Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_startpoints(cubes, coordinate, values):
    """Create an array of startpoints

    Output array has shape Nx3 where N is the number of startpoints and the 3
    indices are for longitude, latitude and altitude.

        cubes (iris.cube.CubeList)

        train (np.array): The input array to trajectory calculations
    # Get the values of altitude at the given coordinate
    P = convert.calc(coordinate, cubes)
    z = grid.make_cube(P, 'altitude')
    z.add_aux_coord(grid.make_coord(P), [0, 1, 2])
    z500 = interpolate.to_level(z, **{coordinate: values})[0].data

    lon, lat = grid.get_xy_grids(P)

    # Convert the 2d arrays to an Nx3 array
    train = np.array([lon.flatten(),

    return train
Ejemplo n.º 2
def create_startpoints(cubes, levels, stride=1):
    """Create an array of startpoints

    Output array has shape Nx3 where N is the number of startpoints and the 3
    indices are for longitude, latitude and altitude.

        cubes (iris.cube.CubeList)

        train (np.array): The input array to trajectory calculations
    # Get the values of altitude at the given coordinate
    z = convert.calc('altitude', cubes, levels=levels)

    # Get the grid latitude and longitude as 2d arrays
    lon, lat = grid.get_xy_grids(z)

    # Convert the 2d arrays to an Nx3 array
    nz = z.shape[0]
    lon = np.tile(lon[::stride, ::stride].flatten(), nz)
    lat = np.tile(lat[::stride, ::stride].flatten(), nz)
    z = z.data[:, ::stride, ::stride].flatten()

    train = np.array([lon, lat, z]).transpose()

    return train
Ejemplo n.º 3
def track_position(mslp, idx_0):
    # Set the start point of the cyclone manually
    lon, lat = grid.get_xy_grids(mslp)
    current_x, current_y = lon[idx_0], lat[idx_0]

    nt = mslp.shape[0]
    track = [[current_x - 360, current_y]]
    indices = [idx_0]

    # Take the nearest local minima in sea-level pressure at each timestep
    for n in range(nt):
        local_minima = find_local_minima(mslp[n].data)
        new_x, new_y, idx = find_nearest_minima(current_x, current_y,
                                                local_minima, lon, lat)

        track.append([new_x - 360, new_y])
        current_x, current_y = new_x, new_y

    # Save the data as a numpy array s
    track = np.array(track)
    indices = np.array(indices)

    return track, indices
Ejemplo n.º 4
def forward_trajectories(forecast):
    """Calculate 48 hour forward trajectories from low levels

    Start trajectories from all points below 2km
    cubes = forecast.set_lead_time(hours=48)

    z = convert.calc('altitude', cubes)
    theta = convert.calc('air_potential_temperature', cubes)
    theta_adv = convert.calc('advection_only_theta', cubes)
    pv = convert.calc('ertel_potential_vorticity', cubes)
    lon, lat = grid.true_coords(pv)
    glon, glat = grid.get_xy_grids(pv)
    time = grid.get_datetime(pv)
    nz, ny, nx = pv.shape

    eqlats = rossby_waves.eqlats
    cs = iris.Constraint(time=time)
    with iris.FUTURE.context(cell_datetime_objects=True):
        eqlat = eqlats.extract(cs)[0]

    # Interpolate to the theta and PV surfaces
    eqlat = interpolate.main(eqlat, ertel_potential_vorticity=2)
    eqlat = interpolate.main(eqlat,

    # Define the start points
    trainp = []
    for k in range(nz):
        for j in range(ny):
            for i in range(nx):
                if (theta_adv.data[k, j, i] < 300 < theta.data[k, j, i] and
                        pv.data[k, j, i] < 2 and
                        lat[j, i] > eqlat.data[k * ny * nx + j * nx + i]):
                    trainp.append([glon[j, i], glat[j, i], z.data[k, j, i]])
    trainp = np.array(trainp)

    plot.pcolormesh(pv[33], vmin=0, vmax=10, cmap='cubehelix_r', pv=pv[33])
    plt.scatter(trainp[:, 0], trainp[:, 1])

    # Calculate the trajectories
    tracers = ['air_potential_temperature', 'air_pressure']
    traout = caltra.caltra(trainp, mapping, fbflag=-1, tracers=tracers)

    # Save the trajectories
    traout.save(datadir + 'backward_trajectories.pkl')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_points(dtheta, pv):
    # Smooth the theta_adv and pv data first
    dtheta.data = filters.gaussian_filter(dtheta.data, sigma=10, truncate=4)
    pv.data = filters.median_filter(pv.data, size=20)

    # Extract the contour surrounding the outflow region
    criteria = np.logical_and(pv.data < 2, dtheta.data > 0)
    pv.data = criteria.astype(int)
    cs = iplt.contour(pv, [0.5])
    contours = tropopause_contour.get_contour_verts(cs)
    closed_loop = tropopause_contour.get_tropopause_contour(contours[0])
    path = mpl.path.Path(closed_loop)

    # Create an array containing all the grid points within the outflow region
    lon, lat = grid.get_xy_grids(dtheta)
    points = np.transpose(np.array([lon.flatten(), lat.flatten()]))
    points = points[np.where(path.contains_points(points))]

    return closed_loop, points
Ejemplo n.º 6
def calc_circulation(trajectories, forecast, theta_level, dtheta):
    # Select an individual theta level
    trajectories = trajectories.select(
        'air_potential_temperature', '==', theta_level)
    levels = ('air_potential_temperature', [theta_level])

    results = iris.cube.CubeList()
    for n, cubes in enumerate(forecast):
        if n == 0:
            # Load grid parameters
            example_cube = convert.calc('upward_air_velocity', cubes,

            # Create a 1d array of points for determining which gridpoints are
            # contained in the trajectory circuit when performing volume
            # integrals
            glon, glat = grid.get_xy_grids(example_cube)
            gridpoints = np.array([glon.flatten(), glat.flatten()]).transpose()
            cs = example_cube.coord_system()

        # Load trajectory positions -(n+2) because the trajectories are
        # backwards in time. +2 to skip the analysis which is not in the
        # forecast object (i.e. n=0 corresponds to idx=-2 in the trajectories)
        x = trajectories.x[:, -(n + 2)]
        y = trajectories.y[:, -(n + 2)]
        z = trajectories['altitude'][:, -(n + 2)]
        u = trajectories['x_wind'][:, -(n + 2)]
        v = trajectories['y_wind'][:, -(n + 2)]
        w = trajectories['upward_air_velocity'][:, -(n + 2)]

        # Integrals are invalid once trajectories leave the domain but we don't
        # want to stop the script so just print out the number of trajectories
        # that have left the domain
        leftflag = (trajectories['air_pressure'][:, -(n+2)] < 0).astype(int)
        leftcount = np.count_nonzero(leftflag)

        # Calculate enclosed area integrals
        integrals = mass_integrals(cubes, x, y, glat, gridpoints,
                                   theta_level, dtheta)
        for icube in integrals:
            # Set integrals to zero if trajectories have left the domain
            if leftcount > 0:
                icube.data = 0.

        # Convert to global coordinates in radians
        u, v, lon, lat = get_geographic_coordinates(u, v, x, y, cs)

        # Unrotated coordinates in radians
        lon = np.deg2rad(lon)
        lat = np.deg2rad(lat)

        # Calculate the velocity due to Earth's rotation
        u_abs = Omega.data * (a+z) * np.cos(lat)
        u += u_abs

        # Integrate around the circuit
        if leftcount > 0:
            circulation = 0
            circulation = circuit_integral_rotated(u, v, w, lon, lat, z)
        ccube = icube.copy(data=circulation)
        ccube.units = 's-1'

              datadir + 'circulations_' + str(theta_level) + 'K.nc')
