Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, indatfile , 
		name  = None , 
		TKFile = None ) :

		if name == None:
			self.name = ""
			self.name = name 
		haccdict = ioutils.builddict(indatfile , dictdelim = " " )

		#set cosmo:
		from interfaces import FCPL 
		H0 , Omega_m , Omega_nu , Omega_b, w0, wa, sigma8  , ns =  _hacccosmo(indatfile) 
		h = H0/ 100.
		sigma_mnu = Omega_nu*94.0 *h *h 
		#print sigma_mnu 
		print "From indat " , Omega_nu
		self.cosmo = FCPL ( H0 = H0 , Om0 = Omega_m , Ob0 = Omega_b , 
			sigmamnu = sigma_mnu , w0 = w0, wa = wa, 
			sigma8 = sigma8  , ns = ns)

		print "From cosmo " , self.cosmo.On0 

		#set sim properties
		haccsimdict = simdict (haccdict )

			#set massresolution
		Omegacb0 = self.cosmo.Ob0 + self.cosmo.Oc0
		self._boxsize = haccsimdict ['RL']
		self._numparticlescuberoot = haccsimdict['NP']
		self._particlemass = particlemass(Omega = Omegacb0 , 
			lengthcuberoot = self._boxsize,
			numparticlescuberoot = self._numparticlescuberoot ,
			h = self.cosmo.h ) 

			#set time stepping info
		self._zin = haccsimdict["Z_IN"]
		self._zf  = haccsimdict["Z_FIN"]
		self._numtimesteps = haccsimdict["N_STEPS"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
class haccsim (object ) :

	BUG FIX: sigmamnu calculation from Omega_nu corrected for factor 
		of h^2 :
		R. Biswas, Wed Apr 23 00:50:38 CDT 2014


	def __init__(self, indatfile , 
		name  = None , 
		TKFile = None ) :

		if name == None:
			self.name = ""
			self.name = name 
		haccdict = ioutils.builddict(indatfile , dictdelim = " " )

		#set cosmo:
		from interfaces import FCPL 
		H0 , Omega_m , Omega_nu , Omega_b, w0, wa, sigma8  , ns =  _hacccosmo(indatfile) 
		h = H0/ 100.
		sigma_mnu = Omega_nu*94.0 *h *h 
		#print sigma_mnu 
		print "From indat " , Omega_nu
		self.cosmo = FCPL ( H0 = H0 , Om0 = Omega_m , Ob0 = Omega_b , 
			sigmamnu = sigma_mnu , w0 = w0, wa = wa, 
			sigma8 = sigma8  , ns = ns)

		print "From cosmo " , self.cosmo.On0 

		#set sim properties
		haccsimdict = simdict (haccdict )

			#set massresolution
		Omegacb0 = self.cosmo.Ob0 + self.cosmo.Oc0
		self._boxsize = haccsimdict ['RL']
		self._numparticlescuberoot = haccsimdict['NP']
		self._particlemass = particlemass(Omega = Omegacb0 , 
			lengthcuberoot = self._boxsize,
			numparticlescuberoot = self._numparticlescuberoot ,
			h = self.cosmo.h ) 

			#set time stepping info
		self._zin = haccsimdict["Z_IN"]
		self._zf  = haccsimdict["Z_FIN"]
		self._numtimesteps = haccsimdict["N_STEPS"]

	def numparticles (self) :
		npcuberoot = self._numparticlescuberoot 
		return npcuberoot * npcuberoot * npcuberoot 
	def particlemass (self) :
		return self._particlemass 

	def boxsize (self) :
		return self._boxsize 

	def simvolume (self) :
		l =  self._boxsize
		return l*l*l

	def initialredshift (self ) :
		return self._zin 

	def numtimesteps (self ) :
		return self._numtimesteps 

	def finalredshift (self ) :
		return self._zf 


	def steptoredshift(self , step ) :

		zin =  self.initialredshift  
		#print zin
		zf  =  self.finalredshift 
		#print zf
		numsteps = self.numtimesteps 

		return  haccredshiftsforstep(step ,
			zin = zin , 
			zfinal  = zf ,
			numsteps = numsteps)
	def summary (self , logfilename = None) :

		s  = "SUMMARY OF simulation, name = "+ self.name  
		s += "\n\n========================================\n\n"
		s += "Cosmology\n====================\n" 
		s += self.cosmo.summary()
		#s += "massive neutrino energy density " + str(self.cosmo.On0) + "\n"
		s += "Simulation Properties\n=====================\n\n"

		s += "Simulation Volume ("+ "{:.2e}".format(self._boxsize) +r'$)^3 h^{-3} Mpc^3$'+" \n"  
		s += "Particle Mass = "+ "{:.2e}".format(self.particlemass)+"r'$h^{-1} M_\odot'$\n" 
		if logfilename != None:

			f = open(logfilename, "w") 

		return s