Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get(self, deposit_id, **kwargs):
        Get the list of files already uploaded

        Test this with:
        $ curl -v
        should return the list of deposited files
        CFG_B2SHARE_UPLOAD_FOLDER = current_app.config.get(

        deposition_status = os.path.join(CFG_B2SHARE_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
                                         deposit_id, 'uncommitted')
        if not os.path.exists(deposition_status):
            return {'message': 'Bad deposit_id parameter or already closed deposition.',
                    'status': 404}, 404

        files = [{'name': f['name'], 'size': f['size'] }
                 for f in get_depositing_files_metadata(deposit_id)]
        return {'files':files}
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post(self, deposit_id, **kwargs):
        Creates a new deposition

        Test this with:
        $ curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
          -d '{"domain":"generic", "title":"REST Test Title", "description":"REST Test Description"}'
        CFG_B2SHARE_UPLOAD_FOLDER = current_app.config.get(

        deposition_status = os.path.join(CFG_B2SHARE_UPLOAD_FOLDER,
                                        deposit_id, 'uncommitted')
        if not os.path.exists(deposition_status):
            return {'message': 'Bad deposit_id parameter or already closed deposition.',
                    'status': 404}, 404

        if not get_depositing_files_metadata(deposit_id):
            return {'message':'No files: add files to this deposition first', 'status':400}, 400

            form = request.get_json()
            return {'message':'Invalid POST data', 'status':400}, 400

        domain = form.get('domain', '').lower()
        if domain in metadata_classes():
            metaclass = metadata_classes()[domain]
            meta = metaclass()
            domains = ", ".join(metadata_classes().keys())
            json_data = {
                'message': 'Invalid domain. The submitted metadata must '+\
                            'contain a valid "domain" field. Valid domains '+\
                            'are: '+ domains,
                'status': 400,
            return json_data, 400

        if not is_current_user_allowed_to_deposit(meta):
            return {'message':'depositions to this domain are restricted', 'status':401}, 401

        if 'open_access' not in form:
            return {'message':'open_access boolean field required', 'status':400}, 400
        if not form['open_access'] or form['open_access'] == 'restricted':
            del form['open_access'] # action required by the b2share_marc_handler

        if not form.get('language'):
            form['language'] = meta.language_default

        form = ImmutableMultiDict(form)

        MetaForm = model_form(meta.__class__, base_class=FormWithKey,
                              exclude=['submission', 'submission_type'],

        meta_form = MetaForm(form, meta, csrf_enabled=False)

        if meta_form.validate_on_submit():
            recid, marc = create_marc(form, deposit_id, current_user['email'], meta)
            tmp_file = write_marc_to_temp_file(marc)
            # all usual tasks have priority 0; we want the bibuploads to run first
            from invenio.legacy.bibsched.bibtask import task_low_level_submission
            task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'webdeposit', '--priority', '1', '-r', tmp_file)

            #TODO: remove the existing deposition folder?; the user can now
            #      repeatedly create records with the same deposition

            location = "/api/record/%d" % (recid,)
            json_data = {
                'message': "New record submitted for processing",
                'location': "/api/record/%d" % (recid,),
                'record_id': recid,
            return json_data, 201, {'Location':location} # return location header
            fields = {}
            for (fname, field) in meta.field_args.iteritems():
                if not field.get('hidden'):
                    fields[fname] = { 'description' : field.get('description') }
                    if self.is_required_field(metaclass, fname):
                        fields[fname]['required'] = True
                    if field.get('cardinality') == 'n':
                        fields[fname]['multiple'] = True
                    if field.get('data_source'):
                        fields[fname]['options'] = field.get('data_source')

            json_data = {
                'message': 'Invalid metadata, please review the required fields',
                'status': 400,
                'fields': fields,
            return json_data, 400