Ejemplo n.º 1
    class FakeRpcInterface:
        def __init__(self, cages_list):
            self._cages_list = cages_list
            self._queue = InterlockedQueue()
            self._pass = 0
            self._stopped = Event()

        def get_cages(self):
                self._cages = self._cages_list[self._pass]
            except IndexError:
                self._cages = {}
            self._pass += 1
            return list(self._cages.keys())

        def get_nodes(self, cage):
            return self._cages[cage]

        def process_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result):
            self._queue.push((node, cage, up_down, probe_result))

        def extract_events(self):
            result = {}
            event = self._queue.pop(1.0)
            while event is not None:
                node, cage, up_down, probe_result = event
                events = result.setdefault("{0:s}.{1:s}".format(node, cage), [])
                if up_down == "up":
                event = self._queue.pop(1.0)
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
    class FakeRpcInterface:

        def __init__(self, cages_list):
            self._cages_list = cages_list
            self._queue = InterlockedQueue()
            self._pass = 0
            self._stopped = Event()

        def get_cages(self):
                self._cages = self._cages_list[self._pass]
            except IndexError:
                self._cages = {}
            self._pass += 1
            return list(self._cages.keys())

        def get_nodes(self, cage):
            return self._cages[cage]

        def process_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result):
            self._queue.push((node, cage, up_down, probe_result))

        def extract_events(self):
            result = {}
            event = self._queue.pop(1.0)
            while event is not None:
                node, cage, up_down, probe_result = event
                events = result.setdefault("{0:s}.{1:s}".format(node, cage), [])
                if up_down == "up":
                event = self._queue.pop(1.0)
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1
    assert r.expired

    r = Request(timeout = 0.1, interface = "test", protocol = "test")
    before = time()
    assert not r.acquire_shared(sl) # shared acquiring times out
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1
    assert r.expired


    ilq = InterlockedQueue()


    r = Request(timeout = 0.1, interface = "test", protocol = "test")
    before = time()
    assert r.pop(ilq) == 1 # popping succeeds
    after = time()
    assert after - before < 0.01
    assert not r.expired

    r = Request(timeout = 0.1, interface = "test", protocol = "test")
    before = time()
    assert r.pop(ilq) is None # popping times out
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1
    assert r.expired
Ejemplo n.º 4
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1


    ilq = InterlockedQueue()

    t = Timeout(0.11)

    before = time()
    assert t.pop(ilq) is None
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1
    assert t.expired


    before = time()
    assert t.pop(ilq) == 1
    after = time()
    assert after - before < 0.01
    assert not t.expired



Ejemplo n.º 5
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1


    ilq = InterlockedQueue()

    t = Timeout(0.1)

    before = time()
    assert t.pop(ilq) is None
    after = time()
    assert after - before >= 0.1
    assert t.expired


    before = time()
    assert t.pop(ilq) == 1
    after = time()
    assert after - before < 0.01
    assert not t.expired



Ejemplo n.º 6
class HealthMonitor:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self._rpc_interface = pmnc.interfaces.get_interface("rpc")
        if self._rpc_interface is None:
            raise Exception("health monitor requires enabled rpc interface")

        self._probe_thread_pool = pmnc.shared_pools.get_private_thread_pool()
        self._up_cages = {}  # { cage: { node: { location: ..., probe_result: ... } } }
        self._up_down_queue = InterlockedQueue()

        self._request_timeout = pmnc.config_interfaces.get("request_timeout")  # this is now static

        if pmnc.request.self_test == __name__:  # self-test
            self._process_event = kwargs["process_event"]
            self._probe_cage = kwargs["probe_cage"]


    def start(self):
        self._probe_thread = HeavyThread(
            target=self._probe_thread_proc, name="health_monitor:probe"
        )  # always called "health_monitor"

    def stop(self):


    # this method is executed in a private thread and is scheduling probe calls
    # to cages known to the RPC interface or previously probed and found to be up

    def _probe_thread_proc(self):

        per_cage_interval = 0.0

        # calls to _poll_up_down_queue are interleaved and allow this thread
        # to maintain structures such as _up_cages in response to events
        # posted by the probe threads to the _up_down_queue

        while self._poll_up_down_queue(per_cage_interval):

                # extract all cages currently known to the rpc interface and
                # merge them with cages previously probed and found to be up,
                # except for the health_monitor cage itself should be skipped

                probe_cages = {
                    known_cage: {
                        known_node: dict(location=known_location, probe_result=None)
                        for known_node, known_location in self._rpc_interface.get_nodes(known_cage).items()
                    for known_cage in self._rpc_interface.get_cages()
                    if known_cage != "health_monitor"

                self._merge_cages(probe_cages, self._up_cages)

                probe_period = pmnc.config.get("probe_period")
                per_cage_interval = probe_period / (len(probe_cages) + 1)

                # walk through all cages to be probed and schedule calls to probe
                # to a private thread pool using fake unregistered requests

                for cage, nodes in probe_cages.items():

                    for node, cage_info in nodes.items():

                        cage_location = cage_info["location"]

                        # note that the requests created here are not registered with
                        # interfaces and enqueued to a different pool too, they are
                        # therefore entitled to termination without warning at shutdown,
                        # this is ok, because they do no useful work for the clients

                        request = Request(
                            description="probing cage {0:s} at {1:s}".format(cage, cage_location),

                            request, self.wu_probe_cage, (node, cage, cage_location, cage_info["probe_result"]), {}

                    # then again yield to polling the queue for a while

                    if not self._poll_up_down_queue(per_cage_interval):

                pmnc.log.error(exc_string())  # log and ignore


    # this method merges cages known to the RPC interface with cages
    # previously probed and known to be up, such merging is necessary
    # because if a cage dies just before its next advertisement broadcast,
    # it would disappear from known, but will not be probed again and
    # hence thought to be up forever

    def _merge_cages(known_cages: dict, up_cages: dict):

        probe_cages = known_cages  # merging in place

        for up_cage, up_nodes in up_cages.items():
            for up_node, up_cage_info in up_nodes.items():
                probe_nodes = probe_cages.setdefault(up_cage, {})
                if up_node in probe_nodes:
                    cage_info = probe_nodes[up_node]
                    if cage_info["location"] == up_cage_info["location"]:
                        cage_info.update(probe_result="restarted")  # note this case
                    probe_nodes[up_node] = up_cage_info


    # a call to this method is enqueued to a private thread pool
    # for each cage to probe on every pass of _probe_thread

    def wu_probe_cage(self, node, cage, location, prev_probe_result):

        if pmnc.request.expired:  # no need to report anything for a probing request

        pmnc.log.debug("sending probe")
            probe_result = self._probe_cage(node, cage, location)
            pmnc.log.warning("probe failed: {0:s}".format(exc_string()))
            self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "down"))
            pmnc.log.debug("probe returned successfully")
            if prev_probe_result == "restarted":  # if the cage has restarted
                self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "down"))  # we push "down" event first
            self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "up", location, probe_result))


    # this method is invoked by one of the private pool threads
    # to send the actual probe call to the cage being probed

    def _probe_cage(self, node, cage, location) -> dict:

        # health monitor has to create rpc resources manually, not using
        # pmnc(cage) syntax, because we need to access exact cage at exact
        # node and location (i.e. host and port) and to avoid discovery

        connect_timeout = pmnc.config_resource_rpc.get("discovery_timeout")

        rpc = pmnc.protocol_rpc.Resource(
            "{0:s}.{1:s}".format(node, cage),
            broadcast_address=("n/a", 0),
            exact_locations={cage: location},  # this prevents discovery

                "", source_module_name=__name__, transaction_options={}, resource_args=(), resource_kwargs={}
                probe_result = rpc.health_monitor_event.probe()  # there, an RPC call

        return probe_result  # if the cage returns anything but a dict, it is considered a failure


    # this method is called by the _probe_thread during its idle times
    # to fetch up/down events posted to the _up_down_queue by the probe
    # threads and in response to maintain structures such as _up_cages

    def _poll_up_down_queue(self, timeout: float) -> bool:  # returns "should keep running"

        poll_timeout = Timeout(timeout)
        while not poll_timeout.expired:

            pop_timeout = Timeout(min(poll_timeout.remain, 1.0))
            while not pop_timeout.expired:

                event = pop_timeout.pop(self._up_down_queue)
                if event is not None:

                        node, cage, up_down, *args = event
                        if up_down == "up":

                            location, probe_result = args

                            # add the cage to cages known to be up and schedule
                            # application notification call if it was down or
                            # returned a different probe result

                            cage_info = self._up_cages.setdefault(cage, {}).setdefault(node, {})
                            if not cage_info or cage_info["probe_result"] != probe_result:
                                self._schedule_up_down_event(node, cage, "up", probe_result)
                            cage_info.update(location=location, probe_result=probe_result)

                        elif up_down == "down":

                            # remove the cage from cages known to be up and schedule
                            # application notification call it was up

                            if self._up_cages.setdefault(cage, {}).pop(node, None):
                                self._schedule_up_down_event(node, cage, "down")

                        pmnc.log.error(exc_string())  # log and ignore

            if current_thread().stopped():
                return False

        return True


    # this method is called by the _probe_thread in response to change
    # of some cage's state detected in _poll_up_down_queue

    def _schedule_up_down_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result=None):

        # application notification invokes methods from health_monitor_event module
        # and must be executed just like a regular request from some interface

        request = pmnc.interfaces.begin_request(
            description="cage {0:s}.{1:s} is {2:s}".format(node, cage, up_down),

        # note that this request is not waited upon

        pmnc.interfaces.enqueue(request, self.wu_process_event, (node, cage, up_down, probe_result))


    # this method is invoked by one of the interfaces pool threads to register
    # the event of some cage going up or down by calling an appropriate method
    # from the health_monitor_event module

    def wu_process_event(self, node: str, cage: str, up_down: one_of("up", "down"), probe_result: optional(dict)):

            # see for how long the request was on the execution queue up to this moment
            # and whether it has expired in the meantime, if it did there is no reason
            # to proceed and we simply bail out

            if pmnc.request.expired:
                pmnc.log.error("request has expired and will not be processed")
                success = False
                return  # goes through finally section below

            with pmnc.performance.request_processing():
                self._process_event(node, cage, up_down, probe_result)

            pmnc.log.error(exc_string())  # log and ignore
            success = False
            success = True
        finally:  # the request ends itself
            pmnc.interfaces.end_request(success)  # possibly way after deadline


    def _process_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result):

        if up_down == "up":
            pmnc.health_monitor_event.cage_up(node, cage, probe_result)
        elif up_down == "down":
            pmnc.health_monitor_event.cage_down(node, cage)
Ejemplo n.º 7
class HealthMonitor:

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        self._rpc_interface = pmnc.interfaces.get_interface("rpc")
        if self._rpc_interface is None:
            raise Exception("health monitor requires enabled rpc interface")

        self._probe_thread_pool = pmnc.shared_pools.get_private_thread_pool()
        self._up_cages = {} # { cage: { node: { location: ..., probe_result: ... } } }
        self._up_down_queue = InterlockedQueue()

        self._request_timeout = pmnc.config_interfaces.get("request_timeout") # this is now static

        if pmnc.request.self_test == __name__: # self-test
            self._process_event = kwargs["process_event"]
            self._probe_cage = kwargs["probe_cage"]


    def start(self):
        self._probe_thread = HeavyThread(target = self._probe_thread_proc,
                                         name = "health_monitor:probe") # always called "health_monitor"

    def stop(self):


    # this method is executed in a private thread and is scheduling probe calls
    # to cages known to the RPC interface or previously probed and found to be up

    def _probe_thread_proc(self):

        per_cage_interval = 0.0

        # calls to _poll_up_down_queue are interleaved and allow this thread
        # to maintain structures such as _up_cages in response to events
        # posted by the probe threads to the _up_down_queue

        while self._poll_up_down_queue(per_cage_interval):

                # extract all cages currently known to the rpc interface and
                # merge them with cages previously probed and found to be up,
                # except for the health_monitor cage itself should be skipped

                probe_cages = \
                    { known_cage: { known_node: dict(location = known_location, probe_result = None)
                                    for known_node, known_location in self._rpc_interface.get_nodes(known_cage).items() }
                      for known_cage in self._rpc_interface.get_cages() if known_cage != "health_monitor" }

                self._merge_cages(probe_cages, self._up_cages)

                probe_period = pmnc.config.get("probe_period")
                per_cage_interval = probe_period / (len(probe_cages) + 1)

                # walk through all cages to be probed and schedule calls to probe
                # to a private thread pool using fake unregistered requests

                for cage, nodes in probe_cages.items():

                    for node, cage_info in nodes.items():

                        cage_location = cage_info["location"]

                        # note that the requests created here are not registered with
                        # interfaces and enqueued to a different pool too, they are
                        # therefore entitled to termination without warning at shutdown,
                        # this is ok, because they do no useful work for the clients

                        request = Request(timeout = self._request_timeout,
                                          interface = "__health_monitor__", protocol = "n/a",
                                          parameters = dict(auth_tokens = dict()),
                                          description = "probing cage {0:s} at {1:s}".format(cage, cage_location))

                        self._probe_thread_pool.enqueue(request, self.wu_probe_cage,
                                (node, cage, cage_location, cage_info["probe_result"]), {})

                    # then again yield to polling the queue for a while

                    if not self._poll_up_down_queue(per_cage_interval):

                pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore


    # this method merges cages known to the RPC interface with cages
    # previously probed and known to be up, such merging is necessary
    # because if a cage dies just before its next advertisement broadcast,
    # it would disappear from known, but will not be probed again and
    # hence thought to be up forever

    def _merge_cages(known_cages: dict, up_cages: dict):

        probe_cages = known_cages # merging in place

        for up_cage, up_nodes in up_cages.items():
            for up_node, up_cage_info in up_nodes.items():
                probe_nodes = probe_cages.setdefault(up_cage, {})
                if up_node in probe_nodes:
                    cage_info = probe_nodes[up_node]
                    if cage_info["location"] == up_cage_info["location"]:
                        cage_info.update(probe_result = up_cage_info["probe_result"])
                        cage_info.update(probe_result = "restarted") # note this case
                    probe_nodes[up_node] = up_cage_info


    # a call to this method is enqueued to a private thread pool
    # for each cage to probe on every pass of _probe_thread

    def wu_probe_cage(self, node, cage, location, prev_probe_result):

        if pmnc.request.expired: # no need to report anything for a probing request

        if pmnc.log.debug:
            pmnc.log.debug("sending probe")
            probe_result = self._probe_cage(node, cage, location)
            pmnc.log.warning("probe failed: {0:s}".format(exc_string()))
            self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "down"))
            if pmnc.log.debug:
                pmnc.log.debug("probe returned successfully")
            if prev_probe_result == "restarted":               # if the cage has restarted
                self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "down")) # we push "down" event first
            self._up_down_queue.push((node, cage, "up", location, probe_result))


    # this method is invoked by one of the private pool threads
    # to send the actual probe call to the cage being probed

    def _probe_cage(self, node, cage, location) -> dict:

        # health monitor has to create rpc resources manually, not using
        # pmnc(cage) syntax, because we need to access exact cage at exact
        # node and location (i.e. host and port) and to avoid discovery

        connect_timeout = pmnc.config_resource_rpc.get("discovery_timeout")

        rpc = pmnc.protocol_rpc.Resource("{0:s}.{1:s}".format(node, cage),
                                         broadcast_address = ("n/a", 0),
                                         discovery_timeout = connect_timeout,
                                         multiple_timeout_allowance = 0.0,
                                         flock_id = "unused",
                                         exact_locations = { cage: location }, # this prevents discovery
                                         pool__resource_name = cage)

            rpc.begin_transaction("", source_module_name = __name__, transaction_options = {},
                                  resource_args = (), resource_kwargs = {})
                probe_result = rpc.health_monitor_event.probe() # there, an RPC call

        return probe_result # if the cage returns anything but a dict, it is considered a failure


    # this method is called by the _probe_thread during its idle times
    # to fetch up/down events posted to the _up_down_queue by the probe
    # threads and in response to maintain structures such as _up_cages

    def _poll_up_down_queue(self, timeout: float) -> bool: # returns "should keep running"

        poll_timeout = Timeout(timeout)
        while not poll_timeout.expired:

            pop_timeout = Timeout(min(poll_timeout.remain, 1.0))
            while not pop_timeout.expired:

                event = pop_timeout.pop(self._up_down_queue)
                if event is not None:

                        node, cage, up_down, *args = event
                        if up_down == "up":

                            location, probe_result = args

                            # add the cage to cages known to be up and schedule
                            # application notification call if it was down or
                            # returned a different probe result

                            cage_info = self._up_cages.setdefault(cage, {}).setdefault(node, {})
                            if not cage_info or cage_info["probe_result"] != probe_result:
                                self._schedule_up_down_event(node, cage, "up", probe_result)
                            cage_info.update(location = location, probe_result = probe_result)

                        elif up_down == "down":

                            # remove the cage from cages known to be up and schedule
                            # application notification call it was up

                            if self._up_cages.setdefault(cage, {}).pop(node, None):
                                self._schedule_up_down_event(node, cage, "down")

                        pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore

            if current_thread().stopped():
                return False

        return True


    # this method is called by the _probe_thread in response to change
    # of some cage's state detected in _poll_up_down_queue

    def _schedule_up_down_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result = None):

        # application notification invokes methods from health_monitor_event module
        # and must be executed just like a regular request from some interface

        request = pmnc.interfaces.begin_request(
                    timeout = self._request_timeout,
                    interface = "__health_monitor__", protocol = "n/a",
                    parameters = dict(auth_tokens = dict()),
                    description = "cage {0:s}.{1:s} is {2:s}".format(node, cage, up_down))

        # note that this request is not waited upon

        pmnc.interfaces.enqueue(request, self.wu_process_event, (node, cage, up_down, probe_result))


    # this method is invoked by one of the interfaces pool threads to register
    # the event of some cage going up or down by calling an appropriate method
    # from the health_monitor_event module

    def wu_process_event(self, node: str, cage: str, up_down: one_of("up", "down"),
                         probe_result: optional(dict)):

            # see for how long the request was on the execution queue up to this moment
            # and whether it has expired in the meantime, if it did there is no reason
            # to proceed and we simply bail out

            if pmnc.request.expired:
                pmnc.log.error("request has expired and will not be processed")
                success = False
                return # goes through finally section below

            with pmnc.performance.request_processing():
                self._process_event(node, cage, up_down, probe_result)

            pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore
            success = False
            success = True
        finally:                                 # the request ends itself
            pmnc.interfaces.end_request(success) # possibly way after deadline


    def _process_event(self, node, cage, up_down, probe_result):

        if up_down == "up":
            pmnc.health_monitor_event.cage_up(node, cage, probe_result)
        elif up_down == "down":
            pmnc.health_monitor_event.cage_down(node, cage)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    after = time()
    assert after - before > 0.1
    assert r.expired

    r = Request(timeout=0.2, interface="test", protocol="test")
    before = time()
    assert not r.acquire_shared(sl)  # shared acquiring times out
    after = time()
    assert after - before > 0.1
    assert r.expired


    ilq = InterlockedQueue()


    r = Request(timeout=0.1, interface="test", protocol="test")
    before = time()
    assert r.pop(ilq) == 1  # popping succeeds
    after = time()
    assert after - before < 0.01
    assert not r.expired

    r = Request(timeout=0.2, interface="test", protocol="test")
    before = time()
    assert r.pop(ilq) is None  # popping times out
    after = time()
    assert after - before > 0.1
    assert r.expired
Ejemplo n.º 9
class Interface: # SMPP interface

    def __init__(self, name: str, *,
                 server_address: (str, int),
                 connect_timeout: float,
                 response_timeout: float,
                 ping_interval: optional(float),
                 system_id: str,
                 password: str,
                 system_type: str,
                 esme_ton: byte,
                 esme_npi: byte,
                 esme_addr: str,
                 esme_type: one_of("rcvr", "xmit", "xcvr"),
                 request_timeout: optional(float) = None,
                 **kwargs): # this kwargs allows for extra application-specific
                            # settings in config_interface_smpp_X.py

        self._name = name
        self._response_timeout = response_timeout

        if ping_interval:
            self._ping_timeout = Timeout(ping_interval)
            self._ping_response_timeout = Timeout(response_timeout)
            self._ping_timeout = self._ping_response_timeout = None
        self._ping_request = None

        self._in_q = InterlockedQueue()
        self._out_q = InterlockedQueue()
        self._inflight = InflightRequests()
        self._ceased = Event()

        if esme_type == "rcvr":
            bind_pdu = BindReceiverPDU
        elif esme_type == "xmit":
            bind_pdu = BindTransmitterPDU
        elif esme_type == "xcvr":
            bind_pdu = BindTransceiverPDU

        self._create_connection = \
            lambda: _SMPPConnection(name, self._in_q, self._out_q, self._inflight,
                                    server_address = server_address,
                                    connect_timeout = connect_timeout,
                                    response_timeout = response_timeout,
                                    system_id = system_id,
                                    password = password,
                                    system_type = system_type,
                                    esme_ton = esme_ton,
                                    esme_npi = esme_npi,
                                    esme_addr = esme_addr,
                                    bind_pdu = bind_pdu)

        self._request_timeout = request_timeout or \
            pmnc.config_interfaces.get("request_timeout") # this is now static

        if pmnc.request.self_test == __name__: # self-test
            self._process_request = kwargs["process_request"]

    name = property(lambda self: self._name)
    ceased = property(lambda self: self._ceased.is_set())


    def start(self):
        self._maintainer = HeavyThread(target = self._maintainer_proc, name = "{0:s}/mnt".format(self.name))

    def cease(self):

    def stop(self):


    def _maintainer_proc(self):

        while not current_thread().stopped():

                # try to establish a connection, do it infinitely or until the interface is stopped

                while True:
                        self._connection = self._create_connection()
                        failure_timeout = max(self._request_timeout, 30.0)
                        if current_thread().stopped(failure_timeout):
                        break # while True


                    while not current_thread().stopped() and not self._connection.failed:

                        # process incoming PDUs

                        req = self._in_q.pop(1.0)
                        if req is not None:

                        # if there is an outstanding ping request, check for response

                        if self._ping_request and self._ping_response_timeout.expired:
                            ping_request, self._ping_request = self._ping_request, None
                            _wait_response(ping_request, 0.001)

                        # if it's time to send another ping request, do so

                        if self._ping_timeout and self._ping_timeout.expired:
                                self._ping_request = EnquireLinkPDU.create()


                pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore

    # this method processes the request PDUs received by this interface from SMSC

    def _handle_pdu(self, req):

        if isinstance(req, EnquireLinkPDU): # respond to pings automatically

            resp = req.create_response()

        else: # note that this interface does not wait for its requests to complete

            request = pmnc.interfaces.begin_request(
                        timeout = self._request_timeout,
                        interface = self._name, protocol = "smpp",
                        parameters = dict(auth_tokens = dict()),
                        description = "incoming {0:s}".format(req))

            pmnc.interfaces.enqueue(request, self.wu_handle_pdu, (req, ), {})


    def wu_handle_pdu(self, req: RequestPDU):


            # see for how long the request was on the execution queue up to this moment
            # and whether it has expired in the meantime, if it did there is no reason
            # to proceed and we simply bail out

            if pmnc.request.expired:
                pmnc.log.error("request has expired and will not be processed")
                success = False
                return # goes through finally section below

            with pmnc.performance.request_processing():
                request = dict(pdu = req)
                response = dict(pdu = req.create_nack(error_codes.ESME_RUNKNOWNERR))
                    self._process_request(request, response)
                    response["pdu"] = req.create_nack(error_codes.ESME_RSYSERR)

            pmnc.log.error(exc_string()) # log and ignore
            success = False
            success = True
        finally:                                 # the request ends itself
            pmnc.interfaces.end_request(success) # possibly way after deadline


    def _process_request(self, request, response):
        handler_module_name = "interface_{0:s}".format(self._name)
        pmnc.__getattr__(handler_module_name).process_request(request, response)

    # this method is called by the coupled resources to send a request PDU to SMSC

    def send(self, req: RequestPDU, timeout: optional(float) = None) -> optional(ResponsePDU):
        if timeout is not None:
            return _wait_response(req, min(timeout, self._response_timeout))