def test_knownGene():
    # To speed up testing, we'll download the file and reuse the downloaded copy
    knownGene_url = ''
    # Mirror. Slightly faster and more stable, I believe:
    knownGene_url = ''

    # To speed up testing, we'll download the file and reuse the downloaded copy
    knownGene_file, headers = urlretrieve(knownGene_url)
    knownGene_localurl = 'file:///%s' % os.path.abspath(knownGene_file)
    knownGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url=knownGene_localurl, decompress=True) # Py3 downloads .gz files to local files with names not ending with .gz
    assert len(knownGene) == 82960
    result = knownGene[b'chr1'].search(100000, 138529)
    assert len(result) == 1
    assert list(result)[0].data['name'] == b'uc021oeg.2'
    knownGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url=knownGene_localurl, mode='cds', decompress=True)
    assert len(knownGene) == 82960
    assert not knownGene[b'chr1'].overlaps(100000, 138529)
    knownGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url=knownGene_localurl, mode='exons', decompress=True)
    assert len(knownGene) == 742493
    result = list(knownGene[b'chr1'].search(134772, 140566))
    assert len(result) == 3
    assert result[0].data == result[1].data and result[0].data == result[2].data
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def read_as_intervaltree(self):
     Reads the data from a 'bed' file into an ```` data structure.
     Similarly to ``open`` and ``open_text`` it won't download file to cache, if it is not there.
     Reads the whole file to memory during its work.
     The file must be a `bed` or `bed.gz` file.
     The ``data`` field of each interval will contain the result of ``ln.split('\t')[3:]`` applied to the corresponding line of the ``bed`` file.
         a GenomeIntervalTree instance.
     assert self['type'] in ['bed', 'narrowPeak', 'broadPeak']
     with self.open_text() as f:
         gtree = GenomeIntervalTree.from_bed(fileobj=f)
     return gtree
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _test_promotorsearch():
    # Realistic example: find a promotor of a given gene ('NANOG', for example)
    # It is slow, so you don't want to run it too much.
    from import GenomeIntervalTree, UCSCTable
    # Download refGene table
    refGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url='', parser=UCSCTable.REF_GENE)
    # Find the NANOG gene
    nanog = [i for chrom in refGene for i in refGene[chrom] if['name2'] == 'NANOG']
    nanog = nanog[0]
    # Download genome segmentation table
    e = Encode()
    segments = e.AwgSegmentation.CombinedHepg2.fetch().read_as_intervaltree()
    # Find the segmentation of the NANOG transcript +- 10kb
    results = segments[['chrom']].search(nanog.begin-10000, nanog.end+10000)
    # Leave the promotor/promotor flanking segments only
    results = [i for i in results if[0] in ['PF', 'P']]
    print results
def find_candidates_2(sequence_hits):
    ''' finds microRNA candidates from bowtie data (using interval trees)
        sequence_hits -- an iterable of lists on bowtie output format:
  0          1    2                                 3           4                           5                           6
['1-15830', '-', 'gi|224589818|ref|NC_000006.11|', '72113295', 'AGCTTCCAGTCGAGGATGTTTACA', 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII', '0']
        returns a list of candidates, and the interval tree with all sequences
    print "nr of sequences from bowtie: ", len(sequence_hits)
    sequence_tree = GenomeIntervalTree()
    candidate_tree = GenomeIntervalTree() # only candidates here
    candidate_list = []
    all_mapped_sequences = set()
    seq_to_candidates = {}
    f = 0 # printing stats
    a = 0
    print "adding all intervals to the tree"
    for prop in sequence_hits:

        seq_name = prop[0]
        strand_dir = prop[1] # forward: + backward: -
        genome_nr = prop[2].split("|")[3] # which genome (and version)
        genome_offset = int(prop[3]) # offset into the genome, 0-indexed
        dna_sequence = prop[4] # the dna_sequence matching this position.
        sequence_info = [strand_dir, seq_name, dna_sequence]
        sequence_tree.addi(genome_nr, genome_offset, genome_offset + len(dna_sequence), sequence_info)
    print "\tall intervals added to the tree" 
    interval_sum = 0.0

    # test all intervals to find candidates
    for tree in sequence_tree:
        print tree
        for interval in sorted(sequence_tree[tree]):
            if interval in all_mapped_sequences:
            start_interval = interval.begin
            end_interval = start_interval + SEARCH_LEN

#             find a peak in this interval
            candidate_intervals = sequence_tree[tree][start_interval:end_interval]
            if not candidate_intervals:
#             filter by direction
            candidate_intervals = [s for s in candidate_intervals if[0] ==[0]]
            if len(candidate_intervals) <= 1:
#             search for more sequences close to this one
            max_end_interval = max(candidate_intervals, key=lambda x:x.end)
            max_end = max_end_interval.end
            candidate_intervals = set(candidate_intervals)
            while max_end + MAX_HAIRPIN_LOOP + MAX_MATURE_SEQ > end_interval: # extend search area
                new_seqs = sequence_tree[tree][end_interval:end_interval+SEARCH_LEN]
                new_seqs = [s for s in new_seqs if[0] ==[0]]
                if len(new_seqs) == 0:
                end_interval += SEARCH_LEN
                max_end_interval = max(new_seqs, key=lambda x:x.end)
                max_end = max_end_interval.end 
            all_mapped_sequences.update(candidate_intervals) # do not use these next iteration
            candidate_intervals = sorted(candidate_intervals) # first interval is picked if several equal.

            i = 0
            while candidate_intervals:
                i += 1
                if i > 1: break
                # finding the best interval (highest peaks):
                start_peak, start_peak_val, end_peak, end_peak_val = best_interval(candidate_intervals, start_interval)

                # no intervals at all
                if start_peak_val == -1 or end_peak_val == -1 or start_peak == -1 or end_peak == -1:

                # finding interval close before best
                start_before_limit = max(-3,start_peak - MAX_HAIRPIN_LOOP - MAX_MATURE_SEQ )
                stop_before_limit = max(-3, start_peak - MIN_HAIRPIN_LOOP)
                five_intervals = filter_intervals(candidate_intervals, start_interval, start_before_limit, stop_before_limit)
                start_before, start_before_val, stop_before, stop_before_val = best_interval(five_intervals, start_interval)
                # interval close after best
                start_after_limit = end_peak + MIN_HAIRPIN_LOOP
                stop_after_limit = end_peak + MAX_HAIRPIN_LOOP + MAX_MATURE_SEQ
                three_intervals = filter_intervals(candidate_intervals, start_interval, start_after_limit, stop_after_limit)
                start_after, start_after_val, stop_after, stop_after_val = best_interval(three_intervals, start_interval)
                no_peak_after = start_after == -1 or stop_after == -1
                no_peak_after = no_peak_after or start_after_val == -1 or stop_after_val == -1
                no_peak_before = start_before == -1 or stop_before == -1
                no_peak_before = no_peak_before or start_before_val == -1 or stop_before_val == -1
                p1 = p2 = p3 = p4 = -1
                a += 1
                if no_peak_after and no_peak_before:
                    f += 1

                # best peak is 5p
                elif no_peak_before or start_after_val + stop_after_val > start_before_val + stop_before_val:
                    begin_5p = start_peak + start_interval # best peak
                    end_5p = end_peak + start_interval
                    begin_3p = start_after + start_interval # peak after is second best
                    end_3p = stop_after + start_interval
                    p1 = start_peak_val # peak value, used for testing
                    p2 = end_peak_val
                    p3 = start_after_val
                    p4 = stop_after_val
                    assert begin_5p < end_5p < begin_3p < end_3p
                    assert start_after_val != -1
                    assert stop_after_val != -1
                    assert start_after_val + stop_after_val > start_before_val + stop_before_val
#                     assert stop_after_val > stop_before_val
                # best peak is 3p
                    begin_5p = start_before + start_interval # peak before
                    end_5p = stop_before + start_interval
                    begin_3p = start_peak + start_interval # best peak
                    end_3p = end_peak + start_interval
                    p1 = start_before_val
                    p2 = stop_before_val
                    p3 = start_peak_val
                    p4 = end_peak_val
                    assert begin_5p < end_5p < begin_3p < end_3p

                strand_dir =[0]
                chromosome = tree

                assert end_3p - begin_5p <= MAX_CANDIDATE_LEN

                # close intervals are the intervals overlapping the candidate
                close_intervals = set()
                for c in candidate_intervals:
                    if begin_5p < c.begin < end_3p or begin_5p < c.end < end_3p:
#                 close_intervals = set(c for c in candidate_intervals if c.begin <= end_3p or c.end >= begin_5p)
                candidate_intervals = set(candidate_intervals)
                candidate_intervals -= close_intervals
                candidate_intervals = list(candidate_intervals)
                hairpin_start = begin_5p
                hairpin_end = end_3p

                candidate = structure.Candidate(chromosome,
                                                 hairpin_start, # used as gene offset. sometimes 5p mature seq. is missing...
                candidate.candidate_type = structure.TYPE_CANDIDATE
                intervals_before = sequence_tree[tree][begin_5p-30:begin_5p] if sequence_tree[tree] else []
                intervals_after = sequence_tree[tree][end_3p:end_3p+30] if sequence_tree[tree] else []
                intervals_before = [s for s in intervals_before if[0] == strand_dir]
                intervals_after = [s for s in intervals_after if[0] == strand_dir]
                candidate.set_seq_outside(intervals_before, intervals_after)

                candidate.peak_5b = p1
                candidate.peak_5e = p2
                candidate.peak_3b = p3
                candidate.peak_3e = p4
                assert candidate.pos_5p_begin < candidate.pos_5p_end < candidate.pos_3p_begin < candidate.pos_3p_end
                for candidate_interval in close_intervals:
                    name =[1]
                    if name not in seq_to_candidates:
                        number_id = int(name.split("-")[0])
                        duplicates = float(name.split("-")[1])
                        interval_sum += duplicates
                        s = structure.Sequence(number_id, duplicates,[2])
                        seq_to_candidates[name] = s
                candidate_tree[tree][begin_5p:end_3p] = candidate
                if len(all_mapped_sequences) == 0:
                    all_mapped_sequences = candidate.all_mapped_sequences

    print "find candidates 2.0"
    print "candidates:", a-f
    print "tests:", a, (a-f) * 1.0/ a
    print "fail:", f, f * 1.0 / a
    print "sum interval in candidates:", interval_sum
    return candidate_tree, sequence_tree, candidate_list, seq_to_candidates
def test_refGene():
    # Smoke-test for refGene
    refGene_url = ''
    refGene_url = ''
    refGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url=refGene_url, mode='tx', parser=UCSCTable.REF_GENE)
    assert len(refGene) == 52350  # NB: Some time ago it was 50919, hence it seems the table data changes on UCSC and eventually the mirror and UCSC won't be the same.
def test_ensGene():
    # Smoke-test we can at least read ensGene.
    ensGene_url = ''
    ensGene_url = ''
    ensGene = GenomeIntervalTree.from_table(url=ensGene_url, mode='cds', parser=UCSCTable.ENS_GENE)
    assert len(ensGene) == 204940