Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     """ Clear the user namespace before running a test.
     code = dedent("""\
     %reset -f
     from flowgraph.core.tests.objects import Foo, Bar, Baz
     with kernel() as kc:
         safe_execute(code, kc, silent=True)
def get_matches(code_text: str, complete_text: str) -> List[str]:
    """Run ipykernel session with code_text and return associated matches of the completion_text."""
    matches: List[str]
    with kernel() as kc:
        _, reply = execute(code_text, kc=kc)
        assert reply['status'] == 'ok'
        reply = kc.get_shell_msg(block=True, timeout=TIMEOUT)
        matches = reply['content']['matches']
    return matches
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_inspect_request_spec(self):
        """ Check that the official inspection requests defined by the
        Jupyter messaging spec are not broken.
        with kernel() as kc:
            safe_execute('foo = Foo()', kc)
            msg_id = kc.inspect('foo')
            reply = kc.get_shell_msg(timeout=1)

        content = reply['content']
        self.assertEqual(content['status'], 'ok')
        self.assertEqual(content['found'], True)
        self.assertTrue('text/plain' in content['data'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """ Launch kernel and set search path for annotator.
        raise unittest.SkipTest("Custom IPython kernel broken in IPython v7.0")

        tu.KM, tu.KC = tu.start_new_kernel(kernel_name=get_kernel_name())

        objects_path = Path(test_objects.__file__).parent
        json_path = objects_path.joinpath('data', 'annotations.json')
        code = dedent("""\
        shell = get_ipython()
        """ % json_path)
        with kernel() as kc:
            safe_execute(code, kc, silent=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_execute_request(self):
        """ Do execute requests have flow graph payloads?
        with kernel() as kc:
            content = safe_execute('bar = Bar()', kc)

        for payload in content['payload']:
            if payload['source'] == 'flow_graph':
            self.fail("No flow graph payload")

        mimetype = payload['mimetype']
        self.assertEqual(mimetype, 'application/graphml+xml')

        graph = read_graphml_str(payload['data'])
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(graph, nx.DiGraph))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_inspect_request(self):
        """ Are inspect requests for annotated objects processed correctly?
        with kernel() as kc:
            id_expr = 'get_ipython().kernel.get_object_id(foo)'
            content = safe_execute('foo = Foo()',
                                   user_expressions={'id': id_expr})
            obj_id_data = content['user_expressions']['id']
            self.assertEqual(obj_id_data['status'], 'ok')
            obj_id = eval(obj_id_data['data']['text/plain'])

            slots = {'x': 'x', 'y': 'y'}
            content = inspect(kc, object_id=obj_id, slots=slots)
            self.assertEqual(content['status'], 'ok')
            self.assertEqual(content['found'], True)
            self.assertEqual(content['data']['application/json'], {
                'x': 1,
                'y': 1

            content = inspect(kc, object_id='XXX', slots=[])  # bad object ID
            self.assertEqual(content['status'], 'ok')
            self.assertEqual(content['found'], False)