Ejemplo n.º 1
def read_cold(names, ave_cold, minel, minGLat, maxGlat):
    read_cold() reads all files and averages selected files with high elevation and 
    galactic Latitude.
       minel   minimum elevation to accept for cold load 
       minGLat minimum galactic latitude
       maxGlat maximum galactic latitude

    # flag starting a new sum of cold (high elevation and galactic latitude) obs
    ncold = 0
    rs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
    # now average coldest data for calibration
    for filename in names:

        rs.azel2radec()  # compute ra,dec from az,el

        if rs.telel < lowel:  #if elevation too low for a cold load obs

        # note this test excludes low galactic latitude ranges
        if rs.gallat > maxGlat or rs.gallat < minGlat:
            if ncold == 0:
                firstutc = rs.utc
                lastutc = rs.utc
            ave_cold, rs, ncold, firstutc, lastutc = \
                average_spec( ave_cold, rs, ncold, firstutc, lastutc)

    # end of all files to average
    if ncold < 1:
        print("No high galactic latitude data: can not calibrate")
        ave_cold, ncold = normalize_spec(ave_cold, ncold, firstutc, lastutc)

    if flagRfi:
        yv = ave_cold.ydataA
        xv = ave_cold.xdata * 1.E-6
        cv = interpolate.lines(linelist, linewidth, xv, yv)  # interpolate rfi
        ave_cold.ydataA = cv

    if doFold:

    print("Found %3d High Galactic Latitude spectra" % (ncold))
    return ave_cold, ncold
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_hot(names, ave_hot):
    read_hot() reads in all files in the names list and averages hot load
    observations.   The hot load file is returned.
    While reading the files, the minmum elevation and galactic latitudes are recorded

    rs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
    nhot = 0  # init count of hot files
    minGlat = +90.
    maxGlat = -90.
    minel = 200.
    maxel = -200.

    # now run through and find hot and cold loads obs
    for filename in names:

        parts = filename.split('/')
        nparts = len(parts)
        if nparts == 1:
            aname = parts[0]
            aname = parts[nparts - 1]
        parts = aname.split('.')
        nparts = len(parts)
        if nparts < 2:
            print('File is not an astronomy file: ', filename)
            extension = parts[nparts - 1]
        extension = extension.upper()
        if (extension != 'HOT') and (extension != 'AST') and (extension !=
            print('Extension not recognized : ', parts[nparts - 1])

        rs.azel2radec()  # compute ra,dec from az,el

        # if a hot load observation
        if rs.telel < 0:
            if nhot == 0:
                firstutc = rs.utc
                lastutc = rs.utc
        # accumulate spectra
            ave_hot, rs, nhot, firstutc, lastutc = \
                average_spec( ave_hot, rs, nhot, firstutc, lastutc)
        else:  # else above horizon, find min, max galactic latitudes
            if rs.gallat > maxGlat:
                maxGlat = rs.gallat
            if rs.gallat < minGlat:
                minGlat = rs.gallat
            if minel > rs.telel:
                minel = rs.telel
            if maxel < rs.telel:
                maxel = rs.telel

        # end for all files

    if nhot > 0:
        print("Found %3d Hot load observations" % (nhot))
        ave_hot, nhot = normalize_spec(ave_hot, nhot, firstutc, lastutc)
        print("No Hot load data, can not calibrate")

    # do more cleanup on spectra for RFI
    if flagRfi:
        yv = copy.deepcopy(ave_hot.ydataA)
        xv = ave_hot.xdata * 1.E-6
        hv = interpolate.lines(linelist, linewidth, xv, yv)  # interpolate rfi
        ave_hot.ydataA = hv

    # now obsolete option to fold spectra, when a problem with SDR I-Q balance
    if doFold:

    return ave_hot, minel, maxel, minGlat, maxGlat
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: z.py Proyecto: bzhao13/CSE-490
def findzero( names, gain, vel, azoffset, eloffset, avetimesec):
    lastgain = 0.
    global nprint
    # flag start of search for a latitude zero crossing
    ncrossings = -1
    crossingsum = 0.
    lastgallat = -100.
    lastsum = 0.

    nData = len(vel)
    minGlat = +90.
    maxGlat = -90.
    nhot = 0         # number of obs with el < 0
    ncold = 0
    nhigh = 0        # highest galactic latitude
    lastfreq = 0.
    lastbw = 0.
    lastgain = 0.
    lastel = 0.
    lastaz = 0.
    firstrun = True

    avetime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=avetimesec)
    firstgallon = -1.
    ncrossings = 0

    nread = 0        
# now read through all data and average cold sky obs
    for filename in names:

        parts = filename.split('/')
        nparts = len(parts)
        aname = parts[nparts-1]
        parts = aname.split('.')
        aname = parts[0]
        extension = parts[1]
        parts = aname.split('T')
        date = parts[0]
        time = parts[1]
        time = time.replace('_', ':')  # put time back in normal hh:mm:ss format

# exclude hot load data for averaging
        if extension == 'hot':

        rs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
#  print filename
        rs.telaz = rs.telaz + azoffset
        rs.telel = rs.telel + eloffset
        rs.azel2radec()    # compute ra,dec from az,el

# if a sky observation and close to galactic plane
        if rs.telel > 0. and (rs.gallat > -5.0 and rs.gallat < 5.0) :

# if first time reading data, set obs parameters
            if lastfreq == 0.:
                lastfreq = rs.centerFreqHz 
                lastbw = rs.bandwidthHz
                lastgain = rs.gains[0]
                lastaz = rs.telaz
                lastel = rs.telel
                cold = copy.deepcopy( rs)
                ncold = 0
                timesum = 0.
                firstutc = cold.utc
                lastutc = cold.utc

            newAzEl = (lastaz != rs.telaz) or (lastel != rs.telel)
            if newAzEl and nprint < 5:
                print 'Must keep az,el constant to find pointing offsets!'
                print 'Last %7.2f,%7.2f; New: %7.2f,%7.2f' % (lastaz, lastel, rs.telaz, rs.telel)
                lastaz = rs.telaz
                lastel = rs.telel
                nprint = nprint + 1

            if ncold > 1:
            # time difference is between mid-points of integrations
                dt = rs.utc - cold.utc 
            # add the time since midpoint of latests
                dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=rs.durationSec)
                lastutc = rs.utc

           # if time to average (or end of all files)
                if (dt > avetime) or (filename == sys.argv[nargs-1]):
                    cold.ydataA = cold.ydataA/float(timesum)
                # have complicated steps to simple get the average time.
                    deltatime = endtime - starttime
                    aveutc,duration = radioastronomy.aveutcs( firstutc, lastutc)
                    cold.utc = aveutc
                    cold.azel2radec() # recompute coordinates for average time
                    ra = cold.ra
                    dec = cold.dec
                    gallat = cold.gallat
                    gallon = cold.gallon

                    if ncrossings < 0:
                        lastgallat = gallat
                        ncrossings = 0
                        crossingsum = 0.
                    xv = cold.xdata * 1.E-6
                    yv = cold.ydataA * scalefactor
                    yv = interpolate.lines( linelist, linewidth, xv, yv) # interpolate rfi
                    xmin = min(xv)
                    xmax = max(xv)
                    count = cold.count
                    note = cold.noteA
                    #print('%s' % note)
                    ncolor = min(nmax-1, nplot) 
                    tsky  = np.zeros(nData)    # initialize arrays
                    for jjj in range (0, nData):
                        tsky[jjj] = yv[jjj]/gain[jjj]
                    imin, imax = velocity_to_indicies( vel, minvel, maxvel)
                    ymed = np.median(tsky[imin:imax])
                    ya = np.median(tsky[(imin-10):(imin+10)])
                    yb = np.median(tsky[(imax-10):(imax+10)])
                    slope = (yb-ya)/(imax-imin)
                    nFit = 20
                    baseline = fit_baseline( vel, tsky, imin, imax, nFit)
                    tsky = tsky - baseline

                    ymin = min(tsky[imin:imax])
                    ymax = max(tsky[imin:imax])
                    thesum = compute_sum( minvel, maxvel, ra, dec, gallon, gallat, vel, tsky, ncold)
                # finallly if this is a latitude crossing sum.
                    if ((lastgallat < 0. and gallat > 0.) or (lastgallat > 0. and gallat < 0.)) and lastgallat > -100.:
                        if abs(gallat) < 5.:
                    # if first crossing, init sum
                            if ncrossings == 0:
                                ncrossings = 1
                                crossingsum = thesum 
#                                print 'Zero Latitude: %7.1f %7.1f: %10.0f, %10.0f' % (lastgallat, gallat, lastsum, thesum)
                                # else average crossings
                                ncrossings = ncrossings + 1
                                crossingsum = crossingsum + thesum 
                        if abs(lastgallat) < 5.:
                            if ncrossings == 0:
                                ncrossings = 1
                                crossingsum = lastsum
#                                print 'Zero Latitude: %7.1f %7.1f: %10.0f, %10.0f' % (lastgallat, gallat, lastsum, thesum)
                                # else average crossings
                                ncrossings = ncrossings + 1
                                crossingsum = crossingsum + lastsum 

                    lastgallat = gallat
                    lastsum = thesum
                    # computation done, start sum over gain
                    ncold = 0

# if this was a new obs; restart the sums
            if ncold == 0:
                cold = copy.deepcopy(rs)  # initial spectrum is one just read
                starttime = cold.utc
                endtime = starttime
                ncold = 1
            # sums are weighted by durations
                crossZero = False
                crossZeroLat = False
                crossZeroRa = False
                firstlon = rs.gallon # try to keep track of crossing zero in angular coordinates
                firstra = rs.ra #
                cold.ydataA = rs.ydataA * cold.durationSec
            # keep track of observing time for weighted sum
                timesum = rs.durationSec
            else: # else not enough time yet, average cold data
                # fix wrap of longitudes
                cold.count = cold.count + rs.count
                ncold = ncold + 1
                cold.ydataA = cold.ydataA + (rs.ydataA * rs.durationSec)
                cold.ra = cold.ra + (rs.ra * cold.durationSec)
                cold.dec = cold.dec + (rs.dec * cold.durationSec)
                cold.gallon = cold.gallon + (rs.gallon * rs.durationSec)
                cold.gallat = cold.gallat + (rs.gallat * rs.durationSec)
            # keep track of observing time for weighted sum
                endtime = rs.utc
                timesum = timesum + rs.durationSec
            # end if not a enough time
        # end if a cold file
    #end for all files to sum

    if ncrossings > 0:
        crossingsum = crossingsum/float(ncrossings)
    return crossingsum
Ejemplo n.º 4
        if (dt > avetime) or newObs or allFiles:
            if doDebug:
                medianData = np.median(ave_spec.ydataA[n6:n56])
                print("Average duration: %7.1f, Median:  %8.3f" %
                      (ave_spec.durationSec, medianData))

            # not calibrating hot load observations.
            if ave_spec.telel < 0.:
                # Reset the ncold count and restart sum
                nave = 0
            ave_spec, nave = normalize_spec(ave_spec, nave, firstutc, lastutc)
            xv = ave_spec.xdata * 1.E-6  # covert to MHz
            yv = ave_spec.ydataA
            if flagRfi:
                yv = interpolate.lines(linelist, linewidth, xv,
                                       yv)  # interpolate rfi

            xmin = min(xv)
            xmax = max(xv)
            xallmin = min(xmin, xallmin)
            xallmax = max(xmax, xallmax)
            count = ave_spec.count
            note = ave_spec.noteA
            #print('%s' % note)
            ncolor = min(nmax - 1, nplot)

            tsky, vel = compute_tsky_hotcold(xv, yv, hv, cv, thot, tcold)
            # get tsys from averages of ends of spectra
            tSys = np.median(tsky[n6:n56])
            tStdA = np.std(tsky[n6:n26])
            tStdB = np.std(tsky[n46:n56])
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: z.py Proyecto: bzhao13/CSE-490
def findhotgain( names, avetimesec):
    lastgain = 0.
    # flag start of search for a latitude zero crossing
    ncrossings = -1
    crossingsum = 0.
    lastgallat = -100.
    lastsum = 0.

    minGlat = +90.
    maxGlat = -90.
    nhot = 0         # number of obs with el < 0
    ncold = 0
    nhigh = 0        # highest galactic latitude
    lastfreq = 0.
    lastbw = 0.
    lastgain = 0.
    lastel = 0.
    lastaz = 0.
    firstrun = True

    for filename in names:

        rs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
        rs.telel = rs.telel + eloffset
        rs.telaz = rs.telaz + azoffset
        rs.azel2radec()    # compute ra,dec from az,el

        if rs.gains[0] != lastgain:
            if lastgain != 0:
                print 'Gain Change: ', lastgain, ' -> ', rs.gains[0]
                lastgain = rs.gains[0]

        if rs.telel < 0:
            if nhot == 0:
                hot = copy.deepcopy( rs)
                nhot = 1
                hot.ydataA = hot.ydataA + rs.ydataA
                hot.count = hot.count + rs.count
                nhot = nhot + 1
        else: # else above horizon, find min, max galactic latitudes
            if rs.gallat > maxGlat:
                maxGlat = rs.gallat
            if rs.gallat < minGlat:
                minGlat = rs.gallat

    if nhot > 0:
        hot.ydataA = scalefactor * hot.ydataA / float(nhot)
        print "Found %3d hot load obs" % nhot
        print "No hot load data, can not calibrate"

    xv = hot.xdata * 1.E-6
    yv = hot.ydataA
    nData = len(xv)
    hv = interpolate.lines( linelist, linewidth, xv, yv) # interpolate rfi

    print 'Min,Max Galactic Latitudes %7.1f,%7.1f (d)' % (minGlat, maxGlat)

# assume only a limited range of galactic latitudes are available
# not range about +/-60.
    use60Range = False

# all galactic latitudes above +/-60d can be used
    if minGlat < -60. or maxGlat > 60.:
        minGlat = -60.
        maxGlat = 60.
    else: # else no high galactic latitude data
    # use highest galactic latitudes - +/-5.degrees
        if -minGlat > maxGlat:  # if negative latitudes higher
            minGlat = minGlat + 5.
            maxGlat = 90.
        else: # else positive latitudes higher
            maxGlat = maxGlat - 5.
            minGlat = -90.

    outnames = names
    nout = 0
# now average coldest data for calibration
    for filename in names:

        rs = radioastronomy.Spectrum()
        rs.telaz = rs.telaz + azoffset
        rs.telel = rs.telel + eloffset
        rs.azel2radec()    # compute ra,dec from az,el

        if rs.telel < 0:
        if rs.gallat > maxGlat or rs.gallat < minGlat:
            if nhigh == 0:
                high = copy.deepcopy( rs)
                high.ydataA = rs.ydataA
                nhigh = 1
                high.ydataA = high.ydataA + rs.ydataA
                high.count = high.count + rs.count
                nhigh = nhigh + 1
            # if here, then only these names will be used to find zero crossings
            outnames[nout] = filename
            nout = nout + 1

    if nhigh < 1.:
        print "No high galactic latitude data: can not calibrate"
        high.ydataA = scalefactor * high.ydataA/nhigh
        print "Found %d High Galactic Latidue spectra" % (nhigh)
        yv = high.ydataA
        cv = interpolate.lines( linelist, linewidth, xv, yv) # interpolate rfi

# finally compute gain on a channel by chanel basis
    gain = np.zeros(nData)
    vel = np.zeros(nData)
    for iii in range(nData):
        gain[iii] = (hv[iii] - cv[iii])/(thot - tcold)
        vel[iii] = c * (nuh1 - xv[iii])/nuh1

# now interpolate over galactic velocities
    gain = interpolate_range( minvel, maxvel, vel, gain)

    if nout > 0:
        outnames = outnames[0:(nout-1)]
        print 'No low latitude file names left!'
    return gain, vel, outnames