Ejemplo n.º 1
def wash_pattern(p):
    """Wash pattern passed in URL.

    Check for sanity of the wildcard by removing wildcards if they are appended
    to extremely short words (1-3 letters).
    # strip accents:
    # p = strip_accents(p) # FIXME: when available, strip accents all the time
    # add leading/trailing whitespace for the two following wildcard-sanity
    # checking regexps:
    p = " " + p + " "
    # replace spaces within quotes by __SPACE__ temporarily:
    p = re_pattern_single_quotes.sub(
        lambda x: "'" + x.group(1).replace(' ', '__SPACE__') + "'", p)
    p = re_pattern_double_quotes.sub(
        lambda x: "\"" + x.group(1).replace(' ', '__SPACE__') + "\"", p)
    p = re_pattern_regexp_quotes.sub(
        lambda x: "/" + x.group(1).replace(' ', '__SPACE__') + "/", p)
    # get rid of unquoted wildcards after spaces:
    p = re_pattern_wildcards_after_spaces.sub("\\1", p)
    # get rid of extremely short words (1-3 letters with wildcards):
    # p = re_pattern_short_words.sub("\\1", p)
    # replace back __SPACE__ by spaces:
    p = re_pattern_space.sub(" ", p)
    # replace special terms:
    p = re_pattern_today.sub(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()), p)
    # remove unnecessary whitespace:
    p = p.strip()
    # remove potentially wrong UTF-8 characters:
    p = wash_for_utf8(p)
    return p
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_tag(
    Create an XML/HTML tag.

    This function create a full XML/HTML tag, putting toghether an
    optional inner body and a dictionary of attributes.

        >>> print create_html_tag ("select", create_html_tag("h1",
        ... "hello", other_attrs={'class': "foo"}))
          <h1 class="foo">

    @param tag: the tag (e.g. "select", "body", "h1"...).
    @type tag: string
    @param body: some text/HTML to put in the body of the tag (this
        body will be indented WRT the tag).
    @type body: string
    @param escape_body: wether the body (if any) must be escaped.
    @type escape_body: boolean
    @param escape_attr: wether the attribute values (if any) must be
    @type escape_attr: boolean
    @param indent: number of level of indentation for the tag.
    @type indent: integer
    @param attrs: map of attributes to add to the tag.
    @type attrs: dict
    @return: the HTML tag.
    @rtype: string

    if attrs is None:
        attrs = {}
    for key, value in iteritems(other_attrs):
        if value is not None:
            if key.endswith('_'):
                attrs[key[:-1]] = value
                attrs[key] = value
    out = "<%s" % tag
    for key, value in iteritems(attrs):
        if escape_attr:
            value = escaper(value, escape_quotes=True)
        out += ' %s="%s"' % (key, value)
    if body is not None:
        if callable(body) and body.__name__ == 'handle_body':
            body = body()
        out += ">"
        if escape_body and not isinstance(body, EscapedString):
            body = escaper(body)
        out += body
        if not opening_only:
            out += "</%s>" % tag
    elif not opening_only:
        out += " />"
    if indent:
        out = indent_text(out, indent)[:-1]
    from invenio_utils.text import wash_for_utf8
    return EscapedString(wash_for_utf8(out))