Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, classless_addresses):
     Accepts a sequence of CIDR entries and routers to produce classless
     static route byte-blocks.
     You'll probably want to put (("", 0), packet.getOption("router"))
     at the start to ensure the default gateway is set as expected.
     :param classless_addresses: ((network IPv4, CIDR-mask), router IPv4)
         elements, like (("", 16), "").
     :except ValueError: An illegal address or mask was encountered.
     self._value = []
     for ((ip, mask), router) in classless_addresses:
         ip = IPv4(ip)
         router = IPv4(router)
         if not 0 <= mask <= 32:
             raise ValueError("CIDR mask %(mask)i is not between 0 and 32" % {
                 'mask': mask,
         width = mask / 8
         if mask % 8:
             width += 1
         if width:
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, data):
     Formats the given data into multiple IPv4 addresses or
     RFC1035-formatted strings.
     :param str data: The comma-delimited IPv4s or FQDNs to process.
     :except ValueError: Both IPv4s and FQDNs were provided.
     ip_4_mode = False
     dns_mode = False
     self._value = []
     for token in (tok for tok in (t.strip() for t in data.split(',')) if tok):
             ip_4_mode = True
         except ValueError:
             self._value += _rfc1035Parse(token)
             dns_mode = True
     if ip_4_mode == dns_mode:
         raise ValueError("'%(data)s contains both IPv4 and DNS-based entries" % {
          'data': data,
     self._value.insert(0, int(ip_4_mode))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, mandatory, data):
     Formats native IPv4s as encoded IPv4 addresses.
     :param bool mandatory: True if the IPv4 addresses have to be respected.
     :param str data: The comma-delimited IPv4s to process.
     self._value = [int(mandatory)]
     for token in (tok for tok in (t.strip() for t in data.split(',')) if tok):
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def extractIPOrNone(self, option):
     Provides the IP associated with a DHCP field or option.
     :param option: The numeric ID or name of the option to check.
     :return: The associated address or None, if undefined.
     addr = self.getOption(option)
     if not addr or not any(addr):
         return None
     return IPv4(addr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, values):
     Formats the given data into multiple IPv4 addresses associated with
     sub-option codes.
     :param sequence values: A sequence of (code:int, IPv4s:string) elements.
     self._value = []
     for (code, addresses) in values:
         for token in [tok for tok in [address.strip() for address in addresses.split(',')] if tok]:
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, isns_functions, dd_access, admin_flags, isns_security, ips):
     Sets iSNS configuration parameters.
     :param int isns_functions: A sixteen-bit value.
     :param int dd_access: A sixteen-bit value.
     :param int admin_flags: A sixteen-bit value.
     :param int isns_security: A thirty-two-bit value.
     :param str ips: Comma-delimited IPv4s to be processed.
     isns_functions = intToList(isns_functions)
     dd_access = intToList(dd_access)
     admin_flags = intToList(admin_flags)
     isns_security = longToList(isns_security)
     self._value = isns_functions + dd_access + admin_flags + isns_security
     for token in [tok for tok in [t.strip() for t in ips.split(',')] if tok]:
Ejemplo n.º 7
while True:
    pkt, addr = s.recvfrom(65565)
    eth = Ethernet(pkt)
    t = time.localtime()

    print("%d's Packet." % count_pkt)
    print('Time: {}.{}.{}, {}.{}.{}'.format(t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_year,
                                            t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec))
    print('Ethernet Frame:')
    print(TAB_1 + 'Destination: {}, Source: {}, Protocol: {}'.format(
        eth.dest_mac, eth.src_mac, eth.proto))

    # IPv4
    if eth.proto == 8:
        ipv4 = IPv4(eth.data)
        print(TAB_1 + 'IPv4 Packet:')
        print(TAB_2 + 'Version: {}, Header Length: {}, TTL: {},'.format(
            ipv4.version, ipv4.header_length, ipv4.ttl))
        print(TAB_2 + 'Protocol: {}, Source: {}, Target: {}'.format(
            ipv4.proto, ipv4.src, ipv4.target))

        # TCP
        if ipv4.proto == 6:
            tcp = TCP(ipv4.data)
            print(TAB_1 + 'TCP Segment:')
            print(TAB_2 + 'Source Port: {}, Destination Port: {}'.format(
                tcp.src_port, tcp.dest_port))
            print(TAB_2 + 'Sequence: {}, Acknowledgment: {}'.format(
                tcp.sequence, tcp.acknowledgment))
            print(TAB_2 + 'Flags:')
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
     self.examples = [
         IPv4('', ''),
         IPv4('', '')