#print("- [oncommand] => " + info.getTag() + " => " + str(info.getPayload())) mslog.info('[oncommand] => ' + info.getTag() + ' => ' + +str(info.getPayload())) def onsettingsupdated(info): #print("- [onsettingsupdated] => " + info.getTag() + " => " + info.getPayload()) mslog.info('[onsettingsupdated] => ' + info.getTag() + ' => ' + info.getPayload()) iotc.on("ConnectionStatus", onconnect) iotc.on("MessageSent", onmessagesent) iotc.on("Command", oncommand) iotc.on("SettingsUpdated", onsettingsupdated) iotc.connect() while iotc.isConnected(): iotc.doNext() if gCanSend == True: if gCounter % 20 == 0: gCounter = 0 cur = time.time() now = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(cur).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') jsonStr = '{"temperature": ' + str(randint(20, 45)) + '}' print("[" + now + "] Sending telemetry...", gCounter) iotc.sendTelemetry(jsonStr) gCounter += 1
(airtemp, airpressure, airhumidity) = readBME280All(addr=DEVICE) (r, g, b, c, lux, color_temp) = readTCSAll() iotc.sendTelemetry("{ \ \"airtemperature\": " + str(airtemp) + ", \ \"airpressure\": " + str(airpressure) + ", \ \"airhumidity\": " + str(airhumidity) + ", \ \"lux\": " + str(lux) + ", \ \"colortemp\": " + str(color_temp) + ", \ \"green\": " + str(g) + ", \ \"blue\": " + str(b) + ", \ \"clear\": " + str(c) + ", \ \"red\": " + str(r) + "}") starttime = time.time() while iotc.isConnected(): time.sleep(5) iotc.doNext() # do the async work needed to be done for MQTT elapsedtime = time.time() - starttime if elapsedtime > 66: print("Sending telemetry..") ## Collect Telemetry Data (airtemp, airpressure, airhumidity) = readBME280All(addr=DEVICE) (r, g, b, c, lux, color_temp) = readTCSAll() elapsedtime = 0 starttime = time.time() iotc.sendTelemetry("{ \ \"airtemperature\": " + str(airtemp) + ", \ \"airpressure\": " + str(airpressure) + ", \ \"airhumidity\": " + str(airhumidity) + ", \ \"lux\": " + str(lux) + ", \ \"colortemp\": " + str(color_temp) + ", \ \"green\": " + str(g) + ", \
def main(): global gCounter global ledState global iotc ## Start Configuration ## Azure IoT Central #region # Set Callback functions iotc.on("ConnectionStatus", onconnect) iotc.on("MessageSent", onmessagesent) iotc.on("Command", oncommand) iotc.on("SettingsUpdated", onsettingsupdated) # Set logging iotc.setLogLevel(IOTLogLevel.IOTC_LOGGING_API_ONLY) #endregion ## Sensor #region try: # Use the BCM pin numbering GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set ledPin to be an output pin GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT) #endregion ## Start Post-Configuration iotc.connect() # Send the device property and ledstate once at the start of the program, so telemetry is shown in IoT Central. if iotc.isConnected() and gCanSend == True: sendDeviceProperty() sendLedState() while iotc.isConnected(): iotc.doNext() # do the async work needed to be done for MQTT if gCanSend == True: # Do this when gCounter is 20. if gCounter % 20 == 0: gCounter = 0 print("Sending telemetry..") # The key in the json that will be sent to IoT Central must be equal to the Name in IoT Central!! # eg. "Temperature" in the json must equal (case sensitive) the Name field "Temperature" in IoT Central # if you want real temp data use function: readTempSensor() iotc.sendTelemetry("{ \ \"Temperature\": " + str(randint(0, 25)) + ", \ \"Pressure\": " + str(randint(850, 1150)) + ", \ \"Humidity\": " + str(randint(0, 100)) + ", \ \"CPUTemperature\": " + str(getCPUtemperature()) + ", \ }") gCounter += 1 except Exception as ex: print("Exception: " + str(ex)) finally: GPIO.cleanup()