Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_words_tier(cur_item, word_id, word_type, aln_attribute = SEGMENTATION, tokenizer=sentence_tokenizer):
    Create a words tier from an ODIN line type item.

    :param cur_item: Either a phrase item or a line item to tokenize and create words form.
    :type cur_item: RGItem
    :param word_id: The ID for this tier.
    :type word_id: str
    :param word_type: Tier type for this tier.
    :type word_type: str

    :rtype: RGWordTier

    # For the edge case in which the gloss line is defined, but empty.
    if cur_item.value() is None or not cur_item.value().strip():
        words = []
        # Tokenize the words in this phrase...
        words = tokenize_item(cur_item, tokenizer=tokenizer)

    # Create a new word tier to hold the tokenized words...
    wt = Tier(id = word_id, type=word_type, attributes={aln_attribute:cur_item.tier.id}, igt=cur_item.igt)

    for w in words:
        # Create a new word that is a segmentation of this tier.
        rw = Item(id=gen_item_id(wt.id, len(wt)),
                  attributes={aln_attribute:create_aln_expr(cur_item.id, w.start, w.stop)}, tier=wt)

    return wt
Ejemplo n.º 2
def words_to_morph_tier(tier, type, id, aln_attribute):
    :param tier:
     :type tier: Tier

    :param type:
    :param id:
    :param aln_attribute:

    mt = Tier(id=id, attributes={aln_attribute:tier.id}, type=type)

    # Go through each word...
    for word in tier:

        morphs = tokenize_item(word, morpheme_tokenizer)

        for morph in morphs:
            # If there is only one morph in the tokenization, don't bother with the indexing, just
            # use the id.
            if len(morphs) == 1:
                aln_str = word.id
                aln_str = create_aln_expr(word.id, morph.start, morph.stop)

            rm = Item(id=gen_item_id(mt.id, len(mt)),
                      attributes={aln_attribute: aln_str})

    return mt
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _process_file(f):
    c = TwoLevelCountDict()
    d = TwoLevelCountDict()
    m = TwoLevelCountDict()

    print("Processing file {}".format(f))
    xc = xc_load(f)
    for inst in xc:
        LOG.info("Now on instance {}".format(inst.id))

        # Search for the gloss POS tier, if it exists.
        gpos = inst.find(alignment=GLOSS_WORD_ID, type=POS_TIER_TYPE)

        # If a gloss POS tier was found...
        if gpos:

            # Iterate through the projected tags.
            for gp in gpos:

                word = gp.igt.find(id=gp.attributes[ALIGNMENT])

                grams = tokenize_item(word, morpheme_tokenizer)

                # Add the (gram, POSTag) pair as something that was encountered.
                for gram in grams:
                    m.add(gram.content.lower(), gp.value())

                c.add(gp.value(), word.value().lower())
                d.add(word.value().lower(), gp.value())

    return (c, d, m)