def verify_context_broker_is_installed_successfully(context): """ verify contextBroker is started successfully :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ __logger__.debug("Verifying if contextBroker is started successfully...") cb = CB(protocol=props_cb["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props_cb["CB_HOST"], port=props_cb["CB_PORT"]) c = 0 while (not cb.is_cb_started()) and (int(props_cb["CB_RETRIES"]) > c): time.sleep(int(props_cb["CB_DELAY_TO_RETRY"])) c += 1 __logger__.debug( "WARN - Retry in verification if context broker is started. No: (%s)" % str(c)) assert ( props_cb["CB_RETRIES"] ) > c, "ERROR - context Broker is not started after of %s verification retries" % str( c) if props_cb["CB_VERIFY_VERSION"].lower() == "true": context.execute_steps(u'Given send a version request') context.execute_steps(u'Given verify if version is the expected') else:"Current version is not verified...")"...Verified that contextBroker is started successfully")
def stop_Context_broker(context): """ stop ContextBroker :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ if context.configuration["CB_RUNNING_MODE"].upper() == "RPM": __logger__.debug("Stopping contextBroker service...")"service contextBroker stop")"...Stopped contextBroker service") else: __logger__.debug("Stopping contextBroker per harakiri...") cb = CB(protocol=props_cb["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props_cb["CB_HOST"], port=props_cb["CB_PORT"]) cb.harakiri()"...Stopped contextBroker per harakiri")
def service_and_service_path(context): """ configuration of service an service path in headers :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ props = properties_class.read_properties()[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=props["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props["CB_HOST"], port=props["CB_PORT"]) context.cb.definition_headers(context)
def verify_context_broker_is_installed_successfully(context): """ verify contextBroker is started successfully :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ __logger__.debug("Verifying if contextBroker is started successfully...") cb = CB(protocol=props_cb["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props_cb["CB_HOST"], port=props_cb["CB_PORT"]) c = 0 while (not cb.is_cb_started()) and (int(props_cb["CB_RETRIES"]) > c): time.sleep(int(props_cb["CB_DELAY_TO_RETRY"])) c += 1 __logger__.debug("WARN - Retry in verification if context broker is started. No: (%s)" % str(c)) assert (props_cb["CB_RETRIES"]) > c, "ERROR - context Broker is not started after of %s verification retries" % str(c) if props_cb["CB_VERIFY_VERSION"].lower() == "true": context.execute_steps(u'Given send a version request') context.execute_steps(u'Given verify if version is the expected') else:"Current version is not verified...")"...Verified that contextBroker is started successfully")
def send_a_base_request(context): """ send a API entry point request :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ __logger__.debug("Sending a API entry point request: /v2 ...") props = properties_class.read_properties()[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=props["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props["CB_HOST"], port=props["CB_PORT"]) context.resp = context.cb.get_base_request()"...Sent a API entry point request: /v2 correctly")
def definition_of_headers(context): """ configuration of different header (service, service path, Content-Type, Accept, etc) :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """"Reading CB properties from properties.json file...") props = properties_class.read_properties()[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=props["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=props["CB_HOST"], port=props["CB_PORT"])"Define header used in request...") context.cb.definition_headers(context)
def retrieve_the_log_level(context): """ retrieve the log level in Context Broker :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """"retrieving the log level in Context Broker") context.props_cb_env = properties_class.read_properties( )[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=context.props_cb_env["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=context.props_cb_env["CB_HOST"], port=context.props_cb_env["CB_PORT"]) context.resp = context.cb.retrieve_the_log_level()"..retrieved the log level in Context Broker")
def send_a_cache_statistics_request(context): """ send a cache statistics request :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """ __logger__.debug("Sending a statistics request...") context.props_cb_env = properties_class.read_properties( )[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=context.props_cb_env["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=context.props_cb_env["CB_HOST"], port=context.props_cb_env["CB_PORT"]) context.resp = context.cb.get_cache_statistics_request()"..Sent a statistics request correctly")
def change_the_log_level(context): """ change the log level :param context: It’s a clever place where you and behave can store information to share around. It runs at three levels, automatically managed by behave. """"changing the log level in Context Broker") query_param = {} if context.table is not None: for row in context.table: query_param[row["parameter"]] = row["value"]"query param: %s = %s" % (row["parameter"], row["value"])) context.props_cb_env = properties_class.read_properties( )[CONTEXT_BROKER_ENV] context.cb = CB(protocol=context.props_cb_env["CB_PROTOCOL"], host=context.props_cb_env["CB_HOST"], port=context.props_cb_env["CB_PORT"]) context.resp = context.cb.change_the_log_level(query_param)"..changed the log level in Context Broker")