Ejemplo n.º 1
    def contains(self, items):
        # Ensure all items were initialized with 'prepare' call. Storage does that.
        assert all(i.digest is not None and i.size is not None for i in items)

        # Request body is a json encoded list of dicts.
        body = {
            'items': [{
                'digest': item.digest,
                'is_isolated': bool(item.high_priority),
                'size': item.size,
            } for item in items],

        query_url = '%s/api/isolateservice/v1/preupload' % self._base_url

        # Response body is a list of push_urls (or null if file is already present).
        response = None
            response = net.url_read_json(url=query_url, data=body)
            if response is None:
                raise isolated_format.MappingError(
                    'Failed to execute preupload query')
        except ValueError as err:
            raise isolated_format.MappingError(
                'Invalid response from server: %s, body is %s' %
                (err, response))

        # Pick Items that are missing, attach _PushState to them.
        missing_items = {}
        for preupload_status in response.get('items', []):
            assert 'upload_ticket' in preupload_status, (
                '/preupload did not generate an upload ticket')
            index = int(preupload_status['index'])
            missing_items[items[index]] = _IsolateServerPushState(
                preupload_status, items[index].size)
        logging.info('Queried %d files, %d cache hit', len(items),
                     len(items) - len(missing_items))
        return missing_items
Ejemplo n.º 2
def recreate_tree(outdir, indir, infiles, action, as_hash):
  """Creates a new tree with only the input files in it.

    outdir:    Output directory to create the files in.
    indir:     Root directory the infiles are based in.
    infiles:   dict of files to map from |indir| to |outdir|.
    action:    One of accepted action of file_path.link_file().
    as_hash:   Output filename is the hash instead of relfile.
      'recreate_tree(outdir=%s, indir=%s, files=%d, action=%s, as_hash=%s)' %
      (outdir, indir, len(infiles), action, as_hash))

  assert os.path.isabs(outdir) and outdir == os.path.normpath(outdir), outdir
  if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
    logging.info('Creating %s' % outdir)

  for relfile, metadata in infiles.iteritems():
    infile = os.path.join(indir, relfile)
    if as_hash:
      # Do the hashtable specific checks.
      if 'l' in metadata:
        # Skip links when storing a hashtable.
      outfile = os.path.join(outdir, metadata['h'])
      if os.path.isfile(outfile):
        # Just do a quick check that the file size matches. No need to stat()
        # again the input file, grab the value from the dict.
        if not 's' in metadata:
          raise isolated_format.MappingError(
              'Misconfigured item %s: %s' % (relfile, metadata))
        if metadata['s'] == os.stat(outfile).st_size:
          logging.warn('Overwritting %s' % metadata['h'])
      outfile = os.path.join(outdir, relfile)
      outsubdir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
      if not os.path.isdir(outsubdir):

    if 'l' in metadata:
      pointed = metadata['l']
      logging.debug('Symlink: %s -> %s' % (outfile, pointed))
      # symlink doesn't exist on Windows.
      os.symlink(pointed, outfile)  # pylint: disable=E1101
      file_path.link_file(outfile, infile, action)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def load_isolate(self, cwd, isolate_file, path_variables, config_variables,
                     extra_variables, blacklist, ignore_broken_items,
        """Updates self.isolated and self.saved_state with information loaded from a
    .isolate file.

    Processes the loaded data, deduce root_dir, relative_cwd.
        # Make sure to not depend on os.getcwd().
        assert os.path.isabs(isolate_file), isolate_file
        isolate_file = file_path.get_native_path_case(isolate_file)
        logging.info('CompleteState.load_isolate(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
                     cwd, isolate_file, path_variables, config_variables,
                     extra_variables, ignore_broken_items, collapse_symlinks)

        # Config variables are not affected by the paths and must be used to
        # retrieve the paths, so update them first.

        with fs.open(isolate_file, 'r') as f:
            # At that point, variables are not replaced yet in command and infiles.
            # infiles may contain directory entries and is in posix style.
            command, infiles, read_only, isolate_cmd_dir = (
                    os.path.dirname(isolate_file), f.read(),

        # Processes the variables with the new found relative root. Note that 'cwd'
        # is used when path variables are used.
        path_variables = normalize_path_variables(cwd, path_variables,
        # Update the rest of the saved state.
        self.saved_state.update(isolate_file, path_variables, extra_variables)

        total_variables = self.saved_state.path_variables.copy()
        command = [
            isolate_format.eval_variables(i, total_variables) for i in command

        total_variables = self.saved_state.path_variables.copy()
        infiles = [
            isolate_format.eval_variables(f, total_variables) for f in infiles
        # root_dir is automatically determined by the deepest root accessed with the
        # form '../../foo/bar'. Note that path variables must be taken in account
        # too, add them as if they were input files.
        self.saved_state.root_dir = isolate_format.determine_root_dir(
            infiles + self.saved_state.path_variables.values())
        # The relative directory is automatically determined by the relative path
        # between root_dir and the directory containing the .isolate file,
        # isolate_base_dir.
        relative_cwd = os.path.relpath(isolate_cmd_dir,
        # Now that we know where the root is, check that the path_variables point
        # inside it.
        for k, v in self.saved_state.path_variables.iteritems():
            dest = os.path.join(isolate_cmd_dir, relative_cwd, v)
            if not file_path.path_starts_with(self.saved_state.root_dir, dest):
                raise isolated_format.MappingError(
                    'Path variable %s=%r points outside the inferred root directory '
                    '%s; %s' % (k, v, self.saved_state.root_dir, dest))
        # Normalize the files based to self.saved_state.root_dir. It is important to
        # keep the trailing os.path.sep at that step.
        infiles = [
                file_path.normpath(os.path.join(isolate_cmd_dir, f)),
                self.saved_state.root_dir) for f in infiles
        follow_symlinks = False
        if not collapse_symlinks:
            follow_symlinks = sys.platform != 'win32'
        # Expand the directories by listing each file inside. Up to now, trailing
        # os.path.sep must be kept.
        infiles = isolated_format.expand_directories_and_symlinks(
            self.saved_state.root_dir, infiles, tools.gen_blacklist(blacklist),
            follow_symlinks, ignore_broken_items)

        # Finally, update the new data to be able to generate the foo.isolated file,
        # the file that is used by run_isolated.py.
        self.saved_state.update_isolated(command, infiles, read_only,