def __init__(self):
     self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()
     # to get access to the nif bone in object mode
     self.name_to_block = {}
     self.pose_store = {}
     self.bind_store = {}
     self.skinned = False
     self.n_armature = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
class KfImport(NifCommon):
    def __init__(self, operator, context):
        NifCommon.__init__(self, operator, context)

        # Helper systems
        self.tranform_anim = TransformAnimation()

    def execute(self):
        """Main import function."""

            dirname = os.path.dirname(NifOp.props.filepath)
            kf_files = [
                os.path.join(dirname, for file in NifOp.props.files
            b_armature = math.get_armature()
            if not b_armature:
                raise NifError(
                    "No armature was found in scene, can not import KF animation!"

            # the axes used for bone correction depend on the armature in our scene

            # get nif space bind pose of armature here for all anims
            bind_data = armature.get_bind_data(b_armature)
            for kf_file in kf_files:
                kfdata = KFFile.load_kf(kf_file)

                # use pyffi toaster to scale the tree
                toaster = pyffi.spells.nif.NifToaster()
                toaster.scale = NifOp.props.scale_correction

                # calculate and set frames per second
                for kf_root in kfdata.roots:
                    self.tranform_anim.import_kf_root(kf_root, b_armature,

        except NifError:
            return {'CANCELLED'}"Finished successfully")
        return {'FINISHED'}
class KfImport(NifCommon):

    def __init__(self, operator, context):
        NifCommon.__init__(self, operator, context)

        # Helper systems
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()

    def execute(self):
        """Main import function."""

            dirname = os.path.dirname(NifOp.props.filepath)
            kf_files = [os.path.join(dirname, for file in NifOp.props.files if".kf")]
            # if an armature is present, prepare the bones for all actions
            b_armature = math.get_armature()
            if b_armature:
                # the axes used for bone correction depend on the armature in our scene
                # get nif space bind pose of armature here for all anims
            for kf_file in kf_files:
                kfdata = KFFile.load_kf(kf_file)

                self.apply_scale(kfdata, NifOp.props.scale_correction)

                # calculate and set frames per second
                for kf_root in kfdata.roots:
                    self.transform_anim.import_kf_root(kf_root, b_armature)

        except NifError:
            return {'CANCELLED'}"Finished successfully")
        return {'FINISHED'}
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self):
     self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()
     # this is used to hold lists of bones for each armature during mark_armatures_bones
     self.dict_armatures = {}
     # to get access to the nif bone in object mode
     self.name_to_block = {}
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Armature:

    def __init__(self):
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()
        # this is used to hold lists of bones for each armature during mark_armatures_bones
        self.dict_armatures = {}
        # to get access to the nif bone in object mode
        self.name_to_block = {}

    def store_pose_matrix(self, n_node, armature_space_pose_store, n_root):
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_node):
            return None
        armature_space_pose_store[n_node] = n_node.get_transform(n_root)
        # move down the hierarchy
        for n_child in n_node.children:
            self.store_pose_matrix(n_child, armature_space_pose_store, n_root)

    def import_pose(self, n_armature):
        """Ported and adapted from pyffi send_bones_to_bind_position"""
        armature_space_bind_store = {}
        armature_space_pose_store = {}
        # check all bones and bone datas to see if a bind position exists
        bonelist = []
        # store the original pose matrix for all nodes
        for n_child in n_armature.children:
            self.store_pose_matrix(n_child, armature_space_pose_store, n_armature)

        # prioritize geometries that have most nodes in their skin instance
        for geom in sorted(n_armature.get_skinned_geometries(), key=lambda g: g.skin_instance.num_bones, reverse=True):
            skininst = geom.skin_instance
            skindata =
            for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skininst.bones, skindata.bone_list):
                # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079
                if not bonenode:
                # make sure all bone data of shared bones coincides
                for othergeom, otherbonenode, otherbonedata in bonelist:
                    if bonenode is otherbonenode:
                        diff = ((otherbonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False)
                                 * othergeom.get_transform(n_armature))
                                 * geom.get_transform(n_armature)))
                        if diff.sup_norm() > 1e-3:
                                f"Geometries {} and {} do not share the same bind position."
                                f"bone {} will be sent to a position matching only one of these")
                        # break the loop
                    # the loop did not break, so the bone was not yet added
                    # add it now
                    NifLog.debug(f"Found bind position data for {}")
                    bonelist.append((geom, bonenode, bonedata))

        # get the bind pose from the skin data
        # NiSkinData stores the inverse bind (=rest) pose for each bone, in armature space
        for geom, bonenode, bonedata in bonelist:
            n_bind = (bonedata.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(n_armature))
            armature_space_bind_store[bonenode] = n_bind

        NifLog.debug("Storing non-skeletal bone poses")
        self.fix_pose(n_armature, n_armature, armature_space_bind_store, armature_space_pose_store)
        return armature_space_bind_store, armature_space_pose_store

    def fix_pose(self, n_armature, n_node, armature_space_bind_store, armature_space_pose_store):
        """reposition non-skeletal bones to maintain their local orientation to their skeletal parents"""
        for n_child_node in n_node.children:
            # only process nodes
            if not isinstance(n_child_node, NifFormat.NiNode):
            if n_child_node not in armature_space_bind_store and n_child_node in armature_space_pose_store:
                NifLog.debug(f"Calculating bind pose for non-skeletal bone {}")
                # get matrices for n_node (the parent) - fallback to getter if it is not in the store
                n_armature_pose = armature_space_pose_store.get(n_node, n_node.get_transform(n_armature))
                # get bind of parent node or pose if it has no bind pose
                n_armature_bind = armature_space_bind_store.get(n_node, n_armature_pose)

                # the child must have a pose, no need for a fallback
                n_child_armature_pose = armature_space_pose_store[n_child_node]
                # get the relative transform of n_child_node from pose * inverted parent pose
                n_child_local_pose = n_child_armature_pose * n_armature_pose.get_inverse(fast=False)
                # get object space transform by multiplying with bind of parent bone
                armature_space_bind_store[n_child_node] = n_child_local_pose * n_armature_bind

            self.fix_pose(n_armature, n_child_node, armature_space_bind_store, armature_space_pose_store)

    def import_armature(self, n_armature):
        """Scans an armature hierarchy, and returns a whole armature.
        This is done outside the normal node tree scan to allow for positioning
        of the bones before skins are attached."""

        armature_name = block_store.import_name(n_armature)
        b_armature_data =
        b_armature_data.display_type = 'STICK'

        # use heuristics to determine a suitable orientation
        forward, up = self.guess_orientation(n_armature)
        # pass them to the matrix utility
        math.set_bone_orientation(forward, up)
        # store axis orientation for export
        b_armature_data.niftools.axis_forward = forward
        b_armature_data.niftools.axis_up = up
        b_armature_obj = Object.create_b_obj(n_armature, b_armature_data)
        b_armature_obj.show_in_front = True

        armature_space_bind_store, armature_space_pose_store = self.import_pose(n_armature)

        # make armature editable and create bones
        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
        for n_child in n_armature.children:
            self.import_bone_bind(n_child, armature_space_bind_store, b_armature_data, n_armature)
        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)

        # The armature has been created in editmode,
        # now we are ready to set the bone keyframes and store the bones' long names.
        if NifOp.props.animation:
            self.transform_anim.create_action(b_armature_obj, armature_name + "-Anim")

        for bone_name, b_bone in
            n_block = self.name_to_block[bone_name]
            # the property is only available from object mode!
            if NifOp.props.animation:
                self.transform_anim.import_transforms(n_block, b_armature_obj, bone_name)

        # import pose
        for b_name, n_block in self.name_to_block.items():
            n_pose = armature_space_pose_store[n_block]
            b_pose_bone = b_armature_obj.pose.bones[b_name]
            n_bind = mathutils.Matrix(n_pose.as_list()).transposed()
            b_pose_bone.matrix = math.nif_bind_to_blender_bind(n_bind)
            # force update is required to ensure the transforms are set properly in blender

        return b_armature_obj

    def import_bone_bind(self, n_block, n_bind_store, b_armature_data, n_armature, b_parent_bone=None):
        """Adds a bone to the armature in edit mode."""
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_block):
            return None
        # bone name
        bone_name = block_store.import_name(n_block)
        # create a new bone
        b_edit_bone =
        # store nif block for access from object mode
        self.name_to_block[] = n_block
        # get the nif bone's armature space matrix (under the hood all bone space matrixes are multiplied together)
        n_bind = mathutils.Matrix(n_bind_store.get(n_block, NifFormat.Matrix44()).as_list()).transposed()
        # get transformation in blender's coordinate space
        b_bind = math.nif_bind_to_blender_bind(n_bind)

        # the following is a workaround because blender can no longer set matrices to bones directly
        tail, roll = bpy.types.Bone.AxisRollFromMatrix(b_bind.to_3x3())
        b_edit_bone.head = b_bind.to_translation()
        b_edit_bone.tail = tail + b_edit_bone.head
        b_edit_bone.roll = roll
        # link to parent
        if b_parent_bone:
            b_edit_bone.parent = b_parent_bone
        # import and parent bone children
        for n_child in n_block.children:
            self.import_bone_bind(n_child, n_bind_store, b_armature_data, n_armature, b_edit_bone)

    def guess_orientation(self, n_armature):
        """Analyze all bones' translations to see what the nif considers the 'forward' axis"""
        axis_indices = []
        ids = ["X", "Y", "Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"]
        for n_child in n_armature.children:
            self.get_forward_axis(n_child, axis_indices)
        # the forward index is the most common one from the list
        forward_ind = max(set(axis_indices), key=axis_indices.count)
        # move the up index one coordinate to the right, account for end of list
        up_ind = (forward_ind + 1) % len(ids)
        # return string identifiers
        return ids[forward_ind], ids[up_ind]

    def get_forward_axis(self, n_bone, axis_indices):
        """Helper function to get the forward axis of a bone"""
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_bone):
            return None
        trans = n_bone.translation.as_tuple()
        trans_abs = tuple(abs(v) for v in trans)
        # do argmax
        max_coord_ind = max(zip(trans_abs, range(len(trans_abs))))[1]
        # now check the sign
        actual_value = trans[max_coord_ind]
        # handle sign accordingly so negative indices map to the negative identifiers in list
        if actual_value < 0:
            max_coord_ind += 3
        # move down the hierarchy
        for n_child in n_bone.children:
            self.get_forward_axis(n_child, axis_indices)

    def fix_bone_lengths(b_armature_data):
        """Sets all edit_bones to a suitable length."""
        for b_edit_bone in b_armature_data.edit_bones:
            # don't change root bones
            if b_edit_bone.parent:
                # take the desired length from the mean of all children's heads
                if b_edit_bone.children:
                    child_heads = mathutils.Vector()
                    for b_child in b_edit_bone.children:
                        child_heads += b_child.head
                    bone_length = (b_edit_bone.head - child_heads / len(b_edit_bone.children)).length
                    if bone_length < 0.01:
                        bone_length = 0.25
                # end of a chain
                    bone_length = b_edit_bone.parent.length
                b_edit_bone.length = bone_length

    def mark_armatures_bones(self, ni_block):
        """Mark armatures and bones by peeking into NiSkinInstance blocks."""
        # case where we import skeleton only,
        # or importing an Oblivion or Fallout 3 skeleton:
        # do all NiNode's as bones
        if NifOp.props.skeleton == "SKELETON_ONLY" or \
                ( in (0x14000005, 0x14020007) and os.path.basename(NifOp.props.filepath).lower() in ('skeleton.nif', 'skeletonbeast.nif')):

            if not isinstance(ni_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
                raise io_scene_niftools.utils.logging.NifError("Cannot import skeleton: root is not a NiNode")

            # for morrowind, take the Bip01 node to be the skeleton root
            if == 0x04000002:
                skelroot = ni_block.find(block_name='Bip01', block_type=NifFormat.NiNode)
                if not skelroot:
                    skelroot = ni_block
                skelroot = ni_block
            if skelroot not in self.dict_armatures:
                self.dict_armatures[skelroot] = []
  "Selecting node '{}' as skeleton root")
            # add bones
            return  # done!

        # attaching to selected armature -> first identify armature and bones
        elif NifOp.props.skeleton == "GEOMETRY_ONLY" and not self.dict_armatures:
            b_armature_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects[0]
            skelroot = ni_block.find(
            if not skelroot:
                skelroot = ni_block
                # raise nif_utils.NifError(f"nif has no armature '{}'")
            NifLog.debug(f"Identified '{}' as armature")
            self.dict_armatures[skelroot] = []
            for bone_name in
                # blender bone naming -> nif bone naming
                nif_bone_name = block_store_export.get_bone_name_for_nif(bone_name)
                # find a block with bone name
                bone_block = skelroot.find(block_name=nif_bone_name)
                # add it to the name list if there is a bone with that name
                if bone_block:
          "Identified nif block '{nif_bone_name}' with bone '{bone_name}' in selected armature")
                    self.complete_bone_tree(bone_block, skelroot)

        # search for all NiTriShape or NiTriStrips blocks...
        if isinstance(ni_block, NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom):
            # yes, we found one, get its skin instance
            if ni_block.is_skin():
                NifLog.debug(f"Skin found on block '{}'")
                # it has a skin instance, so get the skeleton root
                # which is an armature only if it's not a skinning influence
                # so mark the node to be imported as an armature
                skininst = ni_block.skin_instance
                skelroot = skininst.skeleton_root
                if NifOp.props.skeleton == "EVERYTHING":
                    if skelroot not in self.dict_armatures:
                        self.dict_armatures[skelroot] = []
                        NifLog.debug(f"'{}' is an armature")
                elif NifOp.props.skeleton == "GEOMETRY_ONLY":
                    if skelroot not in self.dict_armatures:
                        raise io_scene_niftools.utils.logging.NifError(f"Nif structure incompatible with '{}' as armature: node '{}' has '{}' as armature")

                for boneBlock in skininst.bones:
                    # boneBlock can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079
                    if not boneBlock:
                    if boneBlock not in self.dict_armatures[skelroot]:
                        NifLog.debug(f"'{}' is a bone of armature '{}'")
                    # now we "attach" the bone to the armature:
                    # we make sure all NiNodes from this bone all the way
                    # down to the armature NiNode are marked as bones
                    self.complete_bone_tree(boneBlock, skelroot)

                # mark all nodes as bones
        # continue down the tree
        for child in ni_block.get_refs():
            if not isinstance(child, NifFormat.NiAVObject):
                continue  # skip blocks that don't have transforms

    def populate_bone_tree(self, skelroot):
        """Add all of skelroot's bones to its dict_armatures list."""
        for bone in skelroot.tree():
            if bone is skelroot:
            if not isinstance(bone, NifFormat.NiNode):
            if isinstance(bone, NifFormat.NiLODNode):
                # LOD nodes are never bones
            if bone not in self.dict_armatures[skelroot]:
                NifLog.debug(f"'{}' marked as extra bone of armature '{}'")

    def complete_bone_tree(self, bone, skelroot):
        """Make sure that the complete hierarchy from bone up to skelroot is marked in dict_armatures."""
        # we must already have marked both as a bone
        assert skelroot in self.dict_armatures  # debug
        assert bone in self.dict_armatures[skelroot]  # debug
        # get the node parent, this should be marked as an armature or as a bone
        boneparent = bone._parent
        if boneparent != skelroot:
            # parent is not the skeleton root
            if boneparent not in self.dict_armatures[skelroot]:
                # neither is it marked as a bone: so mark the parent as a bone
                # store the coordinates for realignement autodetection 
                NifLog.debug(f"'{}' is a bone of armature '{}'")
            # now the parent is marked as a bone
            # recursion: complete the bone tree,
            # this time starting from the parent bone
            self.complete_bone_tree(boneparent, skelroot)

    def is_bone(self, ni_block):
        """Tests a NiNode to see if it has been marked as a bone."""
        if ni_block:
            for bones in self.dict_armatures.values():
                if ni_block in bones:
                    return True

    def is_armature_root(self, ni_block):
        """Tests a block to see if it's an armature."""
        if isinstance(ni_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
            return ni_block in self.dict_armatures
    def __init__(self, operator, context):
        NifCommon.__init__(self, operator, context)

        # Helper systems
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def execute(self):
        """Main import function."""
        self.load_files()  # needs to be first to provide version info.

        self.armaturehelper = Armature()
        self.boundhelper = Bound()
        self.bhkhelper = BhkCollision()
        self.constrainthelper = Constraint()
        self.objecthelper = Object()
        self.object_anim = ObjectAnimation()
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()

        # find and store this list now of selected objects as creating new objects adds them to the selection list
        self.SELECTED_OBJECTS = bpy.context.selected_objects[:]

        # catch nif import errors
            # check that one armature is selected in 'import geometry + parent
            # to armature' mode
            if NifOp.props.process == "GEOMETRY_ONLY":
                if len(self.SELECTED_OBJECTS
                       ) != 1 or self.SELECTED_OBJECTS[0].type != 'ARMATURE':
                    raise io_scene_niftools.utils.logging.NifError(
                        "You must select exactly one armature in 'Import Geometry Only' mode."

  "Importing data")
            # calculate and set frames per second
            if NifOp.props.animation:

            # merge skeleton roots and transform geometry into the rest pose
            if NifOp.props.merge_skeleton_roots:
            if NifOp.props.send_geoms_to_bind_pos:
            if NifOp.props.send_detached_geoms_to_node_pos:
            if NifOp.props.apply_skin_deformation:

            # store scale correction
            bpy.context.scene.niftools_scene.scale_correction = NifOp.props.scale_correction
            self.apply_scale(, NifOp.props.scale_correction)

            # import all root blocks
            for block in
                root = block
                # root hack for corrupt better bodies meshes and remove geometry from better bodies on skeleton import
                for b in (b for b in block.tree() if
                          isinstance(b, NifFormat.NiGeometry) and b.is_skin()):
                    # check if root belongs to the children list of the skeleton root (can only happen for better bodies meshes)
                    if root in [
                            c for c in b.skin_instance.skeleton_root.children
                        # fix parenting and update transform accordingly
                            root.get_transform() *
                        b.skin_instance.skeleton_root = root
                        # delete non-skeleton nodes if we're importing skeleton only
                        if NifOp.props.process == "SKELETON_ONLY":
                            nonbip_children = (child for child in root.children
                                               if[:6] != 'Bip01 ')
                            for child in nonbip_children:

                # import this root block
                NifLog.debug(f"Root block: {root.get_global_display()}")

        except NifError:
            return {'CANCELLED'}"Finished")
        return {'FINISHED'}
Ejemplo n.º 8
class NifImport(NifCommon):
    def __init__(self, operator, context):
        NifCommon.__init__(self, operator, context)

    def execute(self):
        """Main import function."""
        self.load_files()  # needs to be first to provide version info.

        self.armaturehelper = Armature()
        self.boundhelper = Bound()
        self.bhkhelper = BhkCollision()
        self.constrainthelper = Constraint()
        self.objecthelper = Object()
        self.object_anim = ObjectAnimation()
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()

        # find and store this list now of selected objects as creating new objects adds them to the selection list
        self.SELECTED_OBJECTS = bpy.context.selected_objects[:]

        # catch nif import errors
            # check that one armature is selected in 'import geometry + parent
            # to armature' mode
            if NifOp.props.process == "GEOMETRY_ONLY":
                if len(self.SELECTED_OBJECTS
                       ) != 1 or self.SELECTED_OBJECTS[0].type != 'ARMATURE':
                    raise io_scene_niftools.utils.logging.NifError(
                        "You must select exactly one armature in 'Import Geometry Only' mode."

  "Importing data")
            # calculate and set frames per second
            if NifOp.props.animation:

            # merge skeleton roots and transform geometry into the rest pose
            if NifOp.props.merge_skeleton_roots:
            if NifOp.props.send_geoms_to_bind_pos:
            if NifOp.props.send_detached_geoms_to_node_pos:
            if NifOp.props.apply_skin_deformation:

            # store scale correction
            bpy.context.scene.niftools_scene.scale_correction = NifOp.props.scale_correction
            self.apply_scale(, NifOp.props.scale_correction)

            # import all root blocks
            for block in
                root = block
                # root hack for corrupt better bodies meshes and remove geometry from better bodies on skeleton import
                for b in (b for b in block.tree() if
                          isinstance(b, NifFormat.NiGeometry) and b.is_skin()):
                    # check if root belongs to the children list of the skeleton root (can only happen for better bodies meshes)
                    if root in [
                            c for c in b.skin_instance.skeleton_root.children
                        # fix parenting and update transform accordingly
                            root.get_transform() *
                        b.skin_instance.skeleton_root = root
                        # delete non-skeleton nodes if we're importing skeleton only
                        if NifOp.props.process == "SKELETON_ONLY":
                            nonbip_children = (child for child in root.children
                                               if[:6] != 'Bip01 ')
                            for child in nonbip_children:

                # import this root block
                NifLog.debug(f"Root block: {root.get_global_display()}")

        except NifError:
            return {'CANCELLED'}"Finished")
        return {'FINISHED'}

    def load_files(self):
        if NifOp.props.override_scene_info:

    def import_root(self, root_block):
        """Main import function."""
        # check that this is not a kf file
        if isinstance(
            (NifFormat.NiSequence, NifFormat.NiSequenceStreamHelper)):
            raise io_scene_niftools.utils.logging.NifError(
                "Use the KF import operator to load KF files.")

        # divinity 2: handle CStreamableAssetData
        if isinstance(root_block, NifFormat.CStreamableAssetData):
            root_block = root_block.root

        # sets the root block parent to None, so that when crawling back the script won't barf
        root_block._parent = None

        # set the block parent through the tree, to ensure I can always move backward

        # mark armature nodes and bones

        # import the keyframe notes
        # if NifOp.props.animation:
        #     self.animationhelper.import_text_keys(root_block)

        # read the NIF tree
        if isinstance(root_block,
                      (NifFormat.NiNode, NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom)):
            b_obj = self.import_branch(root_block)
            ObjectProperty().import_extra_datas(root_block, b_obj)

            # now all havok objects are imported, so we are ready to import the havok constraints

            # parent selected meshes to imported skeleton
            if NifOp.props.process == "SKELETON_ONLY":
                # update parenting & armature modifier
                for child in bpy.context.selected_objects:
                    if isinstance(child, bpy.types.Object) and not isinstance(
                  , bpy.types.Armature):
                        child.parent = b_obj
                        for mod in child.modifiers:
                            if mod.type == "ARMATURE":
                                mod.object = b_obj

        elif isinstance(root_block, NifFormat.NiCamera):
            NifLog.warn('Skipped NiCamera root')

        elif isinstance(root_block, NifFormat.NiPhysXProp):
            NifLog.warn('Skipped NiPhysXProp root')

                f"Skipped unsupported root block type '{root_block.__class__}' (corrupted nif?)."

    def import_collision(self, n_node):
        """ Imports a NiNode's collision_object, if present"""
        if n_node.collision_object:
            if isinstance(n_node.collision_object,
                return self.bhkhelper.import_bhk_shape(
            elif isinstance(n_node.collision_object,
                return self.boundhelper.import_bounding_volume(
        return []

    def import_branch(self, n_block, b_armature=None, n_armature=None):
        """Read the content of the current NIF tree branch to Blender recursively.

        :param n_block: The nif block to import.
        :param b_armature: The blender armature for the current branch.
        :param n_armature: The corresponding nif block for the armature for  the current branch.
        if not n_block:
            return None"Importing data for block '{}'")
        if isinstance(n_block, NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom
                      ) and NifOp.props.process != "SKELETON_ONLY":
            return self.objecthelper.import_geometry_object(
                b_armature, n_block)

        elif isinstance(n_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
            # import object
            if self.armaturehelper.is_armature_root(n_block):
                # all bones in the tree are also imported by import_armature
                if NifOp.props.process != "GEOMETRY_ONLY":
                    b_obj = self.armaturehelper.import_armature(n_block)
                    n_name = block_store.import_name(n_block)
                    b_obj = math.get_armature()
                        f"Merging nif tree '{n_name}' with armature '{}'"
                    if n_name !=
                            f"Using Nif block '{n_name}' as armature '{}' but names do not match"
                b_armature = b_obj
                n_armature = n_block

            elif self.armaturehelper.is_bone(n_block):
                # bones have already been imported during import_armature
                n_name = block_store.import_name(n_block)
                if n_name in
                    b_obj =[n_name]
                    # this is a fallback for a weird bug, when a node is child of a NiLodNode in a skeletal nif
                    b_obj = self.objecthelper.create_b_obj(n_block,
                b_obj.niftools.flags = n_block.flags

                # import as an empty
                b_obj = NiTypes.import_empty(n_block)

            # find children
            b_children = []
            n_children = [child for child in n_block.children]
            for n_child in n_children:
                b_child = self.import_branch(n_child,
                if b_child and isinstance(b_child, bpy.types.Object):

            # import collision objects & bounding box
            if NifOp.props.process != "SKELETON_ONLY":

            # set bind pose for children
            self.objecthelper.set_object_bind(b_obj, b_children, b_armature)

            # import extra node data, such as node type
            NiTypes.import_root_collision(n_block, b_obj)
            NiTypes.import_billboard(n_block, b_obj)
            NiTypes.import_range_lod_data(n_block, b_obj, b_children)

            # set object transform, this must be done after all children objects have been parented to b_obj
            if isinstance(b_obj, bpy.types.Object):
                # note: bones and this object's children already have their matrix set
                b_obj.matrix_local = math.import_matrix(n_block)

                # import object level animations (non-skeletal)
                if NifOp.props.animation:
                    # self.animationhelper.import_text_keys(n_block)
                    self.transform_anim.import_transforms(n_block, b_obj)
                    self.object_anim.import_visibility(n_block, b_obj)

            return b_obj

        # all else is currently discarded
        return None

    def set_parents(self, n_block):
        """Set the parent block recursively through the tree, to allow
        crawling back as needed."""
        if isinstance(n_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
            # list of non-null children
            children = [child for child in n_block.children if child]
            for child in children:
                child._parent = n_block
class Armature:

    def __init__(self):
        self.transform_anim = TransformAnimation()
        # to get access to the nif bone in object mode
        self.name_to_block = {}
        self.pose_store = {}
        self.bind_store = {}
        self.skinned = False
        self.n_armature = None

    def store_pose_matrices(self, n_node, n_root):
        """Stores the nif armature space matrix of a node tree"""
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_node):
            return None
        NifLog.debug(f"Storing pose matrix for {}")
        # calculate the transform relative to root, ie. turn nif local into nif armature space
        self.pose_store[n_node] = n_node.get_transform(n_root)
        # move down the hierarchy
        for n_child in n_node.children:
            self.store_pose_matrices(n_child, n_root)

    def get_skinned_geometries(self, n_root):
        """Yield all children in n_root's tree that have skinning"""
        # search for all NiTriShape or NiTriStrips blocks...
        for n_block in n_root.tree(block_type=NifFormat.NiTriBasedGeom):
            # yes, we found one, does it have skinning?
            if n_block.is_skin():
                yield n_block

    def get_skin_bind(self, n_bone, geom, n_root):
        """Get armature space bind matrix for skin partition bone's inverse bind matrix"""
        # get the bind pose from the skin data
        # NiSkinData stores the inverse bind (=rest) pose for each bone, in armature space

        # for ZT2 elephant, the skin transform is the inverse of the geom's armature space transform
        # this gives a straight rest pose for MW too
        # return n_bone.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) *
        # however, this conflicts with send_geometries_to_bind_position for MW meshes, so stick to this now
        return n_bone.get_transform().get_inverse(fast=False) * geom.get_transform(n_root)

    def bones_iter(self, skin_instance):
        # might want to make sure that bone_list includes no dupes too to avoid breaking the first mesh
        for bonenode, bonedata in zip(skin_instance.bones,
            # bonenode can be None; see pyffi issue #3114079
            if bonenode:
                yield bonenode, bonedata

    def store_bind_matrices(self, n_armature):
        """Process all geometries' skin instances to reconstruct a bind pose from their inverse bind matrices"""
        # improved from pyffi's send_geometries_to_bind_position & send_bones_to_bind_position
        NifLog.debug(f"Calculating bind for {}")
        # prioritize geometries that have most nodes in their skin instance
        geoms = sorted(self.get_skinned_geometries(n_armature), key=lambda g: g.skin_instance.num_bones, reverse=True)
        NifLog.debug(f"Found {len(geoms)} skinned geometries")
        for geom in geoms:
            NifLog.debug(f"Checking skin of {}")
            skininst = geom.skin_instance
            for bonenode, bonedata in self.bones_iter(skininst):
                # make sure all bone data of shared bones coincides
                # see if the bone has been used by a previous skin instance
                if bonenode in self.bind_store:
                    # get the bind pose that has been stored
                    diff = (bonedata.get_transform()
                            * self.bind_store[bonenode]
                            # *  use this if relative to skin instead of geom
                            * geom.get_transform(n_armature).get_inverse(fast=False))
                    # there is a difference between the two geometries' bind poses
                    if not diff.is_identity():
                        NifLog.debug(f"Fixing {} bind position")
                        # update the skin for all bones of the new geom
                        for bonenode, bonedata in self.bones_iter(skininst):
                            NifLog.debug(f"Transforming bind of {}")
                            bonedata.set_transform(diff.get_inverse(fast=False) * bonedata.get_transform())
                    # transforming verts helps with nifs where the skins differ, eg MW vampire or WLP2 Gastornis
                    for vert in
                        newvert = vert * diff
                        vert.x = newvert.x
                        vert.y = newvert.y
                        vert.z = newvert.z
                    for norm in
                        newnorm = norm * diff.get_matrix_33()
                        norm.x = newnorm.x
                        norm.y = newnorm.y
                        norm.z = newnorm.z
            # store bind pose
            for bonenode, bonedata in self.bones_iter(skininst):
                NifLog.debug(f"Stored {} bind position")
                self.bind_store[bonenode] = self.get_skin_bind(bonedata, geom, n_armature)

        NifLog.debug("Storing non-skeletal bone poses")
        self.fix_pose(n_armature, n_armature)

    def fix_pose(self, n_node, n_root):
        """reposition non-skeletal bones to maintain their local orientation to their skeletal parents"""
        for n_child_node in n_node.children:
            # only process nodes
            if not isinstance(n_child_node, NifFormat.NiNode):
            if n_child_node not in self.bind_store and n_child_node in self.pose_store:
                NifLog.debug(f"Calculating bind pose for non-skeletal bone {}")
                # get matrices for n_node (the parent) - fallback to getter if it is not in the store
                n_armature_pose = self.pose_store.get(n_node, n_node.get_transform(n_root))
                # get bind of parent node or pose if it has no bind pose
                n_armature_bind = self.bind_store.get(n_node, n_armature_pose)

                # the child must have a pose, no need for a fallback
                n_child_armature_pose = self.pose_store[n_child_node]
                # get the relative transform of n_child_node from pose * inverted parent pose
                n_child_local_pose = n_child_armature_pose * n_armature_pose.get_inverse(fast=False)
                # get object space transform by multiplying with bind of parent bone
                self.bind_store[n_child_node] = n_child_local_pose * n_armature_bind
            # move down the hierarchy
            self.fix_pose(n_child_node, n_root)

    def import_armature(self, n_armature):
        """Scans an armature hierarchy, and returns a whole armature.
        This is done outside the normal node tree scan to allow for positioning
        of the bones before skins are attached."""

        armature_name = block_store.import_name(n_armature)
        b_armature_data =
        b_armature_data.display_type = 'STICK'

        # use heuristics to determine a suitable orientation
        forward, up = self.guess_orientation(n_armature)
        # pass them to the matrix utility
        math.set_bone_orientation(forward, up)
        # store axis orientation for export
        b_armature_data.niftools.axis_forward = forward
        b_armature_data.niftools.axis_up = up
        b_armature_obj = Object.create_b_obj(n_armature, b_armature_data)
        b_armature_obj.show_in_front = True

        # store the original pose & bind matrices for all nodes
        self.pose_store = {}
        self.bind_store = {}
        self.store_pose_matrices(n_armature, n_armature)

        # make armature editable and create bones
        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT', toggle=False)
        for n_child in n_armature.children:
            self.import_bone_bind(n_child, b_armature_data, n_armature)
        bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)

        # The armature has been created in editmode,
        # now we are ready to set the bone keyframes and store the bones' long names.
        if NifOp.props.animation:

        for bone_name, b_bone in
            n_block = self.name_to_block[bone_name]
            # the property is only available from object mode!
            block_store.store_longname(b_bone, safe_decode(
            if NifOp.props.animation:
                self.transform_anim.import_transforms(n_block, b_armature_obj, bone_name)

        # import pose
        for b_name, n_block in self.name_to_block.items():
            n_pose = self.pose_store[n_block]
            b_pose_bone = b_armature_obj.pose.bones[b_name]
            n_bind = math.nifformat_to_mathutils_matrix(n_pose)
            b_pose_bone.matrix = math.nif_bind_to_blender_bind(n_bind)
            # force update is required after each pbone to ensure the transforms are set properly in blender

        return b_armature_obj

    def import_bone_bind(self, n_block, b_armature_data, n_armature, b_parent_bone=None):
        """Adds a bone to the armature in edit mode."""
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_block):
            return None
        # bone name
        bone_name = block_store.import_name(n_block)
        # create a new bone
        b_edit_bone =
        # store nif block for access from object mode
        self.name_to_block[] = n_block
        # get the nif bone's armature space matrix (under the hood all bone space matrixes are multiplied together)
        n_bind = math.nifformat_to_mathutils_matrix(self.bind_store.get(n_block, NifFormat.Matrix44()))
        # get transformation in blender's coordinate space
        b_bind = math.nif_bind_to_blender_bind(n_bind)

        # set the bone matrix - but set the tail first to prevent issues with zero-length bone
        b_edit_bone.tail = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 1])
        b_edit_bone.matrix = b_bind
        # link to parent
        if b_parent_bone:
            b_edit_bone.parent = b_parent_bone
        # import and parent bone children
        for n_child in n_block.children:
            self.import_bone_bind(n_child, b_armature_data, n_armature, b_edit_bone)

    def guess_orientation(self, n_armature):
        """Analyze all bones' translations to see what the nif considers the 'forward' axis"""
        axis_indices = []
        ids = ["X", "Y", "Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"]
        for n_child in n_armature.children:
            self.get_forward_axis(n_child, axis_indices)
        # the forward index is the most common one from the list
        forward_ind = max(set(axis_indices), key=axis_indices.count)
        # move the up index one coordinate to the right, account for end of list
        up_ind = (forward_ind + 1) % len(ids)
        # return string identifiers
        return ids[forward_ind], ids[up_ind]

    def argmax(values):
        """Return the index of the max value in values"""
        return max(zip(values, range(len(values))))[1]

    def get_forward_axis(self, n_bone, axis_indices):
        """Helper function to get the forward axis of a bone"""
        # check that n_block is indeed a bone
        if not self.is_bone(n_bone):
            return None
        trans = n_bone.translation.as_tuple()
        trans_abs = tuple(abs(v) for v in trans)
        # get the index of the coordinate with the biggest absolute value
        max_coord_ind = self.argmax(trans_abs)
        # now check the sign
        actual_value = trans[max_coord_ind]
        # handle sign accordingly so negative indices map to the negative identifiers in list
        if actual_value < 0:
            max_coord_ind += 3
        # move down the hierarchy
        for n_child in n_bone.children:
            self.get_forward_axis(n_child, axis_indices)

    def fix_bone_lengths(b_armature_data):
        """Sets all edit_bones to a suitable length."""
        for b_edit_bone in b_armature_data.edit_bones:
            # don't change root bones
            if b_edit_bone.parent:
                # take the desired length from the mean of all children's heads
                if b_edit_bone.children:
                    child_heads = mathutils.Vector()
                    for b_child in b_edit_bone.children:
                        child_heads += b_child.head
                    bone_length = (b_edit_bone.head - child_heads / len(b_edit_bone.children)).length
                    if bone_length < 0.01:
                        bone_length = 0.25
                # end of a chain
                    bone_length = b_edit_bone.parent.length
                b_edit_bone.length = bone_length

    def check_for_skin(self, n_root):
        """Checks all tri geometry for skinning, sets self.skinned accordingly"""
        # set these here once per run
        self.n_armature = None
        self.skinned = False
        for n_block in self.get_skinned_geometries(n_root):
            self.skinned = True
            NifLog.debug(f"{} has skinning.")
            # one is enough to require an armature, so stop
        # force import of nodes as bones, even if no geometries are present
        if NifOp.props.process == "SKELETON_ONLY":
            self.skinned = True
        NifLog.debug(f"Found no skinned geometries.")

    def is_bone(self, ni_block):
        """Tests a NiNode to see if it has been marked as a bone."""
        if isinstance(ni_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
            return self.skinned

    def is_armature_root(self, n_block):
        """Tests a block to see if it's an armature."""
        if isinstance(n_block, NifFormat.NiNode):
            # we have skinning and are waiting for a suitable start node of the tree
            if self.skinned and not self.n_armature:
                # now store it as the nif armature's root
                self.n_armature = n_block
                return True