Ejemplo n.º 1
def dict2db(table_name, dict_data, mode):
    Load the dict values into the database
    Three modes of operation:
    i - insert
    r - replace
    c - correct
    #Escape all the content in dict data to avoid " and '
    for data in dict_data:
        dict_data[data] = re.escape(dict_data[data])

    if mode == 'i': #Insert mode
        query_fields = " , " .join(dict_data.keys())
        query_values = "' , '" .join(dict_data.values())
        query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO %s(%s) VALUES ('%s')" % (wash_table_column_name(table_name),
    elif mode == 'c': #Correct mode
        if '_' in table_name:
            query = "SELECT * FROM %s" % table_name#FIXIT Trick to execute something instead of giving error
            tbl_id = get_primary_keys(table_name)[0]
            del dict_data[tbl_id]
            query_update = " , " .join(["%s=\'%s\'" % (field, dict_data[field]) for field in dict_data])
            query = "UPDATE %s SET %s" % (wash_table_column_name(table_name),
    else: #Try in the default mode
        dict2db(table_name, dict_data, LOAD_DEFAULT_MODE)
        print("VALUES: %s ALREADY EXIST IN TABLE %s. SKIPPING" % (query_values, table_name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_field(recid, field):
    Gets list of field 'field' for the record with 'recid' system number.

    digit = field[0:2]

    bibbx = "bib%sx" % digit
    bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit
    query = "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec=%%s AND bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag=%%s" % (
        wash_table_column_name(bibbx), wash_table_column_name(bibx))

    return [row[0] for row in run_sql(query, (recid, field))]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_field(recid, field):
    Gets list of field 'field' for the record with 'recid' system number.

    digit = field[0:2]

    bibbx = "bib%sx" % digit
    bibx = "bibrec_bib%sx" % digit
    query = (
        "SELECT bx.value FROM %s AS bx, %s AS bibx WHERE bibx.id_bibrec=%%s AND bx.id=bibx.id_bibxxx AND bx.tag=%%s"
        % (wash_table_column_name(bibbx), wash_table_column_name(bibx))

    return [row[0] for row in run_sql(query, (recid, field))]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def modify_translations(ID, langs, sel_type, trans, table, id_column=None):
    """add or modify translations in tables given by table
    frmID - the id of the format from the format table
    sel_type - the name type
    langs - the languages
    trans - the translations, in same order as in langs
    table - the table
    id_column - name of the column with identifier. If None, expect column to be named 'id_%s' % table

    name = "name"
    if table[-1:].isupper():
        name = "NAME"

    id_column = id_column or 'id_%s' % table
    if id_column:
        id_column = wash_table_column_name(id_column)
        for nr in range(0, len(langs)):
            res = run_sql("""SELECT value FROM "%s%s" WHERE "%s"=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s""" % (table, name, id_column),
                          (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
            if res:
                if trans[nr]:
                    res = run_sql("""UPDATE "%s%s" SET value=%%s WHERE "%s"=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s""" % (table, name, id_column),
                                  (trans[nr], ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
                    res = run_sql("""DELETE FROM "%s%s" WHERE "%s"=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s""" % (table, name, id_column),
                                  (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
                if trans[nr]:
                    res = run_sql("""INSERT INTO "%s%s" ("%s", type, ln, value) VALUES (%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s)""" % (table, name, id_column),
                                  (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0], trans[nr]))
        return (1, "")
    except StandardError as e:
        return (0, e)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dump_collection(collection, config, force_ids, print_to_screen=False):
    Dump the current collection
    Note: there are a special notation, ori(origin) - rel(relation) - fin(final)
    For example in the relation field-field_tag-tag:
    ori(origin): field table
    rel(relation): field_tag
    fin(final): tag
    tbl_ori, tbl_rel, tbl_fin = collection['relations'].split("-")
    query = "SELECT * FROM %s" % (wash_table_column_name(tbl_ori))
    lst_ori = query2list(query, tbl_ori)
    tbl_ori_id = get_primary_keys(tbl_ori)[0]
    for index_ori, result_ori in enumerate(lst_ori):
        dict_rels = get_relationship(collection, tbl_ori, tbl_ori_id)
        query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" % (
            dict_rels[tbl_ori + "." + tbl_ori_id], result_ori[tbl_ori_id])
        if collection['tables'][tbl_ori].startswith('extend'):
            add_special_field(collection, tbl_ori, result_ori)
        lst_rel = query2list(query, tbl_rel)
        for result_rel in lst_rel:
            tbl_fin_id = get_primary_keys(tbl_fin)[0]
            tbl_rel_id = dict_rels[tbl_fin + "." +
            query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" % (wash_table_column_name(
                tbl_fin), tbl_fin_id, result_rel[tbl_rel_id])
            lst_fin = query2list(query, tbl_fin)
            for index_fin, result_fin in enumerate(lst_fin):
                result_ori[tbl_fin + "." + create_section_id(
                    index_fin, with_date=False)] = result_fin

        section_name = tbl_ori + "." + create_section_id(index_ori)
        if force_ids == False:  #Remove the ids from the dict
            results = delete_ids(result_ori,
            config[section_name] = results
            config[section_name] = result_ori

        if print_to_screen == True:
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
                output)  #Write to the output string instead of the file
Ejemplo n.º 6
def create_rnkmethod_cache():
    """Create cache with vital information for each rank method."""

    bibrank_meths = run_sql("SELECT name from rnkMETHOD")

    for (rank_method_code,) in bibrank_meths:
        filepath = configuration.get(rank_method_code + '.cfg', '')
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        except IOError:

        cfg_function = config.get("rank_method", "function")
        if config.has_section(cfg_function):
            METHODS[rank_method_code] = {}
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["function"] = cfg_function
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["prefix"] = config.get(cfg_function, "relevance_number_output_prologue")
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["postfix"] = config.get(cfg_function, "relevance_number_output_epilogue")
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["chars_alphanumericseparators"] = r"[1234567890\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~]"
            raise Exception("Error in configuration config_file: %s" % (config_file + ".cfg", ))

        i8n_names = run_sql("""SELECT ln,value from rnkMETHODNAME,rnkMETHOD where id_rnkMETHOD=rnkMETHOD.id and rnkMETHOD.name=%s""", (rank_method_code,))
        for (ln, value) in i8n_names:
            METHODS[rank_method_code][ln] = value

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "table"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["rnkWORD_table"] = config.get(cfg_function, "table")
            query = "SELECT count(*) FROM %sR" % wash_table_column_name(METHODS[rank_method_code]["rnkWORD_table"][:-1])
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["col_size"] = run_sql(query)[0][0]

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "stemming") and config.get(cfg_function, "stemming"):
                METHODS[rank_method_code]["stemmer"] = config.get(cfg_function, "stemming")
            except KeyError:

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "stopword"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["stopwords"] = config.get(cfg_function, "stopword")

        if config.has_section("find_similar"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_word_occurence"] = float(config.get("find_similar", "max_word_occurence"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_word_occurence"] = float(config.get("find_similar", "min_word_occurence"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_word_length"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "min_word_length"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_nr_words_docs"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "min_nr_words_docs"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_nr_words_upper"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "max_nr_words_upper"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_nr_words_lower"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "max_nr_words_lower"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["default_min_relevance"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "default_min_relevance"))

        if cfg_function in ('word_similarity_solr', 'word_similarity_xapian'):
            create_external_ranking_settings(rank_method_code, config)

        if config.has_section("combine_method"):
            i = 1
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["combine_method"] = []
            while config.has_option("combine_method", "method%s" % i):
                METHODS[rank_method_code]["combine_method"].append(config.get("combine_method", "method%s" % i).split(","))
                i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_rnkmethod_cache():
    """Create cache with vital information for each rank method."""

    bibrank_meths = run_sql("SELECT name from rnkMETHOD")

    for (rank_method_code,) in bibrank_meths:
        filepath = configuration.get(rank_method_code + '.cfg', '')
        config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
        except IOError:

        cfg_function = config.get("rank_method", "function")
        if config.has_section(cfg_function):
            METHODS[rank_method_code] = {}
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["function"] = cfg_function
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["prefix"] = config.get(cfg_function, "relevance_number_output_prologue")
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["postfix"] = config.get(cfg_function, "relevance_number_output_epilogue")
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["chars_alphanumericseparators"] = r"[1234567890\!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\_\`\{\|\}\~]"
            raise Exception("Error in configuration config_file: %s" % (config_file + ".cfg", ))

        i8n_names = run_sql("""SELECT ln,value from rnkMETHODNAME,rnkMETHOD where id_rnkMETHOD=rnkMETHOD.id and rnkMETHOD.name=%s""", (rank_method_code,))
        for (ln, value) in i8n_names:
            METHODS[rank_method_code][ln] = value

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "table"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["rnkWORD_table"] = config.get(cfg_function, "table")
            query = "SELECT count(*) FROM %sR" % wash_table_column_name(METHODS[rank_method_code]["rnkWORD_table"][:-1])
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["col_size"] = run_sql(query)[0][0]

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "stemming") and config.get(cfg_function, "stemming"):
                METHODS[rank_method_code]["stemmer"] = config.get(cfg_function, "stemming")
            except KeyError:

        if config.has_option(cfg_function, "stopword"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["stopwords"] = config.get(cfg_function, "stopword")

        if config.has_section("find_similar"):
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_word_occurence"] = float(config.get("find_similar", "max_word_occurence"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_word_occurence"] = float(config.get("find_similar", "min_word_occurence"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_word_length"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "min_word_length"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["min_nr_words_docs"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "min_nr_words_docs"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_nr_words_upper"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "max_nr_words_upper"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["max_nr_words_lower"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "max_nr_words_lower"))
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["default_min_relevance"] = int(config.get("find_similar", "default_min_relevance"))

        if cfg_function in ('word_similarity_solr', 'word_similarity_xapian'):
            create_external_ranking_settings(rank_method_code, config)

        if config.has_section("combine_method"):
            i = 1
            METHODS[rank_method_code]["combine_method"] = []
            while config.has_option("combine_method", "method%s" % i):
                METHODS[rank_method_code]["combine_method"].append(config.get("combine_method", "method%s" % i).split(","))
                i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
def dump_collection(collection, config, force_ids, print_to_screen=False):
    Dump the current collection
    Note: there are a special notation, ori(origin) - rel(relation) - fin(final)
    For example in the relation field-field_tag-tag:
    ori(origin): field table
    rel(relation): field_tag
    fin(final): tag
    tbl_ori, tbl_rel, tbl_fin = collection['relations'].split("-")
    query = "SELECT * FROM %s" % (wash_table_column_name(tbl_ori))
    lst_ori = query2list(query, tbl_ori)
    tbl_ori_id = get_primary_keys(tbl_ori)[0]
    for index_ori, result_ori in enumerate(lst_ori):
        dict_rels = get_relationship(collection, tbl_ori, tbl_ori_id)
        query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" % (wash_table_column_name(tbl_rel),
        if collection['tables'][tbl_ori].startswith('extend'):
            add_special_field(collection, tbl_ori, result_ori)
        lst_rel = query2list(query, tbl_rel)
        for result_rel in lst_rel:
            tbl_fin_id = get_primary_keys(tbl_fin)[0]
            tbl_rel_id = dict_rels[tbl_fin+"."+tbl_fin_id].split(".")[1].strip()
            query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" % (wash_table_column_name(tbl_fin),
                                                     tbl_fin_id, result_rel[tbl_rel_id])
            lst_fin = query2list(query, tbl_fin)
            for index_fin, result_fin in enumerate(lst_fin):
                result_ori[tbl_fin+"."+create_section_id(index_fin, with_date=False)] = result_fin

        section_name = tbl_ori + "." + create_section_id(index_ori)
        if force_ids == False:#Remove the ids from the dict
            results = delete_ids(result_ori, collection['relations'].split("-"))
            config[section_name] = results
            config[section_name] = result_ori

        if print_to_screen == True:
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            config.write(output)#Write to the output string instead of the file
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_primary_keys(table_name):
    Get the primary keys from the table with the DESC mysql function
    lst_keys = []
    query = "DESC %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)
    results = run_sql(query)
    for field in results:
        if field[3] == 'PRI':
    return lst_keys
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_primary_keys(table_name):
    Get the primary keys from the table with the DESC mysql function
    lst_keys = []
    query = "DESC %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)
    results = run_sql(query)
    for field in results:
        if field[3] == 'PRI':
    return lst_keys
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_tables():
    Check all DB tables.  Useful to run from time to time when the
    site is idle, say once a month during a weekend night.

    FIXME: should produce useful output about outcome.
    res = run_sql("SHOW TABLES")
    for row in res:
        table_name = row[0]
        write_message("checking table %s" % table_name)
        run_sql("CHECK TABLE %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)) # kwalitee: disable=sql
Ejemplo n.º 12
def check_tables():
    Check all DB tables.  Useful to run from time to time when the
    site is idle, say once a month during a weekend night.

    FIXME: should produce useful output about outcome.
    res = run_sql("SHOW TABLES")
    for row in res:
        table_name = row[0]
        write_message("checking table %s" % table_name)
        run_sql("CHECK TABLE %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)) # kwalitee: disable=sql
Ejemplo n.º 13
def optimise_tables():
    Optimise all DB tables to defragment them in order to increase DB
    performance.  Useful to run from time to time when the site is
    idle, say once a month during a weekend night.

    FIXME: should produce useful output about outcome.
    res = run_sql("SHOW TABLES")
    for row in res:
        table_name = row[0]
        write_message("optimising table %s" % table_name)
        run_sql("OPTIMIZE TABLE %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)) # kwalitee: disable=sql
Ejemplo n.º 14
def optimise_tables():
    Optimise all DB tables to defragment them in order to increase DB
    performance.  Useful to run from time to time when the site is
    idle, say once a month during a weekend night.

    FIXME: should produce useful output about outcome.
    res = run_sql("SHOW TABLES")
    for row in res:
        table_name = row[0]
        write_message("optimising table %s" % table_name)
        run_sql("OPTIMIZE TABLE %s" % wash_table_column_name(table_name)) # kwalitee: disable=sql
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_name(ID, ln, rtype, table, id_column=None):
    """Returns the value from the table name based on arguments
    ID - id
    ln - a language supported by Invenio
    type - the type of value wanted, like 'ln', 'sn'
    table - tablename
    id_column - name of the column with identifier. If None, expect column to be named 'id_%s' % table

    name = "name"
    if table[-1:].isupper():
        name = "NAME"

    if id_column:
        id_column = wash_table_column_name(id_column)

        res = run_sql("""SELECT value FROM "%s%s" WHERE type='%s' and ln='%s' and %s=%s""" % (
            table, name, rtype, ln, (id_column or 'id_%s' % wash_table_column_name(table)), ID))
        return res
    except StandardError as e:
        return ()
Ejemplo n.º 16
def dict2db(table_name, dict_data, mode):
    Load the dict values into the database
    Three modes of operation:
    i - insert
    r - replace
    c - correct
    #Escape all the content in dict data to avoid " and '
    for data in dict_data:
        dict_data[data] = re.escape(dict_data[data])

    if mode == 'i':  #Insert mode
        query_fields = " , ".join(dict_data.keys())
        query_values = "' , '".join(dict_data.values())
        query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO %s(%s) VALUES ('%s')" % (
            wash_table_column_name(table_name), query_fields, query_values)
    elif mode == 'c':  #Correct mode
        if '_' in table_name:
            query = "SELECT * FROM %s" % table_name  #FIXIT Trick to execute something instead of giving error
            tbl_id = get_primary_keys(table_name)[0]
            del dict_data[tbl_id]
            query_update = " , ".join([
                "%s=\'%s\'" % (field, dict_data[field]) for field in dict_data
            query = "UPDATE %s SET %s" % (wash_table_column_name(table_name),
    else:  #Try in the default mode
        dict2db(table_name, dict_data, LOAD_DEFAULT_MODE)
              (query_values, table_name))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_name(ID, ln, rtype, table, id_column=None):
    """Returns the value from the table name based on arguments
    ID - id
    ln - a language supported by Invenio
    type - the type of value wanted, like 'ln', 'sn'
    table - tablename
    id_column - name of the column with identifier. If None, expect column to be named 'id_%s' % table

    name = "name"
    if table[-1:].isupper():
        name = "NAME"

    if id_column:
        id_column = wash_table_column_name(id_column)

        res = run_sql(
            "SELECT value FROM %s%s WHERE type='%s' and ln='%s' and %s=%s" %
            (table, name, rtype, ln,
             (id_column or 'id_%s' % wash_table_column_name(table)), ID))
        return res
    except StandardError as e:
        return ()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def modify_translations(ID, langs, sel_type, trans, table, id_column=None):
    """add or modify translations in tables given by table
    frmID - the id of the format from the format table
    sel_type - the name type
    langs - the languages
    trans - the translations, in same order as in langs
    table - the table
    id_column - name of the column with identifier. If None, expect column to be named 'id_%s' % table

    name = "name"
    if table[-1:].isupper():
        name = "NAME"

    id_column = id_column or 'id_%s' % table
    if id_column:
        id_column = wash_table_column_name(id_column)
        for nr in range(0, len(langs)):
            res = run_sql(
                "SELECT value FROM %s%s WHERE %s=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s" %
                (table, name, id_column), (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
            if res:
                if trans[nr]:
                    res = run_sql(
                        "UPDATE %s%s SET value=%%s WHERE %s=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s"
                        % (table, name, id_column),
                        (trans[nr], ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
                    res = run_sql(
                        "DELETE FROM %s%s WHERE %s=%%s AND type=%%s AND ln=%%s"
                        % (table, name, id_column),
                        (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0]))
                if trans[nr]:
                    res = run_sql(
                        "INSERT INTO %s%s (%s, type, ln, value) VALUES (%%s,%%s,%%s,%%s)"
                        % (table, name, id_column),
                        (ID, sel_type, langs[nr][0], trans[nr]))
        return (1, "")
    except StandardError as e:
        return (0, e)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def calculate_index_term_count(config):
    """Calculate the weight of a record set based on number of enries of a
    tag from the record in another index...useful for authority files"""

    records = []

    if config.has_section("index_term_count"):
        index = config.get("index_term_count", "index_table_name")
        tag = config.get("index_term_count", "index_term_value_from_tag")
        # check against possible SQL injection:
        dummy = get_table_update_time(index)
        tag = wash_table_column_name(tag)
        raise Exception("Config file " + config +
                        " does not have index_term_count section")
        return ()

    write_message("......Processing all records")
    query = "SELECT id_bibrec, value FROM bib%sx, bibrec_bib%sx WHERE tag=%%s AND id_bibxxx=id" % \
            (tag[0:2], tag[0:2]) # we checked that tag is safe
    records = list(run_sql(query, (tag, )))
    write_message("Number of records found with the necessary tags: %s" %

    rnkset = {}
    for key, value in records:
        hits = 0
        if len(value):
            query = "SELECT hitlist from %s where term = %%s" % index  # we checked that index is a table
            row = run_sql(query, (value, ))
            if row and row[0] and row[0][0]:
                #has to be prepared for corrupted data!
                    hits = len(intbitset(row[0][0]))
                    hits = 0
        rnkset[key] = hits
    write_message("Number of records available in rank method: %s" %
    return rnkset
Ejemplo n.º 20
def calculate_index_term_count(config):
    """Calculate the weight of a record set based on number of enries of a
    tag from the record in another index...useful for authority files"""

    records = []

    if config.has_section("index_term_count"):
        index = config.get("index_term_count","index_table_name")
        tag = config.get("index_term_count","index_term_value_from_tag")
        # check against possible SQL injection:
        dummy = get_table_update_time(index)
        tag = wash_table_column_name(tag)
        raise Exception("Config file " + config + " does not have index_term_count section")

    write_message("......Processing all records")
    query = "SELECT id_bibrec, value FROM bib%sx, bibrec_bib%sx WHERE tag=%%s AND id_bibxxx=id" % \
            (tag[0:2], tag[0:2]) # we checked that tag is safe
    records = list(run_sql(query, (tag,)))
    write_message("Number of records found with the necessary tags: %s" % len(records))

    rnkset = {}
    for key, value in records:
        hits = 0
        if len(value):
            query = "SELECT hitlist from %s where term = %%s" % index # we checked that index is a table
            row = run_sql(query, (value,))
            if row and row[0] and row[0][0]:
                #has to be prepared for corrupted data!
                    hits = len(intbitset(row[0][0]))
                    hits = 0
        rnkset[key] = hits
    write_message("Number of records available in rank method: %s" % len(rnkset))
    return rnkset