def test_intervaldict_iterators():
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closedopen(0, 1), 0), (I.closedopen(1, 3), 1), (I.singleton(3), 2)])

    assert d.keys() == [I.closedopen(0, 1), I.closedopen(1, 3), I.singleton(3)]
    assert d.domain() == I.closed(0, 3)
    assert d.values() == [0, 1, 2]
    assert d.items() == list(zip(d.keys(), d.values()))
    assert list(d) == d.keys()

    # Iterators on empty
    assert I.IntervalDict().values() == []
    assert I.IntervalDict().items() == []
    assert I.IntervalDict().keys() == []
    assert I.IntervalDict().domain() == I.empty()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_memory_fast(s, module_list):
    module_list = sorted(module_list)

    # Get list of available address ranges for LSASS
    pslist = s.plugins.pslist(proc_regex='lsass.exe')
    task = next(pslist.filter_processes())
    addr_space = task.get_process_address_space()
    max_memory = s.GetParameter("highest_usermode_address")
    mem_list = sorted([(run.start, run.end)
                       for run in addr_space.get_address_ranges(end=max_memory)

    # Enumerate modules, find "holes" that need zero filling
    filling = I.empty()
    for a, mod_start, size in module_list:
        d = I.IntervalDict()
        mod = I.closedopen(mod_start, mod_start + size)
        d[mod] = 'fill'

        # What parts of the module are available?
        for start, end in mem_list:
            mem = I.closedopen(start, end)
            if mem & mod != I.empty():
                d[mem] = 'mem'
            if start > mod_start + size:

        filling |= d.find('fill')

    # What to read, what to zero fill
    operations = []
    for x in list(filling):
        operations.append((x.lower, x.upper, 'pad'))
    for start, end in mem_list:
        operations.append((start, end, 'mem'))

    # Read & fill
    memoryinfo_list = []
    memory64_list = []
    for start, end, op in sorted(operations):
        size = end - start

        mi = dict(BaseAddress=start,
        mi['State'] = 0
        mi['Type'] = 0

        if op == 'fill':
            #data = b'\x00'*size
            # Attempt to read these anyway. Rekall will fill with zeros if the read fails
            data =, size)
            data =, size)
        memory64_list.append((start, size, data))

    return memoryinfo_list, memory64_list
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_intervals(genome1, genome2, all_match, strip):
    # NOTE: There might be trouble with RSIs that are the delimited at front
    #       and back by the same marker.

    # Only strip genomes (to find RSIs) if instructed in arguments
    stripped1 = genome1
    stripped2 = genome2
    if strip:
        stripped1 = strip_genome_unique(stripped1)
        stripped2 = strip_genome_unique(stripped2)

    # Index one genome, loop over the other.
    index = Genome_pairs_index()

    ints = intervals.IntervalDict()
    for key, chrom in stripped2.chromosomes.iteritems():
        for i in xrange(len(chrom) - 1):
            pair2 = (chrom[i].id, chrom[i + 1].id)
            if markers.are_siblings(*pair2):
            full_ids2 = [ for marker in
                         genome2.chromosomes[ key ] \
                             [ chrom[i].index : chrom[i+1].index+1 ] ]
            pairs = index.query(*pair2)
            # Find all pairs in the index with a full match (or all match)
            matches = []
            match_ids = []
            for pair1 in pairs:
                # do we have a match between pair1 and pair2?

                full_ids1 = [ for marker in
                              genome1.chromosomes[ pair1[0].chromosome ] \
                                  [ pair1[1].index : pair1[2].index+1 ] ]

                cmp_result, _ = compare_marker_intervals(
                    full_ids1, full_ids2, all_match)
                if cmp_result:
                    match_ids = full_ids1

            if matches:
                # Add a new interval to ints if not already there, and add the
                # loci from matches to it. If the interval is already there, it
                # must already have the loci from matches.
                if not full_ids2 in ints:
                            loci=[l for l, _, _ in matches],
                # Add the newly found locus in genome 2 to the interval.
                interval = ints[match_ids]
                locus2 = markers.Locus(
                    end=chrom[i + 1].locus.end,
                if interval.marker_ids == list(reversed(full_ids2)):
                    locus2.orientation *= -1

    # Filter the ints to distinguish repeat spanning intervals.
    adjs = intervals.IntervalDict()
    RSIs = intervals.IntervalDict()
    for interval in ints.itervalues():
        if len(interval.marker_ids) == 2:

    return adjs, RSIs
def test_intervaldict_other_methods():
    # Containment
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    assert 0 in d
    assert -1 not in d
    assert I.closed(-2, -1) not in d
    assert I.closed(1, 2) in d
    assert I.closed(1, 4) not in d

    # Repr
    assert repr(d) == '{' + repr(I.closed(0, 3)) + ': 0}'

    # pop
    t = d.pop(2)
    assert t == 0
    t = d.pop(4, 1)
    assert t == 1
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    # pop intervals
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    t = d.pop(I.closed(0, 1))
    assert t.items() == [(I.closed(0, 1), 0)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.openclosed(1, 3), 0)]
    t = d.pop(I.closed(0, 2), 1)
    assert t.items() == [(I.closed(0, 1), 1), (I.openclosed(1, 2), 0)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.openclosed(2, 3), 0)]

    # popitem
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    t = d.popitem()
    assert t.items() == [(I.closed(0, 3), 0)]
    assert len(d) == 0

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

    # clear
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    assert d == I.IntervalDict()
    assert d == I.IntervalDict()

    # copy
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    assert d.copy() == d

    # find
    assert d.find(-1) == I.empty()
    assert d.find(0) == I.closed(0, 3)

    # init & update & eq
    d = I.IntervalDict({I.closed(0, 2): 0, I.closed(4, 5): 1})
    assert d == I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0), (I.closed(4, 5), 1)])

    a, b = d.copy(), d.copy()
    a.update({I.closed(-1, 1): 2})
    b.update([[I.closed(-1, 1), 2]])
    assert a != d
    assert a == b
    assert a != 1
    assert a.items() == [(I.closed(-1, 1), 2), (I.openclosed(1, 2), 0), (I.closed(4, 5), 1)]

    assert I.IntervalDict([(0, 0), (1, 1)]) == I.IntervalDict([(1, 1), (0, 0)])
def test_intervaldict_get_set():
    d = I.IntervalDict()

    # Single value
    d[I.closed(0, 2)] = 0
    assert len(d) == 1
    assert d[2] == 0
    assert d.get(2) == 0
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    assert d.get(3) is None

    # Intervals
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    assert d[, I.inf)].items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 0)]
    assert d[I.closed(0, 2)].items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 0)]
    assert d[I.closed(-1, 0)].items() == [(I.singleton(0), 0)]
    assert d[I.closed(-2, -1)].items() == []
    assert d.get(I.closed(0, 2)).items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 0)]
    assert d.get(I.closed(-2, -1)).items() == [(I.closed(-2, -1), None)]
    assert d.get(I.closed(-1, 0)).items() == [(I.closedopen(-1, 0), None), (I.singleton(0), 0)]

    d[I.closed(1, 3)] = 1
    assert d.items() == [(I.closedopen(0, 1), 0), (I.closed(1, 3), 1)]
    assert len(d) == 2
    assert d[0] == 0
    assert d.get(0, -1) == 0
    assert d[1] == 1
    assert d.get(1, -1) == 1
    assert d[3] == 1
    assert d.get(3, -1) == 1
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    assert d.get(4, -1) == -1

    # Set values
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    d[3] = 2
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 0), (I.singleton(3), 2)]
    d[3] = 3
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 0), (I.singleton(3), 3)]
    d[I.closed(0, 2)] = 1
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(0, 2), 1), (I.singleton(3), 3)]
    d[I.closed(-1, 1)] = 2
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(-1, 1), 2), (I.openclosed(1, 2), 1), (I.singleton(3), 3)]

    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    d[I.closed(-1, 4)] = 1
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(-1, 4), 1)]
    d[I.closed(5, 6)] = 1
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(-1, 4) | I.closed(5, 6), 1)]

    # Delete
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    del d[1]
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        del d[3]

    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    del d[I.closed(-1, 1)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.openclosed(1, 2), 0)]

    del d[I.closed(-10, -9)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.openclosed(1, 2), 0)]
    del d[I.empty()]
    assert d.items() == [(I.openclosed(1, 2), 0)]

    # setdefault
    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    assert d.setdefault(-1, default=0) == 0
    assert d[-1] == 0
    assert d.setdefault(0, default=1) == 0
    assert d[0] == 0

    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    t = d.setdefault(I.closed(-2, -1), -1)
    assert t.items() == [(I.closed(-2, -1), -1)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.closed(-2, -1), -1), (I.closed(0, 2), 0)]

    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 2), 0)])
    t = d.setdefault(I.closed(-1, 1), 2)
    assert t.items() == [(I.closedopen(-1, 0), 2), (I.closed(0, 1), 0)]
    assert d.items() == [(I.closedopen(-1, 0), 2), (I.closed(0, 2), 0)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_intervaldict_combine():
    add = lambda x, y: x + y

    assert I.IntervalDict().combine(I.IntervalDict(), add) == I.IntervalDict()

    d = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(0, 3), 0)])
    assert I.IntervalDict().combine(d, add) == d
    assert d.combine(I.IntervalDict(), add) == d

    d1 = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(1, 3) | I.closed(5, 7), 1)])
    d2 = I.IntervalDict([(I.closed(2, 4) | I.closed(6, 8), 2)])
    assert d1.combine(d2, add) == d2.combine(d1, add)
    assert d1.combine(d2, add) == I.IntervalDict([
        (I.closedopen(1, 2) | I.closedopen(5, 6), 1),
        (I.closed(2, 3) | I.closed(6, 7), 3),
        (I.openclosed(3, 4) | I.openclosed(7, 8), 2),

    d1 = I.IntervalDict({
        I.closed(0, 1): 2,
        I.closed(3, 4): 2
    d2 = I.IntervalDict({
        I.closed(1, 3): 3,
        I.closed(4, 5): 1
    assert d1.combine(d2, add) == d2.combine(d1, add)
    assert d1.combine(d2, add) == I.IntervalDict({
        I.closedopen(0, 1): 2,
        I.singleton(1): 5,, 3): 3,
        I.singleton(3): 5,, 4): 2,
        I.singleton(4): 3,
        I.openclosed(4, 5): 1,