Ejemplo n.º 1
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

ref_x = 100
ref_y = 14
ref_z = player_z  # Alternatively type your unique z value instead of player_z
wool = "wool:blue"

b.build(ref_x, ref_y, ref_z, wool)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 2

tunnel_length = x_max - x_min + 1

wall_z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
# x values for tunnel glass and air
range_x = range(x_min, x_min + tunnel_length)
# y and z values for tunnel glass (external)
range_y_ext = range(floor_y, floor_y + tunnel_height)
range_z_ext = range(wall_z, wall_z + tunnel_width)
# y and z values for tunnel air (internal)
range_y_int = range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + tunnel_height - 1)
range_z_int = range(wall_z + 1, wall_z + tunnel_width - 1)
# x values for torches
range_x_torch = range(x_min, x_min + tunnel_length, 4)

# build a solid cuboid of glass first which is 7 blocks high and 5 blocks wide
b.build(range_x, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, wall)
# replace the internal glass with air so left with a hollow tunnel
b.build(range_x, range_y_int, range_z_int, air)
# replace the floor with stone
b.build(range_x, floor_y, range_z_int, floor)
# place torches
b.build(range_x_torch, floor_y + 1, ref_z + 1, torch)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 3
# z value of side of arch (where wall_z < player_z)
wall_z = ref_z - arch_width // 2

# x value for arch location
range_x_arch = path_x_min

# external dimensions of arch
range_y_ext = range(floor_y, floor_y + arch_height)
range_z_ext = range(wall_z, wall_z + arch_width)
# internal dimensions of arch
range_y_int = range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + arch_height - 1)
range_z_int = range(wall_z + 1, wall_z + arch_width - 1)

# clear any existing structure or ground
b.build(range(path_x_min, path_x_min + 40), range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + 31),
        range(ref_z - 4, ref_z + 5), air)
# build a solid cuboid of glass first which is 7 blocks high and 5 blocks wide
b.build(range_x_arch, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, wall)
# replace the internal glass with air so left with a hollow tunnel
b.build(range_x_arch, range_y_int, range_z_int, air)
# replace the floor with stone
b.build(range_x_arch, floor_y, range_z_int, floor)
# place a torch in each arch
b.build(range_x_arch, floor_y + 1, ref_z + 1, torch)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 4
tunnel_width = 5

air = "air"
wall = "default:glass"

tunnel_length = x_max - x_min + 1

wall_z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
# x values for tunnel glass and air
range_x = range(x_min, x_min + tunnel_length)
# y and z values for glass on exterior of tunnel
range_y_ext = range(floor_y, floor_y + tunnel_height)
range_z_ext = range(wall_z, wall_z + tunnel_width)
# y and z values for air in the interior of tunnel
range_y_int = range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + tunnel_height - 1)
range_z_int = range(wall_z + 1, wall_z + tunnel_width - 1)

# build a solid cuboid of glass first which is 7 blocks high and 5 blocks wide
b.build(range_x, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, wall)
# replace the internal glass with air so left with a hollow tunnel
b.build(range_x, range_y_int, range_z_int, air)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 5
# external dimensions of castle base
range_x_castle_ext = range(castle_x_min, castle_x_min + castle_length)
range_y_castle_ext = range(floor_y, floor_y + castle_height)
range_z_castle_ext = range(wall_z1, wall_z1 + castle_width)
# internal dimensions of castle base
range_x_castle_int = range(castle_x_min + 1, castle_x_min + castle_length - 1)
range_y_castle_int = range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + castle_height)
range_z_castle_int = range(wall_z1 + 1, wall_z1 + castle_width - 1)
# height of side windows from 2 above floor to height of castle
range_y_window = range(floor_y + 2, floor_y + castle_height)
# place side windows every 2 blocks starting from second block from door
range_x_window = range(castle_x_min + 2, castle_x_min + castle_length - 2, 2)

# clear any existing structure or ground
b.build(range(castle_x_min - 1, castle_x_min + castle_length + 10),
        range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + 31), range(ref_z - 4, ref_z + 5), air)
# the base of the castle
b.build(range_x_castle_ext, range_y_castle_ext, range_z_castle_ext, castle)
b.build(range_x_castle_int, range_y_castle_int, range_z_castle_int, air)
# create a doorway
b.build(castle_x_min, [floor_y + 1, floor_y + 2], ref_z, air)
# add windows on side walls
b.build(range_x_window, range_y_window, (wall_z1, wall_z2), window_z)
# add windows on front wall
b.build(castle_x_min, floor_y + 4, (ref_z - 1, ref_z, ref_z + 1), window_x)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 6
b = Building()

# position of centre of square
cx = 100
cy = 32
z = player_z

# array of node types which we will alternate through
colour0 = "wool:green"
colour1 = "wool:blue"
colours = [colour0, colour1]

# calculate extents of square
width = 9
height = 9
x1 = cx - width // 2
y1 = cy - height // 2
x2 = x1 + width
y2 = y1 + height

# loop through all positions in square
for y in range(y1, y2):
    for x in range(x1, x2):
        colour = colours[(y + x) % 2]
        b.build(x, y, z, colour)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 7
range_y_roof_ext = range(floor_y + castle_height, floor_y + castle_height + 3)
range_z_roof_ext = range(wall_z1 - 1, wall_z1 + castle_width + 1)
range_x_roof_int = range_x_castle_ext
range_y_roof_int = range(floor_y + castle_height + 1,
                         floor_y + castle_height + 3)
range_z_roof_int = range_z_castle_ext
# location of crenels and merlons on castle roof
crenel_y = floor_y + castle_height + 2
roof_x1 = castle_x_min - 1
roof_x2 = castle_x_min + castle_length
roof_z1 = wall_z1 - 1
roof_z2 = wall_z2 + 1

# clear any existing structure or ground
b.build(range(castle_x_min - 1, castle_x_min + castle_length + 10),
        range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + 31), range(ref_z - 4, ref_z + 5), air)
# the base of the castle
b.build(range_x_castle_ext, range_y_castle_ext, range_z_castle_ext, castle)
b.build(range_x_castle_int, range_y_castle_int, range_z_castle_int, air)
# create a doorway
b.build(castle_x_min, [floor_y + 1, floor_y + 2], ref_z, air)
# add windows on side walls
b.build(range_x_window, range_y_window, (wall_z1, wall_z2), window_z)
# add windows on front wall
b.build(castle_x_min, floor_y + 4, (ref_z - 1, ref_z, ref_z + 1), window_x)
# the roof of the castle
b.build(range_x_roof_ext, range_y_roof_ext, range_z_roof_ext, castle)
b.build(range_x_roof_int, range_y_roof_int, range_z_roof_int, air)
# build the ladder. Has to be against wall for player to climb it easily.
b.build(castle_x_min + castle_length - 2,
        range(floor_y + 1, floor_y + castle_height + 1), ref_z, ladder)
Ejemplo n.º 8
cy = 32
z = player_z

# array of node types which we will alternate through
colours = ["wool:white", "wool:orange"]

# calculate extents of diamond
width = 21
height = 21
x1 = cx - width // 2
y1 = cy - height // 2
x2 = x1 + width
y2 = y1 + height

# clear area first with air
b.build(range(x1, x2), range(y1, y2), z, "air")

# build diamond
for y in range(y1, y2):
    # calculate x range which will give diamond shape
    xlo = x1 + abs(y - cy)
    xhi = x2 - abs(y - cy)
    for x in range(xlo, xhi):
        # set each node to an alternate wool colour using same formula as in previous task
        b.build(x, y, z, colours[(x + y) % 2])

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 9
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

ref_z = player_z
wool = "wool:red"
glass = "default:glass"

b.build(100, 13, ref_z - 1, glass)
b.build(100, 14, ref_z - 1, glass)
b.build(100, 15, ref_z - 1, glass)
b.build(100, 13, ref_z, glass)
b.build(100, 14, ref_z, wool)
b.build(100, 15, ref_z, glass)
b.build(100, 13, ref_z + 1, glass)
b.build(100, 14, ref_z + 1, glass)
b.build(100, 15, ref_z + 1, glass)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 10
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

ref_x = 101
ref_y = 14
ref_z = player_z
glass = "default:obsidian_glass"

for y in (ref_y - 1, ref_y, ref_y + 1):
    for z in (ref_z - 1, ref_z, ref_z + 1):
        b.build(ref_x, y, z, glass)
        print("y", y, "z", z)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 11
arch_height = 7
# width of arch in number of blocks (external dimension)
arch_width = 5

air = "air"
wall = "default:glass"

# z value of side of arch (where wall_z < player_z)
wall_z = ref_z - arch_width // 2
# x value for arch location
range_x_arch = path_x_min
# external dimensions of arch
range_y_ext = range(floor_y, floor_y + arch_height)
range_z_ext = range(wall_z, wall_z + arch_width)

# clear any existing structure or ground
b.build(range(path_x_min, path_x_min + 40), range(floor_y, floor_y + 31),
        range(ref_z - 4, ref_z + 5), air)
b.build(range(path_x_min, path_x_min + 16), floor_y,
        range(ref_z - 1, ref_z + 2), "default:stone")
# build a solid cuboid of glass first which is 7 blocks high and 5 blocks wide
b.build(range_x_arch, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, wall)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 12

air = "air"
pole = "default:fence_junglewood"
colours = [
    "wool:" + colour for colour in

num_colours = len(colours)
stripe_width = 2

b.build(pole_x, range(pole_y, flag_y), ref_z, pole)
b.build(range(pole_x, pole_x + 26), range(flag_y, flag_y + 26),
        range(ref_z - 4, ref_z + 5), air)
for x in range(pole_x, pole_x + flag_length):
    for y in range(flag_y, flag_y + flag_height):
        # pattern centred on centre of flag
        cx = pole_x + flag_length / 2
        cy = flag_y + flag_height / 2
        # pattern centred on front bottom corner
        # cx = pole_x
        # cy = flag_y

        # c = x  # vertical stripes
        # c = y  # horizontal stripes
        # c = (x + y)  # diagonal stripes
        # c = (x - y)  # other diagonal stripes
Ejemplo n.º 13
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

ref_x = 100
ref_y = 14
ref_z = player_z
wool = "wool:yellow"
glass = "default:glass"

seq_x = (ref_x - 1, ref_x, ref_x + 1)  # or (99, 100, 101)
seq_y = (ref_y - 1, ref_y, ref_y + 1)  # or (13, 14, 15)
seq_z = (ref_z - 1, ref_z, ref_z + 1)
b.build(seq_x, seq_y, seq_z, glass)
b.build(ref_x, ref_y, ref_z, wool)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 14
glass = "default:glass"
floor = "default:stone"
torch = "default:torch"
air = "air"

# Make the full tunnel in solid glass and stone first
for i in range(num_segments):
    # Cross section of tunnel at position i
    # x, y, z are coordinates of lower left corner of segment of tunnel
    x = x1 - i
    y = y1 - i
    z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
    # Build 5 x 7 blocks of glass at position i for walls, roof, and centre
    range_y_ext = range(y, y + tunnel_height)
    range_z_ext = range(z, z + tunnel_width)
    b.build(x, range_y_ext, range_z_ext, glass)
    # Build 3 x 1 blocks of stone at position i for floor
    range_z_floor = (z + 1, z + 2, z + 3)
    b.build(x, y, range_z_floor, floor)
# hollow out the tunnel because now we are sure that lava and water can't flow in the ends
for i in range(num_segments):
    # Use air to hollow out the tunnel
    x = x1 - i
    y = y1 - i
    z = ref_z - tunnel_width // 2
    range_y_air = range(y + 1, y + tunnel_height - 1)
    range_z_air = (z + 1, z + 2, z + 3)
    b.build(x, range_y_air, range_z_air, air)
    if i % 4 == 0:
        # Place torches down the right hand side of the tunnel
        b.build(x, y + 1, ref_z + 1, torch)
Ejemplo n.º 15
x2 = 9
task4_x1 = 93
y1 = 14
z = player_z
num_segments = x1 - x2 + 1

# store node types in variables for easier use
stair_up_x = {"name": "stairs:stair_stonebrick", "direction": "+x"}
rail = 'carts:rail'
power_rail = 'carts:powerrail'

# sloping section of tunnel
for i in range(num_segments):
    # Add stairs - Don't need stairs on very last block. Hence check i < 60
    if i < 60:
        b.build(x1 - i, y1 - i, z - 1, stair_up_x)
    # Add power rail
    b.build(x1 - i, y1 - i + 1, z, power_rail)

# flat section of tunnel
for x in range(x1, task4_x1 + 1):
    # Add rail or power rail in pairs
    if x // 2 % 2 == 0:
        b.build(x, y1 + 1, z, rail)
        b.build(x, y1 + 1, z, power_rail)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

Ejemplo n.º 16
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel, player_z

b = Building()

# player_z has been imported from the configuration file you created in first task
ref_z = player_z
glass = "default:obsidian_glass"

for y in (13, 14, 15):
    b.build(99, y, ref_z - 1, glass)
    b.build(99, y, ref_z, glass)
    b.build(99, y, ref_z + 1, glass)

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt
Ejemplo n.º 17
from ircbuilder import open_irc
from ircbuilder.building import Building

from minetest_irc import ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel

b = Building()

b.build(100, 14, 20, "wool:green")

with open_irc(ircserver, mtuser, mtuserpass, mtbotnick, channel) as mc:

# © Copyright 2018-2021 Triptera Pty Ltd - https://pythonator.com - See LICENSE.txt