Ejemplo n.º 1
 def read_character(self):
  """Read the current character."""
  char = self.guess[self.pos]
  if char == ' ': # Change it to blank.
   char = 'blank'
  ao2.speak('Character %s is %s.' % (
   self.pos + 1, # The position of the cursor (plus one for humans).
   char # The variable we made earlier.
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setup(self, handler = None):
  # First let's get us a word.
  self.word = choice(self.words).lower() # Make sure it's in lower case.
  self.guess = ''.join([' ' for x in xrange(len(self.word))]) # Make a string of spaces the same length as the actual word.
  self.guesses = 0 # The total number of guesses.
  self.pos = -1 # Our current position in the string so we can use left and right arrows to read what we have. Start at -1 so whatever the first keypress is we'll always start at the beginning.
  # Tell the user what they're dealing with. Use print formatters since they provide more flexibility and I hate typing + all the time.
  ao2.speak('Welcome to hangman. Your word contains %s %s.' % (
   len(self.word), # That's the number of letters.
   'letter' if len(self.word) == 1 else 'letters' # one-line if statements are a god send.
  self.lives = len(self.lives_messages) # Number of lives raiming. Expand the lives messages with inpunity.
  self.fails = '' # The list of letters the player guessed and failed.
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def read_score(self, event):
  """Speak the scores."""
  letters = len(self.guess.replace(' ', '')) # The number of correctly-guessed letters in the guess.
  # Let's try a different method of printing loads of variables.
  ao2.speak('After {guesses} {guesses_str}, you have guessed {letters} {letters_str} out of {word_length} in the word and have {lives} {lives_str} left.'.format(
   guesses = self.guesses,
   guesses_str = 'guess' if self.guesses == 1 else 'guesses',
   letters = letters,
   letters_str = 'letter' if letters == 1 else 'letters',
   word_length = len(self.word),
   lives = self.lives,
   lives_str = 'life' if self.lives == 1 else 'lives'
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def do_guess(self, handler):
  """Make a guess."""
  char = handler.event.unicode
  if ' ' not in self.guess: # They already won the game.
   return ao2.speak('You already won. Press enter to start another game.')
  elif self.lives <= 0:
   return ao2.speak('You already lost the game. Press enter to start another.')
  if char in self.guess or char in self.fails: # They guessed that letter before.
   return ao2.speak('You already guessed %s.' % char)
  self.guesses += 1 # Increase the number of guesses by 1.
  ao2.speak('Letter %s is %s the word.' % (char, 'in' if char in self.word else 'not in'))
  if char in self.word:
   res = '' # You can't change the contents of strings.
   for position, letter in enumerate(self.word): # The correct way to loop through something when you need your current position as well.
    if letter == char: # Give them the correctly guessed letter.
     res += char
    else: # Don't give them any free letters.
     res += self.guess[position]
   self.guess = res
   if ' ' not in self.guess: # They have guessed all letters correctly.
    self.finish() # Finish up.
   self.fails += char
   self.lives -= 1 # Subtract a life.
   if not self.lives: # They are out of lives.
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def die(self):
  """They lost all their lives."""
  self.guess = self.word
  ao2.speak('Hard luck. Go buy a dictionary and try again. The word you were looking for was %s.' % self.word)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def finish(self):
  """Finish up the game. Could play a fanfare or something."""
  ao2.speak('Congratulations! You will live to spell another day. Your word was %s.' % self.word)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def read_all(self, handler):
  """Read the whole guess, blanks and all."""
  ao2.speak(', '.join(['blank' if x == ' ' else x for x in self.guess]) + '.') # One-liner stops us from making a blank variable, then filling it, and putting a full stop at the end, and loads of other painful things that bore you to death.