def m_OPER(cli, ev_msg): name, password = ev_msg['params'][:2] # make sure hostmask is valid, if defined in config valid_hosts = [ data.get('hostmask', None) for data in cli.ctx.conf.opers.values() ] if None not in valid_hosts: have_a_valid_host = False for hostmask in valid_hosts: if ircmatch.match(0, hostmask, cli.hostmask): have_a_valid_host = True break if not have_a_valid_host: cli.dump_numeric('491', ['No O-lines for your host']) return data = cli.ctx.conf.opers.get(name, None) if data is not None: pass_is_valid = False hash = data.get('hash', None) if hash: if hash not in cli.ctx.hashing.valid_schemes: print( 'mammon: error: hashing algorithm for oper password is not valid' ) elif cli.ctx.hashing.enabled: pass_is_valid = cli.ctx.hashing.verify(password, data.get('password')) else: print( 'mammon: error: cannot verify oper password, hashing is not enabled' ) else: pass_is_valid = password == data.get('password') del password # check this specific oper's hostmask hostmask = data.get('hostmask') if not ircmatch.match(0, hostmask, cli.hostmask): # we do this so we don't leak info on oper blocks pass_is_valid = False if pass_is_valid: if data.get('role') in cli.ctx.roles: cli.role = data.get('role') else: print('mammon: error: role does not exist for oper', name) cli.props['special:oper'] = True cli.dump_numeric('381', ['You are now an IRC operator']) else: cli.dump_numeric('464', ['Password incorrect'])
def m_OPER(cli, ev_msg): name, password = ev_msg["params"][:2] # make sure hostmask is valid, if defined in config valid_hosts = [data.get("hostmask", None) for data in cli.ctx.conf.opers.values()] if None not in valid_hosts: have_a_valid_host = False for hostmask in valid_hosts: if ircmatch.match(0, hostmask, cli.hostmask): have_a_valid_host = True break if not have_a_valid_host: cli.dump_numeric("491", ["No O-lines for your host"]) return data = cli.ctx.conf.opers.get(name, None) if data is not None: pass_is_valid = False hash = data.get("hash", None) if hash: if hash not in cli.ctx.hashing.valid_schemes: print("mammon: error: hashing algorithm for oper password is not valid") elif cli.ctx.hashing.enabled: pass_is_valid = cli.ctx.hashing.verify(password, data.get("password")) else: print("mammon: error: cannot verify oper password, hashing is not enabled") else: pass_is_valid = password == data.get("password") del password # check this specific oper's hostmask hostmask = data.get("hostmask") if not ircmatch.match(0, hostmask, cli.hostmask): # we do this so we don't leak info on oper blocks pass_is_valid = False if pass_is_valid: if data.get("role") in cli.ctx.roles: cli.role = data.get("role") else: print("mammon: error: role does not exist for oper", name) cli.props["special:oper"] = True cli.dump_numeric("381", ["You are now an IRC operator"]) else: cli.dump_numeric("464", ["Password incorrect"])
def authorize(self, cli, ev_msg): if 'key' in self.props and (len(ev_msg['params']) < 2 or self.props['key'] != ev_msg['params'][1]): cli.dump_numeric('475', [, 'Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key']) return False if 'exempt' in self.props: for e in self.props['exempt']: if match(0, e, cli.hostmask): return True if 'ban' in self.props: for b in self.props['ban']: if match(0, b, cli.hostmask): cli.dump_numeric('474', [, 'You are banned.']) return False if 'invite' in self.props and 'invite-exemption' in self.props: for i in self.props['invite-exemption']: if match(0, i, cli.hostmask): return True # XXX - /invite command return False return True
def our_on_message(target, source, message): global gbot global oldOn_message for ignore in gbot.ignores: if gbot.isadmin(source): break hostmask = "{0}!{1}@{2}".format(gbot.users[source]['nickname'], gbot.users[source]['username'], gbot.users[source]['hostname']) if ircmatch.match(0, ignore, hostmask): return oldOn_message(target, source, message)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, User): return NotImplemented nick = self.nick if self.nick is not None else '*' user = self.user if self.user is not None else '*' nick2 = other.nick if other.nick is not None else '*' user2 = other.user if other.user is not None else '*' x = '{}!{}@{}'.format(nick, user, y = '{}!{}@{}'.format(nick2, user2, return ircmatch.match(0, x, y)
from __future__ import print_function import ircmatch mask = '*rabbit**!*rabbits@**rabb*.it' print('mask: ' + mask) print('collapse(): ' + ircmatch.collapse(mask)) print('match(0, "{0}", "{1}"): {2}'.format(mask, '[email protected]', ircmatch.match(0, mask, '[email protected]'))) print('match(0, "{0}", "{1}"): {2}'.format(mask, '[email protected]', ircmatch.match(0, mask, '[email protected]'))) print('irccasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}"): {2}'.format('apple', 'appel', ircmatch.irccasecmp(0, 'apple', 'appel'))) print('irccasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}"): {2}'.format('apple', 'apple', ircmatch.irccasecmp(0, 'apple', 'apple'))) print('irccasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}"): {2}'.format('appel', 'apple', ircmatch.irccasecmp(0, 'appel', 'apple'))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 4): {2}'.format('apple', 'appel', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'apple', 'appel', 4))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 4): {2}'.format('apple', 'apple', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'apple', 'apple', 4))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 4): {2}'.format('appel', 'apple', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'appel', 'apple', 4))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 3): {2}'.format('apple', 'appel', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'apple', 'appel', 3))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 3): {2}'.format('apple', 'apple', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'apple', 'apple', 3))) print('ircncasecmp(0, "{0}", "{1}", 3): {2}'.format('appel', 'apple', ircmatch.ircncasecmp(0, 'appel', 'apple', 3)))
def handle_textfilter(irc, source, command, args): """Antispam text filter handler.""" target = args['target'] text = args['text'] txf_settings = irc.get_service_option('antispam', 'textfilter', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS) if not txf_settings.get('enabled', False): return my_uid = sbot.uids.get( # XXX workaround for single-bot protocols like Clientbot if irc.pseudoclient and not irc.has_cap('can-spawn-clients'): my_uid = irc.pseudoclient.uid if (not irc.connected.is_set()) or (not my_uid): # Break if the network isn't ready. log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; network isn't ready", return elif irc.is_internal_client(source): # Ignore messages from our own clients. log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing message from internal client %s",, source) return elif source not in irc.users: log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: ignoring message from non-user %s",, source) return if irc.is_channel(target): channel_or_none = target if target not in irc.channels or my_uid not in irc.channels[ target].users: # We're not monitoring this channel. log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing message from channel %r we're not in",, target) return else: channel_or_none = None watch_pms = txf_settings.get('watch_pms', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['watch_pms']) if watch_pms == 'services': if not irc.get_service_bot(target): log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; %r is not a service bot (watch_pms='services')",, target) return elif watch_pms == 'all': log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: checking all PMs (watch_pms='all')", pass else: # Not a channel. log.debug( "(%s) antispam.textfilters: skipping processing; %r is not a channel and watch_pms is disabled",, target) return # Merge together global and local textfilter lists. txf_globs = set(conf.conf.get('antispam', {}).get('textfilter_globs', [])) | \ set(irc.serverdata.get('antispam_textfilter_globs', [])) punishment = txf_settings.get('punishment', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['punishment']).lower() reason = txf_settings.get('reason', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['reason']) if irc.get_service_option('antispam', 'strip_formatting', True): text = utils.strip_irc_formatting(text) if txf_settings.get('munge_unicode', TEXTFILTER_DEFAULTS['munge_unicode']): text = str.translate(text, UNICODE_CHARMAP) punished = False for filterglob in txf_globs: if ircmatch.match(1, filterglob, text):"(%s) antispam: punishing %s => %s for text filter %r",, irc.get_friendly_name(source), irc.get_friendly_name(target), filterglob) punished = _punish(irc, source, channel_or_none, punishment, reason) break return not punished # Filter this message from relay, etc. if it triggered protection
data = yaml.safe_load(open('tests/mask-match.yaml').read()) failed_tests = 0 passed_tests = 0 for test in data['tests']: mask = test['mask'] matches = test['matches'] invalid = test['fails'] out = ' * Testing: [{}]\n'.format(mask) failed = False # test validity for address in matches: if not ircmatch.match(1, mask, address): out += ' Address did not match but should have [{}]\n'.format(address) failed = True for address in invalid: if ircmatch.match(1, mask, address): out += ' Address matched but should not have [{}]\n'.format(address) failed = True # fail message if failed: print(out) failed_tests += 1 else: passed_tests += 1