Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_sort_file_with_bad_syntax(tmpdir) -> None:
    tmp_file = tmpdir.join("test_bad_syntax.py")
    tmp_file.write_text("""print('mismatching quotes")""", "utf8")
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        api.sort_file(tmp_file, atomic=True)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        api.sort_file(tmp_file, atomic=True, write_to_stdout=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def git_hook(strict: bool = False, modify: bool = False) -> int:
    Git pre-commit hook to check staged files for isort errors

    :param bool strict - if True, return number of errors on exit,
        causing the hook to fail. If False, return zero so it will
        just act as a warning.
    :param bool modify - if True, fix the sources if they are not
        sorted properly. If False, only report result without
        modifying anything.

    :return number of errors if in strict mode, 0 otherwise.

    # Get list of files modified and staged
    diff_cmd = [
        "git", "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only",
        "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "HEAD"
    files_modified = get_lines(diff_cmd)

    errors = 0
    for filename in files_modified:
        if filename.endswith(".py"):
            # Get the staged contents of the file
            staged_cmd = ["git", "show", f":{filename}"]
            staged_contents = get_output(staged_cmd)

            if not api.check_code_string(staged_contents,
                errors += 1
                if modify:

    return errors if strict else 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def git_hook(strict: bool = False,
             modify: bool = False,
             lazy: bool = False,
             settings_file: str = "") -> int:
    Git pre-commit hook to check staged files for isort errors

    :param bool strict - if True, return number of errors on exit,
        causing the hook to fail. If False, return zero so it will
        just act as a warning.
    :param bool modify - if True, fix the sources if they are not
        sorted properly. If False, only report result without
        modifying anything.
    :param bool lazy - if True, also check/fix unstaged files.
        This is useful if you frequently use ``git commit -a`` for example.
        If False, ony check/fix the staged files for isort errors.
    :param str settings_file - A path to a file to be used as
                               the configuration file for this run.
        When settings_file is the empty string, the configuration file
        will be searched starting at the directory containing the first
        staged file, if any, and going upward in the directory structure.

    :return number of errors if in strict mode, 0 otherwise.

    # Get list of files modified and staged
    diff_cmd = [
        "git", "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only",
        "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "HEAD"
    if lazy:

    files_modified = get_lines(diff_cmd)
    if not files_modified:
        return 0

    errors = 0
    config = Config(
    for filename in files_modified:
        if filename.endswith(".py"):
            # Get the staged contents of the file
            staged_cmd = ["git", "show", f":{filename}"]
            staged_contents = get_output(staged_cmd)

                if not api.check_code_string(staged_contents,
                    errors += 1
                    if modify:
                        api.sort_file(filename, config=config)
            except exceptions.FileSkipped:  # pragma: no cover

    return errors if strict else 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_other_ask_to_apply(imperfect) -> None:
    # First show diff, but ensure change wont get written by asking to apply
    # and ensuring answer is no.
    with patch("isort.format.input", MagicMock(return_value="n")):
        assert not api.sort_file(imperfect, ask_to_apply=True)
        assert imperfect.read() == imperfect_content

    # Then run again, but apply the change (answer is yes)
    with patch("isort.format.input", MagicMock(return_value="y")):
        assert api.sort_file(imperfect, ask_to_apply=True)
        assert imperfect.read() == fixed_content
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_sort_file(tmpdir) -> None:
    tmp_file = tmpdir.join("test_bad_syntax.py")
    tmp_file.write_text("""print('mismathing quotes")""", "utf8")
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        api.sort_file(tmp_file, atomic=True)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        api.sort_file(tmp_file, atomic=True, write_to_stdout=True)

    imperfect = tmpdir.join("test_needs_changes.py")
    imperfect.write_text("import b\nimport a\n", "utf8")
    api.sort_file(imperfect, write_to_stdout=True, show_diff=True)

    # First show diff, but ensure change wont get written by asking to apply
    # and ensuring answer is no.
    with patch("isort.format.input", MagicMock(return_value="n")):
        api.sort_file(imperfect, show_diff=True, ask_to_apply=True)

    # Then run again, but apply the change without asking
    api.sort_file(imperfect, show_diff=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_sort_file_to_stdout(capsys, imperfect) -> None:
    assert api.sort_file(imperfect, write_to_stdout=True)
    out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert out == fixed_content.replace("\n", os.linesep)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_sort_file_in_place(imperfect) -> None:
    assert api.sort_file(imperfect, overwrite_in_place=True)
    assert imperfect.read() == fixed_content
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_sort_file(imperfect) -> None:
    assert api.sort_file(imperfect)
    assert imperfect.read() == fixed_content
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def sort_file():
     api.sort_file(imperfect, overwrite_in_place=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def sort_file():
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _sort_imports(output_file_name):
     sort_file(filename=output_file_name, ask_to_apply=False)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def process(self, file_path: Path):
     """Process the given file through isort."""