict['controller_number'] = controller_number
          except Exception, e:
Ejemplo n.º 20
def delete_virus(virus_file):
    ret_val = None
        root, err = common.get_clamav_quarantine_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        cmd = 'rm -rf %s/%s' % (root, virus_file)
        status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        ret_val = True
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error deleting virus file: %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_ssh(user='******',ip=None):
    if ip and user:
      cmd = "ssh %s@%s 'ls'"%(user,ip)
      (status,ret),err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
      if "anaconda-ks.cfg" in status:
        return True,None
        return "Key setup failed","err"
      return "Username or IP not found","err"
  except Exception,e:
    return False,"Error testing the ssh key check : %s"%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def get_local_users(get_system_users=False):
  user_list = []
    sys_ul = []
    smb_ul = []
    all = pwd.getpwall()
    #print all
    for user in all:
      if not get_system_users:
        if user.pw_uid < 1002 or user.pw_uid >= 65534:
      d = {}
      d['uid'] = user.pw_uid
      d['gid'] = user.pw_gid
      d['home_dir'] = user.pw_dir
      d['username'] = user.pw_name
      d['comment'] = user.pw_gecos
      d['shell'] = user.pw_shell
      g = grp.getgrgid(d['gid'])
      if g:
        d['grpname'] = g.gr_name
      groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if d['username'] in g.gr_mem and g.gr_gid != d['gid']]
      gid = pwd.getpwnam(d['username']).pw_gid
      d['other_groups'] = groups
    ul, err = command.get_command_output("/usr/bin/pdbedit -d 1 -L")
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    #print '1'

    if ul:
      smb_ul = []
      smb_dict = {}
      for u in ul:
        l = u.split(':')
        if l:
          if len(l) > 1:
            smb_dict['name'] = l[2]
    if user_list:
      for ud in user_list:
        if ud['username'] in smb_ul:
          ud['smb_user'] = True
          if ud['username'] in smb_dict:
            ud['smb_comment'] = smb_dict[u['username']]
          ud['smb_user'] = True
          ud['smb_user'] = False
  except Exception, e:
    return None, 'Error retrieving local users : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def generate_self_signed_certificate(d):
    pki_dir, err = common.get_pki_dir()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    path = '%s/%s'%(pki_dir, d['name'])

    if os.path.exists(path):
      raise Exception('A key of that name already exists')

    cmd = 'openssl req -new -newkey rsa:'

    if 'key_length' in d:
      key_length = int(d['key_length'])
      key_length = 1024

    cmd = '%s%d'%(cmd, key_length)

    if 'days' in d:
      cmd = '%s -days %d'%(cmd, int(d['days']))

    subj = ''
    if 'country' in d:
      subj = '%s/C=%s'%(subj, d['country'])
    if 'state' in d:
      subj = '%s/ST=%s'%(subj, d['state'])
    if 'location' in d:
      subj = '%s/L=%s'%(subj, d['location'])
    if 'o' in d:
      subj = '%s/O=%s'%(subj, d['o'])
    if 'ou' in d:
      subj = '%s/OU=%s'%(subj, d['ou'])
    if 'cn' in d:
      subj = '%s/CN=%s'%(subj, d['cn'])
    if 'email' in d:
      subj = '%s/emailAddress=%s'%(subj, d['email'])

    cmd += ' -nodes -x509 -subj %s -keyout %s/%s.cert -out %s/%s.cert'%(subj, path, d['name'], path, d['name'])
    #print cmd

    lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
    if err:
      if os.path.exists(path):
      raise Exception(err)

  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error generating self signed certificate : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def reload_manifest(request):
  return_dict = {}
    if request.method == "GET":
      from integralstor_unicell import manifest_status as iu
      mi, err = iu.generate_manifest_info()
      #print mi, err
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if not mi:
        raise Exception('Could not load new configuration')
      return_dict["mi"] = mi[mi.keys()[0]] # Need the hostname here. 
      return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("reload_manifest.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
    elif request.method == "POST":
      common_python_scripts_path, err = common.get_common_python_scripts_path()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      ss_path, err = common.get_system_status_path()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/generate_manifest.py %s"%(common_python_scripts_path, ss_path))
      ret, err = command.get_command_output("python %s/generate_manifest.py %s"%(common_python_scripts_path, ss_path))
      #print 'mani', ret, err
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      #(ret,rc), err = command.execute_with_rc("python %s/generate_status.py %s"%(common.get_python_scripts_path(), common.get_system_status_path()))
      ret, err = command.get_command_output("python %s/generate_status.py %s"%(common_python_scripts_path, ss_path))
      #print 'stat', ret, err
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect("/show/node_info/")
  except Exception, e:
    return_dict['base_template'] = "system_base.html"
    return_dict["page_title"] = 'Reload system configuration'
    return_dict['tab'] = 'node_info_tab'
    return_dict["error"] = 'Error reloading system configuration'
    return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def delete_local_user(username):

    if not username:
      raise Exception('No username specified')
    d, err = get_local_user(username)
    if not d:
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error locating user : %s'%err)
        raise Exception('Error locating user')

    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.delete', [username] )
      #print rc
      if rc:
        for hostname, status in rc.items():
          if not status:
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system user")
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system user")
      cmd_to_run = 'userdel  %s'%(username)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

    if d['smb_user']:
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'pdbedit -d 1 -x %s'%username)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error deleting local user : %s'%str(e)
def delete_local_user(username):

    if not username:
      raise Exception('No username specified')
    d, err = get_local_user(username)
    if not d:
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error locating user : %s'%err)
        raise Exception('Error locating user')

    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.delete', [username] )
      #print rc
      if rc:
        for hostname, status in rc.items():
          if not status:
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system user")
            raise Exception("Error deleting the system user")
      cmd_to_run = 'userdel  %s'%(username)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

    if d['smb_user']:
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'pdbedit -d 1 -x %s'%username)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error deleting local user : %s'%str(e)
def get_local_users(get_system_users=False):
  user_list = []
    sys_ul = []
    smb_ul = []
    all = pwd.getpwall()
    #print all
    for user in all:
      if not get_system_users:
        if user.pw_gid < 501:
      d = {}
      d['uid'] = user.pw_uid
      d['gid'] = user.pw_gid
      d['home_dir'] = user.pw_dir
      d['username'] = user.pw_name
      d['comment'] = user.pw_gecos
      d['shell'] = user.pw_shell
      g = grp.getgrgid(d['gid'])
      if g:
        d['grpname'] = g.gr_name
      groups = [g.gr_name for g in grp.getgrall() if d['username'] in g.gr_mem and g.gr_gid != d['gid']]
      gid = pwd.getpwnam(d['username']).pw_gid
      d['other_groups'] = groups
    ul, err = command.get_command_output("/usr/bin/pdbedit -d 1 -L")
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)

    if ul:
      smb_ul = []
      smb_dict = {}
      for u in ul:
        l = u.split(':')
        if l:
          if len(l) > 1:
            smb_dict['name'] = l[2]
    if user_list:
      for ud in user_list:
        if ud['username'] in smb_ul:
          ud['smb_user'] = True
          if ud['username'] in smb_dict:
            ud['smb_comment'] = smb_dict[u['username']]
          ud['smb_user'] = True
          ud['smb_user'] = False
  except Exception, e:
    None, 'Error retrieving local users : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def zfs_version():
    zfs_ver = ""
        #lines, err = command.get_command_output('dmesg | grep ZFS', shell=True)
        lines, err = command.get_command_output(
            "modinfo zfs | grep -iw -e version | cut -d ':' -f 2", shell=True)
        if err:
            zfs_ver = 'Could not determine..'
        if lines and lines[0]:
            zfs_ver = 'ZFS build ' + lines[0].strip()
            zfs_ver = 'Could not determine..'
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving ZFS information : %s' % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_idrac_addr():
  url = None
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omreport system summary -fmt xml')
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if lines:
      root = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(lines))
      sl = root.findall('OMA/EMPObjSummary/EMPObj/Url')
      #print sl
      if sl:
        url = '%s/login.html'%sl[0].text
  except Exception, e:
    return None, 'Error retrieving IDRAC URL : %s'%e
Ejemplo n.º 30
def set_hostname(hostname, domain_name):
    init_type, err = common.get_init_type()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if init_type == 'init':
      with open('/etc/sysconfig/network', 'w') as f:
        f.write('#Generated by the IntegralStor script\n')
      ret, err = command.get_command_output('hostname %s'%hostname)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if domain_name:
        hn = '%s.%s'%(hostname, domain_name)
        hn = hostname
      ret, err = command.get_command_output('hostnamectl set-hostname %s --static'%hn)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      ret, err = command.get_command_output ('systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed')
      if err:
        raise Exception (err)
      time.sleep (5)
      ret, err = command.get_command_output('hostnamectl')
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      print ret
    if os.path.isfile('/etc/salt/minion_id'):
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error setting hostname : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def set_interface_state(if_name, state):
    if (not if_name) or (not state):
      raise Exception('Interface name or state not specified')

    if state not in ['up', 'down']:
      raise Exception('Unsupported state in state change request')

    cmd = 'if%s %s'%(state, if_name)
    #print cmd
    ret, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error setting interface state: %s '%str(e)
def set_local_user_gid(d):
    if 'username' not in d:
      raise Exception('Unknown user')
    ud, err = get_local_user(d['username'])
    if err:
      raise Exception('Error looking up user information : %s'%err)
    if not ud:
      raise Exception('Specified user information not found.')
    lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'usermod  -g %s %s'%(d['gid'], d['username']))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)

  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error setting local user group : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def set_local_user_gid(d):
    if 'username' not in d:
      raise Exception('Unknown user')
    ud, err = get_local_user(d['username'])
    if err:
      raise Exception('Error looking up user information : %s'%err)
    if not ud:
      raise Exception('Specified user information not found.')
    lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'usermod  -g %s %s'%(d['gid'], d['username']))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)

  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error setting local user group : %s'%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def _get_ad_users_or_groups(type):
    o = None
        d, err = load_auth_settings()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        workgroup = d['workgroup']
        if type and type == "users":
            o, err = command.get_command_output('wbinfo -u --domain=%s' %
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
        elif type and type == "groups":
            o, err = command.get_command_output('wbinfo -g --domain=%s' %
            if err:
                raise Exception(err)
            raise Exception("Unknown type specified.")
        #print '%s - '%type, o

    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error retrieving Active Directory Users/Groups : %s' % str(
Ejemplo n.º 35
def get_psu_status():
  return_dict = {}
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omreport chassis pwrsupplies -fmt xml')
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if lines:
      #print lines
      root = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(lines))
      sl = root.findall('Chassis/Redundancy/RedunStatus')
      for s in sl:
        redundancy_str = s.text
        if redundancy_str == '4':
          return_dict['redundancy'] = True
          return_dict['redundancy'] = False
      psus_info = root.find('Chassis/PowerSupplyList')
      if psus_info is not None:
        if 'count' in psus_info.attrib:
          return_dict['psu_count'] = int(psus_info.attrib['count'])
        psus = root.findall('Chassis/PowerSupplyList/PowerSupply')
        #print psus
        psu_list = []
        for psu in psus:
          switch_dict = {}
          switch_on = psu.find('PSSwitchOn')
          if switch_on is not None:
            if switch_on.text == 'true':
              switch_dict['switch_on'] = True
              switch_dict['switch_on'] = False
          prescence = psu.find('PSState/PSPresenceDetected')
          if prescence is not None:
            if prescence.text == 'true':
              switch_dict['prescence'] = True
              switch_dict['prescence'] = False
          failure = psu.find('PSState/PSFailureDetected')
          if failure is not None:
            if failure.text == 'true':
              switch_dict['failure'] = True
              switch_dict['failure'] = False
      return_dict['psu_list'] = psu_list
  except Exception, e:
    return None, 'Error retrieving PSU information : %s'%e
Ejemplo n.º 36
def get_alert_logs():
  alerts_odict = None
    alerts_dict = {}
    lines, err = command.get_command_output('/opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omreport system alertlog -fmt xml')
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if lines:
      root = ElementTree.fromstring(''.join(lines))
      sl = root.findall('LogEntry')
      for s in sl:
        #print s
        alert_dict = {}
        timestamp = None
        node = s.find('TimeStamp')
        if node is not None:
          timestamp = int(node.text)
          alert_dict['timestamp'] = timestamp
        node = s.find('DateTime')
        if node is not None:
          alert_dict['date_time'] = node.text
        node = s.find('Description')
        if node is not None:
          alert_dict['description'] = node.text
        node = s.find('Category')
        if node is not None:
          alert_dict['category'] = node.text
        node = s.find('ID')
        if node is not None:
          id = int(node.text)
          alert_dict['id'] = id
        node = s.find('Type')
        if node is not None:
          type = int(node.text)
          if type == 2:
            alert_dict['Severity'] = 'Non-Critical'
          elif type == 1:
            alert_dict['Severity'] = 'Critical'
          elif type == 4:
            alert_dict['Severity'] = 'Ok'
        if not timestamp in alerts_dict:
          alerts_dict[timestamp] = []
    alerts_odict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(alerts_dict.items(), reverse=True))
  except Exception, e:
    return None, 'Error retrieving alerts : %s'%e
Ejemplo n.º 37
def get_serial_number(disk_name):
    serial_number = None
    ids, err = get_disk_ids(disk_name)
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    id1 = None
    id = None
    if ids:
      for id1 in ids:
        if (id1.startswith('scsi')) or (id1.startswith('ata')):
          id = id1
    if id:
      parts = id.split('_')
      if len(parts) >= 3:
        serial_number = parts[2]
        cmd = 'udevadm info -q property -n %s | grep -ie ID_SERIAL_SHORT | cut -d "=" -f2' % disk_name
        ret, err = command.get_command_output(cmd, shell=True)
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if ret:
            serial_number = ret[0]
        if not serial_number:
            #Cant get it this way for some SAS drives so try smartctl
            cmd_disk = "/usr/sbin/smartctl -H -i /dev/%s" % disk_name
            dl_output = os.popen(cmd_disk).read()
            lines = re.split("\r?\n", dl_output)

            for line in lines:
                #In case of a SAS drive, status comes with a different string so ..
                res = re.match('Serial Number:[\s]*([\S]*)', line)
                if not res:
                    #For SAS drives, we get a lower case number, *&^@*&^
                    res = re.match('Serial number:[\s]*([\S]*)', line)
                if res:
                    tup = res.groups()
                    if tup:
                        serial_number = tup[0]
        if serial_number:
            serial_number = serial_number.upper()
    except Exception, e:
        return None, "Error retrieving serial number : %s" % str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def delete_all_virus():
    ret_val = None
        virus_list, err = get_quarantine_list()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        root, err = common.get_clamav_quarantine_path()
        if err:
            raise Exception(err)
        if virus_list:
            for f in virus_list:
                cmd = 'rm -rf %s/%s' % (root, f)
                status, err = command.get_command_output(cmd)
                if err:
                    raise Exception(err)
                ret_value = True
    except Exception, e:
        return None, 'Error deleting virus file: %s' % str(e)
def set_local_user_group_membership(d):
    if 'username' not in d:
      raise Exception('Unknown user')
    ud, err = get_local_user(d['username'])
    if err:
      raise Exception('Error looking up user information : %s'%err)
    if not ud:
      raise Exception('Specified user information not found.')
    glist = None
    if 'groups' in d:
      glist = d['groups']
    if not glist:
      glist = []
    lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'usermod  -G %s %s'%(','.join(glist), d['username']))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)

  except Exception, e:
    return False, "Error setting local user's additional groups : %s"%str(e)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def _reload_config():
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      errors = ''
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      r1 = client.cmd('*', 'cmd.run_all', ['smbcontrol all reload-config'])
      if r1:
        for node, ret in r1.items():
          #print ret
          if ret["retcode"] != 0:
            errors += "Error reloading samba on node %s "%node
      if errors:
        raise Exception(errors)
      cmd_to_run = 'smbcontrol all reload-config'
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error reloading CIFS configuration : %s'%str(e)
def change_password(username, pswd):
    if not username:
      raise Exception('No username specified')
    d, err = get_local_user(username)
    if not d:
      if err:
        raise Exception('Error locating user : %s'%err)
        raise Exception('Error locating user')
    lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'echo \"%s:%s\"|chpasswd'%(username, pswd))
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)

    if 'smb_user' in d and d['smb_user']:
      #lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'smbpasswd -s %s'%(username), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
      (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(r'smbpasswd -s %s'%(username), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
      if rc == 0:
        lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        err = ''
        tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        if tl:
          err = ','.join(tl)
        tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        if tl:
          err = err + ','.join(tl)
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error changing local user password : %s'%str(e)
def create_local_group(grpname, gid = None):
    #First check if groups exists. if so kick out
    gl, err = get_local_groups()
    if gl:
      for gd in gl:
        if gd["grpname"] == grpname:
          raise Exception("Error creating group. The group \"%s\" already exists. "%grpname)
    elif err:
      raise Exception("Error retrieving group list : %s"%err)

    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      if not gid:
        rc = client.cmd('*', 'group.add', [grpname])
        rc = client.cmd('*', 'group.add', [grpname,gid])
      print rc
      if not rc:
        raise Exception('Group creation failed')
      for hostname, status in rc.items():
        if not status:
          raise Exception('Group creation failed')
      if gid:
        cmd_to_run = 'groupadd  -g %s %s'%(gid, grpname)
        cmd_to_run = 'groupadd   %s'%(grpname)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error creating a local group : %s'%str(e)
def create_local_user(username, name, pswd, gid = None, smb_user=True):


    #First check if user exists. if so kick out
    ul, err = get_local_users()
    if ul:
      for ud in ul:
        if ud["username"] == username:
          raise Exception("Error creating user. The user \"%s\" already exists. "%username)
    elif err:
      raise Exception("Error retrieving user list : %s"%err)

    enc_pswd = crypt.crypt(pswd, "28")
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if use_salt:
      client = salt.client.LocalClient()
      if gid:
        rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [username, None, gid])
        rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.add', [username])
      #print rc
      if not rc:
        error_list.append("Error creating the username")
      for hostname, status in rc.items():
        if not status:
          error_list.append("Error creating the username on node"%hostname)
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'shadow.set_password', [username, enc_pswd] )
      for hostname, status in rc.items():
        if not status:
          error_list.append("Error setting the password for username on GRIDCell %s"%hostname)
      rc = client.cmd('*', 'user.chfullname', [username, "integralstor_user_%s"%name] )
      for hostname, status in rc.items():
        if not status:
          error_list.append("Error setting the name for username on node %s"%hostname)
      #print '1'
      if gid:
        cmd_to_run = 'useradd -g %s -p %s -c integralstor_user_%s %s'%(gid, enc_pswd, name, username)
        cmd_to_run = 'useradd  -p %s -c integralstor_user_%s %s'%(enc_pswd, name, username)
      lines, err = command.get_command_output(cmd_to_run)
      #print '2'
      #print lines, err
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
    if smb_user:
      #print '/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s'%(username, name), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd)
      # Now all set to create samba user
      #print '3'
      #lines, err = command.get_command_output(r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s'%(username, name), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
      (ret, rc), err = command.execute_with_conf_and_rc(r'/usr/bin/pdbedit  -d 1 -t -a  -u %s -f %s'%(username, name), "%s\n%s"%(pswd, pswd))
      if rc == 0:
        lines, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        err = ''
        tl, er = command.get_output_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        if tl:
          err = ','.join(tl)
        tl, er = command.get_error_list(ret)
        if er:
          raise Exception(er)
        if tl:
          err = err + ','.join(tl)
        raise Exception(err)
      #print '4'
      #print lines, err
  except Exception, e:
    return False, 'Error creating local user : %s'%str(e)
def edit_hostname(request):
  return_dict = {}

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    if request.method == "GET":
      hostname = socket.gethostname()
      domain_name,err = networking.get_domain_name()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

      initial = {}
      initial['hostname'] = hostname
      initial['domain_name'] = domain_name

      form = networking_forms.EditHostnameForm(initial=initial)
      return_dict['form'] = form
      return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("edit_hostname.html", return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
      form = networking_forms.EditHostnameForm(request.POST)
      return_dict['form'] = form
      if not form.is_valid():
        return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("edit_hostname.html", return_dict, context_instance = django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
      cd = form.cleaned_data
      result_str = ""
      domain_name = None
      if 'domain_name' in cd:
        domain_name = cd['domain_name']
      result, err = networking.set_hostname(cd['hostname'], domain_name)
      if not result:
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
          raise Exception('Error setting hostname')
      result, err = networking.set_domain_name(domain_name)
      if not result:
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
          raise Exception('Error setting domain name')
      python_scripts_path, err = common.get_python_scripts_path()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      common_python_scripts_path, err = common.get_common_python_scripts_path()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      ss_path, err = common.get_system_status_path()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

      ret, err = command.get_command_output("python %s/generate_manifest.py %s"%(common_python_scripts_path, ss_path))
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

      ret, err = command.get_command_output("python %s/generate_status.py %s"%(common_python_scripts_path, ss_path))
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)

      audit_str = "Hostname set to %s."%cd['hostname']
      if 'domain_name' in cd:
        audit_str += 'Domain name set to %s'%cd['domain_name']
      ret, err = audit.audit("edit_hostname", audit_str, request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"])
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      return django.http.HttpResponseRedirect('/view_hostname?result=saved')
  except Exception, e:
    return_dict['base_template'] = "networking_base.html"
    return_dict["page_title"] = 'Modify system hostname'
    return_dict['tab'] = 'view_hostname_tab'
    return_dict["error"] = 'Error modifying system hostname'
    return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def dashboard(request,page):
  return_dict = {}
    if request.method != 'GET':
      raise Exception('Invalid access method. Please use the menus')
    si, err = system_info.load_system_config()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    if not si:
      raise Exception('Error loading system configuration')
    return_dict['system_info'] = si
    #By default show error page
    template = "logged_in_error.html"
    num_nodes_bad = 0
    total_pool = 0
    total_nodes = len(si)
    nodes = {}
    # Chart specific declarations
    today_day = (datetime.date.today()).strftime('%d') # will return 02, instead of 2.
    #today_day = datetime.datetime.today().day
    #if today_day < 10:
    #  today_day = '0%d'%today_day
    value_list = []
    time_list = []
    use_salt, err = common.use_salt()
    if err:
      raise Exception(err)
    ks = si.keys()
    if not ks:
      raise Exception('System configuration invalid')
    info = ks[0]
    # CPU status
    if page == "cpu":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'CPU statistics'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'cpu_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading CPU statistics'
      cpu,err = stats.get_system_stats(today_day,"cpu")
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      value_dict = {}
      if cpu:
        for key in cpu.keys():
          value_list = []
          time_list = []
          if key == "date":
            if cpu[key]:
              for a in cpu[key]:
            value_dict[key] = value_list
      return_dict["data_dict"] = value_dict
      queue,err = stats.get_system_stats(today_day,"queue")
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      value_dict = {}
      if queue:
        for key in queue.keys():
          value_list = []
          time_list = []
          if key == "date":
            for a in queue[key]:
            value_dict[key] = value_list
      return_dict["data_dict_queue"] = value_dict
      return_dict['node_name'] = info
      return_dict['node'] = si[info]
      d = {}
      template = "view_cpu_status.html"
    # Hardware
    elif page == "hardware":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'Hardware status'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'hardware_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading hardware status'
      d = {}
      d['ipmi_status'] = si[info]['ipmi_status']
      return_dict['hardware_status'] =  d
      return_dict['node_name'] = info
      template = "view_hardware_status.html"
    # Memory
    elif page == "memory":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'Memory statistics'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'memory_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading memory statistics'
      mem,err = stats.get_system_stats(today_day,"memory")
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if mem:
        for a in mem["memfree"]:
      return_dict['memory_status'] =  si[info]['memory']
      template = "view_memory_status.html"
    # Network
    elif page == "network":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'Network statistics'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'network_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading Network statistics'
      network,err = stats.get_system_stats(today_day,"network")
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      value_dict = {}
      if network:
        for key in network.keys():
          value_list = []
          time_list = []
          if key == "date" or key == "lo":
            for a in network[key]["ifutil-percent"]:
            value_dict[key] = value_list
      return_dict["data_dict"] = value_dict
      print si[info]["interfaces"]
      return_dict["network_status"] = si[info]['interfaces']
      template = "view_network_status.html"
    # Services
    elif page == "services":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'System services status'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'services_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading system services status'
      return_dict['services_status'] = {}
      if use_salt:
        import salt.client
        client = salt.client.LocalClient()
        winbind = client.cmd(info,'cmd.run',['service winbind status'])
        smb = client.cmd(info,'cmd.run',['service smb status'])
        nfs = client.cmd(info,'cmd.run',['service nfs status'])
        iscsi = client.cmd(info,'cmd.run',['service tgtd status'])
        ntp = client.cmd(info,'cmd.run',['service ntpd status'])
        return_dict['services_status']['winbind'] = winbind[info]
        return_dict['services_status']['smb'] = smb[info]
        return_dict['services_status']['nfs'] = nfs[info]
        return_dict['services_status']['iscsi'] = iscsi[info]
        return_dict['services_status']['ntp'] = ntp[info]
        out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service winbind status', False)
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
        if out_list:
          return_dict['services_status']['winbind'] = ' '.join(out_list)
        out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service smb status', False)
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
        if out_list:
          return_dict['services_status']['smb'] = ' '.join(out_list)
        out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service nfs status', False)
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
        if out_list:
          return_dict['services_status']['nfs'] = ' '.join(out_list)
        out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service tgtd status', False)
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
        if out_list:
          return_dict['services_status']['iscsi'] = ' '.join(out_list)
        out_list, err = command.get_command_output('service ntpd status', False)
        if err:
          raise Exception(err)
        if out_list:
          return_dict['services_status']['ntp'] = ' '.join(out_list)
      template = "view_services_status.html"
    # Disks
    elif page == "disks":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'Hard drives status'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'disk_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading hard drives status'
      sorted_disks = []
      if 'disks' in si[info] and si[info]['disks']:
        for key,value in sorted(si[info]["disks"].iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v):v["position"]):
      return_dict['node'] = si[info]
      return_dict["disk_status"] = si[info]['disks']
      return_dict["disk_pos"] = sorted_disks
      return_dict['node_name'] = info
      template = "view_disks_status.html"
    # Pools
    elif page == "pools":
      return_dict["page_title"] = 'ZFS pools status'
      return_dict['tab'] = 'pools_tab'
      return_dict["error"] = 'Error loading ZFS pools status'
      pools, err = zfs.get_pools()
      if err:
        raise Exception(err)
      if pools:
        return_dict['pools'] = pools            
      template = "view_pools_status.html"
    return_dict["labels"] = time_list
    return_dict["data"] = value_list
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response(template, return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))
  except Exception, e:
    return_dict['base_template'] = "dashboard_base.html"
    return_dict["error_details"] = str(e)
    return django.shortcuts.render_to_response("logged_in_error.html", return_dict, context_instance=django.template.context.RequestContext(request))