Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, clock, serverKey, factory):
     self._clock = clock
     self._serverKey = serverKey
     self._factory = factory
     self._received = IntervalSet()
     self._weAcked = IntervalSet()
     self._sent = IntervalSet()
     self._theyAcked = IntervalSet()
     self._sentMessages = set()
     self._previousID = 0
     self._fragment = []
     self._congestion = Chicago()
     self._sentMessageAt = {}
     self._delayedCalls = {}
     self._messageQueue = []
     self._enqueuedMessages = set()
     self._deferred = defer.Deferred()
     self._nonce = 0
     self._theirLastNonce = 0
     self._counter = 1
     self._ourStreamEnd = None
     self._theirStreamEnd = None
     self._reads = self._writes = None
     self._done = False
     self._outstandingMessages = 0
     self._onDone = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
def merge_timelines(working=[], busy=[]):
    return [to_time(x) for x in IntervalSet([
        to_interval(beg, end) for beg, end in working
    ]) - IntervalSet([
        to_interval(beg, end)
        for beg, end in busy
Ejemplo n.º 3
def slow(ips):
    from interval import Interval, IntervalSet
    r1 = IntervalSet([Interval(0, 4294967295)])
    r2 = IntervalSet([Interval(ip[0], ip[1]) for ip in ips])
    diff = r1 - r2
    total = 0
    for i in diff:
        start = i.lower_bound + 1
        total += i.upper_bound - start
    print('Part 2: %d' % total)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def init(self):
        self.arch = Architecture['EVM']
        self.platform = Architecture['EVM'].standalone_platform

        file_size = len(self.raw)

        # Find swarm hashes and make them data
        bytes = self.raw.read(0, file_size)

        # code is everything that isn't a swarm hash
        code = IntervalSet([Interval(0, file_size)])

        swarm_hashes = self.find_swarm_hashes(bytes)
        for start, sz in swarm_hashes:
                start - len(EVM_HEADER), sz, start, sz,
                | SegmentFlag.SegmentDenyExecute | SegmentFlag.SegmentReadable
                | SegmentFlag.SegmentDenyWrite)

            code -= IntervalSet([Interval(start, start + sz)])

        print "Code Segments: {}".format(code)

        for interval in code:
                interval.lower_bound, interval.upper_bound - len(EVM_HEADER),
                len(EVM_HEADER), interval.upper_bound,
                (SegmentFlag.SegmentReadable | SegmentFlag.SegmentExecutable))

            Symbol(SymbolType.FunctionSymbol, 0, '_dispatcher'))

        invalidJumpCallbackNotification = InvalidJumpCallback()

        dispatcherCallbackNotification = DispatcherCallback()

        dynamicJumpCallbackNotification = DynamicJumpCallback()

        # disable linear sweep
                            {"binaryninja.analysis.autorunLinearSweep": False})

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, page):
        self.page = page
        self.matcher = SequenceMatcher()
        self.wordtuples = [word for word in page.get_words()]
        self.words = [word.text for word in self.wordtuples]
        self.rawwords = [word for word in page.get_words_raw()]

        # XXX MM DEBUG
        #         self.words = [word.text for word in page.get_words_raw()]

        # self.words = [word.text for word in page.get_words()]
        # print self.words
        # for i in range(4):
        #     if i >= len(self.words):
        #         break
        #     # if i < len(self.words):
        #     #     self.words.pop(i)
        #     if self.words[i] == 'contents':
        #         self.words[i] = ''
        #     if self.words[i] == 'page':
        #         self.words[i] = ''
        self.wordhash = {}
        for word in self.words:
            self.wordhash[word] = True
        # l('\n'.join('%s:%s' % (i, w) for i, w in enumerate(self.words)))
        # l('content len: %s' % len(self.words))
        self.lookaside = {}
        self.pageno_cands = self.find_pageno_cands(filtered=True)
        self.pageno_cands_unfiltered = self.find_pageno_cands(filtered=False)
        self.matches = IntervalSet()
        self.matchinfo = {}
        self.score = 0
        self.adj_score = 0  # 'adjusted' score; as to boost last page in toc
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def loseConnection(self, success=True):
     d = defer.Deferred()
     streamEnd = self._ourStreamEnd = self._sent.upper_bound(
     ) if self._sent else 0
     resolution = self._ourResolution = 'success' if success else 'failure'
     interval = IntervalSet([halfOpen(streamEnd, streamEnd + 1)])
         1, QueuedResolution(interval, streamEnd, [d], [], [], resolution))
     self._writes = 'closing'
     return d
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _parseMessage(self, now, message):
        message = parseMessage(message)

        sentAt = self._sentMessageAt.pop(message.previousID, None)
        if sentAt is not None:
            self._congestion.processDelta(now, now - sentAt)
        if message.id:
            self._clock.callLater(0, self._sendAMessage, ack=message.id)

        for qd in list(self._sentMessages):
            if qd.interval & self._theyAcked:
                if not qd.interval:
                    for d in qd.deferreds:
                    self._outstandingMessages -= 1

        if message.resolution and self._theirStreamEnd is None:
            self._theirStreamEnd = message.dataPos
            self._theirResolution = message.resolution
            self._received.add(halfOpen(message.dataPos, message.dataPos + 1))
            self._reads = 'closing'
        elif not message.data:
        i = halfOpen(message.dataPos, message.dataPos + len(message.data))
        new = IntervalSet([i]) - self._received
        if not new:
        newData = message.data[new.lower_bound() -
                               i.lower_bound:new.upper_bound() -
                               i.upper_bound or None]
        bisect.insort(self._fragment, (i.lower_bound, newData))
        if len(self._received) > 1 or self._received.lower_bound() != 0:
        newData = ''.join([d for _, d in self._fragment])
        self._fragment = []
Ejemplo n.º 8
def spacerDistData(tranFN, outFN):
    '''chr strand tranStart tranEnd'''

    chrom_length = bioLibCG.returnChromLengthDict('hg19')

    chrom_strand_iSet = {}
    for chrom in chrom_length:
        for strand in ('+', '-'):
                                         {}).setdefault(strand, IntervalSet())

    print 'making intervals'
    f = open(tranFN, 'r')
    for line in f:
        ls = line.strip().split('\t')
        tranStart, tranEnd = int(ls[3]), int(ls[4])
        strand = ls[2]
        chrom = ls[1]

        chrom_strand_iSet[chrom][strand].add(Interval(tranStart, tranEnd))


    spacerData = []
    print 'creating spacer data'
    for chrom in chrom_strand_iSet:
        for strand in chrom_strand_iSet[chrom]:
            iSet = chrom_strand_iSet[chrom][strand]
            for i, interv in enumerate(iSet):
                if interv == iSet[-1]: break
                nextInterv = iSet[i + 1]
                seperation = nextInterv.lower_bound - interv.upper_bound

    f = open(outFN, 'w')
    outLines = [str(x) + '\n' for x in spacerData]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def collapseUTRs(utrFile, outFN):

    chrom_strand_iSet = {}
    f = open(utrFile, 'r')
    for line in f:
        ls = line.strip().split('\t')
        chrom, strand, start, end = bioLibCG.tccSplit(ls[0])
        chrom_strand_iSet.setdefault(chrom, {}).setdefault(strand, IntervalSet())
        chrom_strand_iSet[chrom][strand].add(Interval(start, end))

    fOut = open(outFN, 'w')
    for chrom in chrom_strand_iSet:
        for strand in chrom_strand_iSet[chrom]:
            iSet = chrom_strand_iSet[chrom][strand]
            for interv in iSet:
                    newTcc = bioLibCG.makeTcc(chrom, strand, interv.lower_bound, interv.upper_bound)
                    fOut.write('%s\n' % newTcc)
                except AttributeError:
                    print interv, 'was not added'

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def write(self, data):
        if not data:
            return defer.succeed(None)
        elif self._writes in ('closing', 'closed'):
            return defer.fail(
                    'attempted a write after closing writes'))

        d = defer.Deferred()
        qds = []
        lowerBound = self._sent.upper_bound() if self._sent else 0
        while data:
            ds = []
            queueableData = data[:1024]
            dataRange = halfOpen(lowerBound, lowerBound + len(queueableData))
            qd = QueuedData(IntervalSet([dataRange]), lowerBound, ds, [], [],
            lowerBound += len(queueableData)
            data = data[1024:]
        self._enqueue(1, *qds)
        return d
        header= True
    strand= line[strandIdx]
    cdsStart= int(line[cdsStartIdx])
    cdsEnd= int(line[cdsEndIdx])
#    if cdsStart == cdsEnd:
#         "No coding sequence in this transcripts, skip it"
#        continue
    txStart= int(line[txStartIdx])
    txEnd= int(line[txEndIdx])
    exonStarts= line[exStartsIdx].strip(',').split(',')
    exonEnds= line[exEndsIdx].strip(',').split(',')
    exon_intervals= []
    for s,e in zip(exonStarts, exonEnds):
        exon_intervals.append(Interval(int(s), int(e)))
    exon_set= IntervalSet(exon_intervals) ## EXAMPLE= exon_set= IntervalSet([Interval(1, 50), Interval(100, 200), Interval(800, 1300)])

    txStart_cdsStart= IntervalSet([Interval(txStart, cdsStart)]) ## EXAMPLE= IntervalSet([Interval(1, 1000, lower_closed=True, upper_closed=True)])
    txEnd_cdsEnd= IntervalSet([Interval(cdsEnd, txEnd)])
    if strand == '+':
        utr5= txStart_cdsStart - (txStart_cdsStart - exon_set)
        utr3= txEnd_cdsEnd - (txEnd_cdsEnd - exon_set)
    if strand == '-':
        utr3= txStart_cdsStart - (txStart_cdsStart - exon_set)
        utr5= txEnd_cdsEnd - (txEnd_cdsEnd - exon_set)
    for x in utr5:
        if type(x) == int:
            "Skip transcripts which don't have UTR"
        name5utr= '_'.join([line[chromIdx], str(x.lower_bound), str(x.upper_bound), line[nameIdx], '5utr'])
        utr_list.append(([line[chromIdx], x.lower_bound, x.upper_bound, name5utr, line[nameIdx], line[strandIdx], line[name2Idx]]))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def score_short_answer(gold_label_list, pred_label):
    """Scores a short answer as correct or not.

  1) First decide if there is a gold short answer with SHORT_NO_NULL_THRESHOLD.
  2) The prediction will get a match if:
     a. There is a gold short answer.
     b. The prediction span *set* match exactly with *one* of the non-null gold
        short answer span *set*.

    gold_label_list: A list of NQLabel.
    pred_label: A single NQLabel.

    gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, f1, score

    # There is a gold short answer if gold_label_list not empty and non null
    # answers is over the threshold (sum over annotators).
    gold_has_answer = util.gold_has_short_answer(gold_label_list)

    # There is a pred long answer if pred_label is not empty and short answer
    # set is not empty.
    pred_has_answer = pred_label and (
        (not util.is_null_span_list(pred_label.short_answer_span_list))
        or pred_label.yes_no_answer != 'none')

    f1 = 0
    p = 0
    r = 0
    score = pred_label.short_score

    # Both sides have short answers, which contains yes/no questions.
    if gold_has_answer and pred_has_answer:
        if pred_label.yes_no_answer != 'none':  # System thinks its y/n questions.
            for gold_label in gold_label_list:
                if pred_label.yes_no_answer == gold_label.yes_no_answer:
                    f1 = 1
                    p = 1
                    r = 1
            for gold_label in gold_label_list:
                # if util.span_set_equal(gold_label.short_answer_span_list,
                #                        pred_label.short_answer_span_list):
                #   is_correct = True
                #   break
                gold_set = IntervalSet([Interval(span.start_token_idx, span.end_token_idx) \
                                        for span in gold_label.short_answer_span_list])
                pred_set = IntervalSet([Interval(span.start_token_idx, span.end_token_idx) \
                                        for span in pred_label.short_answer_span_list])
                overlap_set = gold_set & pred_set

                def calc_len(interval_set):
                    sum = 0
                    for span in interval_set:
                        sum += span.upper_bound - span.lower_bound + 1
                    return sum

                precision = safe_divide(calc_len(overlap_set),
                recall = safe_divide(calc_len(overlap_set), calc_len(gold_set))

                if safe_divide(2 * precision * recall,
                               precision + recall) > f1:
                    f1 = safe_divide(2 * precision * recall,
                                     precision + recall)
                    p = precision
                    r = recall
    elif not gold_has_answer and not pred_has_answer:
        f1 = 1
        p = 1
        r = 1

    return gold_has_answer, pred_has_answer, f1, p, r, score
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def add_match(self, page, match):
        # l('ADDING ' + str(match))
        info = RangeMatch(self, page, match)
        # l(info)
        pageno = page.info['number']
        pagenoval = rnum_to_int(pageno)
        if pagenoval == 0 and len(pageno) > 0:
            pagenoval = int(pageno)

        matchint = Interval.between(match.b, match.b + match.size)

        overlaps = [m for m in self.matches if m & matchint]

        # if nearnos matches either, mark flag and amp score
        if pageno:
            nearnos = self.find_nearnos(match)
            # l("GREPME near is [%s] pagenoval %s" % (nearnos, pagenoval))
            # for no in nearnos[1], nearnos[0]:
            if nearnos is None:  # XXX SHOULDN"T BE NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!
                nearnos = []
            for no in nearnos[1], nearnos[0]:
                # for no in nearnos:
                if no is not None:
                    # l(no.val)
                    if no.val == pagenoval:
                        info.notes += 'nearno: %s' % pageno
                        # l("GOODMATCH tc %s, %s %s" % (self.page.index, pageno, self.score))
                        self.score += 1
                        info.nearno = no.word_index
                    if no.val > pagenoval - 10 and match.a < 10:
                        self.score += .01

        # cases: no overlap
        if len(overlaps) == 0:
            self.matchinfo[matchint] = info
            self.matches = self.matches + IntervalSet([matchint])
            start = match.b
            end = match.b + match.size
            for i in overlaps:
                oinfo = self.matchinfo[i]
                ostart = oinfo.match.b
                oend = oinfo.match.b + oinfo.match.size
                scootback = 0
                if ostart < start:
                    scootback = start - ostart
                    start = ostart
                if oend > end:
                    end = oend
                info.match = Match(info.match.a - scootback, start,
                                   end - start)
                if oinfo.nearno != -1:
                    # assert(info.nearno == -1)
                    info.nearno = oinfo.nearno
                # info.score += oinfo.score
                # info.pageno = oinfo.pageno
                # info.notes = info.notes + ' ' + info.notes
                # for opageno in oinfo.pagenos:
                #     opagecount = oinfo.pagenos[opageno]
                #     if opageno in info.pagenos:
                #         info.pagenos[opageno] += opagecount
                #     else:
                #         info.pagenos[opageno] = opagecount
            self.matches += IntervalSet([matchint])
            (new_i, ) = [m for m in self.matches if m & matchint]
            self.matchinfo[new_i] = info
Ejemplo n.º 14
from interval import Interval, IntervalSet

prices = [
    8.8, 39.0, 49.0, 59.0, 69.0, 79.0, 86.0, 88.0, 89.0, 95.0, 97.0, 98.0,
    99.0, 101.0, 105.0, 109.0, 115.0, 119.0, 125.0, 126.0, 129.0, 131.0, 139.0,
    145.0, 149.0, 150.0, 159.0, 165.0, 169.0, 174.5, 175.0, 179.0, 186.0,
    188.0, 189.0, 194.0, 195.0, 196.0, 198.0, 199.0, 199.5, 209.0, 215.0,
    215.0, 219.0, 219.0, 224.0, 224.5, 225.0, 228.0, 229.0, 233.0, 239.0,
    240.0, 245.0, 249.0, 249.5, 254.0, 255.0, 259.0, 268.0, 269.0, 274.0,
    275.0, 276.0, 278.0, 279.0, 285.0, 289.0, 295.0, 298.0, 299.0, 299.5,
    305.0, 309.0, 310.0, 314.0, 319.0, 324.0, 329.0, 339.0, 349.0, 349.5,
    355.0, 358.0, 359.0, 367.0, 369.0, 374.0, 378.0, 379.0, 384.0, 389.0,
    395.0, 398.0, 399.0, 402.0, 409.0, 418.0, 419.0, 424.0, 429.0, 435.0,
    439.0, 449.0, 449.5, 459.0, 469.0, 479.0, 485.0, 489.0, 495.0, 498.0,
    499.0, 509.0, 519.0, 529.0, 538.0, 539.0, 548.0, 549.0, 559.0, 579.0,
    589.0, 598.0, 599.0, 609.0, 619.0, 629.0, 649.0, 659.0, 669.0, 679.0,
    689.0, 698.0, 699.0, 719.0, 729.0, 749.0, 759.0, 769.0, 779.0, 789.0,
    798.0, 799.0, 809.0, 829.0, 839.0, 849.0, 879.0, 899.0, 949.0, 959.0,
    969.0, 989.0, 998.0, 999.0, 999.0, 1019.0, 1049.0, 1079.0, 1098.0, 1099.0,
    1099.0, 1109.0, 1119.0, 1129.0, 1139.0, 1149.0, 1199.0, 1259.0, 1299.0,
    1319.0, 1349.0, 1379.0, 1399.0, 1439.0, 1499.0, 1567.02, 1598.0, 1599.0,
    1619.0, 1639.0, 1679.0, 1697.0, 1699.0, 1729.0, 1759.0, 1763.02, 1799.0,
    1861.02, 1899.0, 1998.0, 1999.0, 2039.0, 2099.0, 2149.0, 2198.0, 2199.0,
    2219.0, 2220.0, 2299.0, 2399.0, 2446.0, 2599.0, 2749.0, 2999.0, 5999.0,

lst = [Interval(round(_ * 0.8, 2), round(_ * 1.2, 2)) for _ in prices]
print lst
print[(_.lower_bound, _.upper_bound) for _ in IntervalSet(lst)]
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, low, high):
 Initialize a range item with lower bound and higher bound.
     self.items = IntervalSet([Interval(low, high)])
Ejemplo n.º 16
from interval import Interval, IntervalSet

r1 = IntervalSet([Interval(1, 1000), Interval(1100, 1200)])
r2 = IntervalSet([Interval(30, 50), Interval(60, 200), Interval(1150, 1300)])

r3 = IntervalSet([Interval(1000, 3000)])
r4 = IntervalSet([Interval(1000, 3000)])
r5 = IntervalSet([Interval(30000, 12000)])

# print (r3 - r4), (r4 - r3), r3 & r4
# print len(IntervalSet.empty())

if r3 & r4 == r4:
	print 'yes'

# print r3 & r4
# if (r3 - r4).is_empty():
#   print "true"
# print (r3 - r4).empty()
Ejemplo n.º 17
def chercher_balise(source,
            type: type de balise (e.g. div, h1 ...)
            cond_attr: condition sur les attributs de la balise (e.g. class="c1")
            cond_style: condition sur le style css (e.g. font-style: italic)
            sous_balises: liste de types de sous-balises à inclure dans le contenu, ["all"] pour inclure tous les types de sous-balises
            inclure_balises: inclure ou non les balises d'ouverture/de fermeture dans le contenu
            liste de (début, fin) correspondant aux indices délimitant le contenu de la balise recherchée
    result = []
    exclude = []
    if type != "":
        starts = list(findall("<" + type + " ", source)) + list(
            findall("<" + type + ">", source))
        starts = list(findall("<", source))
    for start in starts:
        if source[start + 1:start + 2] == "/":
        if inclure_balises:
            debut_contenu = start
            debut_contenu = start + source[start:].find(">") + 1
        if type == "":
            type_ = source[start + 1:start + 1 + minfind(
                source[start + 1:], [" ", ">", "/"]
            )]  #Dans le cas où type="", permet de récupérer le type de balise
            type_ = type
        fin_contenu = start + source[start + 1:].find("</" + type_) + 1
        if inclure_balises:
            fin_contenu += source[fin_contenu:].find(">") + 1
        contenu = source[debut_contenu:fin_contenu]
        attributs_ = source[start + 1 + len(type_):start +

        attributs_ = attributs_.split('" ')
        attributs = {}

        for a in attributs_:
            key = a[:a.find("=")].replace(" ", "")
            val = a[a.find("=") + 2:].replace('"', '')
            if key in attributs.keys():
                attributs[key] += val
                attributs[key] = val
        style = {}
        if 'style' in attributs.keys():
            style_ = attributs['style']
            style_ = style_.split(';')
            for s in style_:
                if s.replace(" ", "") != "":
                    key = s[:s.find(":")].replace(" ", "")
                    val = s[s.find(":") + 1:].replace(" ", "")
                    style[key] = val
        cond = True
        for k, v in cond_attr.iteritems():
            if k not in attributs.keys() or attributs[k] != v:
                cond = False
        for k, v in cond_style.iteritems():
            if k not in style.keys() or style[k] != v:
                cond = False
        if cond:
            result.append((debut_contenu, fin_contenu))
            if not inclure_balises:
                for (debut_sous,
                     fin_sous) in chercher_balise(contenu,
                    type_sous = contenu[debut_sous + 1:debut_sous + 1 +
                                        minfind(contenu[debut_sous +
                                                        1:], [" ", ">", "/"])]
                    if type_sous not in sous_balises and "all" not in sous_balises:
                        exclude.append((debut_contenu + debut_sous,
                                        debut_contenu + fin_sous))
    r1 = IntervalSet([Interval(d, f) for (d, f) in result])
    r2 = IntervalSet([Interval(d, f) for (d, f) in exclude])
    R = r1 - r2
    if interval_set:
        return R
    if inclure_balises:
        return result
        return [(x.lower_bound, x.upper_bound) for x in R.intervals]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def showMessage(tag, message, sentAt=None):
    print tag, message.id, message.previousID, IntervalSet(message.ranges),
    print halfOpen(message.dataPos, message.dataPos + len(message.data)),
    print len(message.data), sentAt and len(sentAt)
Ejemplo n.º 19
# coding: utf-8
# __author__: ""
from interval import Interval, IntervalSet

volume1 = Interval.between("A", "Foe")
volume2 = Interval.between("Fog", "McAfee")
volume3 = Interval.between("McDonalds", "Space")
volume4 = Interval.between("Spade", "Zygote")

encyclopedia = IntervalSet([volume1, volume2, volume3, volume4])

mySet = IntervalSet([volume1, volume3, volume4])

"Meteor" in encyclopedia
"Goose" in encyclopedia

"Goose" in mySet
volume2 in (encyclopedia ^ mySet)

print [(_.lower_bound, _.upper_bound) for _ in IntervalSet(encyclopedia)]

OfficeHours = IntervalSet.between("08:00", "17:00")
myLunch = IntervalSet.between("11:30", "12:30")
myHours = IntervalSet.between("08:30", "19:30") - myLunch

"12:00" in myHours

"15:30" in myHours