def calflux(lfits, sensitivity='sensfunc.fits', extinction="lapalma_extinction.dat", observatory='lapalma', extinct='yes', outfits=None, fmt_out='cf%s', prefix=None, suffix=None, in_files='tmp_in.list', out_files='tmp_out.list'): lfits = cklist(lfits) if outfits is None: outfits = [fmt_file(fmt_out, fits) for fits in lfits] delfiles(outfits) wfile(in_files, lfits, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) wfile(out_files, outfits) unlearn('calibrate') # output=pref+'//@'+tlist calibrate(input='@' + in_files, output='@' + out_files, sensiti=sensitivity, extinct=extinct, extinction=extinction, observatory=observatory, ignoreaps='yes') unlearn('calibrate') delfiles([in_files, out_files])
def combine(lfits, outfits, rej='crreject', combine='average', scale='exposure', weight='exposure', nlow=1, expname='EXPTIME', rdnoise=0.0, gain=1.0, suffix=None, prefix=None, input_files='tmp_input.list', delete_list=True): wfile(input_files, lfits, suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix) delfiles(outfits) unlearn('imcombine') imcombine('@' + input_files, output=outfits, combine=combine, reject=rej, scale=scale, weight=weight, expname=expname, rdnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain, nlow=nlow) unlearn('imcombine') if delete_list: delfiles(input_files)
def ccdp(files, prefix=None, suffix=None, input_files='tmp_input.list', output_files='tmp_output.list', fmt_out='c%s', **kwargs): # Dictionary with default parameters for ccdproc dpar = dict(ccdtype="", fixpix='no', overscan='yes', trim='yes', zerocor='yes', flatcor='no', darkcor='no', illumco='no', fringec='no', zero="", illum="", function='legendre', order=4, interactive='no', readaxi='column', trimsec=None, biassec=None, flat="") # Update parameters dictionary for ccdproc if new are provided (kwargs) dpar.update(kwargs) # Make "files" a list, in case there is only one file files = cklist(files) # Write the list of input files to a temporary file wfile(input_files, files, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) # Create a list of names with the output name after ccdproc is applied new_files_ccdproc = [fmt_out % item for item in files] # Write the new files list to a file wfile(output_files, new_files_ccdproc) # Delete, if exits, the new files to be created delfiles(new_files_ccdproc) # Apply ccdproc unlearn('ccdproc') ccdproc(images='@' + input_files, output='@' + output_files, **dpar) unlearn('ccdproc') # Delete the temporary lists delfiles([input_files, output_files])
def transf(lfits, fitnames, interp='linear', database='database', flux='yes', y1='INDEF', prefix=None, suffix=None, input_files='tmp_input.list', output_files='tmp_output.list', fmt_out='l%s', dispaxis=None, **kwargs): fitnames = '.'.join(fitnames.split('.')[0:-1]) if isinstance(lfits, str) and input_files is None: input_files = lfits lfits = np.loadtxt(input_files, dtype=np.str, unpack=True) else: lfits = cklist(lfits) wfile(input_files, lfits, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) wfits = [fmt_out % fits.split('[')[0] for fits in lfits] wfile(output_files, wfits) delfiles(wfits) if dispaxis is not None: for fits in lfits: hedit(fits, 'DISPAXIS', dispaxis, add='yes', verify='no') unlearn('transform') transform(input='@' + input_files, output='@' + output_files, fitnames=fitnames, interp=interp, database=database, flux=flux, y1=y1, **kwargs) unlearn('transform') # for fits in wfits: # hedit(fit, 'WAT2_001', 'wtype=linear label=Wavelength units=Angstroms', add='yes', verify='no') delfiles([input_files, output_files])
def back(fits, outfits=None, fmt='b%s', **kwargs): # sample: Lines or columns to be used in the background fits. The default "*" selects all lines or columns # sample = '200:400,1000:1200' dback = dict(axis=1, low_reject=3., high_reject=3., inter='yes', order=1, niterat=3) dback.update(kwargs) if outfits is None: outfits = fmt_file(fmt, fits) delfiles(outfits) unlearn('background') background(fits, outfits, **dback) unlearn('background')
def setair(files, observatory='lapalma', equinox='EPOCH', ut='UTSTART', input_files='tmp_input.list', prefix=None, suffix=None): files = cklist(files) wfile(input_files, files, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) unlearn('setairmass') setairmass(images='@' + input_files, observatory=observatory, equinox=equinox, ut=ut) unlearn('setairmass') delfiles(input_files)
def rmcosmic(lfits, xorder=5, yorder=5, sigfrac=2.0, niter=5, objlim=2, sigclip=3.0, fmt_in=None, fmt_out='cr%s', rdnoise=0.0, gain=1.0): # Download "" from: # Save it into a directory ("lacos_directory" for our purposes) # In your IRAF "" include the following line: # task lacos_spec = lacos_directory/ from iraf import lacos_spec lfits = cklist(lfits) fmt_in = '%s' if fmt_in is None else fmt_in unlearn('lacos_spec') for fits in lfits: fits = fmt_in % fits output = fmt_out % fits mask = 'mask%s' % fits delfiles([mask, output]) lacos_spec(fits, output, mask, gain=gain, readn=rdnoise, xorder=xorder, yorder=yorder, sigclip=sigclip, sigfrac=sigfrac, objlim=objlim, niter=niter) delfiles(mask) unlearn('lacos_spec')
def cdispcor(fits, outfits, ref_disp=None, flux='yes', linearize='yes', key_ref='REFSPEC1', add='yes', verify='no', **kwargs): # To use the dispersion solution of other image, create a keyword # in the header "REFSPEC1" to point to the file with the dispersion # solution you want to use if ref_disp is not None: hedit(fits, key_ref, ref_disp, add=add, verify=verify) delfiles(outfits) unlearn('dispcor') dispcor(fits, outfits, linearize=linearize, flux=flux) unlearn('dispcor')
def unlearn_list(ltask): ltask = cklist(ltask) for task in ltask: unlearn(task)
def sensf(lstd, sensitivity='sensfunc', standards='standards.dat', observatory='lapalma', graphs='srei', caldir='onedstds$iidscal/', extinction='lapalma_extinction.dat', istand='yes', isens='yes', order=5, logfile="", star_names=None, **kwargs): # La Palma extinction directory # # Directory of the standard star file # iraf/noao/lib/onedstds/iidscal/bd253941.dat # iraf/noao/lib/onedstds/iidscal/bd332642.dat # iraf/iraf/noao/lib/onedstds/oke1990/feige110.dat # caldir = "onedstds$oke1990/" # iraf/iraf/noao/lib/obsdb.dat -> observatory # The ones in IRAF have very poor resolution. Better to use new ones by ESO: # # Download them from: # # The 'f' files list wavelength ( A ), flux ( ergs/cm/cm/s/A * 10**16 ) and flux ( milli-Jy ) and bin (A) # The file name consists of a prefix 'f' and the star name # The 'm' files list wavelength ( A ), AB magnitude and bin (A). The file # name consists of a prefix 'm' and the star name --> TAKE 'm' FILES FOR IRAF # The in the current directory create a file called "" with the folling format # Standard stars in .: # # mbd25d4655 # mbd33d2642 # Set the variable caldir="" and run standard (sensf) sensfile = '%s.fits' % sensitivity delfiles([sensfile, standards]) unlearn('standard') unlearn('sensfunc') lstd = cklist(lstd) star_names = cklist(star_names) if star_names is None: star_names = [ '.'.join(os.path.basename(std).split('.')[0:-1]) for std in lstd ] for std, star_name in zip(lstd, star_names): standard(input=std, output=standards, observatory=observatory, caldir=caldir, extinction=extinction, star_name=star_name, interact=istand) # ignorepars='yes' --> All the observations are combined into a single sensitivity function sensfunc(standards=standards, sensitivity=sensitivity, extinction=extinction, observatory=observatory, logfile=logfile, graphs=graphs, interactive=isens, order=order, ignoreaps='yes', **kwargs) unlearn('standard') unlearn('sensfunc')
def extract_aperture(fits, line, lower=-5, upper=5, b_sample='-10:-6,6:10', outfits=None, fmt_out='ap%s', fmt_ap='%s.000?.fits', database='database/', rdnoise=0.0, gain=1.0, std=False, **kwargs): # line, nsum: The dispersion line (line or column perpendicular to the dispersion axis) and # number of adjacent lines (half before and half after unless at the end of the image) # used in finding, recentering, resizing, and editing operations. A line of INDEF selects # the middle of the image along the dispersion axis. A positive nsum selects a sum of # lines and a negative selects a median of lines. # lower, upper: Default lower and upper aperture limits relative to the aperture center. # These limits are used for apertures found with apfind and when defining the first # aperture in apedit. # b_sample = "-10:-6,6:10": Default background sample. The sample is given by a set of colon # separated ranges each separated by either whitespace or commas. The string "*" refers to # all points. Note that the background coordinates are relative to the aperture center and not # image pixel coordinates so the endpoints need not be integer. # Default parameter dictionary dapall = dict(format='onedspec', nsum=18, t_function='spline3', t_order=5, recenter='no', b_naverage=-50, resize='no', gain=gain, readnoise=rdnoise, interac='yes', extras='no', trace='no', references="", apertures="1", b_function='legendre') # Default values for standard or object # For standard stars: background='fit', weights='variance', clean='yes' # For objects: background='none', weights='none', clean='no' if std: dextra = dict(background='fit', weights='variance', clean='yes') else: dextra = dict(background='none', weights='none', clean='no') dapall.update(dextra) # Overwrite default values dapall.update(kwargs) # outfits name if outfits is None: outfits = fmt_file(fmt_out, fits) # Delete output file delfiles(outfits) # Delete aperture files created from previous extractions ap_file = fmt_file(fmt_ap, '.'.join(outfits.split('.')[0:-1])) list_ap_files = glob(ap_file) delfiles(list_ap_files) # Delete aperture database for this file root_name_ap = '.'.join(outfits.split('.fit')[0:-1]) db_files = glob(os.path.join(database, root_name_ap)) delfiles(db_files) # When using optimum extraction sometimes the spectrum is zero unlearn('apall') apall(input=fits, output=outfits, line=line, lower=lower, upper=upper, b_sample=b_sample, **dapall) unlearn('apall')
def flatccdres(flat_files, flat='flat.fits', nflat='nflat.fits', cflat='cflat.fits', iccd='no', iresponse='yes', combine='average', reject='avsigclip', ccdtype="", process='no', fixpix='no', overscan='yes', zerocor='yes', trim='yes', darkcor='no', flatcor='no', illumco='no', fringec='no', function='legendre', corder=5, rorder=18, readaxi='column', biassec=None, zero=None, trimsec=None, low_reject=3, high_reject=3, scale='mode', rdnoise=0.0, gain=1.0, lflats=None, prefix=None, suffix=None): unlearn('flatcombine') unlearn('ccdproc') unlearn('response') delfiles(flat) if lflats is not None: wfile(flat_files, lflats, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) flatcombine('@' + flat_files, output=flat, combine=combine, reject=reject, ccdtype=ccdtype, scale=scale, process=process, rdnoise=rdnoise, gain=gain) delfiles(cflat) ccdproc(images=flat, output=cflat, ccdtype=ccdtype, fixpix=fixpix, overscan=overscan, trim=trim, zerocor=zerocor, darkcor=darkcor, flatcor=flatcor, illumco=illumco, fringec=fringec, zero=zero, function=function, order=corder, interactive=iccd, readaxi=readaxi, trimsec=trimsec, biassec=biassec) # Dispersion goes up-down # hedit(cfout,'DISPAXIS', 2, add='yes', verify='no') delfiles(nflat) response(cflat, cflat, nflat, interac=iresponse, order=rorder, low_reject=low_reject, high_reject=high_reject) unlearn('flatcombine') unlearn('ccdproc') unlearn('response')
interact=sys.argv[8] ############################ # # unlearn all parameters # ######################### print "\n Unlearning the following tasks:\n" print "gemini\n" unlearn ("gemini") print "gnirs\n" unlearn ("gnirs") print "niri\n" unlearn ("niri") print "f2\n" unlearn ("f2") print "gemtools\n" unlearn ("gemtools") print "geomap\n" unlearn ("geomap")
print "ERROR: too many objects! Include one only. Bye!\n" else: print "So using", len(drk), "dark,", len(flt), "flat and", len( obj), "objects images, with object's rootname:", rname getout = raw_input( "Is everything ok? Press 'enter' to continue, 'e' to exit.\t") # option to exit if getout == 'e' or getout == 'E': print "\nexiting then... Bye!\n" raise SystemExit # preparing header fields (input of imagetyp, exptime/darktime) print "> preparing the image headers" #l.write("\n> preparing the image headers") unlearn(iraf.ccdhedit) iraf.ccdhedit("Dark*.fit", parameter="imagetyp", value="dark") iraf.ccdhedit("Flat*.fit", parameter="imagetyp", value="flat") iraf.ccdhedit(rname + "_*.fit", parameter="imagetyp", value="object") for im in glob.glob('*.fit*'): unlearn(iraf.imgets) iraf.imgets(im, param="inttime") iraf.hedit(im, fields="exptime", value=iraf.imgets.value, add="no", addonly="yes", delete="no", verify="no", show="no", update="yes")
def runCrosscorr(flist, reference, input_pars): """ Use cross-correlation to compute shifts. Input and reference will ONLY be singly-drizzled images. """ shift_dict = {} iraf.set(imtype='fits') # Run 'crossdriz' with proper inputs iraf.unlearn('crossdriz') iraf.unlearn('shiftfind') iraf.crossdriz.dinp = input_pars['dinp'] iraf.crossdriz.dref = input_pars['dref'] iraf.crossdriz.pad = input_pars['pad'] iraf.crossdriz.margin = input_pars['margin'] iraf.crossdriz.tapersz = input_pars['tapersz'] iraf.crossdriz.mintheta = 0.0 iraf.crossdriz.maxtheta = 0.0 iraf.crossdriz.stptheta = 0.1 iraf.shiftfind.xshift = 0. iraf.shiftfind.xshift = 0. iraf.shiftfind.boxsize = 'INDEF' iraf.shiftfind.fwhm = input_pars['xc_fwhm'] iraf.shiftfind.ellip = input_pars['xc_ellip'] = input_pars['xc_pa'] iraf.shiftfind.fitbox = input_pars['xc_fitbox'] iraf.shiftfind.kellip = yes iraf.shiftfind.kpa = yes iraf.shiftfind.tempdir = "tmp$" print('#\n# Performing Cross-correlation with CROSSDRIZ \n#') print(' Reference image : ', reference) xcorr_root = 'tweak_xcorr' xcorr_sroot = 'xcorr_shifts' outname = define_output_name(reference) shift_dict['order'] = [outname] shift_dict[outname] = [0., 0., 0., 1.0] indx = 0 for img in flist: print(' Single input : ', img) xcorr_indx = "%03d" % indx xcorr_base = xcorr_root + xcorr_indx xcorr_shift = xcorr_sroot + xcorr_indx + '.txt' # Insure that products from previous runs are deleted xcorr_list = irafglob.irafglob(xcorr_base + '*') for file in xcorr_list: removeFile(file) iraf.crossdriz(image=img, refimage=reference, basename=xcorr_base) # Now, run shiftfind to compute the shifts removeFile(xcorr_shift) print('#\n# Computing shift using SHIFTFIND \n#') iraf.shiftfind(cclist=xcorr_base, outfile=xcorr_shift) # Read shifts from shiftfind file... xcfile = open(xcorr_shift, 'r') xclines = xcfile.readlines() xcol = 2 ycol = 4 for xcl in xclines: if xcl[0] == '#' or xcl.strip() == '': continue xcl = xcl.split() outname = define_output_name(xcl[0]) shift_dict[outname] = (-float(xcl[xcol]), -float(xcl[ycol]), 0.0, 1.0) xcfile.close() # Clean up intermediate CROSSDRIZ products if input_pars['clean'] == yes: removeFile(xcorr_shift) xcorr_list = irafglob.irafglob(xcorr_base + '*') for file in xcorr_list: removeFile(file) # Used for indexing xcorr_base rootname for all inputs indx += 1 if img != reference: outname = define_output_name(img) shift_dict['order'].append(outname) return shift_dict
iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders.instrument ='f2' iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders.instrument ='f2' iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders.instrument ="f2" iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders.instrument ="f2" iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders.logfile ="f2.logfile.log" iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders ('f2',logfile="f2.logfile.log") iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders ('f2',logfile="f2.logfile.log") iraf.gemini.gnirs.nsheaders ('f2',logfile="f2.logfile.log") print "\n Unlearning the following tasks:\n" print "hselect\n" unlearn("hselect") print "gemseeing\n" unlearn("gemseeing") print "phot\n" unlearn("phot") print "datapars" unlearn("datapars") print "centerpars\n" unlearn("centerpars") print "fitskypars\n" unlearn("fitskypars") print "photpars\n" unlearn("photpars")