Ejemplo n.º 1
def _configure_grub(device, path):
    """Make consolidated grub configuration as it is device aware.

    :param device: The device for the filesystem.
    :param path: The path in which the filesystem is mounted.
    LOG.debug('Attempting to generate grub Configuration')
    path_variable = _get_path_variable()
    binary_name = "grub"
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'usr/sbin/grub2-install')):
        binary_name = "grub2"
    # If the image has dracut installed, set the rd.md.uuid kernel
    # parameter for discovered md devices.
    if hardware.is_md_device(device) and _has_dracut(path):
        rd_md_uuids = [
            "rd.md.uuid=%s" % x['UUID']
            for x in hardware.md_get_raid_devices().values()
        LOG.debug("Setting rd.md.uuid kernel parameters: %s", rd_md_uuids)
        with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'r') as g:
            contents = g.read()
        with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'w') as g:
                       r'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="\1 %s"' % " ".join(rd_md_uuids),

    utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c '
                  '"%(bin)s-mkconfig -o '
                  '/boot/%(bin)s/grub.cfg"' % {
                      'path': path,
                      'bin': binary_name
                      'PATH': path_variable,
                      'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER': 'true',
                      'GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT': 'true'
    LOG.debug('Completed basic grub configuration.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _install_grub2(device, root_uuid, efi_system_part_uuid=None,
    """Install GRUB2 bootloader on a given device."""
    LOG.debug("Installing GRUB2 bootloader on device %s", device)

    efi_partition = None
    efi_partition_mount_point = None
    efi_mounted = False

    # NOTE(TheJulia): Seems we need to get this before ever possibly
    # restart the device in the case of multi-device RAID as pyudev
    # doesn't exactly like the partition disappearing.
    root_partition = _get_partition(device, uuid=root_uuid)

    # If the root device is an md device (or partition), restart the device
    # (to help grub finding it) and identify the underlying holder disks
    # to install grub.
    if hardware.is_md_device(device):
        # If an md device, we need to rescan the devices anyway to pickup
        # the md device partition.
    elif (_is_bootloader_loaded(device)
          and not (efi_system_part_uuid
                   or prep_boot_part_uuid)):
        # We always need to put the bootloader in place with software raid
        # so it is okay to elif into the skip doing a bootloader step.
        LOG.info("Skipping installation of bootloader on device %s "
                 "as it is already marked bootable.", device)
        # Mount the partition and binds
        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        if efi_system_part_uuid:
            efi_partition = _get_partition(device, uuid=efi_system_part_uuid)
            efi_partition_mount_point = os.path.join(path, "boot/efi")

        # For power we want to install grub directly onto the PreP partition
        if prep_boot_part_uuid:
            device = _get_partition(device, uuid=prep_boot_part_uuid)

        # If the root device is an md device (or partition),
        # identify the underlying holder disks to install grub.
        if hardware.is_md_device(device):
            disks = hardware.get_holder_disks(device)
            disks = [device]

        utils.execute('mount', root_partition, path)
        for fs in BIND_MOUNTS:
            utils.execute('mount', '-o', 'bind', fs, path + fs)

        utils.execute('mount', '-t', 'sysfs', 'none', path + '/sys')

        if efi_partition:
            if not os.path.exists(efi_partition_mount_point):
            utils.execute('mount', efi_partition, efi_partition_mount_point)
            efi_mounted = True

        binary_name = "grub"
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'usr/sbin/grub2-install')):
            binary_name = "grub2"

        # Add /bin to PATH variable as grub requires it to find efibootmgr
        # when running in uefi boot mode.
        # Add /usr/sbin to PATH variable to ensure it is there as we do
        # not use full path to grub binary anymore.
        path_variable = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
        path_variable = '%s:/bin:/usr/sbin' % path_variable

        # Install grub. Normally, grub goes to one disk only. In case of
        # md devices, grub goes to all underlying holder (RAID-1) disks.
        LOG.info("GRUB2 will be installed on disks %s", disks)
        for grub_disk in disks:
            LOG.debug("Installing GRUB2 on disk %s", grub_disk)
            utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c '
                          '"%(bin)s-install %(dev)s"' %
                          {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name,
                           'dev': grub_disk},
                          shell=True, env_variables={'PATH': path_variable})
            LOG.debug("GRUB2 successfully installed on device %s", grub_disk)

        # Also run grub-install with --removable, this installs grub to the
        # EFI fallback path. Useful if the NVRAM wasn't written correctly,
        # was reset or if testing with virt as libvirt resets the NVRAM
        # on instance start.
        # This operation is essentially a copy operation. Use of the
        # --removable flag, per the grub-install source code changes
        # the default file to be copied, destination file name, and
        # prevents NVRAM from being updated.
        # We only run grub2_install for uefi if we can't verify the uefi bits
        if efi_partition:
            utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c '
                          '"%(bin)s-install %(dev)s --removable"' %
                          {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name, 'dev': device},
                          shell=True, env_variables={'PATH': path_variable})

        # If the image has dracut installed, set the rd.md.uuid kernel
        # parameter for discovered md devices.
        if hardware.is_md_device(device) and _has_dracut(path):
            rd_md_uuids = ["rd.md.uuid=%s" % x['UUID']
                           for x in hardware.md_get_raid_devices().values()]

            LOG.debug("Setting rd.md.uuid kernel parameters: %s", rd_md_uuids)
            with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'r') as g:
                contents = g.read()
            with open('%s/etc/default/grub' % path, 'w') as g:
                           r'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="\1 %s"'
                           % " ".join(rd_md_uuids),

        # Generate the grub configuration file
        utils.execute('chroot %(path)s /bin/sh -c '
                      '"%(bin)s-mkconfig -o '
                      '/boot/%(bin)s/grub.cfg"' %
                      {'path': path, 'bin': binary_name}, shell=True,
                      env_variables={'PATH': path_variable})

        LOG.info("GRUB2 successfully installed on %s", device)

    except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
        error_msg = ('Installing GRUB2 boot loader to device %(dev)s '
                     'failed with %(err)s.' % {'dev': device, 'err': e})
        raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg)

        umount_warn_msg = "Unable to umount %(path)s. Error: %(error)s"
        # Umount binds and partition
        umount_binds_fail = False

        # If umount fails for efi partition, then we cannot be sure that all
        # the changes were written back to the filesystem.
            if efi_mounted:
                utils.execute('umount', efi_partition_mount_point, attempts=3,
        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            error_msg = ('Umounting efi system partition failed. '
                         'Attempted 3 times. Error: %s' % e)
            raise errors.CommandExecutionError(error_msg)

        for fs in BIND_MOUNTS:
                utils.execute('umount', path + fs, attempts=3,
            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                umount_binds_fail = True
                LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': path + fs, 'error': e})

            utils.execute('umount', path + '/sys', attempts=3,
        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
            umount_binds_fail = True
            LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': path + '/sys', 'error': e})

        # If umounting the binds succeed then we can try to delete it
        if not umount_binds_fail:
                utils.execute('umount', path, attempts=3, delay_on_retry=True)
            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
                LOG.warning(umount_warn_msg, {'path': path, 'error': e})
                # After everything is umounted we can then remove the
                # temporary directory