Ejemplo n.º 1
class AssociationService(BaseService):
    """Example service implementation

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='associations', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

#    def __init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs=None):
#        BaseService.__init__(self, receiver, spawnArgs)
#        logging.info('HelloService.__init__()')

    def slc_init(self):
        self.store = Store()

    def op_put_association(self, content, headers, msg):
        content is a DataObject encoding - a Dictionary!
        For storing blobs, we really just want to store it encoded.
        Can we get the serialized value from the messaging layer?
        logging.info('op_put_association: '+str(content))
        association = ValueObject(content)

        yield self.store.put(association.identity, association.value)

        # @ TODO add References!

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply(msg, 'reply', {'Stored Key':association.identity}, {})

    def op_get_association(self, content, headers, msg):
        association = yield self.store.get(content['key'])

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply(msg, 'reply', association, {})

    def op_del_association(self, content, headers, msg):

        # @ TODO remove References!

        yield self.store.delete(content['key'])

        # The following line shows how to reply to a message
        yield self.reply(msg, 'reply', {'result':'success'}, {})
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ServiceRegistryService(BaseService):
    Service registry service interface
    @todo a service is a resource and should also be living in the resource registry
    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='service_registry', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    def slc_init(self):
        self.datastore = Store()

    def op_register_service(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: register a service by name
        svcdesc = content['svc_desc'].copy()
        logging.info('op_register_service: '+str(svcdesc))

        yield self.datastore.put(svcdesc['name'],svcdesc)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)

    def op_get_service_desc(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Get service description. May include a service

    def op_register_instance(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation:
        svcinstdesc = content['svcinst_desc'].copy()
        logging.info('op_register_instance: '+str(svcinstdesc))

        yield self.datastore.put(svcinstdesc['svc_name'], svcinstdesc)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg)

    def op_get_instance(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Returns the exchange name of the service
        svcname = str(content['svc_name'])
        logging.info('op_get_instance: '+str(svcname))

        svcid = yield self.datastore.get(svcname)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'svcinst_desc':svcid})
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ResourceRegistryService(BaseService):
    Resource registry service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='resource_registry', version='0.1.0', dependencies=[])

    # For now, keep registration in local memory store.
    def slc_init(self):
        self.datastore = Store()

    def op_register_resource(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Register a resource instance with the registry.
        resdesc = content['res_desc'].copy()
        logging.info('op_register_resource: '+str(resdesc))
        resdesc['lifecycle_state'] = ResourceLCState.RESLCS_NEW
        resid = pu.create_unique_id('R:')
        yield self.datastore.put(resid, resdesc)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'res_id':str(resid)},)

    def op_define_resource_type(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Create or update a resource type with the registry.

    def op_get_resource_desc(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: Get description for a resource instance.
        resid = content['res_id']
        logging.info('op_get_resource_desc: '+str(resid))

        res_desc = yield self.datastore.get(resid)
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'res_desc':res_desc})

    def op_set_resource_lcstate(self, content, headers, msg):
        Service operation: set the life cycle state of resource

    def op_find_resources(self, content, headers, msg):
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DataPubsubService(BaseService):
    """Data publish/subscribe service interface

    # Declaration of service
    declare = BaseService.service_declare(name='data_pubsub',

    def slc_init(self):
        self.topics = Store()

    def op_define_topic(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a "topic" that can be published on and
        that can be subscribed to. Note: this has no direct connection to any
        AMQP topic notion. A topic is basically a data stream.
        topic_name = content['topic_name']
        topic = {topic_name:{'name_type':'fanout', 'args':{'scope':'system'}}}
        yield bootstrap.declare_messaging(topic)
        qtopic_name = self.get_scoped_name('system',topic_name)
        yield self.topics.put(topic_name, topic[topic_name])
        yield self.reply_ok(msg, {'topic_name':qtopic_name}, {})

    def op_define_publisher(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a publisher that subsequently is
        authorized to publish on a topic.

    def op_subscribe(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Register a subscriber's intent to receive
        subscriptions on a topic, with additional filter and delivery method
        subscriber = None
        topic = None
        eventOnly = False

    def op_unsubscribe(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Stop one's existing subscription to a topic.

    def op_publish(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: Publish data message on a topic
        topic_name = content['topic_name']
        headers = content['msg_headers']
        op = content['msg_op']
        msg = content['msg']
        qtopic = self.get_scoped_name('system',topic_name)
        # Todo: impersonate message as from sender
        yield self.send(qtopic, op, msg, headers)

    def find_topic(self, content, headers, msg):
        """Service operation: For a given resource, find the topic that contains
Ejemplo n.º 5
def reset_container():
    Resets the container for warm restart. Simple implementation
    currently. Used for testing only.
    # The following is extremely hacky. Reset static module and classvariables
    # to their defaults. Even further, reset imported names in other modules
    # to the new objects.
    base_process.procRegistry = Store()
    base_process.processes = {}
    base_process.receivers = []
    spawnable.store = Container.store
    spawnable.Spawnable.progeny = {}
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _stop_container(self):
     Taking down the container's connection to the broker an preparing for
     logging.info("Closing ION container")
     self.test_sup = None
     dcs = reactor.getDelayedCalls()
     logging.info("Cancelling %s delayed reactor calls!" % len(dcs))
     for dc in dcs:
     container.Container._started = False
     container.Container.store = Store()
     logging.info("============ION container closed============")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def currenttime():
    @retval current UTC time as float with seconds in epoch and fraction
    return time.time()

def currenttime_ms():
    @retval current UTC time as int with milliseconds in epoch
    return int(currenttime() * 1000)

# Stuff for testing: Stubs, mock objects
fakeStore = Store()

class FakeMessage(object):
    """Instances of this object are given to receive functions and handlers
    by test cases, in lieu of carrot BaseMessage instances. Production code
    detects these and no send is done.
    def __init__(self, payload=None):
        self.payload = payload

    def send(self, to, msg):
        self.sendto = to
        self.sendmsg = msg
        # Need to be a generator
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def slc_init(self):
     self.datastore = Store()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def slc_init(self):
     self.store = Store()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def _setup_backend(self):
     """return a deferred which returns a initiated instance of a
     d = Store.create_store()
     return d
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def slc_init(self):
     self.topics = Store()