def test_setting_options_from_list_tuples(self):
     d = Dropdown()
     assert d.options == ()
     d.options = [('One', 1), ('Two', 2), ('Three', 3)]
     assert d.get_state('_options_labels') == {'_options_labels': ('One', 'Two', 'Three')}
     d.value = 2
     assert d.get_state('index') == {'index': 1}
Ejemplo n.º 2
machines.options = machines_options

#queues.options = queues_options

def on_machine_value_set(_):
    queues_options = []
    exec_sys = machines.value
    app0 = exec_to_app[exec_sys]
    for q in range(len(all_apps[app0]["queues"])):
        queues_options += [all_apps[app0]["queues"][q]["name"]]
    queues.options = queues_options
    queues.value = queues_options[0]

machines.value = all_apps[app0]["exec_sys"]

numXSlider = IntSlider(value=0, min=1, max=16, step=1)
numYSlider = IntSlider(value=0, min=1, max=16, step=1)
numZSlider = IntSlider(value=0, min=1, max=16, step=1)

runBtn = Button(description='Run', button_style='primary', layout= Layout(width = '50px'))

run_items = [
    Box([Label(value="Job Name", layout = Layout(width = '350px')), jobNameText], layout = run_item_layout),
    Box([Label(value="Machine", layout = Layout(width = '350px')), machines], layout = run_item_layout),
    Box([Label(value="Queue", layout = Layout(width = '350px')), queues], layout = run_item_layout),
    Box([Label(value="NX", layout = Layout(width = '350px')), numXSlider], layout = run_item_layout),
    Box([Label(value="NY", layout=Layout(width = '350px')), numYSlider], layout= run_item_layout),
    Box([Label(value="NZ", layout=Layout(width = '350px')), numZSlider], layout= run_item_layout),
Ejemplo n.º 3
                 style={'color': 'blue'})
    c.observe(cb_handler, 'value')
    return c

checked_colors = []
cbox_dict = {cat: cmap_checkboxes(cat) for cat in cmap_default}
title = HTML('<h1>Color Viewer</h1>')
img = Image(width=700, height=600)
img.layout.visibility = 'hidden'

rows = []
row1 = HBox([title], layout={'justify_content': 'flex-start'})
row2 = HBox([cmap_category, img], layout={'align_items': 'center'})
rows = [row1, row2]
layout = VBox(rows)

fig = plt.Figure(dpi=144, tight_layout=True, figsize=(6, 3))
ax = fig.add_subplot()

interactive_output(get_checkboxes, {'category': cmap_category})
cmap_category.value = 'qualitative'

def ColorViewer():
Ejemplo n.º 4
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
font_list = fm.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None, fontext='ttf')
f = [ for f in fm.fontManager.ttflist]

from collections import OrderedDict
from IPython.display import (display, clear_output, YouTubeVideo)
from ipywidgets import Dropdown

dw = Dropdown(
    options=OrderedDict([('SciPy 2016',
                          'Ejh0ftSjk6g'), ('PyCon 2016', 'YgtL4S7Hrwo')]))

from collections import OrderedDict
from IPython.display import (display, clear_output, YouTubeVideo)
from ipywidgets import Dropdown

dw = Dropdown(
    options=OrderedDict([('SciPy 2016',
                          'Ejh0ftSjk6g'), ('PyCon 2016', 'YgtL4S7Hrwo')]))

def on_value_change(name, val):

dw.on_trait_change(on_value_change, 'value')
dw.value = dw.options['SciPy 2016']
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def prototype(self, title=None, start_year=None):
        """Create a prototype Dashboard"""
        if title is None:
            title = "Melbourne CBD Pedestrian Traffic"
        if start_year is None:
            start_year = self.years[-1]

        # inputs
        year_input = Dropdown(options=self.years, description="Year")
        month_input = Dropdown(description="Month")
        sensor_input = SelectMultiple(description="Sensor",
                                      layout={"height": "150px"})

        def update_inputs(change):
            """Update available options for month and sensor inputs based on current year"""
            filtered_data = self.filter(year=year_input.value)
            # Need to temporarily disable all other custom handlers to prevent input
            # option changes triggering a UI update. (value changes are ok)
            month_handlers = month_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"]
            month_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"] = []
            month_input.options = filtered_data.months
            month_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"] = month_handlers
            month_input.value = None

            sensor_handlers = sensor_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"]
            sensor_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"] = []
            sensor_input.options = filtered_data.sensors
            sensor_input._trait_notifiers["value"]["change"] = sensor_handlers
            sensor_input.value = []

        year_input.observe(update_inputs, "value")
        year_input.value = start_year

        # outputs
        month_counts_output = interactive_output(
            self.make_callback("month_counts", height=350, width=550),
                "sensor": sensor_input,
                "year": year_input
        sensor_counts_output = interactive_output(
            self.make_callback("sensor_counts", width=550),
                "sensor": sensor_input,
                "year": year_input,
                "month": month_input
        sensors_map_output = interactive_output(
            self.make_callback("sensor_map", height=650, width=600),
                "sensor": sensor_input,
                "year": year_input,
                "month": month_input
        sensors_traffic_output = interactive_output(
            self.make_callback("sensor_traffic", same_yscale=True, width=1200),
                "sensor": sensor_input,
                "year": year_input,
                "month": month_input

        # layout
        title = HTML(f"<H1>{title}</h1>")
        inputs = VBox([year_input, month_input, sensor_input])
        col1_row1 = HBox(
            [VBox([HBox([inputs]), month_counts_output]), sensors_map_output])
        col1_row2 = sensors_traffic_output
        col1 = VBox([col1_row1, col1_row2])
        col2 = sensor_counts_output
        rows = [HBox([title]), HBox([col1, col2])]
        for row in rows:
            row.layout.justify_content = "center"
        return VBox(rows)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# In[26]:

header = HTML(
    "<h1>Prediction Model: Mediterrean Sea Weather (Fictional model)</h1>",
    layout=Layout(height='auto')) = 'center'
basemap_selector = Dropdown(options=list(maps.keys()),

heatmap_selector = Dropdown(options=('Temperature', 'Precipitation'),

# In[27]:

basemap_selector.value = 'NASA'
m.layout.height = '600px'

# In[28]:

security_1 = np.cumsum(np.random.randn(150)) + 100.

dates = date_range(start='06-20-2020', periods=150)

dt_x = bq.DateScale()
sc_y = bq.LinearScale()

time_series = bq.Lines(x=dates, y=security_1, scales={'x': dt_x, 'y': sc_y})
ax_x = bq.Axis(scale=dt_x)
ax_y = bq.Axis(scale=sc_y, orientation='vertical')
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def create_dropdown(self, k, anno) -> Dropdown:
     atype = anno["typing"]
     wi = Dropdown(description=k, options=anno["options"])
     if "default" in anno:
         wi.value = anno["default"]
     return wi