def __init__(self, frames): self.model_I = Inet() #self.model_P = Pnet() model_dir = os.path.join(parent_folder10, 'models', 'I_e290.pth') if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) # 单服务器多GPU #self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() # 将模型复制到gpu,默认是cuda('0'),即跳转到第一个gpu #self.model_P.cuda() # load_state_dict加载static_dict-字典对象,将每一层与它的对应参数建立映射关系,只有参数可以训练的layer才会被保存 self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_dir)) #self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP(model_dir)) #self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.eval() # turn-off BN #self.model_P.eval() # turn-off BN self.frames = frames.copy() self.num_frames, self.height, self.width = self.frames.shape[:3] print('num_frames:{} height:{} width:{}'.format( self.num_frames, self.height, self.width)) self.init_variables(self.frames)
def __init__(self, load_pretrain=True): self.model_I = Inet() self.model_P = Pnet() if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() self.model_P.cuda() if load_pretrain: self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') if load_pretrain: self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('I_e290.pth')) self.eval()
def __init__(self, frames): self.model_I = Inet() self.model_P = Pnet() if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() self.model_P.cuda() self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.eval() # turn-off BN self.model_P.eval() # turn-off BN self.frames = frames.copy() self.num_frames, self.height, self.width = self.frames.shape[:3] self.init_variables(self.frames)
class model(): def __init__(self, frames): self.model_I = Inet() self.model_P = Pnet() if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() self.model_P.cuda() self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.eval() # turn-off BN self.model_P.eval() # turn-off BN self.frames = frames.copy() self.num_frames, self.height, self.width = self.frames.shape[:3] self.init_variables(self.frames) def init_variables(self, frames): self.all_F = torch.unsqueeze( torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(frames, (3, 0, 1, 2))).float() / 255., dim=0) # 1,3,t,h,w self.all_E = torch.zeros(1, self.num_frames, self.height, self.width) # 1,t,h,w self.prev_E = torch.zeros(1, self.num_frames, self.height, self.width) # 1,t,h,w self.dummy_M = torch.zeros(1, self.height, self.width).long() # to cuda self.all_F, self.all_E, self.prev_E, self.dummy_M = ToCudaVariable( [self.all_F, self.all_E, self.prev_E, self.dummy_M], volatile=True) self.ref = None self.a_ref = None self.next_a_ref = None self.prev_targets = [] def Prop_forward(self, target, end): for n in range(target + 1, end + 1): #[1,2,...,N-1] print('[MODEL: propagation network] >>>>>>>>> {} to {}'.format( n - 1, n)) self.all_E[:, n], _, self.next_a_ref = self.model_P( self.ref, self.a_ref, self.all_F[:, :, n], self.prev_E[:, n], torch.round(self.all_E[:, n - 1]), self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) def Prop_backward(self, target, end): for n in reversed(range(end, target)): #[N-2,N-3,...,0] print('[MODEL: propagation network] {} to {} <<<<<<<<<'.format( n + 1, n)) self.all_E[:, n], _, self.next_a_ref = self.model_P( self.ref, self.a_ref, self.all_F[:, :, n], self.prev_E[:, n], torch.round(self.all_E[:, n + 1]), self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) def Run_propagation(self, target, mode='linear', at_least=-1, std=None): # when new round begins self.a_ref = self.next_a_ref self.prev_E = self.all_E if mode == 'naive': left_end, right_end, weight = 0, self.num_frames - 1, num_frames * [ 1.0 ] elif mode == 'linear': left_end, right_end, weight = Get_weight(target, self.prev_targets, self.num_frames, at_least=at_least) else: raise NotImplementedError with torch.no_grad(): self.Prop_forward(target, right_end) self.Prop_backward(target, left_end) for f in range(self.num_frames): self.all_E[:, f, :, :] = weight[f] * self.all_E[:, f, :, :] + ( 1 - weight[f]) * self.prev_E[:, f, :, :] self.prev_targets.append(target) print('[MODEL] Propagation finished.') def Run_interaction(self, scribbles): # convert davis scribbles to torch target = scribbles['annotated_frame'] scribble_mask = scribbles2mask(scribbles, (self.height, self.width))[target] scribble_mask = Dilate_mask(scribble_mask, 1) self.tar_P, self.tar_N = ToCudaPN(scribble_mask) self.all_E[:, target], _, self.ref = self.model_I( self.all_F[:, :, target], self.all_E[:, target], self.tar_P, self.tar_N, self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # [batch, 256,512,2] print('[MODEL: interaction network] User Interaction on {}'.format( target)) def Get_mask(self): return torch.round(self.all_E[0]).data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) def Get_mask_range(self, start, end): pred_masks = torch.round( self.all_E[0, start:end]).data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) # t,h,w return torch.round(self.all_E[0, start:end]).data.cpu().numpy().astype( np.uint8) def Get_mask_index(self, index): return torch.round(self.all_E[0, index]).data.cpu().numpy().astype( np.uint8)
class model(): def __init__(self, load_pretrain=True): self.model_I = Inet() self.model_P = Pnet() if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() self.model_P.cuda() if load_pretrain: self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load('I_e290.pth')) self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') if load_pretrain: self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('I_e290.pth')) self.eval() def train(self): self.model_I.train() self.model_P.train() for m in self.model_I.modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): m.track_running_stats = True m.eval() for m in self.model_P.modules(): if isinstance(m, torch.nn.BatchNorm2d): m.track_running_stats = True m.eval() def eval(self): self.model_I.eval() self.model_P.eval() def init_variables(self, frames, masks, device='cuda'): num_frames, height, width = frames.shape[:3] if type(frames) is np.ndarray: frames = torch.Tensor(frames) if type(masks) is np.ndarray: masks = torch.Tensor(masks) num_objs = len(torch.unique(masks)) - 1 all_F = torch.unsqueeze(frames.permute((3, 0, 1, 2)).float() / 255., dim=0).to(device) # 1,3,t,h,w all_M = torch.unsqueeze(masks.float(), dim=0).long().to(device) # 1,t,h,w prev_targets = [] variables = {} variables['all_F'] = all_F variables['all_M'] = all_M variables['mask_objs'] = -1 * torch.ones(num_objs, num_frames, height, width).to(device) # o,t,h,w variables['prev_targets'] = prev_targets variables['probs'] = None variables['info'] = {} variables['info']['num_frames'] = num_frames variables['info']['num_objs'] = num_objs variables['info']['height'] = height variables['info']['width'] = width variables['info']['device'] = device variables['ref'] = [None for _ in range(num_objs)] return variables def Run(self, variables): all_F = variables['all_F'] num_objects = variables['info']['num_objs'] num_frames = variables['info']['num_frames'] height = variables['info']['height'] width = variables['info']['width'] prev_targets = variables['prev_targets'] scribbles = variables['scribbles'] target = scribbles['annotated_frame'] loss = 0 masks = torch.zeros(num_objects, num_frames, height, width) for n_obj in range(1, num_objects + 1): # variables for current obj all_E_n = variables['mask_objs'][n_obj-1:n_obj].data if variables['mask_objs'][n_obj-1:n_obj] is not None \ else variables['mask_objs'][n_obj-1:n_obj] a_ref = variables['ref'][n_obj - 1] prev_E_n = all_E_n.clone() all_M_n = (variables['all_M'] == n_obj).long() # divide scribbles for current object n_scribble = copy.deepcopy(scribbles) n_scribble['scribbles'][target] = [] for p in scribbles['scribbles'][target]: if p['object_id'] == n_obj: n_scribble['scribbles'][target].append(copy.deepcopy(p)) n_scribble['scribbles'][target][-1]['object_id'] = 1 else: if p['object_id'] == 0: n_scribble['scribbles'][target].append( copy.deepcopy(p)) scribble_mask = scribbles2mask(n_scribble, (height, width))[target] scribble_mask_N = (prev_E_n[0, target].cpu() > 0.5) & (torch.tensor(scribble_mask) == 0) scribble_mask[scribble_mask == 0] = -1 scribble_mask[scribble_mask_N] = 0 scribble_mask = Dilate_mask(scribble_mask, 1) # interaction tar_P, tar_N = ToCudaPN(scribble_mask) all_E_n[:, target], batch_CE, ref = self.model_I( all_F[:, :, target], all_E_n[:, target], tar_P, tar_N, all_M_n[:, target], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) # [batch, 256,512,2] loss += batch_CE # propagation left_end, right_end, weight = Get_weight(target, prev_targets, num_frames, at_least=-1) # Prop_forward next_a_ref = None for n in range(target + 1, right_end + 1): #[1,2,...,N-1] all_E_n[:, n], batch_CE, next_a_ref = self.model_P( ref, a_ref, all_F[:, :, n], prev_E_n[:, n], all_E_n[:, n - 1], all_M_n[:, n], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], next_a_ref) loss += batch_CE # Prop_backward for n in reversed(range(left_end, target)): all_E_n[:, n], batch_CE, next_a_ref = self.model_P( ref, a_ref, all_F[:, :, n], prev_E_n[:, n], all_E_n[:, n + 1], all_M_n[:, n], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], next_a_ref) loss += batch_CE for f in range(num_frames): all_E_n[:, f, :, :] = weight[f] * all_E_n[:, f, :, :] + ( 1 - weight[f]) * prev_E_n[:, f, :, :] masks[n_obj - 1] = all_E_n[0] variables['ref'][n_obj - 1] = next_a_ref loss /= num_objects em = torch.zeros(1, num_objects + 1, num_frames, height, width).to(masks.device) em[0, 0, :, :, :] = - masks, dim=0) # bg prob em[0, 1:num_objects + 1, :, :] = masks # obj prob em = torch.clamp(em, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7) all_E = torch.log((em / (1 - em))) all_E = F.softmax(all_E, dim=1) final_masks = all_E[0].max(0)[1].float() variables['prev_targets'].append(target) variables['masks'] = final_masks variables['mask_objs'] = masks variables['probs'] = all_E variables['loss'] = loss
class model(): def __init__(self, frames): self.model_I = Inet() #self.model_P = Pnet() model_dir = os.path.join(parent_folder10, 'models', 'I_e290.pth') if torch.cuda.is_available(): print('Using GPU') self.model_I = nn.DataParallel(self.model_I) # 单服务器多GPU #self.model_P = nn.DataParallel(self.model_P) self.model_I.cuda() # 将模型复制到gpu,默认是cuda('0'),即跳转到第一个gpu #self.model_P.cuda() # load_state_dict加载static_dict-字典对象,将每一层与它的对应参数建立映射关系,只有参数可以训练的layer才会被保存 self.model_I.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_dir)) #self.model_P.load_state_dict(torch.load('P_e290.pth')) else: print('Using CPU') self.model_I.load_state_dict(load_UnDP(model_dir)) #self.model_P.load_state_dict(load_UnDP('P_e290.pth')) self.model_I.eval() # turn-off BN #self.model_P.eval() # turn-off BN self.frames = frames.copy() self.num_frames, self.height, self.width = self.frames.shape[:3] print('num_frames:{} height:{} width:{}'.format( self.num_frames, self.height, self.width)) self.init_variables(self.frames) def init_variables(self, frames): self.all_F = torch.unsqueeze( torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(frames, (3, 0, 1, 2))).float() / 255., dim=0) # 1,3,t,h,w self.all_E = torch.zeros(1, self.num_frames, self.height, self.width) # 1,t,h,w self.prev_E = torch.zeros(1, self.num_frames, self.height, self.width) # 1,t,h,w self.dummy_M = torch.zeros(1, self.height, self.width).long() # to cuda self.all_F, self.all_E, self.prev_E, self.dummy_M = ToCudaVariable( [self.all_F, self.all_E, self.prev_E, self.dummy_M], volatile=True) self.ref = None self.a_ref = None self.next_a_ref = None self.prev_targets = [] # def Prop_forward(self, target, end): # for n in range(target + 1, end + 1): # [1,2,...,N-1] # print('[MODEL: propagation network] >>>>>>>>> {} to {}'.format(n - 1, n)) # self.all_E[:, n], _, self.next_a_ref = self.model_P(self.ref, self.a_ref, self.all_F[:, :, n], # self.prev_E[:, n], torch.round(self.all_E[:, n - 1]), # self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # # def Prop_backward(self, target, end): # for n in reversed(range(end, target)): # [N-2,N-3,...,0] # print('[MODEL: propagation network] {} to {} <<<<<<<<<'.format(n + 1, n)) # self.all_E[:, n], _, self.next_a_ref = self.model_P(self.ref, self.a_ref, self.all_F[:, :, n], # self.prev_E[:, n], torch.round(self.all_E[:, n + 1]), # self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # # def Run_propagation(self, target, mode='linear', at_least=-1, std=None): # # when new round begins # self.a_ref = self.next_a_ref # self.prev_E = self.all_E # # if mode == 'naive': # left_end, right_end, weight = 0, self.num_frames - 1, num_frames * [1.0] # elif mode == 'linear': # left_end, right_end, weight = Get_weight(target, self.prev_targets, self.num_frames, at_least=at_least) # else: # raise NotImplementedError # # self.Prop_forward(target, right_end) # self.Prop_backward(target, left_end) # # for f in range(self.num_frames): # self.all_E[:, :, f] = weight[f] * self.all_E[:, :, f] + (1 - weight[f]) * self.prev_E[:, :, f] # # self.prev_targets.append(target) # print('[MODEL] Propagation finished.') def Run_interaction(self, scribbles): # convert davis scribbles to torch target = scribbles['annotated_frame'] print('height:{} width:{} target:{}'.format(self.height, self.width, target)) scribble_mask = scribbles2mask( scribbles, (self.height, self.width))[target] # 图片本来的宽高 scribble_mask = Dilate_mask(scribble_mask, 1) self.tar_P, self.tar_N = ToCudaPN(scribble_mask) with torch.no_grad(): self.all_E[:, target], _, self.ref = self.model_I( self.all_F[:, :, target], self.all_E[:, target], self.tar_P, self.tar_N, self.dummy_M, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # [batch, 256,512,2] print('[MODEL: interaction network] User Interaction on {}'.format( target)) def Get_mask(self): return torch.round(self.all_E[0]).data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) def Get_mask_range(self, start, end): pred_masks = torch.round( self.all_E[0, start:end]).data.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8) # t,h,w return torch.round(self.all_E[0, start:end]).data.cpu().numpy().astype( np.uint8) def Get_mask_index(self, index): return torch.round(self.all_E[0, index]).data.cpu().numpy().astype( np.uint8) def get_result_pics(self, frames, scribbles): tmp_dir = scribbles['tmp_dir'] if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) cursor = scribbles['annotated_frame'] print('cursor:{}'.format(cursor)) current_mask = self.Get_mask_index(cursor) viz = overlay_fade(frames[cursor], current_mask) # 命名-四种图片[二值图,混合标注图,加了点的原图,加了点的混合标注图] pic_mask = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(cursor) + '_mask.png') pic_viz = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(cursor) + '_viz.png') pic_ol = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(cursor) + '_ol.png') pic_mix = os.path.join(tmp_dir, str(cursor) + '_mix.png') pic_paths = [pic_mask] pic_paths.append(pic_viz) pic_paths.append(pic_ol) pic_paths.append(pic_mix) print('current_mask shape:{}'.format(current_mask.shape)) #保存mask二值图像 mask = deepcopy(current_mask) mask[current_mask != 0] = 255 cv2.imwrite(pic_mask, mask) cv2.imwrite(pic_viz, viz[..., ::-1]) # 绘制轨迹 viz_mix = deepcopy(viz) ori_image = deepcopy(frames[cursor]) # ori_image = deepcopy(frames[cursor])[..., ::-1] for i in range(len(scribbles['scribbles'][cursor])): stroke = scribbles['scribbles'][cursor][i] # 得到每个stroke pos_xy = stroke['line_path'] # 得到每个stroke的path print('pos_xy:{}'.format(pos_xy)) if stroke['object_id'] == 1: line_color = (255, 0, 0) elif stroke['object_id'] == 0: line_color = (0, 255, 0) point_start = pos_xy[0] for pos_tmp in pos_xy: point_end = pos_tmp cv2.line(ori_image, (point_start[0], point_start[1]), (point_end[0], point_end[1]), line_color, 7) cv2.line(viz_mix, (point_start[0], point_start[1]), (point_end[0], point_end[1]), line_color, 7) point_start = point_end cv2.imwrite(pic_ol, ori_image[..., ::-1]) cv2.imwrite(pic_mix, viz_mix[..., ::-1]) return pic_paths