Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, uri, ioloop):
     self.ioloop = ioloop
     self.callbacks = {
         "PING": [pong_callback],
         "NOTICE": [debug_callback],
         "ERROR": [die_callback]
     self.conn = IRCConnection.from_uri(uri)
     self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
     self.stream = IOStream(self.socket, io_loop=ioloop)
     self.current_chunk = ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, config):
     self.config = config
     self.parser = IRCProtocolParser(self)
     host = config["server"]["host"]
     port = config["server"]["port"]
     self.connection = IRCConnection(self.parser, host, port)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Bot:

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.parser = IRCProtocolParser(self)
        host = config["server"]["host"]
        port = config["server"]["port"]
        self.connection = IRCConnection(self.parser, host, port)

    def nick_string(self, nick = None):
        if nick is None:
            nick = self.config["nick"][self.config["nickIndex"]]
        return "NICK "+nick

    def next_nick(self):
        index = (self.config["nickIndex"] + 1) % len(self.config["nick"])
        self.config["nickIndex"] = index
        return index == 0 # Wrapped
    def user_string(self):
        username = self.config["user"]["username"]
        hostname = self.config["user"]["hostname"]
        servername = self.config["user"]["servername"]
        realname = self.config["user"]["realname"]
        return " ".join(["USER", username, hostname, servername, realname])

    def join_string(self):
        channels = ",".join(self.config["channels"])
        return "JOIN " + channels

    def connect(self):
        self.config["nickIndex"] = 0

    def event_cb(self, event):
        print "event:", event
        if event["event"] == "register":
            self.connection.send(self.nick_string() + "\r\n")
            self.connection.send(self.user_string() + "\r\n")

        elif event["event"] == "ping":
            msg = event["data"]
            print "PING EVENT DETECTED"
            self.connection.send(string.replace(msg, "PING", "PONG")+"\r\n")

        elif event["event"] == "message":
            print event["data"]
            if event["code"] == irc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD or event["code"] == irc.ERR_NOMOTD:
                self.connection.send(self.join_string() + "\r\n")
            elif event["code"] == irc.ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE:
                if self.next_nick():
                    self.config["timeout"] = 300
                self.connection.send(self.nick_string() + "\r\n")
        elif event["event"] == "PRIVMSG":
            print event
            words = event["content"].split()
            for word in words:
                if "youtube" in word or "youtu.be" in word:
                    test = youtube.getTitle(word)
                    if test is not None:
                        if event["destination"] in self.config["nick"]:
                            dst = event["source"]
                            dst = event["destination"]
                        self.connection.send("PRIVMSG " + dst +" : > " + test + "\r\n")
                # The following should be put last after specific www services
                elif "http://" in word or "https://" in word:
                    test = get_url_title.get_title(word)
                    if test is not None:
                        if event["destination"] in self.config["nick"]:
                            dst = event["source"]
                            dst = event["destination"]
                        self.connection.send("PRIVMSG " + dst +" : > " + test + "\r\n")

        elif event["event"] == "disconnect":