Ejemplo n.º 1
def chaindb_mainnet_100():
    """Return a chaindb with mainnet headers numbered from 0 to 100."""
    here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    headers_rlp = open(os.path.join(here, 'fixtures', 'sample_1000_headers_rlp'), 'r+b').read()
    headers = rlp.decode(headers_rlp, sedes=sedes.CountableList(BlockHeader))
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    for i in range(0, 101):
    return chaindb
Ejemplo n.º 2
def chaindb_mainnet_100():
    """Return a chaindb with mainnet headers numbered from 0 to 100."""
    here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    headers_rlp = open(os.path.join(here, 'fixtures', 'sample_1000_headers_rlp'), 'r+b').read()
    headers = rlp.decode(headers_rlp, sedes=sedes.CountableList(BlockHeader))
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    for i in range(0, 101):
    return chaindb
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_fresh_mainnet_chaindb():
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    return chaindb
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_fresh_mainnet_chaindb():
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    return chaindb
Ejemplo n.º 5
async def test_lightchain_integration(request, event_loop):
    """Test LightChain against a local geth instance.

    This test assumes a geth/ropsten instance is listening on and serving light
    clients. In order to achieve that, simply run it with the following command line:

        $ geth -nodekeyhex 45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8 \
               -testnet -lightserv 90
    # TODO: Implement a pytest fixture that runs geth as above, so that we don't need to run it
    # manually.
    if not pytest.config.getoption("--integration"):
        pytest.skip("Not asked to run integration tests")

    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    peer_pool = LocalGethPeerPool(LESPeer, chaindb, ROPSTEN_NETWORK_ID,
    chain = IntegrationTestLightChain(chaindb, peer_pool)
    await asyncio.sleep(
        0)  # Yield control to give the LightChain a chance to start

    def finalizer():


    n = 11

    # Wait for the chain to sync a few headers.
    async def wait_for_header_sync(block_number):
        while chaindb.get_canonical_head().block_number < block_number:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    await asyncio.wait_for(wait_for_header_sync(n), 2)

    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/block/11
    b = await chain.get_canonical_block_by_number(n)
    assert isinstance(b, FrontierBlock)
    assert b.number == 11
    assert encode_hex(b.hash) == (
    assert len(b.transactions) == 15
    assert isinstance(b.transactions[0], b.transaction_class)

    receipts = await chain.get_receipts(b.hash)
    assert len(receipts) == 15
    assert encode_hex(keccak(rlp.encode(receipts[0]))) == (

    assert len(chain.peer_pool.peers) == 1
    head_info = chain.peer_pool.peers[0].head_info
    head = await chain.get_block_by_hash(head_info.block_hash)
    assert head.number == head_info.block_number

    # In order to answer queries for contract code, geth needs the state trie entry for the block
    # we specify in the query, but because of fast sync we can only assume it has that for recent
    # blocks, so we use the current head to lookup the code for the contract below.
    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287
    contract_addr = decode_hex('95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287')
    contract_code = await chain.get_contract_code(head.hash,
    assert encode_hex(keccak(contract_code)) == (

    account = await chain.get_account(head.hash, contract_addr)
    assert account.code_hash == keccak(contract_code)
    assert account.balance == 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
async def test_lightchain_integration(request, event_loop, caplog):
    """Test LightChainSyncer/LightPeerChain against a running geth instance.

    In order to run this you need to pass the following to pytest:

        pytest --integration --capture=no --enode=...

    If you don't have any geth testnet data ready, it is very quick to generate some with:

        geth --testnet --syncmode full

    You only need the first 11 blocks for this test to succeed. Then you can restart geth with:

        geth --testnet --lightserv 90 --nodiscover
    # TODO: Implement a pytest fixture that runs geth as above, so that we don't need to run it
    # manually.
    if not pytest.config.getoption("--integration"):
        pytest.skip("Not asked to run integration tests")

    # will almost certainly want verbose logging in a failure

    remote = Node.from_uri(pytest.config.getoption("--enode"))
    base_db = MemoryDB()
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(base_db)
    headerdb = FakeAsyncHeaderDB(base_db)
    peer_pool = PeerPool(
    chain = FakeAsyncRopstenChain(base_db)
    syncer = LightChainSyncer(chain, chaindb, peer_pool)
    syncer.min_peers_to_sync = 1
    peer_chain = LightPeerChain(headerdb, peer_pool)

    asyncio.ensure_future(connect_to_peers_loop(peer_pool, tuple([remote])))
    await asyncio.sleep(
        0)  # Yield control to give the LightChainSyncer a chance to start

    def finalizer():


    n = 11

    # Wait for the chain to sync a few headers.
    async def wait_for_header_sync(block_number):
        while headerdb.get_canonical_head().block_number < block_number:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    await asyncio.wait_for(wait_for_header_sync(n), 5)

    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/block/11
    header = headerdb.get_canonical_block_header_by_number(n)
    body = await peer_chain.get_block_body_by_hash(header.hash)
    assert len(body['transactions']) == 15

    receipts = await peer_chain.get_receipts(header.hash)
    assert len(receipts) == 15
    assert encode_hex(keccak(rlp.encode(receipts[0]))) == (

    assert len(peer_pool) == 1
    head_info = peer_pool.peers[0].head_info
    head = await peer_chain.get_block_header_by_hash(head_info.block_hash)
    assert head.block_number == head_info.block_number

    # In order to answer queries for contract code, geth needs the state trie entry for the block
    # we specify in the query, but because of fast sync we can only assume it has that for recent
    # blocks, so we use the current head to lookup the code for the contract below.
    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287
    contract_addr = decode_hex('0x8B09D9ac6A4F7778fCb22852e879C7F3B2bEeF81')
    contract_code = await peer_chain.get_contract_code(head.hash,
    assert encode_hex(contract_code) == '0x600060006000600060006000356000f1'

    account = await peer_chain.get_account(head.hash, contract_addr)
    assert account.code_hash == keccak(contract_code)
    assert account.balance == 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
async def test_lightchain_integration(request, event_loop):
    """Test LightChainSyncer/LightPeerChain against a running geth instance.

    In order to run this you need to pass the following to pytest:

        pytest --integration --enode=...
    # TODO: Implement a pytest fixture that runs geth as above, so that we don't need to run it
    # manually.
    if not pytest.config.getoption("--integration"):
        pytest.skip("Not asked to run integration tests")

    remote = Node.from_uri(pytest.config.getoption("--enode"))
    base_db = MemoryDB()
    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(base_db)
    headerdb = FakeAsyncHeaderDB(base_db)
    peer_pool = PeerPool(LESPeer,
                         FakeAsyncHeaderDB(base_db), ROPSTEN_NETWORK_ID,
                         ecies.generate_privkey(), ROPSTEN_VM_CONFIGURATION)
    chain = FakeAsyncRopstenChain(base_db)
    syncer = LightChainSyncer(chain, chaindb, peer_pool)
    syncer.min_peers_to_sync = 1
    peer_chain = LightPeerChain(headerdb, peer_pool)

    asyncio.ensure_future(connect_to_peers_loop(peer_pool, tuple([remote])))
    await asyncio.sleep(
        0)  # Yield control to give the LightChainSyncer a chance to start

    def finalizer():


    n = 11

    # Wait for the chain to sync a few headers.
    async def wait_for_header_sync(block_number):
        while headerdb.get_canonical_head().block_number < block_number:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    await asyncio.wait_for(wait_for_header_sync(n), 5)

    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/block/11
    header = headerdb.get_canonical_block_header_by_number(n)
    body = await peer_chain.get_block_body_by_hash(header.hash)
    assert len(body['transactions']) == 15

    receipts = await peer_chain.get_receipts(header.hash)
    assert len(receipts) == 15
    assert encode_hex(keccak(rlp.encode(receipts[0]))) == (

    assert len(peer_pool) == 1
    head_info = peer_pool.peers[0].head_info
    head = await peer_chain.get_block_header_by_hash(head_info.block_hash)
    assert head.block_number == head_info.block_number

    # In order to answer queries for contract code, geth needs the state trie entry for the block
    # we specify in the query, but because of fast sync we can only assume it has that for recent
    # blocks, so we use the current head to lookup the code for the contract below.
    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287
    contract_addr = decode_hex('95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287')
    contract_code = await peer_chain.get_contract_code(head.hash,
    assert encode_hex(keccak(contract_code)) == (

    account = await peer_chain.get_account(head.hash, contract_addr)
    assert account.code_hash == keccak(contract_code)
    assert account.balance == 0
async def test_lightchain_integration(request, event_loop):
    """Test LightChain against a local geth instance.

    This test assumes a geth/ropsten instance is listening on and serving light
    clients. In order to achieve that, simply run it with the following command line:

        $ geth -nodekeyhex 45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8 \
               -testnet -lightserv 90
    # TODO: Implement a pytest fixture that runs geth as above, so that we don't need to run it
    # manually.
    if not pytest.config.getoption("--integration"):
        pytest.skip("Not asked to run integration tests")

    chaindb = FakeAsyncChainDB(MemoryDB())
    peer_pool = LocalGethPeerPool(LESPeer, chaindb, ROPSTEN_NETWORK_ID, ecies.generate_privkey())
    chain = IntegrationTestLightChain(chaindb, peer_pool)
    await asyncio.sleep(0)  # Yield control to give the LightChain a chance to start

    def finalizer():


    n = 11

    # Wait for the chain to sync a few headers.
    async def wait_for_header_sync(block_number):
        while chaindb.get_canonical_head().block_number < block_number:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
    await asyncio.wait_for(wait_for_header_sync(n), 2)

    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/block/11
    b = await chain.get_canonical_block_by_number(n)
    assert isinstance(b, FrontierBlock)
    assert b.number == 11
    assert encode_hex(b.hash) == (
    assert len(b.transactions) == 15
    assert isinstance(b.transactions[0], b.transaction_class)

    receipts = await chain.get_receipts(b.hash)
    assert len(receipts) == 15
    assert encode_hex(keccak(rlp.encode(receipts[0]))) == (

    assert len(chain.peer_pool.peers) == 1
    head_info = chain.peer_pool.peers[0].head_info
    head = await chain.get_block_by_hash(head_info.block_hash)
    assert head.number == head_info.block_number

    # In order to answer queries for contract code, geth needs the state trie entry for the block
    # we specify in the query, but because of fast sync we can only assume it has that for recent
    # blocks, so we use the current head to lookup the code for the contract below.
    # https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287
    contract_addr = decode_hex('95a48dca999c89e4e284930d9b9af973a7481287')
    contract_code = await chain.get_contract_code(head.hash, keccak(contract_addr))
    assert encode_hex(keccak(contract_code)) == (

    account = await chain.get_account(head.hash, contract_addr)
    assert account.code_hash == keccak(contract_code)
    assert account.balance == 0