def test1():
	player1 = MinimaxPlayer()
	player2 = MinimaxPlayer()
	game = Board(player1, player2)
	# game.apply_move((1,1))
	# game.apply_move((2,2))
	# print (game._board_state)
	# print(game.to_string())
	# print(len(game._board_state))

	explored = [9,11,12,14,15,16,17,20,24,25,29,30,33,38,39,44]
	for i in explored:
		game._board_state[i] = 1
	game._board_state[-1] = 17
	game._board_state[-2] = 9

	# game.apply_move((5, 3)) # player 1
	# game.apply_move((4, 2)) # player 2

	print (game.to_string())
	moves = game.get_legal_moves()
	for m in moves:
		fm = game.forecast_move(m).get_legal_moves()
		print (str(m) + " -->" + str(fm))

	# player 1
	for m in moves:
		print (str(m) + " --> " + str(player1.score(game.forecast_move(m), player1)))
	print (player1.get_move(game, 6))
def test2():
	player1 = AlphaBetaPlayer()
	player2 = AlphaBetaPlayer()
	game = Board(player1, player2, 9, 9)
	game._board_state = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 22]
	#print(player1.get_move(game, 6))
	moves = game.get_legal_moves()
	for m in moves:
		fm = game.forecast_move(m).get_legal_moves()
		print (str(m) + " -->" + str(fm) + str(player1.score(game.forecast_move(m),player1)))
	print (player1.get_move(game, 6))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_move(self, game: Board, time_left) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        """Select the move from the available legal moves with the highest
        heuristic score.

        game : `isolation.Board`
            An instance of `isolation.Board` encoding the current state of the
            game (e.g., player locations and blocked cells).

        time_left : callable
            A function that returns the number of milliseconds left in the
            current turn. Returning with any less than 0 ms remaining forfeits
            the game.

        (int, int)
            The move in the legal moves list with the highest heuristic score
            for the current game state; may return (-1, -1) if there are no
            legal moves.
        legal_moves = game.get_legal_moves()
        if not legal_moves:
            return (-1, -1)
        _, move = max([(self.score(game.forecast_move(m), self), m)
                       for m in legal_moves])
        return move
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_hash_different(self):
        board = Board(AlphaBetaPlayer(), RandomPlayer())


        b1 = board.forecast_move(board.get_legal_moves()[0])
        b2 = board.forecast_move(board.get_legal_moves()[1])

        self.assertNotEqual(b1.__hash__(), b2.__hash__())
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def minimax(self,
                game: Board,
                depth: int,
                maximizing_player: bool = True) -> Tuple[float, Move]:
        """Implement the minimax search algorithm as described in the lectures.

        game : isolation.Board
            An instance of the Isolation game `Board` class representing the
            current game state

        depth : int
            Depth is an integer representing the maximum number of plies to
            search in the game tree before aborting

        maximizing_player : bool
            Flag indicating whether the current search depth corresponds to a
            maximizing layer (True) or a minimizing layer (False)

            The score for the current search branch

        tuple(int, int)
            The best move for the current branch; (-1, -1) for no legal moves

            (1) You MUST use the `self.score()` method for board evaluation
                to pass the project unit tests; you cannot call any other
                evaluation function directly.

        if self.time_left() < self.timer_threshold:
            raise Timeout()

        best_move = (-1, -1)
        best_score = float("-inf") if maximizing_player else float("inf")
        comparison = max if maximizing_player else min

        if depth is 0:
            return self.score(game, self), best_move

        for move in game.get_legal_moves():
            score, _ = self.minimax(game.forecast_move(move), depth - 1,
                                    not maximizing_player)
            best_score, best_move = comparison((best_score, best_move),
                                               (score, move))

        return best_score, best_move
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def min_play(g: Board, d: int) -> Tuple[float, Tuple[int, int]]:
     moves = g.get_legal_moves()
     best_score, best_move = float("inf"), (-1, -1)
     for move in moves:
         if time_left and time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
             raise Timeout()
         new_game = g.forecast_move(move)
         if d == 1:
             score = self.score(new_game, self)
             score, _ = max_play(new_game, d - 1)
         best_score, best_move = min([(best_score, best_move), (score, move)])
     return best_score, best_move
Ejemplo n.º 7
def play(Q1, Q2, size=7, time_limit=1000, print_moves=False, seed=None):
    import random
    if seed is not None:
    game = Board(Q1, Q2, size, size)
    # assign a random move to each player before playing
    for idx in range(2):
        moves = game.get_active_moves()
        game = game.forecast_move(moves[0])[0]
    winner, move_history, termination = game.play_isolation(
        time_limit=time_limit, print_moves=print_moves)
    #print("\n" , " Game finished in moves: ", game.move_count)
    print("\n", winner, " has won. Reason: ", termination)
    return winner, move_history, termination
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def min_play(g: Board, d: int, a: float, b: float) -> Tuple[float, Tuple[int, int]]:
     moves = moves_by_rank(g, reverse=False)
     best_score, best_move = float("inf"), (-1, -1)
     for _, move in moves:
         if time_left and time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
             raise Timeout()
         if best_score <= a:
             new_game = g.forecast_move(move)
             if d == 1:
                 score = self.score(new_game, self)
                 score, _ = max_play(new_game, d - 1, a, min(best_score, b))
         best_score, best_move = min([(best_score, best_move), (score, move)])
     return best_score, best_move
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_play(self):
        from isolation import Board

        # create an isolation board (by default 7x7)
        player1 = game_agent.AlphaBetaPlayer()
        player2 = sample_players.RandomPlayer()
        game = Board(player1, player2)

        # place player 1 on the board at row 2, column 3, then place player 2 on
        # the board at row 0, column 5; display the resulting board state.  Note
        # that the .apply_move() method changes the calling object in-place.
        game.apply_move((4, 3))
        game.apply_move((3, 4))

        # players take turns moving on the board, so player1 should be next to move
        assert (player1 == game.active_player)

        # get a list of the legal moves available to the active player
        print("Player: ", game.active_player, " with current moves: ")

        # get a successor of the current state by making a copy of the board and
        # applying a move. Notice that this does NOT change the calling object
        # (unlike .apply_move()).
        new_game = game.forecast_move((1, 1))
        assert (new_game.to_string() != game.to_string())
        print("\nOld state:\n{}".format(game.to_string()))
        print("\nNew state:\n{}".format(new_game.to_string()))

        # play the remainder of the game automatically -- outcome can be "illegal
        # move", "timeout", or "forfeit"
        winner, history, outcome =
        print("\nWinner: {}\nOutcome: {}".format(winner, outcome))
        print("Move history:\n{!s}".format(history))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    player2 = GreedyPlayer()
    game = Board(player1, player2)

    # place player 1 on the board at row 2, column 3, then place player 2 on
    # the board at row 0, column 5; display the resulting board state.  Note
    # that the .apply_move() method changes the calling object in-place.
    game.apply_move((2, 3))
    game.apply_move((0, 5))

    # players take turns moving on the board, so player1 should be next to move
    assert (player1 == game.active_player)

    # get a list of the legal moves available to the active player

    # get a successor of the current state by making a copy of the board and
    # applying a move. Notice that this does NOT change the calling object
    # (unlike .apply_move()).
    new_game = game.forecast_move((1, 1))
    assert (new_game.to_string() != game.to_string())
    print("\nOld state:\n{}".format(game.to_string()))
    print("\nNew state:\n{}".format(new_game.to_string()))

    # play the remainder of the game automatically -- outcome can be "illegal
    # move", "timeout", or "forfeit"
    winner, history, outcome =
    print("\nWinner: {}\nOutcome: {}".format(winner, outcome))
    print("Move history:\n{!s}".format(history))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def alphabeta(self,
                  game: Board,
                  depth: int,
                  alpha: float = float("-inf"),
                  beta: float = float("inf"),
                  maximizing_player: bool = True) -> Tuple[float, Move]:
        """Implement minimax search with alpha-beta pruning as described in the

        game : isolation.Board
            An instance of the Isolation game `Board` class representing the
            current game state

        depth : int
            Depth is an integer representing the maximum number of plies to
            search in the game tree before aborting

        alpha : float
            Alpha limits the lower bound of search on minimizing layers

        beta : float
            Beta limits the upper bound of search on maximizing layers

        maximizing_player : bool
            Flag indicating whether the current search depth corresponds to a
            maximizing layer (True) or a minimizing layer (False)

            The score for the current search branch

        tuple(int, int)
            The best move for the current branch; (-1, -1) for no legal moves

            (1) You MUST use the `self.score()` method for board evaluation
                to pass the project unit tests; you cannot call any other
                evaluation function directly.
        if self.time_left() < self.timer_threshold:
            raise Timeout()

        best_move = (-1, -1)
        best_score = alpha if maximizing_player else beta
        if depth is 0:
            return self.score(game, self), best_move

        for move in game.get_legal_moves():
            future_game = game.forecast_move(move)
            score, _ = self.alphabeta(future_game, depth - 1, alpha, beta,
                                      not maximizing_player)
            if maximizing_player:
                if score > best_score:
                    best_score, best_move = score, move
                if best_score >= beta:
                    return best_score, best_move
                alpha = max(alpha, best_score)
                if score < best_score:
                    best_score, best_move = score, move
                if best_score <= alpha:
                    return best_score, best_move
                beta = min(beta, best_score)

        return best_score, best_move
Ejemplo n.º 12
    player2 = GreedyPlayer()
    game = Board(player1, player2)

    # place player 1 on the board at row 2, column 3, then place player 2 on
    # the board at row 0, column 5; display the resulting board state.  Note
    # that the .apply_move() method changes the calling object in-place.
    game.apply_move((2, 3))
    game.apply_move((0, 5))

    # players take turns moving on the board, so player1 should be next to move
    assert(player1 == game.active_player)

    # get a list of the legal moves available to the active player

    # get a successor of the current state by making a copy of the board and
    # applying a move. Notice that this does NOT change the calling object
    # (unlike .apply_move()).
    new_game = game.forecast_move((1, 1))
    assert(new_game.to_string() != game.to_string())
    print("\nOld state:\n{}".format(game.to_string()))
    print("\nNew state:\n{}".format(new_game.to_string()))

    # play the remainder of the game automatically -- outcome can be "illegal
    # move", "timeout", or "forfeit"
    winner, history, outcome =
    print("\nWinner: {}\nOutcome: {}".format(winner, outcome))
    print("Move history:\n{!s}".format(history))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    # players take turns moving on the board, so player1 should be next to move
    assert (player1 == game.active_player)

    # get a list of the legal moves available to the active player
    print('legal moves', game.get_legal_moves())

    action = player1.get_move(game, game.get_legal_moves(),
    #print 'ACTION', action
    #new_game = game.forecast_move(action)
    #assert(new_game.to_string() != game.to_string())
    #print("\nOld state:\n{}".format(game.to_string()))
    #print("\nNew state:\n{}".format(new_game.to_string()))

    # get a successor of the current state by making a copy of the board and
    # applying a move. Notice that this does NOT change the calling object
    # (unlike .apply_move()).

    new_game = game.forecast_move((action))
    assert (new_game.to_string() != game.to_string())
    print("\nOld state:\n{}".format(game.to_string()))
    print("\nNew state:\n{}".format(new_game.to_string()))

    #play the remainder of the game automatically -- outcome can be "illegal
    #move" or "timeout"; it should _always_ be "illegal move" in this example
    winner, history, outcome =
    print("\nWinner: {}\nOutcome: {}".format(winner, outcome))
    print("Move history:\n{!s}".format(history))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def alphabeta(
        self, game: Board, depth: int, alpha=float("-inf"), beta=float("inf")
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float]:
        """Implement depth-limited minimax search with alpha-beta pruning as
        described in the lectures.

        This should be a modified version of ALPHA-BETA-SEARCH in the AIMA text

            You MAY add additional methods to this class, or define helper
                 functions to implement the required functionality.

        game : isolation.Board
            An instance of the Isolation game `Board` class representing the
            current game state

        depth : int
            Depth is an integer representing the maximum number of plies to
            search in the game tree before aborting

        alpha : float
            Alpha limits the lower bound of search on minimizing layers

        beta : float
            Beta limits the upper bound of search on maximizing layers

        (int, int)
            The board coordinates of the best move found in the current search;
            (-1, -1) if there are no legal moves

            (1) You MUST use the `self.score()` method for board evaluation
                to pass the project tests; you cannot call any other evaluation
                function directly.

            (2) If you use any helper functions (e.g., as shown in the AIMA
                pseudocode) then you must copy the timer check into the top of
                each helper function or else your agent will timeout during
        if self.time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
            raise SearchTimeout()

        best_move, best_score = (
            -1, -1), alpha  # Bestmöglicher Zug & bestmögliche Bewertung

        moves = game.get_legal_moves()
        if depth == 0 or len(moves) == 0:
            return (-1, -1), self.score(game, game.active_player)

        for move in moves:
            next_game = game.forecast_move(move)
            score = -self.alphabeta(next_game, depth - 1, -beta,

            if best_score < score:  # Wir suchen ja nach dem Zug mit der besten Bewertung
                best_move, best_score = move, score
                if best_score >= beta: break
        return best_move, best_score
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def minimax(self, game: Board,
                depth: int) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], float]:
        """Implement depth-limited minimax search algorithm as described in
        the lectures.

        This should be a modified version of MINIMAX-DECISION in the AIMA text.

            You MAY add additional methods to this class, or define helper
                 functions to implement the required functionality.

        game : isolation.Board
            An instance of the Isolation game `Board` class representing the
            current game state

        depth : int
            Depth is an integer representing the maximum number of plies to
            search in the game tree before aborting

        (int, int)
            The board coordinates of the best move found in the current search;
            (-1, -1) if there are no legal moves

            (1) You MUST use the `self.score()` method for board evaluation
                to pass the project tests; you cannot call any other evaluation
                function directly.

            (2) If you use any helper functions (e.g., as shown in the AIMA
                pseudocode) then you must copy the timer check into the top of
                each helper function or else your agent will timeout during
        if self.time_left() < self.TIMER_THRESHOLD:
            raise SearchTimeout()

        moves = game.get_legal_moves()
        if depth == 0 or len(
        ) == 0:  # Maximale Suchtiefe erreicht oder keine Züge mehr möglich (Spiel zuende)
            return (-1, -1), self.score(
                game, game.active_player
            )  # wichtig ist nur die Bewertung für den Zug.

        second = lambda tup: tup[1]
        return max(  # 4. Gib den bestmöglichen Zug zurück
                    move,  # 3. Fasse das in einem Tupel aus Zug und Bewertung für den Zug zusammen
                    -self.minimax(game.forecast_move(move), depth - 1)[1]
                )  # 2. Rufe minmax rekursiv auf um Bewertung für den Zug herauszufinden.
                for move in moves)  # 1. Für jeden möglichen Zug
        )  # 5. Weil wir das größtmögliche Element in einer Liste aus Tupeln von Zug und Bewertung suchen, und man ja nicht den größtmöglichen Zug haben kann, geben wir mit der Funktion an, dass die größte Bewertung zur Suche nach dem größtmöglichen Element verwendet werden soll.