Ejemplo n.º 1
def merge_static_classy():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is static: if aid* tables are changed while it's running,
        probably everything will crash and a black hole will open, eating all your data.
        NOTE: this is more elegant that merge_static but much slower. Will have to be improved
               before it can replace it.
    class Sig(object):
        def __init__(self, bibrefrec, pid_flag):
            self.rejected = dict(filter(lambda p:                p[1] <= -2, pid_flag))
            self.assigned = filter(lambda p:-2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, pid_flag)
            self.claimed = filter(lambda p:  2 <= p[1], pid_flag)
            self.bibrefrec = bibrefrec

            assert self.invariant()

        def invariant(self):
            return len(self.assigned) + len(self.claimed) <= 1

        def empty(self):
            return not self.isclaimed and not self.isassigned

        def isclaimed(self):
            return len(self.claimed) == 1

        def get_claimed(self):
            return self.claimed[0][0]

        def get_assigned(self):
            return self.assigned[0][0]

        def isassigned(self):
            return len(self.assigned) == 1

        def isrejected(self, pid):
            return pid in self.rejected

        def change_pid(self, pid):
            assert self.invariant()
            assert self.isassigned()
            self.assigned = [(pid, 0)]
            move_signature(self.bibrefrec, pid)

    class Cluster(object):
        def __init__(self, pid, sigs):
            self.pid = pid

            self.sigs = dict((sig.bibrefrec[2], sig) for sig in sigs if not sig.empty())

        def send_sig(self, other, sig):
            paper = sig.bibrefrec[2]
            assert paper in self.sigs and paper not in other.sigs

            del self.sigs[paper]
            other.sigs[paper] = sig

            if sig.isassigned():

    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0] for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    personid = get_bibrefrec_to_pid_flag_mapping()
    free_pids = backinterface_get_free_pids()

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
        update_status(float(idx) / len(last_names), "Merging, %d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4]) for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d)) for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(0))]

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = filter(lambda x: x[1] > -2, personid.get(d, []))
                if pid_flag:
                    assert len(pid_flag) == 1
                    pid = pid_flag[0][0]

            matr.append(dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids] for row in matr])

        # [[bibrefrecs] -> pid]
        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx]) for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip((results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        # pid -> Cluster
        clusters = dict((pid, Cluster(pid, [Sig(bib, personid.get(bib, [])) for bib in sigs]))
                        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters))

        todo = clusters.items()
        for pid, clus in todo:
            assert clus.pid == pid

            for paper, sig in clus.sigs.items():
                if sig.isclaimed():
                    if sig.get_claimed() != pid:
                        target_clus = clusters[sig.get_claimed()]

                        if paper in target_clus.sigs:
                            new_clus = Cluster(free_pids.next(), [])
                            target_clus.send_sig(new_clus, target_clus[paper])
                            clusters[new_clus.pid] = new_clus

                        assert paper not in target_clus.sigs
                        clus.send_sig(target_clus, sig)
                elif sig.get_assigned() != pid:
                    if not sig.isrejected(pid):
                        move_signature(sig.bibrefrec, pid)
                        move_signature(sig.bibrefrec, free_pids.next())
                    assert not sig.isrejected(pid)

    update_status_final("Merging done.")

Ejemplo n.º 2
def merge_dynamic():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is dynamic: it allows aid* tables to be changed while it is still running,
        hence the claiming faciity for example can stay online during the merge. This comfort 
        however is paid off in term of speed.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0] for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    def get_free_pids():
        while True:
            yield get_new_personid()

    free_pids = get_free_pids()

    def try_move_signature(sig, target_pid):
        paps = get_signature_info(sig)
        rejected = filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, paps)
        assigned = filter(lambda p:-2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, paps)
        claimed = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1] and p[0] == target_pid, paps)

        if claimed or not assigned or assigned[0] == target_pid:

        assert len(assigned) == 1

        if rejected:
            move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
            conflicts = find_conflicts(sig, target_pid)
            if not conflicts:
                move_signature(sig, target_pid)
                assert len(conflicts) == 1
                if conflicts[0][3] == 2:
                    move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(conflicts[0][:3], free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(sig, target_pid)

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
        update_status(float(idx) / len(last_names), "%d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4]) for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d)) for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(0))]

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            claim = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = personid_from_signature(d)
                if pid_flag:
                    pid, flag = pid_flag[0]
                    if flag > 1:
                        claim.append((d, pid))

            matr.append(dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        # We cast it to list in order to ensure the order persistence.
        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids] for row in matr])

        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx]) for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip((results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters):
            for sig in sigs:
                try_move_signature(sig, pid)

Ejemplo n.º 3
def merge_static():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is static: if aid* tables are changed while it's running,
        probably everything will crash and a black hole will open, eating all your data.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0] for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    def get_free_pids():
        while True:
            yield get_new_personid()

    free_pids = get_free_pids()

    current_mapping = get_bibrefrec_to_pid_flag_mapping()

    def move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, old_pid_flag, new_pid_flag):
        move_signature(sig, new_pid_flag[0])

    def try_move_signature(sig, target_pid):
        paps = current_mapping[sig]
        rejected = filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, paps)
        assigned = filter(lambda p:-2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, paps)
        claimed = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1] and p[0] == target_pid, paps)

        if claimed or not assigned or assigned[0] == target_pid:

        assert len(assigned) == 1

        if rejected:
            newpid = free_pids.next()
            move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0], (newpid, assigned[0][1]))
            conflicts = find_conflicts(sig, target_pid)
            if not conflicts:
                move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0], (target_pid, assigned[0][1]))
                assert len(conflicts) == 1
                if conflicts[0][3] == 2:
                    newpid = free_pids.next()
                    move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0], (newpid, assigned[0][1]))
                    newpid = free_pids.next()
                    csig = tuple(conflicts[0][:3])
                    move_sig_and_update_mapping(csig, (target_pid, conflicts[0][3]), (newpid, conflicts[0][3]))
                    move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0], (target_pid, assigned[0][1]))

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
        update_status(float(idx) / len(last_names), "%d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4]) for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d)) for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(0))]

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            claim = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = current_mapping.get(d, [])
                if pid_flag:
                    pid, flag = pid_flag[0]
                    if flag > 1:
                        claim.append((d, pid))

            matr.append(dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        # We cast it to list in order to ensure the order persistence.
        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids] for row in matr])

        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx]) for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip((results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters):
            for sig in sigs:
                if sig in current_mapping:
                    if not pid in map(itemgetter(0), filter(lambda x: x[1] > -2, current_mapping[sig])):
                        try_move_signature(sig, pid)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def merge_static_classy():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is static: if aid* tables are changed while it's running,
        probably everything will crash and a black hole will open, eating all your data.

        NOTE: this is more elegant that merge_static but much slower. Will have to be improved
               before it can replace it.
    class Sig(object):
        def __init__(self, bibrefrec, pid_flag):
            self.rejected = dict(filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, pid_flag))
            self.assigned = filter(lambda p: -2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, pid_flag)
            self.claimed = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1], pid_flag)
            self.bibrefrec = bibrefrec

            assert self.invariant()

        def invariant(self):
            return len(self.assigned) + len(self.claimed) <= 1

        def empty(self):
            return not self.isclaimed and not self.isassigned

        def isclaimed(self):
            return len(self.claimed) == 1

        def get_claimed(self):
            return self.claimed[0][0]

        def get_assigned(self):
            return self.assigned[0][0]

        def isassigned(self):
            return len(self.assigned) == 1

        def isrejected(self, pid):
            return pid in self.rejected

        def change_pid(self, pid):
            assert self.invariant()
            assert self.isassigned()
            self.assigned = [(pid, 0)]
            move_signature(self.bibrefrec, pid)

    class Cluster(object):
        def __init__(self, pid, sigs):
            self.pid = pid

            self.sigs = dict(
                (sig.bibrefrec[2], sig) for sig in sigs if not sig.empty())

        def send_sig(self, other, sig):
            paper = sig.bibrefrec[2]
            assert paper in self.sigs and paper not in other.sigs

            del self.sigs[paper]
            other.sigs[paper] = sig

            if sig.isassigned():

    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0]
                           for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    personid = get_bibrefrec_to_pid_flag_mapping()
    free_pids = backinterface_get_free_pids()

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
            float(idx) / len(last_names),
            "Merging, %d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4])
                   for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d))
                   for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)),

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = filter(lambda x: x[1] > -2, personid.get(d, []))
                if pid_flag:
                    assert len(pid_flag) == 1
                    pid = pid_flag[0][0]

                dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids]
                                        for row in matr])

        # [[bibrefrecs] -> pid]
        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx])
                            for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(
            imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip(
            (results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        # pid -> Cluster
        clusters = dict(
             Cluster(pid, [Sig(bib, personid.get(bib, [])) for bib in sigs]))
            for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters))

        todo = clusters.items()
        for pid, clus in todo:
            assert clus.pid == pid

            for paper, sig in clus.sigs.items():
                if sig.isclaimed():
                    if sig.get_claimed() != pid:
                        target_clus = clusters[sig.get_claimed()]

                        if paper in target_clus.sigs:
                            new_clus = Cluster(free_pids.next(), [])
                            target_clus.send_sig(new_clus, target_clus[paper])
                            clusters[new_clus.pid] = new_clus

                        assert paper not in target_clus.sigs
                        clus.send_sig(target_clus, sig)
                elif sig.get_assigned() != pid:
                    if not sig.isrejected(pid):
                        move_signature(sig.bibrefrec, pid)
                        move_signature(sig.bibrefrec, free_pids.next())
                    assert not sig.isrejected(pid)

    update_status_final("Merging done.")

Ejemplo n.º 5
def merge_dynamic():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is dynamic: it allows aid* tables to be changed while it is still running,
        hence the claiming faciity for example can stay online during the merge. This comfort
        however is paid off in term of speed.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0]
                           for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    def get_free_pids():
        while True:
            yield get_new_personid()

    free_pids = get_free_pids()

    def try_move_signature(sig, target_pid):
        paps = get_signature_info(sig)
        rejected = filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, paps)
        assigned = filter(lambda p: -2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, paps)
        claimed = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1] and p[0] == target_pid, paps)

        if claimed or not assigned or assigned[0] == target_pid:

        assert len(assigned) == 1

        if rejected:
            move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
            conflicts = find_conflicts(sig, target_pid)
            if not conflicts:
                move_signature(sig, target_pid)
                assert len(conflicts) == 1
                if conflicts[0][3] == 2:
                    move_signature(sig, free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(conflicts[0][:3], free_pids.next())
                    move_signature(sig, target_pid)

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
            float(idx) / len(last_names),
            "%d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4])
                   for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d))
                   for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)),

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            claim = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = personid_from_signature(d)
                if pid_flag:
                    pid, flag = pid_flag[0]
                    if flag > 1:
                        claim.append((d, pid))

                dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        # We cast it to list in order to ensure the order persistence.
        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids]
                                        for row in matr])

        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx])
                            for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(
            imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip(
            (results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters):
            for sig in sigs:
                try_move_signature(sig, pid)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def merge_static():
        This function merges aidPERSONIDPAPERS with aidRESULTS.
        Use it after tortoise.
        This function is static: if aid* tables are changed while it's running,
        probably everything will crash and a black hole will open, eating all your data.
    last_names = frozenset(name[0].split('.')[0]
                           for name in get_existing_result_clusters())

    def get_free_pids():
        while True:
            yield get_new_personid()

    free_pids = get_free_pids()

    current_mapping = get_bibrefrec_to_pid_flag_mapping()

    def move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, old_pid_flag, new_pid_flag):
        move_signature(sig, new_pid_flag[0])

    def try_move_signature(sig, target_pid):
        paps = current_mapping[sig]
        rejected = filter(lambda p: p[1] <= -2, paps)
        assigned = filter(lambda p: -2 < p[1] and p[1] < 2, paps)
        claimed = filter(lambda p: 2 <= p[1] and p[0] == target_pid, paps)

        if claimed or not assigned or assigned[0] == target_pid:

        assert len(assigned) == 1

        if rejected:
            newpid = free_pids.next()
            move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0],
                                        (newpid, assigned[0][1]))
            conflicts = find_conflicts(sig, target_pid)
            if not conflicts:
                move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0],
                                            (target_pid, assigned[0][1]))
                assert len(conflicts) == 1
                if conflicts[0][3] == 2:
                    newpid = free_pids.next()
                    move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0],
                                                (newpid, assigned[0][1]))
                    newpid = free_pids.next()
                    csig = tuple(conflicts[0][:3])
                                                (target_pid, conflicts[0][3]),
                                                (newpid, conflicts[0][3]))
                    move_sig_and_update_mapping(sig, assigned[0],
                                                (target_pid, assigned[0][1]))

    for idx, last in enumerate(last_names):
            float(idx) / len(last_names),
            "%d/%d current: %s" % (idx, len(last_names), last))

        results = ((int(row[0].split(".")[1]), row[1:4])
                   for row in get_lastname_results(last))

        # [(last name number, [bibrefrecs])]
        results = [(k, map(itemgetter(1), d))
                   for k, d in groupby(sorted(results, key=itemgetter(0)),

        # List of dictionaries.
        # [{new_pid -> N}]
        matr = []

        # Set of all old pids.
        old_pids = set()

        for k, ds in results:
            pids = []
            claim = []
            for d in ds:
                pid_flag = current_mapping.get(d, [])
                if pid_flag:
                    pid, flag = pid_flag[0]
                    if flag > 1:
                        claim.append((d, pid))

                dict((k, len(list(d))) for k, d in groupby(sorted(pids))))

        # We cast it to list in order to ensure the order persistence.
        old_pids = list(old_pids)
        best_match = maximized_mapping([[row.get(old, 0) for old in old_pids]
                                        for row in matr])

        matched_clusters = [(results[new_idx][1], old_pids[old_idx])
                            for new_idx, old_idx, _ in best_match]
        not_matched_clusters = frozenset(xrange(len(results))) - frozenset(
            imap(itemgetter(0), best_match))
        not_matched_clusters = izip(
            (results[i][1] for i in not_matched_clusters), free_pids)

        for sigs, pid in chain(matched_clusters, not_matched_clusters):
            for sig in sigs:
                if sig in current_mapping:
                    if not pid in map(
                            filter(lambda x: x[1] > -2, current_mapping[sig])):
                        try_move_signature(sig, pid)
