def test_evaluate_condition(self):

        parser = QueryLanguage()

        # Set up the search strings for different queries:
        # These include main query, a list of or queries and a list of and queries

        field = 'voltage'
        instrument = 'instrument'

        # main query

        lower_bound = 5
        upper_bound = 10
        search_string1 = "SEARCH '%s' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM '%s'"\
        % (field, lower_bound, upper_bound, instrument)

        # or queries

        value = 15
        search_string2 = "or search '%s' is '%s' from '%s'" % (field, value, instrument)

        value = 17
        search_string3 = "or search '%s' is '%s' from '%s'" % (field, value, instrument)

        lower_bound = 20
        upper_bound = 30
        search_string4 = "or SEARCH '%s' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM '%s'"\
        % (field, lower_bound, upper_bound, instrument)

        # and queries

        lower_bound = 5
        upper_bound = 6
        search_string5 = "and SEARCH '%s' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM '%s'"\
        % (field, lower_bound, upper_bound, instrument)

        lower_bound = 6
        upper_bound = 7
        search_string6 = "and SEARCH '%s' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM '%s'"\
        % (field, lower_bound, upper_bound, instrument)

        # Construct queries by parsing different search strings and test the evaluate_condition()
        # for each such complex query
        search_string = search_string1+search_string2+search_string3+search_string4+search_string5+search_string6
        query = parser.parse(search_string)

        # the main query as well as the 'and' queries pass for this case
        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=6)
        self.assertTrue(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        # check true conditions. If any one of the 'or' conditions passes, evaluate_condition()
        # will return True
        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=15)
        self.assertTrue(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=17)
        self.assertTrue(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=25)
        self.assertTrue(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        # check fail conditions arising from the 'and' condition (happens if any one of the 'and' conditions fail)
        # note: the 'and' queries are attached to the main query
        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=5)
        self.assertFalse(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=7)
        self.assertFalse(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))

        event = ExampleDetectableEvent('TestEvent', voltage=9)
        self.assertFalse(QueryLanguage.evaluate_condition(event, query))